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Festival of the Four Winds 2024 is live!

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Some small feedback: I managed to do the annual bundle looter (got enough at the first treasure hunt) and the effigy thing already. The new event (filling balloons) seemed boring. We barely managed it. (Took some time to figure out that you actually have to move towards the NPC with wind crystal charges - instead of jumping near the basked lol.) Only a small reward (very few festival tokens) - not sure if it affects the later stuff. (Maybe no effigy if you fail this event?)

New skins - nice. Though I would have liked to see a spear in the unfinished one (the Zephyrite set where a few missing ones got added). I bought the turtle and the Zephyrite (+ upgraded version) wih my currency (chests and tokens) saved from earlier years.

The weekly chest ... seems a bit expensive. And it uses the same currency as the Tyrian Exchange voucher. For other festivals this might be less of a problem (though I never get it there cause the festival currency is too expensive af the TP :D) since the festival currency can be bought at the TP if needed. (Well technically here you could open a lot of the small chests from the traders I guess. But the currency here is usually more limited similar than SAB - since accounb-bound.)

Would have preferred an option for Favors of the Festival there. At least an additional one. (Or a mix - using like 3k festival tokens and 1-2 favors). Or ... add tokens to the weekly (or a chest to select from tokens or Favors).

Favors really seem to be a lot (at least they started to gather up more for me - cause the weekly vendor mainly requests tokens and I have finished the sets and other stuff that uses the favors). Adding tokens as option for the chest for doing x weeklies might also be an option.

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which thread is now the right one for feedback ? this is confusing -.- anyways here we go again: are you kidding me ?! 5000 tokens for the sun grown chest ?! we didnt need a new set -.- couldnt we just had the chance to get more of the sun grown set for weekly and the meta achievement ?! i like this set so much and i was so excited for this years return. no its all ruined. and on top of that no spear skin. screw this event, this is so frustrating and disappointing. cheers

What is so confusing about this post ? xD I expressed my feelings about an aspect of the event and to make another point: these event are meant to be, at least in my opinion a fun and relaxed past time activity. I dont want to grind anything for once and the festivals are getting more and more tedious which sucks the fun out of them completely. And that the chests are tradeable is no redeem because gameplay in gw2 boils down to farming gold to get stuff and now i have to grind gold again to get stuff. This is getting outright boring and exhausting. At this point festivals are like a second job too. But to me they are meant to be not this way; well no more i guess.

Edited by Flauschi.3281
to make my point made more clear
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This is the correct (official) thread. I just made another one because this one was not created yet. The changes seem to be similar to the previous festivals. The SAB was the one that started with a weekly vendor skin set. (Weekly achievement skin set got added only this year.) The other festivals started with the weekly achievement skin set. It was to be expected that they'd add a weekly vendor skin set here as well. They just did move the old set to the weekly vendor adding a new one to the weekly achievement. Probably so people will finish roughly at a similar time as the SAB sets. (Should start with SAB finishing the weekly vendor chest there - if only buying from the NPC vendor. Then later in the year you finish it ... the othe weekly vendor sets from the festivals later.)

Pricing also seems to be similar: Same festival currency cost than the Tyrian Exchange voucher. In Festival of the Four Winds I usually make about 1,6k tokens per day (playing the full content even 3 gold Blitzes and the full set of gauntlet each day) Despite that I still skipped the voucher 1-2 times last year I think. (I mean the last week it is still offered but it are only 2 days - will be a net loss of tokens in that week.) When you aim only for that weekly skin chest it shouild be doable without having to grind everything in the festival.

Problem is that there are also other skins (especially for new players it will be a lot and costly) that need tokens. I honestly would - nowadays (especially with dungeon tokens merged into a single kind of token) recommend to not push too hard for the voucher and skip on that one if needed. (Only if you have too much tokens and really need/want it.)

Also keep in mind: That weekly vendor skin chest is not bound. It can be sold at the TP. Though buy offers were around 30g and the guy (only offer for 1 to sell) selling was at 300g lol. We'll see how people value the tokens - if a lot of people are out to make money and playing the festival a lot ... they might drop the price by selling the chest a lot. (For Dragon Bash it was fixed to cost at least the amout that 10 Jorbreakers cost cause the currency there is non-bound as well ... and has TP value.)

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16 minutes ago, Flauschi.3281 said:

which thread is now the right one for feedback ? this is confusing -.- anyways here we go again: are you kidding me ?! 5000 tokens for the sun grown chest ?! we didnt need a new set -.- couldnt we just had the chance to get more of the sun grown set for weekly and the meta achievement ?! i like this set so much and i was so excited for this years return. no its all ruined. and on top of that no spear skin. screw this event, this is so frustrating and disappointing. cheers

they also did this for dragon bash. least this festival uses its own currency. the dragon bash ones needed a ton of jorbreakers for each weekly chest. not even worth it.

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23 minutes ago, Chocofox.9503 said:


they also did this for dragon bash. least this festival uses its own currency. the dragon bash ones needed a ton of jorbreakers for each weekly chest. not even worth it.

The chests are tradeable, so I wouldn't call them "not worth it", when it was possible to sell them for profit.

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I generally trade mainly for dailies - or of there is too much in the mat storage (I have expended to 2000 capacity). Would not worry too much about decorations. Unless you really want a lot and fear that they might make (which in fact could happen) that stuff use low tier mats as well. Since this is going to be leveled through masteries it won't use the usual "craft x, then x from the next tier" progress with always better stuff and at 400 the stuff that needs mithril (always cheap, will still be cheap after the Homesteads get released) or orichalcum.

But I just have sooo much silk (and even linen) and mithril all the time. Even leather of that high tier is a lot more rare lol. Must be because I mainly salvage + getting stuff rom boxes sometimes - no gathering at the low level maps.

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On 7/30/2024 at 8:21 PM, Flauschi.3281 said:

are you kidding me ?! 5000 tokens for the sun grown chest ?! we didnt need a new set -.- couldnt we just had the chance to get more of the sun grown set for weekly and the meta achievement ?! i like this set so much and i was so excited for this years return.

I am disappointed in this, too. The Sandswept weapons look pretty dumb (a composition of already existing designs), while the Sun-Grown set was original and truly pretty. A shame.
On the brighter side, I like how many of the canvas textures in the Cliffs are no longer solid so they won't interrupt your Griffon flight.

Funny bug: the floating rock next to the beach party area. Always gives me a laugh when I am doing the coin collection event. 😄
Annoying bug: Sometimes, the Queen's Gauntlet freezes you in spot when you are returned to the railing after a fight. That freeze also seems to put the queue in a pause mode, with the next player not immediately being transported into the arena.

P.S. @Rubi Bayer.8493: I hope new players will discover the hidden quaggan puzzle Easter Egg on the Labyrinthine Cliffs map. There really needs to be some hint introduced to guide newbies to it.

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Personally I think the sandwept weapons look a bit better - that sand stuff might fit well with a Mesmer/Mirage I think. (Sun-grown ones mainly for completion ... might not use them. Maybe on a Sylvari.) But I am still amazed as to how the Dragon Bash and SAB mainly have all the good stuff. The holographic stuff looked nice and the newer sets as well. And SAB as well. (And armor nice.)  Other festivals are mainly for completion lol.

The price of the weekly chest at the tp seems - according to wiki  - have dropped a bit. So basically those 5k tokens are worth about the same as 10 Jorbreaker since the Dragon Bash weekly chest is at the same price roughly. (The wintersday chest will cost more at the TP then I guess. If they also price it at 10 of the currency - Snow Diamonds. They are more expensive.)

So it might still be cheaper than that but we'll see. (Considering that you have to but Snow Diamonds anyway. I doubt many farm soo much to get 10 per week or even more to buy other stuff. From doing the dailies if lucky I get maybe about 4 each week ... 1 from the weeklies, a few more if trading the raw snow flakes. Probably less than 4. Not incuded the rare drops from opening the gifts yet.)

About 60g seems doable. I think for the Dragon Bash I did buy 2 directly with currency I earned. For the 3rd one I used the boxes from doing x dailies (that luckly have Jorbreaker). 4th one was direct payment (bought the Jorbreaker though). Here I might try for 3 with tokens, 1 from the TP. (No voucher this year. Have too much anyways and not using them lol. I think last year I got 2 vouchers. But still had to buy more of older stuff for tokens. So I should end up with the same this year - a bit tokens stored for later use if I might go for decorations in my solo guild hall.)

I still hope they are going to adjust the chests for doing the x dailies. Adding currency to each of them. (And both currency here - the tokens are needed. Not Favors.) Wintersday currency was even more expensive in the past because of that. (No currency. But some other collection stuff in there I think. The minis.) Might be easiest to regulate it that way. For the beginning I guess it will be nice for new players (for them the amount of gold is huge if selling) to get big gold here by selling that weekly chest. If the chests for x daily will have currency (seen in Dragon Bash) the price might drop - still not get too cheap. (To factor in that you can get it only once per week per account. The 10 Jorbreaker are just lik 30g maybe and chest about 60.) With the 5 extra gold needed ... difference of 25g. Though that will drop as well once people finish their sets. Who knows where the price will be in 4-5 years. Maybe <10 lol.

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On 8/2/2024 at 1:10 PM, Luthan.5236 said:

The price of the weekly chest at the tp seems - according to wiki  - have dropped a bit. So basically those 5k tokens are worth about the same as 10 Jorbreaker since the Dragon Bash weekly chest is at the same price roughly. (The wintersday chest will cost more at the TP then I guess. If they also price it at 10 of the currency - Snow Diamonds. They are more expensive.)

The problem is not only the price but the quantity. Right now, there are only 16 chests for sale. Enough for one player.

5000 tokens is just too much.

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Either increase the amount of festival tokens we get, or lower the prices. Also, consider adding new materials we can trade for the Zephyrite Supply Boxes (Essences of Luck and Glob of Dark Matter, for example)

The new event that was added felt (ironically) uneventful and not rewarding, after finishing it I went "oh... that's it?" and will not touch it again. 

Edited by corwin.3495
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Regarding the Labyrinthine Cliffs Map design, will we ever see the Zephyr Sanctum again? It was such an essential part of the Map and having it replaced with a generic airship is really underwhelming to me. Couldn't the Zephyrites simply have rebuilt it again after all this time since the crash in Dry Top? Such a pity that it is gone... It was my favorite feature of any map in the game ever. Fingers crossed

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On 8/4/2024 at 6:30 PM, corwin.3495 said:

Either increase the amount of festival tokens we get, or lower the prices.

The price for the Tyrian Exchange Voucher is also ridiculously high (5,000 tokens). As bad as during the Dragon Bash Festival.

On 8/4/2024 at 6:30 PM, corwin.3495 said:

The new event that was added felt (ironically) uneventful and not rewarding, after finishing it I went "oh... that's it?" and will not touch it again. 

Yes. I only caught it once and it was crap. They'd better turned the Quaggan Lantern Puzzle (an easter egg on the Labyrinthine Cliffs map) into an event with rewards, that one is tons more fun!

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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Can we please get an Achievement collection for getting all of the Sovereign, Divine Sovereign and Zephyrite weapon collections from Festival of 4 Winds skins?

Collections > Festival > here

Seems like the other festivals have it and it would certainly get me more excited to collect skins i'll otherwise unlikely ever use.

Examples of others:

Collections > Festival > The Crimson Assassin [SAB]

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Quite satisfied with the festival so far. Achievements are easy, dailies are easy. Boss Blitz is still doable without organized squads. Though I have seen multi-map farm squads, which may lead to a nerf sooner or later :S. The 5k currency requirement for the mount-rental is again doable. Highly appreciate that. Hopefully you keep releasing them one by one until we have a complete set (including skiffs). This is the 3rd or even 4th year, I only collect currency for decorations. It is still one of my most favorite activities ingame, which makes the 'grind' quite entertaining and fun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A lil t hink still came to my mind. Other than what already has been said (+ the fact that I would like to see more visitors ... Kryptis seemed unlikely but next year maybe a Lowland Kodan deleation I mean they are also Nuchoch for example) I have mentioned that tokens seem to be more rare than favors.

Having the sets finished I do not want to trash the favors at Drooburt. Still saving them. (You never know. Maybe some other options will be added.) For the donations in the Pavillion though ... similar like the Silverwastes vendor (to recruit NPC services) accepts bandit crests it would be nice if maybe in the Pavillion favors could be used to speed up the blitz preparation. (Let it count a bit more than 1 g. Maybe like 2 or 3g. Not too much though.)

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