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wizard vault, buy all in bulk

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I'd be happy if we could just type the amount of stuff we want to buy as we can do when crafting stuff or buying/selling on the TP. I always thought it's because of that stupid chrome frame of the WV, but then again, iirc, the TP uses it aswell, so that can't be it...

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Worst case, custom amounts might not be possible (buying 5 of an item vs buying a container of 5), but even then, it'd only take minutes to implement a buy as many as you can option that simply loops until it runs out. Surely even the devs get annoyed by this, so I would have expected this by now.

For now, if you click the background, it closes the buy window, so to speed it up, click buy, then double click the item to re-open the buy window. Macro this to "implement" the feature yourself.

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Or for things with a relatively low cost, having an option which spends ~400 AA for the items with appropriate quantity for that would at least be better.  At least then, worst case is 3-4 purchases would use pretty much all of your AA, and a single purchase would use the AA you get for the weekly.

My normal process is I let AA accumulate until is exceeds 1300, then spend down to around 1000.  For gold @ 35 AA each, that isn't bad - 2 purchases of 5 each covers that.  But for the initial cheap gold at 6 AA, that is a lot of repeat clicks to spend any significant amount of AA.


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Every reset I must buy 90 coins in chunks of 5. Every time I just sigh and wish whoever made the interface also played the game.

+1 for specifying a count or buying all in 1 click. Anything that is less clunky than current state.

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Maybe there's some difficult programming issue, or not worth the resources, to implement a range of choices other than just one or five?  I'm certainly no programmer.  Maybe adding just a third button choice could be easier - BUY MAX.  This would buy out the maximum amount of the item you want, subject of course to purchase limits and the amount of AA available to your account.

Edited by Kiof.5710
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Whilst I agree there should be a buy all button... I am almost positive they haven't implemented it due to how many people will "accidentally" spend all their AA when they don't want to and just clog up support trying to get their AA back which is most likely not possible to do.   So the limit is just kinda slow people down from making mistakes.     Its still super annoying having to click it a million times just to buy bulk amounts. 

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Why spending all of ones AA might be an issue, there are items available that cost 1000 AA, so folks can already do that, and many others in the 400-600 range.  Is Anet currently getting swarmed with folks buying those and wanting refunds?  I doubt it, so I don't see an issue if they added an option to buy 500 AA worth of gold coins, laurels, etc.

Also, if one does the weekly and specials, even if one spends down to 0 AA, one can pretty quickly accumulate a good amount of AA - if only doing the weeklies, less than  3 weeks will get you back to max, so even if Anet policy was 'all sales final', this really shouldn't be a problem for most people.

I suspect the design to have only 2 choices of quantities for each item and not allow a custom amount was more laziness for the developers than any other reason.

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i'll never get why so many people leave "confused" reactions on posts like this

(though obviously saying this i fully expect incredibly witty folks to leave them on this comment.)

but its a good idea, +1 to the ability to dump acclaim on something, its not top of the list of changes i'd like, but any QoL is good 🙂

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