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For the longevity of this wonderful game

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Dear Anet,

i am thinking a lot about how to make this game go on for years to come. I came to the conclusion i cannot do a lot about it, since you are the only ones who can do that. But i think you could very easily change some things, which i suggest here. I know a lot of people may get confronted or find reasons against my suggestions fast, but if you think into it, you will come to the conclusion my suggestions are not that bad.

Here they are:

1. Bring High Valued Items (Contracts, Infusions, Legendaries) into Laurel vendor for a price that is hilariously high (like 500/1000/1500 laurels+). This will not hurt the price of these highly valued items and it wont hurt you or your economy, but it will give a lot of people a reason to continue playing the game. (You could even make them accountbound if u want). To be fair i think it shall be implemented soon, because i already see the first lfgs not filled, when all the years before at same time i could very easily find groups in lfg.

(If u think 1. is bad)

2. Bring High Valued Items (Contracts, Infusions, Legendaries (very nice step already done)) into Wizards Vault. Currently there is no option to make such high amounts of  astral acclaim. So how about giving players an option to expand their astral acclaim "storage" for astral acclaim. Then there would be the possibility to do that too.

3. In any case i think it is important you do something about price and market manipulation in this game. There are a lot of people who cannot be motivated to play more, because the things they want are getting out of their view by playing the game. Means item prices get higher faster than they can accumulate money. Thats highly demotivating and i couldnt motivate my peers group (4 people) to continue playing after they set foot in this game and even made it to lvl 80.

So i hope these ideas help and you can implement something in this regard that will help the longevity of this game.

Best regards.

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Shoving high priced items into currency vendors for massive amounts is likely only going to appeal to the very dedicated player. And they’re already keeping the game only. They won’t aid longevity. People need to engage with actual content positively. If byI g high priced items like infusions is needed, it should be via the associated map currency like eod and Soto does - eg crests for bee infusion in Silverwastes. Gerent infusion for ley tokens. Etc 

Longevity is mostly based on quality of output. The game needs to dedicate itself to good, long term content that people feel invested in. I didn’t hate SoTo and it clearly sold well, but even by dev admission, it didn’t pan out. That means the next expansion needs to win over people. Homesteads and a meta free map are good starts to that 


Edited by Randulf.7614
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I think it depends on how high u price those items. The 500/1000/1500 was only my suggestion. You can go lower if u want, so not only the dedicated people have something they play for. 

Maybe Anet could also implement a mixture where u need something from every sold game. Like people know if they collect:


An amount of astral acclaim


or other things they get a free choice box which includes highly priced items like legendaries.

Just give them a reason to play and continue.

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The rewards from the wizard vault and laurels (which mainly also come from the wizard vault too, so this point is just redundant) are already very good. How will even better rewards for this small daylie and weekly tasks be better for the longevity of the game and the lfg, when you just need some minutes and don't even have to use the lfg to get all the important rewards.

It may even affect the longevity of all the current events that reward this expensive items negatively.

Also which are this items that get more expensive permanently, because most parts of the market are actually very stable.

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Posted (edited)

Mainly all kinds of infusions and contracts (bank, trading post, hairstylist, ...), barefoot skins etc. Mainly all the items ANET includes into zephyrite boxes, which makes clear they know what players want already. It is just not given to them by the way it should (-->that is by playing the game not by using credit card of parents). (there currently even is another thread about bad RNG this is exactly the problem here as well.


Because people hold back these value things in masses to profit of them (thats why they get more expensive all time) and not give it to the community and to the PLAYERS (gamers) where they belong. (I just had a conversation with a player who owns over 50 of each infusion and 10 foot skins and over 10 of each contract, and he just holds them for profit he told not to give them to community. Thats something that shouldnt exist in my view. Since it is a game not some stock market. If u good at stocks just do them instead, you will do by far more profit than in this game. But please dont do things that make the "game" less enjoyable for others.

Edited by DragonsB.6451
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1 hour ago, DragonsB.6451 said:

That as well, wont deny. But from my viewpoint if it can help me it will make others stay too. And for the longevity of the game ALL should stay.


But how does making long-term goals easier to get, increase the longevity of the game? That's rather contradictory. You and your small group of friends are hardly representative; it's what we call anecdotal evidence. Also it will affect the price of those items on the TP. You're not understanding the basics of supply and demand if you say that. Because the supply will increase but from another source (laurels or astral acclaim) and therefore the demand will go down and then the prices will go down. Not to mention that it will affect the materials market on the TP greatly that are used to make legendaries.

And laurels have a hard cap of how many you can earn over time, so that's not a good idea to begin with because then people will start complaining about how many laurels they're getting and how acquisition of such items is time gated etc. And it will affect the economy still because you can buy things with laurels that you can sell on the TP as well. Not all of it but some of it. 

All in all, if you want to make it easier to get some of these high value / long term items or else you'll quit, then it seems to me that you're not really enjoying GW2 aka "this game is not for you".

Edited by Gehenna.3625
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1 hour ago, DragonsB.6451 said:

I think it depends on how high u price those items. The 500/1000/1500 was only my suggestion. You can go lower if u want, so not only the dedicated people have something they play for. 

Maybe Anet could also implement a mixture where u need something from every sold game. Like people know if they collect:


An amount of astral acclaim


or other things they get a free choice box which includes highly priced items like legendaries.

Just give them a reason to play and continue.

Is this an indirect way of saying you don't like that high value items like infusions are random drops and you want a guarenteed way to work towards them?

There's already ways to get legendaries without relying on random drops (or the TP, although gathering all the materials yourself would take a long time). The tricky part about giving the others a guarenteed way of getting them is that, based on what happened with precursors and some other items, a lot of people only want them because they're expensive and they're only expensive because they're rare. Once there's a guarenteed way to get them the price goes down and they become just another item, then the focus shiftts to whatever is currently the most expensive on the Trading Post. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it does mean it's ultimately impossible to fix this problem because people will always want what they cannot have (or cannot easily have) so there will always be some 'problem' item that's too expensive or hard to get.

(Personally I deal with it by ignoring them. Especially since I got a few of the easier to obtain infusions like the one which is in the Wizard's Vault and found I didn't actually use them that much because you have to plan the whole look around them.)

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Dunno about the rest but absurdly rare items like infusions really do need an alternate method of acquisition even if that makes them account bound when not from a drop. Having to pay such massive amounts of gold or get unbelievably lucky for a cosmetic item that only one character can use at a time is and always will be ridiculous.

Edited by Sarge shot Grif.6450
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Your whole post is contradictory to what i try to adress and to point out. The problem is not if "I" have a better game or if "I" get the legendary easier. It is about the people who are new. They do not understand how to make legendaries or get infusions or boot boxes, because there is no explanation in game. Still they can go to trading post and see the abnormal prices for some of these things. They then try to amass the golds, but while they do, they see how these items get more expensive and in a rate they cannot follow with their own gold making habits in game. That is how we lose them. Towards your statement:


Also it will affect the price of those items on the TP. You're not understanding the basics of supply and demand if you say that. Because the supply will increase but from another source (laurels or astral acclaim) and therefore the demand will go down and then the prices will go down. 

First of all both supply and demand are currently manipulated. You have far bigger supply of these items (since people are holding a ton of these to profit of them) that will never even go to market (and therefore will never reach the people in game). The demand on the other hand is much lower, since people cannot afford most of these items at the price the sellers value them. What happens is that the sellers have to put in their own golds as buy orders to hold the items at its values, so they dont get devaluated. (You can easily look at those huge gaps between the BUY ORDERS to get an understanding, i could go more into detail, but i wont yet.)

If you now give the players another form of acquisition, of course the prices would go lower at first (but they could stabilize in the end at their real values, which in fact would be much lower, but would that be that bad???). Anet once told they created a game that should allow everyone and everybody everything and that was how they got me and my friends as well. So would it be bad if all people had the possibility to get all items by playing? I would say for the people (excluding the people who manipulate the market and try to profit of these) the answer is just a big YES! ANET of course does not want to see low prices since they make money out of it (people in fact use real money to get items from trading post), so this would hurt their own economy and i completely understand they cannot make this dream come true. 

My suggestion therefore should be seen as a compromise. Make the items expensive (but affordable in differnet ways like laurels, astral acclaim and ACCOUNT BOUND). This would in fact not destroy anything. Supply would stay the same. Demand would rise, market manipulators could still manipulate prices but the players where not solely dependant of those. That's what i call a FAIR game. What do you say?

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20 minutes ago, DragonsB.6451 said:

Your whole post is contradictory to what i try to adress and to point out. The problem is not if "I" have a better game or if "I" get the legendary easier. It is about the people who are new. They do not understand how to make legendaries or get infusions or boot boxes, because there is no explanation in game. Still they can go to trading post and see the abnormal prices for some of these things. They then try to amass the golds, but while they do, they see how these items get more expensive and in a rate they cannot follow with their own gold making habits in game. That is how we lose them. Towards your statement:

Going to address a couple of points.


New players wont be getting legendaries. To get to the point where they are getting them, they are no longer new and well acquianted with the game. Adding half the process to the Vault was a mistake in my opinion as it is. It sets the wrong tone - getting legendaries easily is a very unhealthy approach and is part of an aggravating evolution of gaming which many of us oppose and don't want to see here because ironically it will hurt the game

Undertsanding how to obtain legendaries was addressed by a recent collection system in game which aims to teach people the process. It's not perfect, but given we had nothing in 2013 when I made my first one, it's better than nothing. This was added with SoTo last year

Legendaries should be a goal to strive for. They should be the end part of a long process. Otherwise ascended and exotic are the giveaway prizes for wanting the short term

We should be encouraging engaging with the game, not offering shortcuts on end game goals



Infusions however are a mess. They need one of two changes

- a legendary crafting journey via 500 jeweller with necs long term mats for the most rare. Infusions then made into tiers which are approriate - legendary for crafted/rare and exotic for some of the low level Halloween/Wintersday ones

- exchange for currency in their respective maps or festivals. ie 20,000 crests in Silverwastes. X number in Tangled Depths etc

Both encourage content engagement which laurels or AA in this context does not



This just needs better rng. It's weird to have a UI feature like hidden footwear hidden behind an ultra rare drop when headgear doesn't have this. It's too late to remove the item and change it to a UI function, but it just needs to drop a little more. Adding it to Eparach wasn't much of a solution given Eparch's difficulty is an obstacle for more casual players. 

I'd potentially be OK with this being behind laurels though or fractal tokens or any generic currency as it's an anomaly in the game that needs better resolution


Legendaries and infusions need to be long term goals via content engagement. Anything else will be detrimental to the game's longevity.

In my opinion etc etc


Edited by Randulf.7614
some typos
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Adding half the process to the Vault was a mistake in my opinion as it is.

Talking about legendaries, i completely oppose this opinion. I think it was an absolute great idea of them to bring legednaries to the vault and they should continue that road with items, infusions etc. Maybe even bring Gifts of Mastery to the vault, so players can build their own legendary just by playing the game. But since they are already into next expansion i highly doubt they will do that, since their focus shifted.


Legendaries should be a goal to strive for. They should be the end part of a long process. [...] We should be encouraging engaing with the game, not offering shortcuts on end game goals

I totally agree with those statements. But my suggestion to make them affordable with high amounts of ingame currency (let it be laurels, astral acclaim or the proposed map currencies) is not different.


Infusions however are a mess. They need one of two changes

- a legendary crafting journey via 500 jeweller with necs long term mats for the most rare. Infusions then made into tiers which are approriate - legendary for crafted/rare and exotic for some of the low level Halloween/Wintersday ones

I think this is a bad idea, cause it would be possible then to manipulate the material prices needed. Only good thing would be if ALL components would be currencies mats that are ACCOUNT BOUND and not sellable via TP.


- exchange for currency in their respective maps or festivals. ie 20,000 crests in Silverwastes. X number in Tangled Depths etc

Another good idea. But why should we just get one other way, why not implement all ways. The more ways to obtain it, the better it is for the gamers and the longevity. (Guild Wars 1 worked very well without legendary things btw and i think Guild Wars 2 would do so as well or if those items were more easy to achieve.)


Legendaries and infusions need to be long term goals via content engagement. Anything else will be detrimental to the game's longevity.

In my opinion etc etc

And i totally agree with that. Just give the players more ways to acquire. "Long term" should be playing the game for a span of some years too (in fact laurels and astral acclaim are like a placeholder for this but you could in fact use every account BOUND Material, Bloodstone, Dragonite,... or what else is on your mind).

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5 minutes ago, DragonsB.6451 said:

Talking about legendaries, i completely oppose this opinion. I think it was an absolute great idea of them to bring legednaries to the vault and they should continue that road with items, infusions etc. Maybe even bring Gifts of Mastery to the vault, so players can build their own legendary just by playing the game. But since they are already into next expansion i highly doubt they will do that, since their focus shifted.

I totally agree with those statements. But my suggestion to make them affordable with high amounts of ingame currency (let it be laurels, astral acclaim or the proposed map currencies) is not different.

I think this is a bad idea, cause it would be possible then to manipulate the material prices needed. Only good thing would be if ALL components would be currencies mats that are ACCOUNT BOUND and not sellable via TP.

Another good idea. But why should we just get one other way, why not implement all ways. The more ways to obtain it, the better it is for the gamers and the longevity. (Guild Wars 1 worked very well without legendary things btw and i think Guild Wars 2 would do so as well or if those items were more easy to achieve.)

And i totally agree with that. Just give the players more ways to acquire. "Long term" should be playing the game for a span of some years too (in fact laurels and astral acclaim are like a placeholder for this but you could in fact use every account BOUND Material, Bloodstone, Dragonite,... or what else is on your mind).

Since there has been no issue on legendaries having prices manipulated to the point where the goal has been untenable, it would not affect Legendary Infusion crafting in any siginifcant way. The economoy of GW2 has always been one of the healthiest in an MMO. I forsee no issues in making infusions cratfable from an economic point of view

The issue with giving out legendaries in the vault, is that you are skipping content engagement. That is bad for the game. There's no way to swing round it. It also kills off the precursor prices. So all those new people who get a lucky drop and try to sell it are at a disadvantage. 20-30g for Hunter last I looked is not healthy. And the whole thing as made Precursor Crafting - which is an entire system HoT was built around, with masteries, almost entirely redundant. In a time where Anet have said they want to stop making systems redundant because its bad for the game, they went and did just that. So by their own definition, this was an own goal. And it's not just the precursor but multiple gifts as well. There was never a need for such overkill

Laurels/AA Vs map currency is wildly different. Laurels aren't gained by doing specific content. They just built from logging in (originally) or weeklies. That's a couple of hours a week. Map currencies encourage active play in a map. That keeps a map alive long term. We've seen how beneficial that is with the Legendary jewellery from Return to Living World. That did wonders for keeping those maps going. This would do the same. laurels would not achieve the effect at all. So, they are not the same

There's a good argument to remove laurels entirely as deadweight currency. I have a feeling that might be on the cards anyway as a future QoL mop up, but that's a different discussion

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53 minutes ago, DragonsB.6451 said:

Your whole post is contradictory to what i try to adress and to point out. The problem is not if "I" have a better game or if "I" get the legendary easier. It is about the people who are new. They do not understand how to make legendaries or get infusions or boot boxes, because there is no explanation in game. Still they can go to trading post and see the abnormal prices for some of these things. They then try to amass the golds, but while they do, they see how these items get more expensive and in a rate they cannot follow with their own gold making habits in game. That is how we lose them. Towards your statement:

I point out that you're contradicting yourself. And how many people who are new are in the situation you describe? Right, you don't know because all you have is anecdotal evidence. Besides, new players have way more stuff they have to figure out because this is an MMO that doesn't explain much. So I'm not impressed by your unsubstantiated claims like "this is how we lose them". 

53 minutes ago, DragonsB.6451 said:

First of all both supply and demand are currently manipulated. You have far bigger supply of these items (since people are holding a ton of these to profit of them) that will never even go to market (and therefore will never reach the people in game). The demand on the other hand is much lower, since people cannot afford most of these items at the price the sellers value them. What happens is that the sellers have to put in their own golds as buy orders to hold the items at its values, so they dont get devaluated. (You can easily look at those huge gaps between the BUY ORDERS to get an understanding, i could go more into detail, but i wont yet.)

When someone's holding back their supply from the market, it's not on the market. So it doesn't count towards the supply because it's not on offer. And again, you have no idea how many people hold how much of which items back. Manipulation will always happen in an economy but that's something else. I'm saying that when you make items available in easier ways then the DEMAND will go down with all the consequences it will have.

53 minutes ago, DragonsB.6451 said:

If you now give the players another form of acquisition, of course the prices would go lower at first (but they could stabilize in the end at their real values, which in fact would be much lower, but would that be that bad???). Anet once told they created a game that should allow everyone and everybody everything and that was how they got me and my friends as well. So would it be bad if all people had the possibility to get all items by playing? I would say for the people (excluding the people who manipulate the market and try to profit of these) the answer is just a big YES! ANET of course does not want to see low prices since they make money out of it (people in fact use real money to get items from trading post), so this would hurt their own economy and i completely understand they cannot make this dream come true. 

More unsubstantiated statements. I can't do anything with this because it's just wild imaginings. 

53 minutes ago, DragonsB.6451 said:

My suggestion therefore should be seen as a compromise. Make the items expensive (but affordable in differnet ways like laurels, astral acclaim and ACCOUNT BOUND). This would in fact not destroy anything. Supply would stay the same. Demand would rise, market manipulators could still manipulate prices but the players where not solely dependant of those. That's what i call a FAIR game. What do you say?

I say that you make a lot of statements and assumptions without proper reasoning or anything solid to back it up. 

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Since there has been no issue on legendaries having prices manipulated to the point where the goal has been untenable, it would not affect Legendary Infusion crafting in any siginifcant way. The economoy of GW2 has always been one of the healthiest in an MMO. I forsee no issues in making infusions cratfable from an economic point of view

The issue with giving out legendaries in the vault, is that you are skipping content engagement. That is bad for the game. There's no way to swing round it. It also kills off the precursor prices. So all those new people who get a lucky drop and try to sell it are at a disadvantage. 20-30g for Hunter last I looked is not healthy. And the whole thing as made Precursor Crafting - which is an entire system HoT was built around, with masteries, almost entirely redundant. In a time where Anet have said they want to stop making systems redundant because its bad for the game, they went and did just that. So by their own definition, this was an own goal. And it's not just the precursor but multiple gifts as well. There was never a need for such overkill

Laurels/AA Vs map currency is wildly different. Laurels aren't gained by doing specific content. They just built from logging in (originally) or weeklies. That's a couple of hours a week. Map currencies encourage active play in a map. That keeps a map alive long term. We've seen how beneficial that is with the Legendary jewellery from Return to Living World. That did wonders for keeping those maps going. This would do the same. laurels would not achieve the effect at all. So, they are not the same

There's a good argument to remove laurels entirely as deadweight currency. I have a feeling that might be on the cards anyway as a future QoL mop up, but that's a different discussion

There are some points here i highly disagree, which i want to point out:

1. I forsee no issues in making infusions cratftable from an economic point of view --> I do see huge market price manipulation incoming for any materials that are used and not account bound. ANET if u read this: Please never make Infusions craftable, without making all the needed MATS account bound.



So all those new people who get a lucky drop and try to sell it are at a disadvantage. 20-30g for Hunter last I looked is not healthy.

I think 20-30g is absolutely fine for a precursor. Its still 10-20 hours ingame time for new players and will still be a lucky drop for them. You cannot estimate them to do fractals CM or any other high money content every day.


There's a good argument to remove laurels entirely as deadweight currency. I have a feeling that might be on the cards anyway as a future QoL mop up, but that's a different discussion

Completely disagree. I just went to the LAURELS VENDOR and saw wht they did with ENRICHMENTS there. Why not go the same route for legendaries, boot boxes and infusions too. Laurels + amount of map currency. Seems to perfect to me. And very easy to implement as well. ANET please look at this its even better than my first suggestion.

Removing Laurels wouldnt be FAIR to players who try to login every day for that.

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4 hours ago, DragonsB.6451 said:

1. Bring High Valued Items (Contracts, Infusions, Legendaries) into Laurel vendor for a price that is hilariously high (like 500/1000/1500 laurels+). This will not hurt the price of these highly valued items and it wont hurt you or your economy, but it will give a lot of people a reason to continue playing the game. (You could even make them accountbound if u want). To be fair i think it shall be implemented soon, because i already see the first lfgs not filled, when all the years before at same time i could very easily find groups in lfg.

In WHAT version of GW2 can you put together 1500 laurels faster than 1500g? What's the current cap? 60 I think? For arguments sake, let's say 60 per month; it would take you 25 months to build 1500. I can't even tell you how much gold you could make in 2 years and one months, but I know I can make tens of thousands in that stretch. 
All this would do, would be people resurrecting dead alt accounts they used for the old daily system that amassed a pile of laurels just from logging in, and then we would have a completely flooded market - terrible idea.

... and then, there's the astral acclaim angle - you want rare objects & highly sought after trophies, that are supposed to be indicative of hard-work and dedication, just for playing the game? Because that's what you get astral acclaim for, nothing of real note, just running around being not AFK.
/sigh. This is what happens when you give everyone participation ribbons, people, this is exactly what happens.

Edited by Obnoxa.6702
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Posted (edited)

In WHAT version of GW2 can you put together 1500 laurels faster than 1500g? What's the current cap? 60 I think? For arguments sake, let's say 60 per month; it would take you 25 months to build 1500. I can't even tell you how much gold you could make in 2 years and one months, but I know I can make tens of thousands in that stretch. 
All this would do, would be people resurrecting dead alt accounts they used for the old daily system that amassed a pile of laurels just from logging in, and then we would have a completely flooded market - terrible idea.

... and then, there's the astral acclaim angle - you want rare objects & highly sought after trophies, that are supposed to be indicative of hard-ward and dedication, just for playing the game? Because that's what you get astral acclaim for, nothing of real note, just running around being not AFK.
/sigh. This is what happens when you give everyone participation ribbons, people, this is exactly what happens.

Of course the people who would get hurt by these changes will cry the loudest. It is still not the amount of time invested that should matter, but the amount of ways possible to get that thing! And currently the only thing is to buy it from the TP, where its highly price manipulated, because the ONLY other way involves RNG thats from out of this world, maybe even out of this solar system or universe.😄

-->ANET has to adress multi accounters as well. So Laurels+Map currency or Astral Acclaim+Map Currency should be the way to go. This would as well oppose the idea of a "flooded market" because u need map currencies and cannot simply get them by logging in.

Edited by DragonsB.6451
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To your credit, OP, Anet has already employed this strategy in various game modes.  

For example, the mistwalker infusion is included as a rare drop from WvW lords, but an account bound version can be purchased using large amounts of wvw currency. (This infusion, BTW, is the reason I began to truly engage with the wvw game mode, so it does contribute to longevity, even if "players like me" are a negligible amount.) 

Another example is the clockwork, everbloom, jotun, and possession infusions. These can drop from strike CM bosses, or account bound versions can be purchased for large amounts of strike currency. 

Same thing with the abyssal and mote of darkness infusions, can be found as a rare drop or purchased for fractal currency. 

Frost legion infusion is another lesser known example, which can be obtained as a rare drop or through an incredibly grindy achievement. 

Using this methodology to create account-bound channels to obtain rare infusions I WOULD THINK is a healthy suggestion especially since a lot of high value infusions don't even trade on the TP. 

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16 minutes ago, DragonsB.6451 said:

I think 20-30g is absolutely fine for a precursor. Its still 10-20 hours ingame time for new players

No, not really, WV provides a big chunk of upfront gold every season -the "new players" never had it easier to quickly get a rather large chunk of it soon after hitting 80. Also it's interesting how you keep talking about "new players" as if new player was supposed to skip every tier of gear and just aim straight for those precursors/legendaries. The "it's totally not about me, just think of the new players!" take you're trying to use in this thread is rather ridiculous considering what items you're talking about.

16 minutes ago, DragonsB.6451 said:

You cannot estimate them to do fractals CM or any other high money content every day.

You wanted game longevity, but now daily activities are bad and shouldn't be expected from players who want to play the game? Going for fractal cms isn't required for anything here, it's not like they either play cm fractals or they won't be getting gold.

16 minutes ago, DragonsB.6451 said:

Removing Laurels wouldnt be FAIR to players who try to login every day for that.

So now you can expect those players to do something every day?

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Just now, DragonsB.6451 said:

There are some points here i highly disagree, which i want to point out:

1. I forsee no issues in making infusions cratftable from an economic point of view --> I do see huge market price manipulation incoming for any materials that are used and not account bound. ANET if u read this: Please never make Infusions craftable, without making all the needed MATS account bound.


I think 20-30g is absolutely fine for a precursor. Its still 10-20 hours ingame time for new players and will still be a lucky drop for them. You cannot estimate them to do fractals CM or any other high money content every day.

Completely disagree. I just went to the LAURELS VENDOR and saw wht they did with ENRICHMENTS there. Why not go the same route for legendaries, boot boxes and infusions too. Laurels + amount of map currency. Seems to perfect to me. And very easy to implement as well. ANET please look at this its even better than my first suggestion.

Removing Laurels wouldnt be FAIR to players who try to login every day for that.

You seem to be obssessed with intense market manipulation which is not a concern for the game and never has been. Yes some outliers do manipulate, but in the end it balances itself out. And why would they make mithril or deldrimor account bound? That's just silly. The game's economy has survived healthily and would not be affected. Crafting infusions would be a positive boon for the game. It's unlikely to happen, but I think it is something they should be considering for a future expac. Doing so usually means new players and casual players get richer faster because they can then sell mats on for those wanting infusions - lets remember most people prob want gold more than they want the infusions. So adding a crafting system benefits new players in that context

20-30g for a precursor is not in line with the rest of the game. They are vastly rarer than other exotics and more desirable. In a supply and demand economy these are under valued and a concering anomaly. Not to mention all the other points I made about making an entire crafting system redundant which was a very bad move indeed.

Laurels at this stage are bloat. Unless they suddenly make them a major currency with increased source, they have very little value in promoting people to play the game.

And please don't use caps to emphasise (in the incorrect usage as well). This isn't a political-cult rally, we can discuss things like normal people 😉


5 minutes ago, loonatic.1689 said:

To your credit, OP, Anet has already employed this strategy in various game modes.  

For example, the mistwalker infusion is included as a rare drop from WvW lords, but an account bound version can be purchased using large amounts of wvw currency. (This infusion, BTW, is the reason I began to truly engage with the wvw game mode, so it does contribute to longevity, even if "players like me" are a negligible amount.) 

Another example is the clockwork, everbloom, jotun, and possession infusions. These can drop from strike CM bosses, or account bound versions can be purchased for large amounts of strike currency. 

Same thing with the abyssal and mote of darkness infusions, can be found as a rare drop or purchased for fractal currency. 

Frost legion infusion is another lesser known example, which can be obtained as a rare drop or through an incredibly grindy achievement. 

Using this methodology to create account-bound channels to obtain rare infusions I WOULD THINK is a healthy suggestion especially since a lot of high value infusions don't even trade on the TP. 

This is soemthing the OP has partially objected to though. I suggested map currencies because it's already a working system and it promotes playing the game as you demonstrate. The OP wants them bought with laurels or AA which is very much the opposite because it doesn't promote keeping the specific map/mode/content alive

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