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WVW battles improving

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The question is for arena net team.

Could players get killstreak system on wvw mode for proper rewards? For example 10 kills without being downed - reward, 20 kills without your downstate - better reward and so on, including items from game shop on high kill streaks (for example 50 kills, 100 kills, 150 and so on). For improving wvw experience and battle system for all. Ofcourse killstreak system should NOT count kills from siege weapons but also NOT reset current progress when player shoots with siege weapon.

It is really could improve wvw fights for players who want those fights and maybe even involve players who get in wvw mode "just for gift of battle" (it is about 90% of players suffering in this mode, because they don`t want to play this mode at all).

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I am curious why siege is singled out as not counting with an extra big NOT since what this suggestion would mean in practice is that zerglings rolling over weaker zerglings is who will get the most loot the fastest. Siege kills whether it be AC or ballista or whatever would be such a tiny part of daily kills it probably wouldn’t even reach 1%.

The problem with this suggestion is of course that zerglings already get the most loot the fastest. So it’s a big middle finger to more casual players.

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I don't think this is going to improve WvW in the slightest. We already have groups that care about K/D ratio way too much. They run from any not surefire fight, bunker down in structures, use builds not designed to fight but evade and run.

If you put meaningful rewards to kill streaks, a lot more players will start bunker down in structures, porting when things *could* go wrong. Basically caring more about the kill streaks more than actually fighting. 

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, disForm.2837 said:

I don't think this is going to improve WvW in the slightest. We already have groups that care about K/D ratio way too much. They run from any not surefire fight, bunker down in structures, use builds not designed to fight but evade and run.

If you put meaningful rewards to kill streaks, a lot more players will start bunker down in structures, porting when things *could* go wrong. Basically caring more about the kill streaks more than actually fighting. 

As usual - higher risk should bring higher profit.

Maybe system could use 5-10 min counter which resets killstreaks pool if player don`t get +1 kill meantime, like it does with participation.

I am not talking about ready system, just concept to improve wvw fights and give players who wants to fight some good profit from it.

2 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

I am curious why siege is singled out as not counting with an extra big NOT since what this suggestion would mean in practice is that zerglings rolling over weaker zerglings is who will get the most loot the fastest. Siege kills whether it be AC or ballista or whatever would be such a tiny part of daily kills it probably wouldn’t even reach 1%.

The problem with this suggestion is of course that zerglings already get the most loot the fastest. So it’s a big middle finger to more casual players.

Siege weapons signed out because there is already to much siege users which bunker inside objectives and pew pew - it is not fights and only degrade wvw also it could provide some abuse. Also it is chance for casual players to improve their skills if they want get better rewards.

Edited by Kyon.4810
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4 hours ago, Kyon.4810 said:

The question is for arena net team.

Could players get killstreak system on wvw mode for proper rewards? For example 10 kills without being downed - reward, 20 kills without your downstate - better reward and so on, including items from game shop on high kill streaks (for example 50 kills, 100 kills, 150 and so on). For improving wvw experience and battle system for all. Ofcourse killstreak system should NOT count kills from siege weapons but also NOT reset current progress when player shoots with siege weapon.

It is really could improve wvw fights for players who want those fights and maybe even involve players who get in wvw mode "just for gift of battle" (it is about 90% of players suffering in this mode, because they don`t want to play this mode at all).

That's a big no. You are just encouraging 50 to chase 1 around the map. How about we just reward 1 player out of the 50 with the kill versus credit all 50 instead or creating a system that partial credits are used. 50 versus 1 the 50 each get the reward of 1/50 of the value of the kill. 

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2 hours ago, Kyon.4810 said:

As usual - higher risk should bring higher profit.

Then the first thing you have to do is to split rewards among participants, instead of multiplying everything.

2 hours ago, Kyon.4810 said:

I am not talking about ready system, just concept to improve wvw fights and give players who wants to fight some good profit from it.

More rewards do not improve fights. Usually the opposite happens and fight quality goes down the more focus on rewards there is.

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2 hours ago, Kyon.4810 said:

Siege weapons signed out because there is already to much siege users which bunker inside objectives and pew pew - it is not fights and only degrade wvw also it could provide some abuse.

... then again the suggestion is literally give unkillable boonballs all the loot.

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I'm reminded of the old WXP traits that gave stacks of damage and armour (iirc, it's been a while...). Which mostly saw most roamers just avoid fully committing because it was a pain to lose the stacks and have to build them up again. I was happy to see that stack system go away, it really didn't do anything positive to the game. I do sometimes have guild mates miss the system, and I tend to jump at their throats and explain how horrible it was for fights.

Basically, I imagine this as proposed with the current reward limitations we have in the mode, would reward: Zergs and the usual full stealth+teleport thief ganker builds that everyone loves so much...

So I'm failing to see how this would improve the game mode in any way?

I'd rather make a point that fights probably should at least upkeep participation, so you don't lose participation just because you have a random fight over a sentry that happens to last 2-5 minutes.

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14 hours ago, Kyon.4810 said:

The question is for arena net team.

Could players get killstreak system on wvw mode for proper rewards? For example 10 kills without being downed - reward, 20 kills without your downstate - better reward and so on, including items from game shop on high kill streaks (for example 50 kills, 100 kills, 150 and so on). For improving wvw experience and battle system for all. Ofcourse killstreak system should NOT count kills from siege weapons but also NOT reset current progress when player shoots with siege weapon.

It is really could improve wvw fights for players who want those fights and maybe even involve players who get in wvw mode "just for gift of battle" (it is about 90% of players suffering in this mode, because they don`t want to play this mode at all).

All it would do is make players even more selective about fights.  Stack even harder.  Unless Anet finds a way to divide kills so that when the 50 man blob kills a solo, they each get 1/50th of the credit, both for loot and progress towards kill titles, than this is just further degradation of the game mode.  We don't need to continue rewarding people for fighting pugs and doors with map ques.

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As mentioned already, boon balls and stacked zergs get far more kills than even the most prolific solo/small scale roamers simply down to the volume of engagements and how kill credit works.

Besides, let's say we implement this. If you've ever played in a large group format, you'll know how easy it is to get downed and revived in the blink of an eye due to no fault of your own. Can you imagine the rage from people on 149/150 kills getting it all taken away in a split second because they went down for the briefest moment?

All this will incentivise is the most cautious and defensive play to protect streaks and farm kills. That is huge blobs of boon stacked players rolling over much smaller groups with the least risk possible. So all you're going to do is compound what we already see all too often by rewarding that behaviour even more.

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