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Is capture the orb and capture the flag so different?

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I like the spirits run PvP map... Though I haven't played PvP in a very looooong time(due to its toxic playerbase), that map is really cool. The only difference i see between CTF and current orb variant is ... Maybe the distance and there would be 2 flags...

But possibility of matches ending in a stalemate is high... With constant aoe spams and camping base with oneshot willbenders

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Also, Anet, if u wish to increase PvP playerbase, just disable all kinds of chat in PvP... Restrict players to use just a few set of indicators like attack, defend, follow or something like that on map with visual vertical light to the sky (like the ones in lunar new year firecracker adventure) and we can use shift click on minimap for extra precise pings... Similar to ffxiv crystal conflict or league of legends pings... And can also introduce sticker emotes like in LoL

Edited by Crystal Paladin.3871
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/5/2024 at 5:15 AM, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

due to its toxic playerbase


On 6/5/2024 at 5:20 AM, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

just disable all kinds of chat in PvP

You can create a new chat tab, go to its filters, and uncheck everything. Boom, all chat hidden, now you can pretend you're doing great.

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6 hours ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:


You can create a new chat tab, go to its filters, and uncheck everything. Boom, all chat hidden, now you can pretend you're doing great.

What you're saying is, you're walking in a street where some people know you and some are strangers,(imagine in irl)when someone is calling out your name and shouting (for all of them in the streets to hear) (map chat, team chat) all bad words to belittle you , your family and your loved ones , you would just plug your ears and walk as if nothing is happening with a big grin on your face and your head held high? Wow ... What a cool person you are!!!! Your friends and family would be so proud of you!!!

Note: when I mention 'you' I don't point to you in general

Imagine that situation with a PvP match...


Except that in irl, law enforcers would jump in and get the situation under control... Here, the report system is kappa


Don't try to come up with 'get thick skin' , 'its just a game' or some other nons***e ... The idea is to bring more players and make PvP popular and all players enjoy playing it, that's why I suggested to disable chat for all players and replace it with action pings

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First of all you are making a mountain out of an ant hill and apparently are abusing the report system while you're at it.

So yes, the only viable solution for people like you is to hide the chat because you'll say anything and everything is """toxic""", there's no appeasing people like you and your suggestions wouldn't bring new players they'd just make the few PvPers around walk away.

But hey, once you're the only one queuing maybe it won't be """toxic""" anymore hey? Although I'm sure you'd find a way to rationalise why no one waiting to play it anymore makes it """toxic""" somehow.

7 hours ago, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

What a cool person you are!!!! Your friends and family would be so proud of you!!!

Considering I used to jump outta planes at cruising altitude and can clean automatic weapons blind folded, not to mention having the know-how to take down an entire building, amongst other things... kitten right I'm cool, and you can rest assure they all very proud.

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9 hours ago, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

What you're saying is, you're walking in a street where some people know you and some are strangers,(imagine in irl)when someone is calling out your name and shouting (for all of them in the streets to hear) (map chat, team chat) all bad words to belittle you , your family and your loved ones , you would just plug your ears and walk as if nothing is happening with a big grin on your face and your head held high? Wow ... What a cool person you are!!!! Your friends and family would be so proud of you!!!

Note: when I mention 'you' I don't point to you in general

Imagine that situation with a PvP match...


Except that in irl, law enforcers would jump in and get the situation under control... Here, the report system is kappa


Don't try to come up with 'get thick skin' , 'its just a game' or some other nons***e ... The idea is to bring more players and make PvP popular and all players enjoy playing it, that's why I suggested to disable chat for all players and replace it with action pings

You suggested that all forms of chat be disabled in PvP. He pointed out that you already have that option. Asking that things be taken away from others because you dont wish to use them, when you already have the option to do so for yourself, is odd.

I like being able to see my guilds's banter regardless of which game mode I am using. I like being able to have my wife message me in game no matter where I am. I like being able to provide or receive clear information in a PvP match. 

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Posted (edited)
22 hours ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:


... now you can pretend you're doing great.

this ^


8 hours ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

Considering I used to jump outta planes at cruising altitude and can clean automatic weapons blind folded, not to mention having the know-how to take down an entire building, amongst other things... kitten right I'm cool, and you can rest assure they all very proud.

what is this? who asked for this? ^ so cringeeeee!!!!

when I clearly said


Note: when I mention 'you' I don't point to you in general

with an underline...

I implied it at everyone who entered a pvp match and insults thrown at them in pvp chat



First of all you are making a mountain out of an ant hill and apparently are abusing the report system while you're at it.

maybe you guys who play pvp often, grew the thickest of skin even a dolyak would lose in terms of thickness and u are all so proud of that thickest skin... but Im a player in gw2, and im sure im not the only rare species who hates the thick skin and if anet wants to attract playerbase like me, they might want to implement such systems that i suggested or.. closer to that.. If anet doesnt want suc ha player base to suffer in pvp scene, they can just ignore it... I will just dip fingers in pvp only during pvp rush only for the rewards and not for the actual pvp enjoyable experience i receive during wintersday snowball mayhem, keg brawl, crab toss,.. where i actually enjoy pvp with otehr players...



.. whatever .. dragging these conversations are not constructive at all...

Edited by Crystal Paladin.3871
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You do understand that none of the people in pvp, that are saying mean things about your character, have ever met you?  They have never met each other.  No one in that arena thinks that you are being described accurately.  How could they be accurate? We are all anonymous in the game.

If you respond to a heckler then you give them information.  They want your reaction, they want feedback, they feel accomplished when they get their target emotionally involved.

I have witnessed pvp matches with a single heckler who was completely ignored.  They insulted their teammates, they insulted their opponents.  Then they accused us all of being bots.  The entire time no one said a word to the heckler.  The heckler seemed quite pitiful by the end of the match. I was amused by his wasted effort.

I have witnessed two hecklers work together.  They would each criticize the other players one by one. Then if a player responded, both hecklers would insult that player.  They would agree with each other and endlessly criticize that player without offering advice.  "You don't know how to play your class.  Only an idiot would do that."

Some hecklers only insult people when their team is losing, they don't want to be blamed, so they pick someone to be the scapegoat.  I have also seen them simply insult their entire team, complaining that they never get competent teammates.  That does happen, but this person would just go on and on about it.

I have seen two hecklers target each other.  The insults were fast and imaginative.  Discussing each other's parentage. Describing just how stupid the other one was.  I think they were both enjoying their argument.

In any case these people want your reaction, they want your emotional response.  You can choose to deny them what they want.  Simply don't respond to them.  You have most of the power in this situation, they want something from you.

It is easier to ignore their pointless chatter if you can't see it.

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My point of view is this:

It's a game where players participate to have fun, a good time, a good competitive experience, the adrenaline rush, the battle of wits, mind games, skillful control of the character

What gives a bad experience to the player:

When your own teammate, ally whom you should co-operate and work together, describes your efforts as worthless, and tries his best to ruin your day as best as he can by whatever means possible, even unnecessarily dragging your parents or loved ones in the toxic statements. 

My suggestion:

Don't let even a single possible way for a player to focus his negative energy and express it towards other player that is irrelevant to the game. That can create a chain reaction and the player at the receiving end would try to pass the negative feelings on to others in the next match or leave the gamemode

System that can totally shut out the possibility of expressing ones negative feelings can stop it from spreading among players.

Some rough, quick ideas:

1) Why even show the players name to each other? Why not generate random names for players to see during every PvP match? Example : krug, scuttle crab, gromp, wolf, raptor 

2) why even use 'team', 'map' , 'party' channels when you can just use the minimap pings with shift+ click on objectives to inform teammates whether to defend, attack, backaway, regroup,....

3) every PvP match should be totally anonymous and no way of knowing a player , or their char name, accnt name... 

4) if a player finds a certain ally to be fun to play with in a team, they can invite to party for next matches (already existing feature) and if the other player accepts it, they can see each other names, char name, accnt name and they can chat however they want after the match


I might've missed out some stuff... But the point stands... A certain playerbase like me hate to play PvP just for these reasons I explained above.... Since anet has PvP in its scope now for upcoming expansion and plans to make it popular and attract new players to participate in the game mode

I'm expressing my views to anet to consider this situation and make plans accordingly

If you guys deny these systems to ever be present in PvP, then playerbase like me would not be motivated to participate in that gamemode

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5 hours ago, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

System that can totally shut out the possibility of expressing ones negative feelings can stop it from spreading among players.

You better disable emotes too so they don't T bag.

And disable jumping too so they don't hop over your defeated character.

And disable running around in circles so they don't draw circles around your defeated character.

And disable running in straight lines too so they don't draw crosses over your defeated character.

On second thought... disable all movement because you know they'll just use the ability to move around to draw phalic pictures on the ground.

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On 6/14/2024 at 6:14 AM, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

Wow ... What a cool person you are!!!! Your friends and family would be so proud of you!!

It's not about "being cool". If that's important for you, it's your thing I guess.

And my family and friends probably would indeed be proud of me if I just ignore such idiots.
At least prouder than if I did any of the alternatives like dropping down to their level and answer them. Or stop playing that game mode, giving them the power to influence how I do something I like.

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54 minutes ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

You better disable emotes too so they don't T bag.

And disable jumping too so they don't hop over your defeated character.

And disable running around in circles so they don't draw circles around your defeated character.

And disable running in straight lines too so they don't draw crosses over your defeated character.

On second thought... disable all movement because you know they'll just use the ability to move around to draw phalic pictures on the ground.

pls stop derailing....


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@Crystal Paladin.3871 Spvp is a competetive game mode. A competetive game mod is when people go in and put "work" and effort to get good results. And when they do, they focus and put their body and mind at their peak performance. That actually puts alot of presure to your nerve system. And where there is competition there will always be highly emotional moments. Thats how human psychology work. People will have a streak of good/bad matches and will get tilted and that will result in all kind of behavior. Thats how any competition works. Neither you or anet has the power to change peoples psychology. Is is good or bad? Neither. Thats just the way it was, is and always will be. 

Now if you dont like that, you have a few options. 1) dont engage in competetive content, 2) use provided tools at your disposal to mute, block, turn off chat etc the things/people you dont like (all of the tools are availible to you in-game).

You actually may find it funny, but there are people that engage in competetive activities and enjoy the emotional roundabout that it provides will all kind of drama etc. There is no toxicity in this. A lot of people play video games to vent off the stress after their hard day of work and so on. 

More "censorship" and control over the last remains of spvp community will 100% kill that mode for good. 

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On 6/15/2024 at 6:57 AM, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

My point of view is this:

It's a game where players participate to have fun, a good time, a good competitive experience, the adrenaline rush, the battle of wits, mind games, skillful control of the character

Yep, that's your point of view, but it's an MMO with many people in it with different opinions and even different definitions of fun. So yeah, nice pov but that's all it is.

On 6/15/2024 at 6:57 AM, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

What gives a bad experience to the player:

When your own teammate, ally whom you should co-operate and work together, describes your efforts as worthless, and tries his best to ruin your day as best as he can by whatever means possible, even unnecessarily dragging your parents or loved ones in the toxic statements. 

Right, so people can get frustrated about not winning and they're doing their best to win and they see another player not doing things the "right way" and that tends to be the reason for bad behavior. People who don't like that sort of behavior either grow a thicker skin or they leave to do other things. My point is that PvP by definition will have a higher concentration of people with bad behavior.

On 6/15/2024 at 6:57 AM, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

My suggestion:

Don't let even a single possible way for a player to focus his negative energy and express it towards other player that is irrelevant to the game. That can create a chain reaction and the player at the receiving end would try to pass the negative feelings on to others in the next match or leave the gamemode

System that can totally shut out the possibility of expressing ones negative feelings can stop it from spreading among players.

I think you're not realizing how unrealistic this premise is. 

On 6/15/2024 at 6:57 AM, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

Some rough, quick ideas:

1) Why even show the players name to each other? Why not generate random names for players to see during every PvP match? Example : krug, scuttle crab, gromp, wolf, raptor 

2) why even use 'team', 'map' , 'party' channels when you can just use the minimap pings with shift+ click on objectives to inform teammates whether to defend, attack, backaway, regroup,....

3) every PvP match should be totally anonymous and no way of knowing a player , or their char name, accnt name... 

4) if a player finds a certain ally to be fun to play with in a team, they can invite to party for next matches (already existing feature) and if the other player accepts it, they can see each other names, char name, accnt name and they can chat however they want after the match

These points won't achieve what you want and for example your point 2 will disallow people speaking to each other to give more specific details and heaven forbid that people chat to each other... Besides just pinging stuff isn't enough afaic and point 4 means that you'll get organized groups vs random groups which by itself creates a big inequality. Point 1 and 3 I don't have an opinion other than I'm not sure how feasible it is.

On 6/15/2024 at 6:57 AM, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

I might've missed out some stuff... But the point stands... A certain playerbase like me hate to play PvP just for these reasons I explained above.... Since anet has PvP in its scope now for upcoming expansion and plans to make it popular and attract new players to participate in the game mode

I'm expressing my views to anet to consider this situation and make plans accordingly

If you guys deny these systems to ever be present in PvP, then playerbase like me would not be motivated to participate in that gamemode

Sure, you're entitled to your opinion. That's cool, but I don't think that cutting out all communication will create a better PvP experience for most players.

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I think I've reached a point where everyone that is toxic in spvp I've already blocked because I barely see any toxicity in chat anymore and whenever I get an afker, I right click and find out I've already blocked them before.

So don't give up! Just keep blocking!

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