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Stop the power creep builds!

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22 hours ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

When was Elementalist ever suppose to be unkillable?

Now I'll admit, it's my least favorite of all 9 professions (So that's something I guess) but even I know Ele mains never shut up about how squishy they are and how desperately they need a ranged weapon because all they do is die to everything.

Schrödinger's class, unkillable cele bunkers while also being macro-driven robotic oneshot machines all at the same time :,D

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7 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

Yeah but end of the day that's just a glass build, not a gimmick build. 🤷‍♂️

But it's not. Glass builds still add sustain into their builds, which is why they aren't just running raid builds. The goal is for a quick kill, but your average glass build is still going to be able to sustain past hitting a skill or two.

I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding about the things people are talking about. Nade Holo can do a bunch of damage, maybe even one shot another glass build, but 100% of the build doesn't rely on landing a single nade barrage. You miss it, you are still in the fight. You can handle incoming damage, even if you are full zerk. The gimmick version used to only be scrapper, but I guess people are using a version of it on core now, but on scrapper, your entire kit was based around hitting that singular nade barrage. You used full damage traits, and popped all your utility to sneak gyro up to someone and use one skill to one shot them. After that, you had to get out, you couldn't sustain any incoming damage, and you had nothing else that could kill another player. It was basically the same thing for Norn Bear. After that singular skill was used, you had to wait for a mostly full reset to really be able to do anything again because you have no sustain. 

Glass builds are simply builds people run with full, or mostly full zerker, yet still most definitely take sustain traits and utilities. Power thief and Mesmer are good examples of this, cause they don't rely on one singular burst to win a fight, even if one burst can end a fight. No one will call either off those builds gimmick builds, because there's no gimmick.

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On 6/22/2024 at 7:37 AM, Triptaminas.4789 said:

>idk what skills or gear or builds are the issue but I'm dying and that's the issue


The thread 

Didnt want to go there, wasnt my point that is the need of a damage cap (maximim) per hit. But ok, I'll explain what I think is the issue with my build, regen that use to keep it alive went down to nearly zero, the synergy between arcane and water and weaver traits are a joke. A part of the fun and challenge with this build was to survive without any gimmicks (no invuln, reflect, only 1 skill giving stab, no stuns etc) but these days any class I met steam rolled me like an ambiant creature. Still win some duels but I think my kdr went down from about 1 to 0,25 or 0.35 at best!

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10 minutes ago, manu.7539 said:

Didnt want to go there, wasnt my point that is the need of a damage cap (maximim) per hit. But ok, I'll explain what I think is the issue with my build, regen that use to keep it alive went down to nearly zero, the synergy between arcane and water and weaver traits are a joke. A part of the fun and challenge with this build was to survive without any gimmicks (no invuln, reflect, only 1 skill giving stab, no stuns etc) but these days any class I met steam rolled me like an ambiant creature. Still win some duels but I think my kdr went down from about 1 to 0,25 or 0.35 at best!

So.... change build to counter it?

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7 minutes ago, One more for the road.8950 said:

So.... change build to counter it?

Thats what I tried (probably will keep on trying) but my fun is gone. Really loved that build, anything else I tried seemed boring and in slow motion 😕

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On 6/21/2024 at 12:21 PM, manu.7539 said:

I'm under the feeling lately that something is wrong about power builds. How my "supposedly" unkillable ele is getting steam rolled so often like an ambiant creature? And its not only my usual thieves or rangers issues. A core engi insta killed me this morning! A CORE ENGI???? I'm still shocked!

A fight that last 2-3 secondes isnt fun at all and as it happen a bit too often lately I think its time to get a damage cap like 5k-7k max dmg per skills.


At this point, the only thing which remains for WvW Community is to jump on board Throne and Liberty. For 13 years; Bad Design has been the Staple, Foundation and Cornerstone of Guild Wars 2 Game Design and Balance  Design decisions. 

As I stated multiple times, no "balance" will fix this game until every Toxic Game Design, Toxic  Profession Design are removed. 

"A virus has three purposes: to duplicate, to infiltrate and to spread from one host to the next. Ultimately, even a single virus can shut down an entire system."

It Is Game Over!!

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On 6/22/2024 at 3:04 AM, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

When was Elementalist ever suppose to be unkillable?

Now I'll admit, it's my least favorite of all 9 professions (So that's something I guess) but even I know Ele mains never shut up about how squishy they are and how desperately they need a ranged weapon because all they do is die to everything.

The reason to this has nothing to do with the reality of the game but with the fact that all the profession subforums are infact salt mines filled with overdramatic divas.


this is true for all the forums of many games to be fair. 

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On 6/23/2024 at 6:03 PM, manu.7539 said:

Didnt want to go there, wasnt my point that is the need of a damage cap (maximim) per hit. But ok, I'll explain what I think is the issue with my build, regen that use to keep it alive went down to nearly zero, the synergy between arcane and water and weaver traits are a joke. A part of the fun and challenge with this build was to survive without any gimmicks (no invuln, reflect, only 1 skill giving stab, no stuns etc) but these days any class I met steam rolled me like an ambiant creature. Still win some duels but I think my kdr went down from about 1 to 0,25 or 0.35 at best!

so you get a hit cap of 7k and still get 3shot? interesting point... so what about owp soulbeast that kill you in 1 second with 50 hits that do only 3k per tick? those will be ignored but you die even faster than what your core engi example did...

dagger got some buffs yesterday you might want to try that if scepter is too slow for you

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23 minutes ago, RazieL.5684 said:

so you get a hit cap of 7k and still get 3shot? interesting point... so what about owp soulbeast that kill you in 1 second with 50 hits that do only 3k per tick? those will be ignored but you die even faster than what your core engi example did...

dagger got some buffs yesterday you might want to try that if scepter is too slow for you

Yeah I went back to sword/dagger, cant help my self, I enjoy mobility too much 😛

I also went with some marshalls-cele stats to get a better healing than trail-cele. That water arcane weaver build always been a pain to balance nicely between sustain and damage but I think I'm back to a good spot 😁


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