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Things that I would like in my Homestead, what would you like? [Merged]

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Seconding the bathroom items!  "Where do they poop, where do they bathe" is an important question to answer whenever i'm building a space 😛


I would really like it if the crafting menu could be sorted by various tags (Furniture types, themes, etc) 'cause visualizing what I have to work with is an absolute nightmare rn with a hardly sorted list.

And I have to keep echoing the call for a preview. I've already had a few instances of expensive-to-craft decor not looking like their icons 😞

A fine edit mode window, where we can punch in numbers for translating, rotating, and scaling.

A stick-to-surface translation mode where it works similarly to placing an object for the first time? Where you can just drag an object around in space and its "bottom" will make contact with whatever surface you're placing it on?

Let the scaling tool be more generous. I need to make bigger pillows.  For reasons.

I'm totally sold on how the homesteading materials interact with the game's systems?  Not only am I fighting a time gate and the game's economy, but also inventory space and thus having the question "Should I build this thing now just in case I need it later, or do I forgo getting the full amount of supplies I could use this week and risk needing to build it anyway?" pop up, which... is not a fun question to have to answer when in a "wahoo silly doll house" mindset.. :T  We can get a lot of mats for the week with full upgrades which is nice!  But a lot of the "bits and pieces" decor items absolutely SUCK DOWN your material supplies, so it's good to have a bit of a stash or else it runs the risk of feeling like you're playing one of those facebook/mobile games, having to wait until you can do the thing you want to do because you didn't plan out your time efficiently... I'd appreciate it if these could be currencies rather than materials.


Style & function:

The grass objects are nice to have as an option, but it would be really cool to have the option to toggle on and off all of the grass without having a metric truckload of objects being taken up if you want to break up your ground surface a bit. (so, like, what we have now would be "Grass: off" + placed grass, but you could manually remove all the grass and toggle the static grass on without eating up all those slots, and you can go back to "Grass: off" if it's clipping into a building project and just place the grass manually again)

Service npcs!  Could be an expensive unlock option, and/or a perk for people with permanent contracts. For the expensive unlocks, I could see LW vendors, regular vendors, dungeon/fractal/raid/pvp/wvw vendors, provisioners etc.  Bonus points if you can choose what they look like (race/gender presets, quaggan/skritt/hylek/choya etc), and where they're placed (so you can set up a little shopping mall or market :3), or if it's a perk for people with permanent contracts, they can put npcs that act as a personal TP/banker/stylist/ etc depending on their contract.  I wouldn't want everyone to be able to do this 'cause seeing people outside of their homesteads is important, but if someone can access those things from there anyway, why not! Also a librarian that can at least sell you back all those unlocked books. (or a librarian that looks like a bookshelf 😉)

I assume it's coming in some matter, but full transformations. The zone and prefab house are beautiful, but aren't going to be everyone's style, of course. So, having the option to change the terrain, skybox, & house walls/roof/windows etc will let people explore more styles more easily. I'm hoping for it to eventually have style options based around the playable races, and for the expacs released. (Bonus points if the unlock process is tied to doing content associated with them)  I'm fine with the transformation being the whole package, but if we could be allowed to mix and match, that would be even better.

Buildable and placeable crafting stations.  Would be cool to build a functional workshop.  I could see these things being pretty expensive to build. Like a final progression of those crafting discipline backpacks

Higher decor count 🙂

Placeable training golem!  Doesn't have to give the parse at the end, I just wanna hit somethin'.

Love the bee, lemme use my jade bot skin tho.

How about a few fish tank items that let us store and show off our catches!  I'd love to have an oscar tank without having do do all the maintenance on an actual oscar tank 😛


Pure style, baby:

Sets sets sets!  We've got the kodan set which is a good start, and should be a kind of template for other themes. Chair, cushy chair, stool, sofa, bed, small table, dining table, counter, cooking surfaces, heating elements, bathroom utilities, themed novelties, various types of storage, various types of lighting, various types of wall decor, some smaller clutter objects, and a couple of rugs, these are the kinds of things that I'm looking for in a "can this fill a home" set.  Right now we have a kodan set an then a bunch of fragmented themes like a few pillars, sculptures and a chair from elona, a rug from cantha, and some krytan wall art.  That yardsale haul interior design isn't bad, but I'd like more cohesive options than that.  Once again, I hope for a set that features each of the playable races, and some that feature the expansions (which does mean humans are gonna get the bulk of it, but w/e). I'd also like to see sets that have styles that can't be pinned down so easily like a gothic set or a super bubbly pastel set, that kind of stuff.  Having a set per profession would be cool too, but that could be fudged with other options once the decor library expands. Bonus points if we get a set for each of the elder dragons as well 😛 

Building blocks.  I've seen a few in the list already, but more building blocks of different types and themes would be so nice to have.  Give me enough rock formations that I can use to build a cave out of! Give me spires and turrets to build a gothic castle! Vines to build connecting bridges to treehouses! Give. Me. Gingerbread. And. Candy. Also stairs, we need stairs and triangles♥. And more pillows. That can be scaled bigger.

Clutter!  We've got some candles, a few tea objects, and some plants that can be scaled down, where are my documents?? My books? How about a dagger or sword that's just kind of thrown somewhere? What about instruments? How about discarded clothes and shoes that can give the pristine floors a little texture? (And show how much of an emotional wreck our commanders are) Hair brushes (or pruning shears for our sylvari commanders) Charr horn polish? Asurran technobabble receptacles? Lemme put some fishing poles and bait buckets next to our river!! How about an umbrella holder?

Cat toys. We got so many cats in here with no enrichment 😞 Cat trees, food & water, balls & teasers & mousey toys! And for the love of god, litterboxes. (can scale them up to be charr sized 🙂)

Themed accents. Kind of like the themed sets request, but less house/living focused. Graveyard goodies like spooky statues, dead trees, and mausoleum building blocks. Laboratory gear like ominous tubes and vats, and big machines that go "beep". Glamour parlor with flashy crystals and vanity sets. Theater stage dressings like, er, a stage, curtains, seating, and various 2d stands to set the stage.  Statues of the human gods (+balthazar's fashionable new hat).

And just in general, don't be afraid to dump assets into the pool lmao. I can't think of a single thing that would make me go "kitten, wish they didn't make THAT available!"



Let us meet the kodan named Stabled Raptor in one of the next chapters please. (Bonus points if you make it an event where he has stolen and is joyriding a raptor and we gotta chase him down on our warclaws to get it back)

Edited by Roda.7468
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BOOKS! I have bookshelves, but no books to put on them. Scrolls would be great too.

I also really want a banner/tapestry that I can hang which will display the guild emblem of whichever character is currently owning the homestead.

Edited by BloodyRiz.5279
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Oh this might be a controversial opinion, and the internal decision is guaranteed to already be made, but my 2c :

I would prefer, for when decorations inevitably show up on the gemstore, for them to sell the recipes/books, rather than A Chair, and A Table, or Dining Room Bundle etc.

Have the costs for the recipes be low (like 1 timber/metal/fiber etc) since you're spending real life money on them.


Like with how the system had to be reworked with transmutation and wardrobe mechanics those years ago, let's hope we keep up the trend of cosmetic account unlocks instead of consumable cosmetics.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeh it's another of these posts, feel free to click somewhere else if you want or add to the list. Free country, right? 🙂

MANY more rock shapes including caves, overhangs, canyons etc.
Placeable wildlife, ideally with a simple animation.
More flat items to act as flooring/walls. Planks of wood, stone slabs etc.
Many more tree types and bushes. More flower patches.
Dirt/grassy piles (to build up land into hills).
Water. If not proper then waterfalls and the like.
Books and book piles.
Bars/grates (think prison bars).
Versions of chairs that you cant sit on.
Plain coloured and/or textured set of shapes.

Cap needs up'ing at some point, happy to pay to do so. A nice start would be making it so that the default items don't count towards the cap.
Indicator of which décor item youre hovering over outside of X-Ray mode.
Ability to resize décor window.
'Remove last edit' feature.
Run faster in build mode.
Tab between close items.

Alt character NPCs should not be on the raptor mount.
Rectangular planter bottom needs adjusting (you float when walking on it).
Remove bottom of the well (I want a Stargate dammit!).

I'll prob add to this list but after a week ish of messing around these are my main wants. It's a great start to the system but feels a little limiting for me right now. Hopefully in time that'll change.

Edited by Avenrise.3592
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-Copy object (that remembers size and position)

-Being able to control the building options on the keyboard (and being able to remap to your preference ofc) Rotate by 1 measurement left/right Scale up/down by 1 measurement. You get the point. It can be kind of tricky with the mouse imo. And would give more precision.

-When you increase or decrease size, maybe a visual reference that said "+1" or "-1" etc. So you could easily tell the exact value. Similar options for other functions

-Grid view

-Let us remove everything on the map, except for waypoint I guess, since it's essential to port in, but lets us move the position of it (also give us more options for the waypoint, I would prefer the core waypoints) Let us place crafting stations wherever we want . There's no need for the houses, if the player doesn't want them there. All these required buildings/waypoint etc are just in the way, if you don't want them. Limits where you can build a lot. If removable buildings are to much work to change for the map you already created, then maybe do this for the next maps you create, when you can start from a blank slate? ... Speaking of ...

-New maps. One for each of the races region would be cool. I would like my homstead in shiverpeaks. Make them gemstore if needed.

-Much more decoration options. Most important is more basic building blocks and vegetation etc. Water and so on. Maybe even an option to shape the enviroment? Being able to lower/raise ground etc (maybe too much, but would that be cool!)

-I agree a lot with poster above with particle effects. Snow, fog, rain etc


That's what I could think of right now

Edited by jokke.6239
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  • Dusk/Dawn Time of Day setting added
  • Persistency option for On/Off-Toggles and a Time of Day choice
  • Weather options (rain, snow)
  • Snow and ice textures


  • I would totally buy any of the following Homestead Themes:
    • Some abandoned old manor or castle ruins in the snowy mountains
    • An old abandoned fishing village with a small harbor by the sea
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How about changing the Guild Hall decorations that are currently available on vendors, to be for both Guild Halls and Homesteads.

For instance Quaestor Annona Vinedrummer is a vendor found at Umbral Grotto, that sells Drizzlewood Coast Tree Tokens, allow players to be able to select if they want use them in a Guild Hall or Homestead.

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1 hour ago, Ashantara.8731 said:
  • I would totally buy any of the following Homestead Themes:
    • Some abandoned old manor or castle ruins in the snowy mountains
    • An old abandoned fishing village with a small harbor by the sea


- House inside a cave, like the Shining Blade HQ.

- Hermit cave in the desert, nothing but sand as far as the eye can see.

- Underwater house inside a glass dome with sea live swimming around it.

- House high up inside a massively tall tree in a forest.

- An apartment in New Kaineng City with rain effects and a busy night life.

- A house boat in the middle of the ocean, nothing but water as far as the eye can see.

- A house built on the flying Glory of Tyria, clouds and the world surface (2D) cycling pass below us to give the illusion of motion.

Honestly homesteads are a license for Anet to print money, there's so much they can do with it 

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6 hours ago, Malus.2184 said:

I want dodads you can place inside other things so you can sit on them, just like Caithe sits on that fireplace.

That is already easily accomplished by simply placing a chair/stool object inside the object you want to turn into a seat. In my homestead, you can sit on the all the hay in the barn and on my fireplace.

@ confused person: See?sitting-on-hay.jpg.4dfa18c72039de300e0cd9460c7e198c.jpg

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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2 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

That is already easily accomplished by simply placing a chair/stool object inside the object you want to turn into a seat. In my homestead, you can sit on the all the hay in the barn and on my fireplace.

@ confused person: See?sitting-on-hay.jpg.4dfa18c72039de300e0cd9460c7e198c.jpg

Yes, you can and you can only do that on specific constructions since there are legs or a backrest on the chair. Being able to put a stool into an item to sit on is quite bad if I want to put it into a thin decoration, like a hanging ledge or so, since you're unable to scale it small enough to hide everything without breaking the seating animation.

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28 minutes ago, Malus.2184 said:

Yes, you can and you can only do that on specific constructions since there are legs or a backrest on the chair.

:classic_huh: Nonsense. There are stools without backrests, the Kodan ones being most practical for this.

And it's even easier these days than it was before the update to the Decoration Tools.



Edited by Ashantara.8731
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59 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

:classic_huh: Nonsense. There are stools without backrests, the Kodan ones being most practical for this.

And it's even easier these days than it was before the update to the Decoration Tools.



Cool, now do the same on stuff like edges, like Cathe on the fireplace. I notice both of your examples of putting the stool into something meaty.

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current wants

all buildings are editable, especially the front planters and planks on the ground

ability to reposition stuff like the feline dispersing resonator etc

easy replenishable materials on the common decorations (like molten slivers for candles? really?)

reorganize list of decorations in crafting menu with option to list them in categories (like in the new decorations panel)

future wants

options for different terrains (maybe grass, snow, rocks)

"blank slate" homestead option, with maybe pre-built editable cottage, balcony, stable etc

terrain, like patch of flowers/grass, rocks and floors craftable objects



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