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So, Reset is bugged, Teams are bugged. Can we go back to servers?

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Yeah WvW is totally broken at EU reset. 

We spawned on green border NC with NC friendly - was red.
Teamchat is ALL teams.
Cant respawn. 
All sides friendly.
Cant enter our own red spawn, getting warped out.
Relog doesnt fix it (cant join any map).

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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So first world restruction i sat in loading screen for 40 min. This time it wont even let me in or unlock so we can join. AND we can still see the Lyssa chat and people can choose what ever server they want to join and noone knows anything So what happen Arena Net?

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I vote for having our old servers back too.

Whole communities ripped apart, and I honestly wasn't enjoying my time in WvW as much as before the restructuring start. It's hard to find comms, and when you do find comms half the time they're communicating in a different language. A lot of guilds are running private tags now, so it's even harder to find open tags.

I'm not going to say it's not fun at all, but I feel like spending less time in WvW of late.

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Servers sucked. People taking up queue spots to treat team chat like their social chatroom and not fight. New system is great, any big change will have technical snafus. I'll take the road bumps and not being perpetually queued out of content. 

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6 minutes ago, senftube.6081 said:

Alliance trash only buggy u can not play the kittening game. Lets go back to server which had stability and worked


at this point its clear the restructuring system just does not work. Anet have fail to deliver it and are incapable of making it work.
Fine, they tried it, its beyond them. roll it back to a system that worked for over 10 years....

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