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New pvp mode?

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Actually the most interesting announcement regarding the new expansion. (Since I bet the story will be mediocre again and the housing and spears might get old fast.) Seemed pretty vague though. Which also can be a good thing - meaning it is in early stages of development with them not just planning to make fine tuning in a relased thing after getting feedback of the players but instead making testing in early phases (and hopefulyl being able to change more if a lot of things are disliked).

I hope for a bigger (10-20 vs 10-20) mode. Not just 5 vs 5 with different mechanics than conquest. (Otherwise they could just make a copy past map and add a different secondary mechanics and keep conquest lol.)

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I hope it's larger scale, and tbh I'm not sure I want it to be the courtyard deathmatch, I think I'd prefer a mode with actual objectives, but I do find it kind of frustrating that it's just "a prototype" given how little content PvP's seen, not just in terms of maps/modes but also actual significant changes.

Hope it's cool. Hope there's some actual shake ups for PvP when it comes to the gripes people have with it.

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Open World - Solo - Battle Royale - Survival style? I mean, we already have team fights (sPvP) and massive team fights (WvW). Regardless, I bet it will become so unbalanced that nobody will want to waste time fighting Guardians, just like in sPvP or WvW. That is, unless we get a limited set of skills and generic gear, so that only player skill matters.

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5 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

It's going to be capture the flag

If this was just a simple capture the flag + 5 vs 5 again it would be odd though for them to take "forever". 1 beta weekend (like with the elite spec betas) and then putting it on full release + slowly makign adjustments every now and then would be the way to go. (And 1-2 more maps quickly enough. Like one every half year. After that they can slow down.)

And it would be pretty ... disappointing. For the ctf mode they could just (additionaly to some "real" new mode) bring back the Spirit Watch. Remove the conquest aspect totally. Tune up the orb relevance (only winnable by capping the orbs) - turning them into real "flags". (Each side one orb to defend and cap not the middle orb.) Maybe a special buff in the middle cap point and at the orb position. Easy.

I really really hope they won't go the WvW way with making beta weeks every ... x months for just a week. That would be bad even for a real/bigger new mode. (Though a "real" new mode could need a slower start with more evaulation of feedback + changes in between.) And not justified for just a 5 vs 5 ctf.

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10 hours ago, Shagie.7612 said:

I hope it's larger scale, and tbh I'm not sure I want it to be the courtyard deathmatch

I think not a deathmatch, that would be new and little bit exciting for a few weeks max. With objectives in some other way is mote exciting/more to do on longer term.

I am curious in what way they will do it 

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Best announcement for sure, but from their own wording it sounds like it's still going to be in development for another year... *sad*

That being said, I would wish for one of the following:

1) Frontlines with teams of 10, 15, 20: a tug-of-war mode with 5 sectors (only 1 active at any given time), each containing 2 objectives. Both objectives must be held simultaneously by one team to advance the active sector towards the other teams home base, whoever's reaches and capture the other teams home base wins.

2) Capture the flag, would be nice to have some niche running builds with tons of leaps, stability and resistance while other builds try to counter with immobilize and stuns.

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It's kind of obivous that the studio is limited in size/productivity given the amount of recycled content. Same mobs, bosses/mech, maps. Now its warclaw, spear, things that already exists and the new raid will apparently be "a copy of an openworld event".

Why the hell would you spend time and resources on creating a new pvp gamemode. You litterally just sat on your hands while a gamemode "died off (conquest) and now you want to bring in something "brand new" (while keeping conquest on lifesupport), splitting the playerbase popualtion even further.

If youre so big on reusing assets, why not just stick to conquest and give it a large overhaul. New maps, gfx updgrades, rewards system etc. 

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2 hours ago, Malsheem.1794 said:

It's kind of obivous that the studio is limited in size/productivity given the amount of recycled content. Same mobs, bosses/mech, maps. Now its warclaw, spear, things that already exists and the new raid will apparently be "a copy of an openworld event".

Why the hell would you spend time and resources on creating a new pvp gamemode. You litterally just sat on your hands while a gamemode "died off (conquest) and now you want to bring in something "brand new" (while keeping conquest on lifesupport), splitting the playerbase popualtion even further.

If youre so big on reusing assets, why not just stick to conquest and give it a large overhaul. New maps, gfx updgrades, rewards system etc. 

Guild Wars 2 appears to be evolving towards a more ‘profitable’ model, similar to other games. With a former developer from ‘The Sims’ now working on housing, it seems the new PvP mode might resemble the typical ‘Overwatch’ game. Both of these games are notorious for their extreme monetization strategies.

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Wonder if the new PvP mode is based on the 15 on 15 map idea that was foreshadowed by Anet staff in early 2020...

On 1/3/2020 at 11:15 AM, Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:

Large PvP map (15 on 15). The map itself has been done for a while. But we've decided to hold off on releasing it until we're able to get someone to make UI changes. Currently, the UI can't handle more than 10v10. Additionally, 10v10 UI is bad. It's just one large group rather than using the squad UI. Unfortunately, when the programmers looked into how difficult it would be to add squad functionality, it turned out the current way groups are handled in PvP makes it a difficult change. Basically, it might be easier for us to build a new solution that mimics squad functionality than to try to shoe-horn the current squad functionality into PvP.



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Posted (edited)

Good news.
Godspeed to them. 

And thank god, finally something other than Conquest. I did not see that coming.

Their obsession early on with esports over fun and being an MMORPG, first and foremost, is what severely damaged PvP.
Whoever was in charge of balance and design back then "realized" this way too late. That is why they stopped caring at some point.
Try to appease the pseudo esports players = leaving behind the mmorpg players. And in the end they lost everyone.

Trying to balance everything around 5? imaginary roles when GW2 wasnt even designed for the classic 3 holy trinity ones (tank, healer, dps) just made everything way more complicated than it needed to be.
That's just fundamentally incompatible with GW2. Since it was designed around everyone being self sufficient from the very beginning. And some classes were designed to take that jack-of-all-trades direction even further, i.e., Elementalist, Revenant, Engineer.
So at the most, they should be concentrating on just 3 roles.

Another reason why many runes and sigils got deleted from sPvP. Anything remotely tanky has no place for the health of the circles game mode.
That's why the most effective builds and playstyles all revolve around 100-0 gameplay. Glass cannons with active defences are everything. Thats just too fast paced and unfriendly towards usual MMO gameplay and its players.

And standardizing/limiting gear this much is so anti-mmo. Half the fun about this genre is build crafting and gear optimization (it's not the same as wanting better gear tiers). So it's kittening wild when I hear kitten like: "Man, pvp would be much better if ANET had fixed standardized builds for every class, and that's it."
Exclusively balancing everything around standing circles on the map was atrocious.
No wonder WvW still has x70 times the sPvP population.

Edited by Sereath.1428
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8 hours ago, Marckan.9526 said:

2) Capture the flag, would be nice to have some niche running builds with tons of leaps, stability and resistance while other builds try to counter with immobilize and stuns.

Capture the flag would be the absolutely worse thing to have. Do you not remember when Spirit Watch was first released? Thieves made that objective OP to the point that Anet had to completely change the orb.

CTF in GW2 is a bad idea and I hope we never get that.

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48 minutes ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

Capture the flag would be the absolutely worse thing to have. Do you not remember when Spirit Watch was first released? Thieves made that objective OP to the point that Anet had to completely change the orb.

CTF in GW2 is a bad idea and I hope we never get that.

Indeed, if you look at WoW. A tank takes it, moves with a support or 2 and so on.

This would indeed get boring fast

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2 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

I really wouldnt mind CTF, it will give supports a reason to exist. Pretty bored of this power/mobility dominant 3 point system, does nothing but foster selfish gameplay.

Trust me, that would be more boring in this game 😅. I played enough WoW to see tanks with healers doing this 🫤

They better have something else and ofcourse different then strongholds, deathmatches, node capping

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