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Remove Insta-Gibbing from WvW

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15 hours ago, Nemo.6295 said:

This is not PVP. It's a joke. Please consider removing it. I don't mind dying to 5 guys fast, I do mind getting insta-downed by one guy.

Really only two replies warranted, sage wisdom from our honoured forebearers; 

Lo I say unto you, “git gud” and “Lrn2ply”.  Thus it was written, thus it is known. 

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It sounds nice but it's not the reality. The reality is that I dictate my experience by selecting a build before I play. Sometimes I want to noskill winatlot, sometimes I want to have fun, or w/e. But I know in advance the experience I'm going to have before I log in and that is going to be based on the build I select, not my personal skill which remains constant . . .

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1 hour ago, Gop.8713 said:

I've never reported you or anyone else so I won't start now. Whether you take ownership of your posts is really outside of my control : )

My posts are made within the context of what previous posts included, especially when in discourse with one and the same other individual over the same topic (the way conversations usually go, context of what was said before).

You deciding to ignore context to make claims and assumptions has nothing to do with me taking ownership and is just you cherry picking out of context statements.

My messaging throughout this topic was consistent even if occasionally shortened within an understandable context.

I provided the context, you decided to double down on your mistake.  Who is not owing up to their posts?

52 minutes ago, Gop.8713 said:

It sounds nice but it's not the reality. The reality is that I dictate my experience by selecting a build before I play. Sometimes I want to noskill winatlot, sometimes I want to have fun, or w/e. But I know in advance the experience I'm going to have before I log in and that is going to be based on the build I select, not my personal skill which remains constant . . .

Player skill might be consistent on a personal level as far as potential ability is concerned, yet it will vary between builds for most players depending on how skilled they are at playing a given specific build. The assumption that player skill is something static and the same across all builds is hilariously wrong.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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3 hours ago, Codename T.2847 said:

that's a great dilemma. If removing Cele meant players would learn their skills and their class better, thus leading to more interesting fights, I would 100% do it. But the fact is that it's hard to get to the point where you are even adequately good, and most people, who are playing Cele now, would 100% just perma leave - and that would kill off small scale WvW-ing for good @_@ lose-lose

You dont think most of those players would just go back to tb mixes instead ?

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Posted (edited)

Look, I didn't come here on a whim to complain about gibbing. I mentioned before, I have a few friends I play with who refuse to enter any form of PVP because of insta-downs. Maybe this comes as a surprise to some of you, but getting insta-downed isn't fun to most people. Anyway, I tried to show them there's a way, so I tried to do it properly, gearing, talents, the one thing I refuse to do is run a specific subclass just to avoid insta-gibbing, I'm not doing that because that is ridiculous. So when I hear people talking about player skill when we are on the subject of getting downed by one single guy instantly, I wanna laugh. But I can't because this is just sad. Why are people defending this crap? How much fun can you have slamming someone like that? 

Edited by Nemo.6295
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27 minutes ago, Nemo.6295 said:

Look, I didn't come here on a whim to complain about gibbing. I mentioned before, I have a few friends I play with who refuse to enter any form of PVP because of insta-downs. Maybe this comes as a surprise to some of you, but getting insta-downed isn't fun to most people. Anyway, I tried to show them there's a way, so I tried to do it properly, gearing, talents, the one thing I refuse to do is run a specific subclass just to avoid insta-gibbing, I'm not doing that because that is ridiculous. So when I hear people talking about player skill when we are on the subject of getting downed by one single guy instantly, I wanna laugh. But I can't because this is just sad. Why are people defending this crap? How much fun can you have slamming someone like that? 

and you have been told: getting insta gibbed is more due to you lacking the skill to avoid it as well as building properly.

This game has ACTION COMBAT. It requires players to actively avoid damage while giving limited opportunity to build against getting instant downed (running more toughness, vitality and proper utilities/traits will make a difference but it won't male up for lack of reflexes or proper reactions).

You not changing "sublasss" is already a huge red flag. Elite specializations aren't some gimmick "I get to run what I want" choices. Elite specializations VASTLY change how a build can even react. That alone screams: heavy lack of understanding fundamentals.

Taking guardian alone, a core build, dragon hunter, firebarnd or god forbid willbender will have VASTLY different ways to mitigate/avoid getting 1-shot and that's before even getting into gear alone. That holds true for ALL professions.

WvW has a pvp element to it and that means getting familiar with the pvp side of this game. You are not pitted against some brain dead npc that will wait for you to do your stuff. You will get pitted against some players which know to press buttons, exploit your lack of skill and double down on any advantage they can get. It's on you to "get gud" enough to not be fooder.


and as was mentioned, you can chose to ask for advice, or just complain the game is unfair. The balance will NEVER reach a point where lack of skill will prevent 1-shots because the damage coefficients would need to be lowered so far, that in any semi competent hands no one would ever die. In fact we already are in such a state when it comes to similar skilled blob fights or equal skilled roamers. It will never happen.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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Unfortunately it's very much a skill thing. This game is not going to hold your hand and point at things happening on screen and yell at you to press dodge now. You have to learn what to dodge, how to LoS break enemies in order to survive. 

I run full Zerker for funsies and I can constantly survive 5 guys attacking me for at least a minute before I fall. WvW is special, moreso than PvP, because terrain and neutral mobs aplenty all over the place actually help you escape, kite, surprise enemies and even bait them to their death (if you push them off). It's gonna be a hard pill to swallow but you are going to have to expect to die several hundreds if not thousands of times before you get used to, experienced with the terrain, the enemies you come across, meta builds, what to avoid from each class, and some fights that you can't win face to face. It's skill and experience you need. 

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Buddy, it don't mean kitten if you have played this game since launch. I've seen so many players with over 30k-40k AP who still plays game like they got no arms and at 2000 ping.

Don't ever recall you describing this "Insta-Gibbing" build. So you are telling me You have no idea what instantly deleted you and want this build gone? And we haven't even discussed about your side of story. How did you react to them? Did you just stand there and ate all the burst like a deer in headlights?

If it's so "unfair", why don't you go ahead and play one yourself?

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Is that what you did? Well I won't do it. Aside the fact it would make me a hypocrite, it would also make me a douchebag. So no thanks, I'd rather keep asking they remove the ability to do that on any level, against pros, against noobs, against anyone.


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23 hours ago, Nemo.6295 said:

Remove Insta-Gibbing from WvW
This is not PVP. It's a joke. Please consider removing it. I don't mind dying to 5 guys fast, I do mind getting insta-downed by one guy.

I think you can count yourself lucky that you now have the honor of being someone who brought another game's slang word ("insta-gibbing") into GW2.

You're right, WvW is not sPvP but Anet's version of a mixture of PvP and open world where players can design their builds relatively freely and thus optimize for very high burst damage.

But because Anet will certainly not change that (otherwise it would have been changed long ago, especially for some classes), you should be prepared for it and perhaps adapt your own build accordingly.

13 hours ago, Nemo.6295 said:

Then comes along the one-shot man and it's all over. How do you justify that as a developer? 

I don't justify it. It just is what it is.

Edited by Zok.4956
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It was always bad. I know that. My first character was a thief way back. I wasn't good, I stumbled blindly into PVP and I was one-shotting people. It wasn't fun or interesting and I had no delusion about my skill as a player or what impact that had over the overall PVP setting. 

I honestly don't care what people say here about the validity of one-shotting people. 100-0 in an instant. I wish they wouldn't bother to give me some crap about player skill, there's no player skill involved in insta-gibbing someone, but hey it's their time, if they want to spend peddling crap, that's on them. 

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9 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

TC never mentioned stealth but sure, we can add that to the list and some builds are annoying to fight. All stealth builds can be countered or avoided though, especially if they are running glass cannon stats.

Stealth combined with high mobility is incredibly annoying. There is little counter-play and the opponent can just keep disengaging. I wouldn't mind if stealth and high mobility were separated.

Edited by Zok.4956
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13 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

It's bloody hypocritical to shame players for not running tanky stats and instead, dying to the screwed-up game design that people like you enjoy...and then people like you will complain about that same gear on the forum.

GW2 playerbase in a nutshell:

-"Lol you noob! You should only run celestial if you don't want to die to my leet gameplay stealth oneshot, which is awesome and showcase my superior skill level"

-"Lol you noob! You can only run celestial, you suck. Anet should remove celestial gear because I can't win with my superior skill stealth gameplay cheese"


Except the two aren't the same lol

The second sentence is being spoken from a position of failure, and who the heck cares if they call you a noob. 😆Half these folls are panic dagger storming away while they die from 2 stacks of bleed. That's not my problem.

It's more like some people should put down their ego and wear tankier stats because they don't have the twitch reflexes of some others, because otherwise they're going to get killed in even Cele/Minstrel and then who do you blame?

If someone runs some BS cheese build meant to waste everyone's time, I'm shooting them with a cannon.. If people argue that cheese builds are ok because it's part of the game, so is siege. So is sending 5 people after them. Is that what we really want?

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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On 6/26/2024 at 8:01 PM, Nemo.6295 said:

This is not PVP. It's a joke. Please consider removing it. I don't mind dying to 5 guys fast, I do mind getting insta-downed by one guy.

That's too vague. What are you playing and what keeps "insta-gibbing" you?

Edited by Sobx.1758
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6 hours ago, Nemo.6295 said:

So unless he's naked, one guy should not be able to instantly down another guy.

Running full offensive stats is not much different to running naked.

We are currently not in a situation where insta gibbing is widespread. How this game is designed it will always be possible to make high burst builds, possibly from stealth. But funnily those are the only builds that can get gibbed. Maybe also some specialised dps role zerg builds that fell behind his zerg or just someone new on some pve dps build.

Taking the above into account and just flat out negate high burst potential would greatly diminish the variety of this game's pvp. Anyone that has any idea how this game works made the choice to be able to burst but also be bursted. And to balance for someone that just stepped into the game mode just doesnt make sense. This is how all pvp games work. First you get uterly destroyed and thats your first lesson and goal to not get uterly destroyed.

This thread doesnt offer much unless some context is provided on what did the killing and what got gibbed.

P.s. I hate getting caught by a decent deadeye openfield on half my builds. But I dont want DE to get changed.

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One shot is PvP. 1st and 3rd person shooters often have one shot kills. It is not typical MMO type PvP.

That said, every time I try a one shot type build for myself I end up dying. A lot. So.

Edited by Voegelin.5642
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I'm still waiting on actual information cause so far this thread has been a " I'm good and this mystery build I wont ever mention or link or called out killed my totally not pve build that is 100% meta that I played with 100% competency that I also wont link or talk about you just have to trust me" 

Like if you need someone to vent to you can move that to DM's 

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So the problem here isn't the game. There's maybe one debatable standout (willbender) but the general game balance is in the exact opposite direction of what the OC is trying to claim. It's the stacked defense stats that are too strong and cele for instance is overtuned. You basically won't get 'instagibbed' without either making big mistakes or else running a glass cannon build yourself, in which case that result is fair game. 

OC has a skill issue (skill/build/knowledge) but is too proud to try to get better. Try explaining what spec killed you and what you were playing if you want help. 

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Core guardian almost insta gib many bad power specs users, so maybe they should nerf core guardian. Just use hammer 5 and tp. Change gs so weapon swap give quickness and 100% chance crit and do spinning thingy. Easy +20k damage.

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4 hours ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

Core guardian almost insta gib many bad power specs users, so maybe they should nerf core guardian. Just use hammer 5 and tp. Change gs so weapon swap give quickness and 100% chance crit and do spinning thingy. Easy +20k damage.

Or just play Willy and press your Spin to win Like Reaper but more mobile. So many ways to insta gib. No one even mentioned the master of insta gib: Deadeye.


Edited by Bale.3851
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On 6/27/2024 at 5:39 AM, Junkpile.7439 said:

Better get insta-gibbed than fight agaisnt some celestial lamer who stay full hp whole time. At least you can win against insta-gib build. Actually better if thief insta-gib you than do this atttack, stealth, attack, stealth kitten because he is just too bad to use berserker gear.

Lol that's that Shinobi guy. And don't you dare to use reveal traps or detection pulse or he will call you coward lol.

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On 6/26/2024 at 7:27 PM, Riba.3271 said:

You are probably new. There should be couple builds that can instantly kill enemies, because then other builds can kill enemies from 70%. WvW would be quite boring game if it was just AoE bombing for mouthbreathing commander rather than single target focusing.

I would suggest to single target focus yourself as well.... Or tank it up. Celestial is recommended for new players.

LOL no there should be no instant kill, there never used to be, but hey kill the game of why not have insta kill whole blobs and be done with it.

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