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Things players might not know

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Here are a couple of things I think some players might not know:

  1. You can "claim" a ruin that is already possessed by your alliance, as long as its perimeter is in white. That way you can get credit for claiming a ruin in your own, safer, borderland.
  2. You can right-click the chests that appear just above your mini-map. It will open the chest and put the items into your inventory without the window popping up in the middle of your screen.

If I think of more (and there are but I haven't had my coffee this morning) I will add them.

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Posted (edited)

You can teleport through certain floors, you can target areas such as undersides of bridges or walkways or rooftops to port up onto it. Garrison lord room for instance, smc second and third floors for instance, the rooftops of the walls at the sw/se alpine camps. The same goes for aoes.

You can target arrow cart fire over walls just by hovering the mouse just over the wall at max range, you don't need to target the ground, so places like most towers can have an ac on the supply hut and hit practically anywhere around the walls.

You can hover fire cannon shots into areas, since the shots arc a little the further they travel. For instance you can use the outer cannon on ne garrison to hit the north inner gate, many zergs tend to ignore this cannon, but if you hover the shot above the gate the splash damage can hit the rams below it. Just like the ac, you don't need to target the exact area you want to hit, same goes for smc cannons.

You can use inner cannons to hit other gates, like in north hills, north garrison and watergate and murdergate, blue keep ebg, east cannons on north and south inner bay.

You can kill one guard (you don't need to kill them all just one, keep that in mind for camps) at an objective and get credit for the capture later if you're not there but still on the map.

You can use the warclaw spear to tag targets for credit, sometimes it's simple as shooting a spear at a downed player and still get the 10min participation credit for the kill as you pass by.

Being on the warclaw does not give you credit for ring captures.

You can use the south outer mortar on red keep ebg to kills siege on watergate, but you'd have to have it turned already, since they take so long to turn and it's mostly used for catas on the hill defense instead.

Laid traps disappear if you switch specs.

You can escort dolyaks from weeklies by running next to it until their shield bubble pops up, or basically just 5-10sec next to it if it's already up because of another player, you don't have to escort it the entire way.

You can convert badges into badge of tribute in the guild hall if upgraded with the wvw section, to sell on the trading post, you can get more badges out of skirmish chests.

Secret to mesmer wall pulling, place the line a little way past the wall, whether it's on the bottom lip of the wall, the strip jutting out between the walls, on the ground, or even another wall perpendicular to the wall, this will ensure the target moves past the wall to fall.

Aoes hit targets from inner first to outer parts of the circle, so run along the sides of an aoe for less chance of getting hit, like running through a hot smc tunnel.

Edited by XenesisII.1540
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for w/e reason, sentries are an exception to the rule about not getting credit for capping on warclaw. You still can't actually cap it on warclaw, but if someone else is already capping it there's no reason to dismount . . .

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  • You don't need to own an objective to upgrade it with tactics if there are none in place
  • You can check an enemy structure upgrades before you attack it to better know what you may need to counte
  • Don't use blue siege, sell it or pass it to your guild scribes or trade it to havocs for purple siege, it just wastes supply and does less damage to players & structures
  • Decoy siege can save the real siege placements when attacking an objective
  • Don't repair a wall that is actively being attacked
  • Radar does not replace scouts, most if not all objective have areas that are outside of radar
  • A lot of keeps have spots that are still within the keep that are unaffected by the revealing effect once a keep flips
  • Charr Car (Dune Roller) can repair walls, deploy siege, rez people and cross water (had some one ask me this last weekend)
  • Mounts make terrible gliders
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Please slot sabotage dept and dragon banner, if you have these tactics and guild permissions. Anything other than sabotage depot is only useful if the objectives are actively defended. Don't bother if they are not.

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Posted (edited)

Pan your camera around not just a lot, but all of the time unless you get some down time, even while you're moving around. Max Camera pan speed is better if the movement is smooth for you.

You might catch map movement lag and you can turn their ambush into your trap. 

Your eye might pick up on shifty movement or intent and stealth signs and you might be able to read a trajectory that you can get ahead of. 

Panning camera will also pick up some audio better when you're actually facing towards it, so you might catch portals and other setups before you get got. 

Edited by kash.9213
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4 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:
  • You don't need to own an objective to upgrade it with tactics if there are none in place
  • You can check an enemy structure upgrades before you attack it to better know what you may need to counte
  • Don't use blue siege, sell it or pass it to your guild scribes or trade it to havocs for purple siege, it just wastes supply and does less damage to players & structures
  • Decoy siege can save the real siege placements when attacking an objective
  • Don't repair a wall that is actively being attacked
  • Radar does not replace scouts, most if not all objective have areas that are outside of radar
  • A lot of keeps have spots that are still within the keep that are unaffected by the revealing effect once a keep flips
  • Charr Car (Dune Roller) can repair walls, deploy siege, rez people and cross water (had some one ask me this last weekend)
  • Mounts make terrible gliders

OMG. I had no idea the Dune Roller even existed...

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You still can get in every keep with a thief without using siege. But please don't do it. I wonder if Anet knows this.

Guildwars 2 - WvW - Breaking into All 9 Keeps with Thief (Part 3 of 3). 

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1 hour ago, One more for the road.8950 said:

This. So much.

Doesn't beat going out of red EBG keep the usual way only to remember mid-air gliders were disabled for a while though.

I racked up more deaths that... what a week? than in two months of playing.  


2 hours ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

OMG. I had no idea the Dune Roller even existed...

I thought I was going crazy, the first time I saw one zipping around the other day.  Got snuck up on and killed dead while I was still going "just what the heck ELSE was in that WR patch?!"

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8 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

You don't need to own an objective to upgrade it with tactics if there are none in place

Actually didn’t know that lol. How dare you being helpful instead of harmless yet funny trolling around.

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1 hour ago, CafPow.1542 said:

Actually didn’t know that lol. How dare you being helpful instead of harmless yet funny trolling around.

Unfortunately I'm spending my guild's tactics everyday on several objectives on several maps. I get the feeling people don't do that anymore because "someone else will do". Like with tapping siege.

11 hours ago, Gop.8713 said:

for w/e reason, sentries are an exception to the rule about not getting credit for capping on warclaw. You still can't actually cap it on warclaw, but if someone else is already capping it there's no reason to dismount . . .

I thought that goes for every claim circle. As long as at least one is actively claiming it, the warclaw riders get it too. I know it works in camps too since I mount up there every now and then when I see allies rushing towards single me.

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12 minutes ago, Tula.6021 said:

Unfortunately I'm spending my guild's tactics everyday on several objectives on several maps. I get the feeling people don't do that anymore because "someone else will do". Like with tapping siege.

I will fill up more tactics from now on if i feel it makes sense 😄

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6) Don't chase thieves. They'll chase you.

7) Having the control over the ruins gives your team bloodlust.
Bloodlust buffs every ally permanently even on other maps.
Bloodlust stacks for each borderland (Minor +30; Major +50 and Superior +60 on power, precision, toughness, vitality, condition damage, and healing power).


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11 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:
  • Don't use blue siege, sell it or pass it to your guild scribes or trade it to havocs for purple siege, it just wastes supply and does less damage to players & structures

They are actually a great currency to thank people for their bags. Nothing says "great job, I appreciate you" more than a siege blueprint blanket to cover their sleepy corpse.

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44 minutes ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

They are actually a great currency to thank people for their bags. Nothing says "great job, I appreciate you" more than a siege blueprint blanket to cover their sleepy corpse.

That's wasting coin, use the purp siege instead in this case. 

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3 hours ago, CafPow.1542 said:

Actually didn’t know that lol. How dare you being helpful instead of harmless yet funny trolling around.

It's my own way of trolling I guess. Same as rezzing server mates to allow them to spike that player that jumped them. It's fair game. 🙂 Them down, ours up. Good hunting!

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2 hours ago, Tula.6021 said:

Unfortunately I'm spending my guild's tactics everyday on several objectives on several maps. I get the feeling people don't do that anymore because "someone else will do". Like with tapping siege.

Thank you for that. I scribe and upgrade structures as I map or log in, but even a single player let alone a tiny guild can aid here. So I guess another tip here is you can select from https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skirmish_Chest for the option of https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Improvement_and_Tactic_Pack so that you can save your guild scribes time in crafting upgrades so that you can aid your side when adding tactics to objectives that you come across. And don't worry, if the guild that claimed doesn't like what you added, they can overwrite it. So help your side out. 

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Posted (edited)

If you and your enemy both have reflects, your projectiles can pierce that reflect to avoid a loop. I'am pretty sure that not so many players know that 😛

Edit: Also you can't block a reflected attack. Example: A deadeye puts a shadow wall and shoots with rifle 2, if enemy reflects it you will see his shots pierce the shadow wall and hit deadeye.


Edited by Chrome.9841
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