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I was never a fan of this proposed change but Anet doesn't listen to us, so I gave up and I'm just going my best to roll with it.
I have a zerg guild for one account and started my own roaming guild for my other account to try to keep some friends together.

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His opinion is just as valid as anyone else's. It's evident that the matchmaking is flawed. Four hours after reset, we're outnumbered on all borderlands bar EBG and even then it looks like both green and blue have three times as many. This was pointed out many times during the betas and nothing seems to have changed. Timezone still appears not to be a factor in the matchmaking. Those of who are in small guilds or go solo are now just rolling the dice every 40 days and hoping we get enough numbers during the timezone we play in to be remotely competitive. They couldn't even make a Call to War active for the first week to coax a few new players in.

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57 minutes ago, Zamiel.2130 said:

His opinion is just as valid as anyone else's. It's evident that the matchmaking is flawed. Four hours after reset, we're outnumbered on all borderlands bar EBG and even then it looks like both green and blue have three times as many. This was pointed out many times during the betas and nothing seems to have changed. Timezone still appears not to be a factor in the matchmaking. Those of who are in small guilds or go solo are now just rolling the dice every 40 days and hoping we get enough numbers during the timezone we play in to be remotely competitive. They couldn't even make a Call to War active for the first week to coax a few new players in.

That opinion... four hours after reset.

The same reset that every week get posts of either:
- The meta sucks, WvW is dead.
- Queues on every border, WvW is dead.
- Insane skill lag and unplayable, WvW is dead.
- My link sucks and Anet is insane, WvW is dead.
- Cheaters everywhere, WvW is dead.
- Enemy server has blobs on every border we have none, WvW is dead.

I mean you could give it... I dont know... at least a few days before really forming an opinion on what's going on? Maybe? Personally I would argue we wont even see a real "result" this shuffle. Because people will still be forming their guilds, recruiting and getting communities up and running in a stable manner since we've all been spoiled by Discord. That's weeks. Months even. After summer - where btw the community claim WvW dies every single year because no one has heard of adults going on vacations - maybe there's another opinion.

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1 minute ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

That opinion... four hours after reset.

The same reset that every week get posts of either:
- The meta sucks, WvW is dead.
- Queues on every border, WvW is dead.
- Insane skill lag and unplayable, WvW is dead.
- My link sucks and Anet is insane, WvW is dead.
- Cheaters everywhere, WvW is dead.
- Enemy server has blobs on every border we have none, WvW is dead.

I mean you could give it... I dont know... at least a few days before really forming an opinion on what's going on? Maybe? Personally I would argue we wont even see a real "result" this shuffle. Because people will still be forming their guilds, recruiting and getting communities up and running in a stable manner since we've all been spoiled by Discord. That's weeks. Months even. After summer - where btw the community claim WvW dies every single year because no one has heard of adults going on vacations - maybe there's another opinion.

I agree, it needs some time, but that's also why I think extending the first reset was a bad idea. They should've shortened it to 2 weeks instead of making it 6. Show us how matchmaking is gonna be. People aren't thrilled so far so it's a bad call to make it stagnate for longer right away.

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12 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

That opinion... four hours after reset.

The same reset that every week get posts of either:
- The meta sucks, WvW is dead.
- Queues on every border, WvW is dead.
- Insane skill lag and unplayable, WvW is dead.
- My link sucks and Anet is insane, WvW is dead.
- Cheaters everywhere, WvW is dead.
- Enemy server has blobs on every border we have none, WvW is dead.

I mean you could give it... I dont know... at least a few days before really forming an opinion on what's going on? Maybe? Personally I would argue we wont even see a real "result" this shuffle. Because people will still be forming their guilds, recruiting and getting communities up and running in a stable manner since we've all been spoiled by Discord. That's weeks. Months even. After summer - where btw the community claim WvW dies every single year because no one has heard of adults going on vacations - maybe there's another opinion.

You are assuming im calling WvW dead. Not the Case at all. im stating the structure is still flawed as it was every single other beta put out but this time they are locking us into these garbage matchups for 6 weeks. The game mode has always thrived off players having server pride and fighting for what that particular server/world strives to achieve. If you go to Mag you know your main goal is to gain SMC and not lose it under any circumstance. If you go to blackgate you know your supposed to PPT and make sure you stay T1 ect. every world had something it wanted and now no1 can determine what anyone wants to do. not to mention the horrible match making from the start. its just a huge failure as it always was. they just continue to shove what they think we want down our throats and honestly a survey probably could have prevented this all together IMO 

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1 hour ago, Zamiel.2130 said:

They couldn't even make a Call to War active for the first week to coax a few new players in.

Now now, there's no need to stress the system any further. The regulars will complain about queues and the new players will think poorly of the game mode.

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18 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

That opinion... four hours after reset.

The same reset that every week get posts of either:
- The meta sucks, WvW is dead.
- Queues on every border, WvW is dead.
- Insane skill lag and unplayable, WvW is dead.
- My link sucks and Anet is insane, WvW is dead.
- Cheaters everywhere, WvW is dead.
- Enemy server has blobs on every border we have none, WvW is dead.

I mean you could give it... I dont know... at least a few days before really forming an opinion on what's going on? Maybe? Personally I would argue we wont even see a real "result" this shuffle. Because people will still be forming their guilds, recruiting and getting communities up and running in a stable manner since we've all been spoiled by Discord. That's weeks. Months even. After summer - where btw the community claim WvW dies every single year because no one has heard of adults going on vacations - maybe there's another opinion.

I'm guess his (and my own) opinion is formed not over mere hours, but 6+ weeks of betas prior where the same timezone issue was present. If it had been a new issue, I'd be advocating for patience, but it's not. The whole purpose of this matchmaking system was to provide fairer more balanced matches across all time zones so for the timezone I (and by the looks if it, he) plays in, yes, his point is valid.

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12 minutes ago, Zamiel.2130 said:

I'm guess his (and my own) opinion is formed not over mere hours, but 6+ weeks of betas prior where the same timezone issue was present. If it had been a new issue, I'd be advocating for patience, but it's not. The whole purpose of this matchmaking system was to provide fairer more balanced matches across all time zones so for the timezone I (and by the looks if it, he) plays in, yes, his point is valid.

If as you say that is the whole purpose then why would you judge it on single weeks where matchup tiers are completely random? Next week the matchups would show who wins - ie go up a tier and fight what should be more even teams - and who looses - ie drop a tier and just the same maybe fight more even teams. Staying in the tier doesn’t necessarily mean you are in the “right place” but at least you held on.

Sometimes I think people selectively forget how matchmaking works in WvW just so they can complain about it.

Also as a side note that wasn’t really the purpose either, the actual purpose was to roughly balance populations instead of having worlds 5x larger than the smallest worlds. While Anet has said it’s possible, I HIGHLY doubt timezones is taken into account in the algorithm, just total play hours in WvW.

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1 hour ago, Beelzebul.4510 said:

If you go to Mag you know your main goal is to gain SMC and not lose it under any circumstance.

See but here's the problem. You're talking about the Mag from 1-2 years ago. I was on Ebay, linked with Mag for the past 6 weeks prior to the WR beta starting today, and I can attest that the Mag you speak of is DEAD. The Mag on EBG was DEAD. Nothing but a group of random pugs, a quarter of whom where afk-running into walls at any given time. No guilds, no clouds, no nothing. And that's what server pride means to so many of us nowadays; nothing more than a relic of the past. Yes, there were 1-2 servers that stuck together and remained strong with more or less the same community from 10-12 years ago, but for almost every other server it meant NOTHING. So for most of us WR is a breath of fresh air. A chance to get out and meet new faces, form new alliances, start over, because what the servers had become was stale and boring. And I'm sorry if you weren't proactive and took the several weeks prior to WR to start forming an alliance guild, but many of us did and we're better off for it. And if you don't like what you have now, you have every opportunity in the next 6 weeks to start an alliance of your own for the next beta reset. And if you don't want to do that but just sit here and complain, well that's on you.

Edited by Ronin.4501
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The first week's outcome should not be based on numbers alone. That's not a fair or equitable matchmaking system is it? When you're outnumbered on all borderlands on reset night, which tends to be the highest population you're going to achieve all week, there is something a miss. Movement up a tier in an equitable system should be based on skill and how well you perform as a unit, not because you out number you opposition three to one. That's no different from the previous server based system. 

It's obvious that timezone is not a consideration at this point in time, however I do recall it is something they intend to do, other threads confirm this, however, they've had six years to implement said systems. Six long years. It seems that we live in a society where if someone has a differing point of view to your own and complains about it, then it's not valid unless it matches your own narrative. His point is still valid for him. He's not enjoying it and feels he would've been better off under the old system and I can't help but feel his pain as :- 

1) I'm experiencing the same placement and as someone who has probably spent 8,500+ (out of the 11.5k I have spent in the game) hours in WvW, I'm rather miffed,
2) You were dismissive of his post. I do feel he should've elaborated on the issue he was having, which may have solicited a difference response, but there will be others who feel the same are they all wrong too? Are the people who are enjoying the new system wrong? No. Everyone's experience is going to be different and therefore valid.

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4 minutes ago, Zamiel.2130 said:

The first week's outcome should not be based on numbers alone. That's not a fair or equitable matchmaking system is it? When you're outnumbered on all borderlands on reset night, which tends to be the highest population you're going to achieve all week, there is something a miss. Movement up a tier in an equitable system should be based on skill and how well you perform as a unit, not because you out number you opposition three to one. That's no different from the previous server based system. 

It's not perfect, it's just better than the previous system. You are equating 2 system where there are differences between both. There will be fluctuation obviously and to some degree that fluctuation will be mitigated by tiers. What we should not see hopefully is the extremes from the past, at which point "skill" becomes more a factor.


It's obvious that timezone is not a consideration at this point in time, however I do recall it is something they intend to do, other threads confirm this, however, they've had six years to implement said systems. Six long years. It seems that we live in a society where if someone has a differing point of view to your own and complains about it, then it's not valid unless it matches your own narrative. His point is still valid for him. He's not enjoying it and feels he would've been better off under the old system and I can't help but feel his pain as :- 

No time zone is not. We don;t know if it ever will be, just as many other factors are likely not considered yet. The difference is: they MIGHT be considered down the road, something which was not doable with the fixed server system. Realistically they've been working 2-3 years, with gaps, on the system. We don't know how difficult and how much work had to go in it yet.


1) I'm experiencing the same placement and as someone who has probably spent 8,500+ (out of the 11.5k I have spent in the game) hours in WvW, I'm rather miffed,
2) You were dismissive of his post. I do feel he should've elaborated on the issue he was having, which may have solicited a difference response, but there will be others who feel the same are they all wrong too? Are the people who are enjoying the new system wrong? No. Everyone's experience is going to be different and therefore valid.

There is no right or wrong when it comes to subjective feelings. There is merit in exchanging standpoints, which does mean that pros and cons need to be taken into account. There is also merit in actually giving a system a shot before asking for it to get scrapped 1 second into its existence, especially when it has some reasonable design decisions.

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2 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

That opinion... four hours after reset.

The same reset that every week get posts of either:
- The meta sucks, WvW is dead.
- Queues on every border, WvW is dead.
- Insane skill lag and unplayable, WvW is dead.
- My link sucks and Anet is insane, WvW is dead.
- Cheaters everywhere, WvW is dead.
- Enemy server has blobs on every border we have none, WvW is dead.

I mean you could give it... I dont know... at least a few days before really forming an opinion on what's going on? Maybe? Personally I would argue we wont even see a real "result" this shuffle. Because people will still be forming their guilds, recruiting and getting communities up and running in a stable manner since we've all been spoiled by Discord. That's weeks. Months even. After summer - where btw the community claim WvW dies every single year because no one has heard of adults going on vacations - maybe there's another opinion.

I've been playing for 10 years I know when i'm in a dead match up. It doesn't take days to tell.

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4 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Yes please listen to this request and create his world again, then place him on it. Note that any others players on that world would be by request. I’m not sure how matchmaking would work with only world and one player on it but Anet I believe in you.

Dawdler, what did actually happen to make you hate your server so much?

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9 minutes ago, Duke Dark Hart.1385 said:

that and make ignorant comments apparently.

No, we have lots of posters on the forums and personalities and sometimes it a matter of understanding which way they are coming from a topic.

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I mean ... (and I'm not playing WvW anymore for real since ages ago): They could have kept the old "worlds" (servers) as fallback-setting for people that do not want to join a guild. Let unaligned players (no guild selected in the WvW/Guild UI) be associated with the world (working like a guild in the background technically - just without own guild  UI and no player limit). Then mix those into the system with the other guilds (later alliances) that selected their thing in the UI. For matchmaking/balancing.

Regardless of that: If the majoryity of your old server uses the new system (selecting their guild in the UI) they could be mixed with other players and you still playing with someone else. (If only a few use the fallback mechanism - getting grouped in a team with tons of guilds that previously were on other servers.)

I am waiting for the titles. Are they already in - without further patch notes (automatically enabled) - or do they need us to wait for the next patch? (The server titles where you can get one where people might want to use the one of their old/favorite server.)

I wonder how they are going to handle new accounts or inactive accounts. For active accounts they can just (if no guild was selected) distribute them where needed - to make even teams. Inactive accounts probably it would be equally splitting them after the teams have been filled with active players (hoping not too many from one team suddenly start to get active at once).

Edit: The timing (until next team selection - according to when you have made your guild choice in the UI) seems low again. With the new system I would prefer them to up this. So people can get used to each other. Will be even more mixing than with the old server system (where at least you had your own server and people you knew - except the ones that were server hopping to the winner team all the time). 3 or maybe 4 months would be better. Yeah ... make it at least quarterly. Noe like 7-8 weeks only. That is not even 2 months.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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7 minutes ago, Luthan.5236 said:

I mean ... (and I'm not playing WvW anymore for real since ages ago): They could have kept the old "worlds" (servers) as fallback-setting for people that do not want to join a guild. Let unaligned players (no guild selected in the WvW/Guild UI) be associated with the world (working like a guild in the background technically - just without own guild  UI and no player limit)

that defeats the point of the WR

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There is a problem with the including of Guildmembers into an alliance when the Alliance is full. These guildmembers got relocated out of the alliance without their Guildleaders knowledge. Maybe with re-arranging or even temp. kicked but not re-invited before the closing date. Now several Guilds are crippled having not their WvW teams setup and it will take 40 days till this can be restored. For a wvw player to be excluded for 40 days is a "lifetime". Arenanet needs to make sure that those who's Guild is in an alliance but which the individual players cant join must be added even if the Alliance is claimed to be "full". This will destroy guilds if no immediate action is taken.

Edited by Neocharm.1029
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17 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Dawdler, what did actually happen to make you hate your server so much?

Old server? Not a thing.

New team? Well randomly ending up with a certain EU grouping consisting of many roamers which could easily be identified minutes into reset by just seeing one of the guilds… 6 weeks and I will never get even a chance to jump on them 😭

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