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Janthir Wilds is a huge disappointment for me, there are things that I would like the developers to change in the game

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There might be too many subjects within one forum post here. Each point could be a thread of their own.

Reading through briefly, yeah the next expansion might not suit your tastes through the features. I hope that the story may appeal to you enough to justify the purchase.

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1 minute ago, yoni.7015 said:

I  not the one crying that story missions are too difficult

I'm not crying, read my first post, I presented my opinion politely and with arguments, which resulted in an outpouring of elite players like you who cannot stand the fact that someone may have a different opinion and, what's worse, have no intention of withdrawing or changing it.


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4 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

I'm not crying, read my first post, I presented my opinion politely and with arguments, which resulted in an outpouring of elite players like you who cannot stand the fact that someone may have a different opinion and, what's worse, have no intention of withdrawing or changing it.


I didn’t find any arguments other than “I want everything to be easy” 

Again, if you struggle, try to improve instead of complaining for hours. The time you spent here crying you could have learnt to play the game. It is far from being difficult  


Edited by yoni.7015
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1 minute ago, yoni.7015 said:

I didn’t find any arguments other than “I want everything to be easy” 

I didn't find any arguments from you and a few people like you except: it's easy, it should stay as it is and you're bad, so be better.


6 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

Again, if you struggle, try to improve instead of calling for the manager  

I have as much right as you to express my opinions, suggestions and proposals, if me and players like me don't speak up everything will remain as it is or it will get even worse.

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Your questions:

1) Your alts will only show up in the homestead if you log them out there.  Also, whenever you leave, they will return to where they spawn.  Heavy will be right by the wp, so could annoy you if you don't want to see them, but light will be in a cave and medium off to the side somewhere.  (This matters because you might want the buff you get from parking an alt in the homestead but not want to see them with other alts).

2) They are making multiple variants of the instance so you get the same story beats whether you do it in story or in a raid.  You will not have to raid to see the story.  Rather than "wasting resources making a raid" they're tweaking story into a raid to have much less effort needed to still provide some content to those who raid.  (I do not raid, so my reaction is to be happy that there won't be story locked behind raids).

3) Spears are just another weapon that will be available.  No one has to add one to their build any more than they have to add a greatsword or a mace.

Your requests:

1) This game is already supremely easy to play solo.  I am 58 years old with hands rapidly failing and very slow reflexes compared to the more youthful sorts.  I always go solo through new story on a Daredevil, and I may eat some dirt the very first time in (not so much in newer story, they've made it ever easier), but I don't need to ask for help on it.  It is true you may need other players around for some of the open world parts, but they'll just be there, fighting, no need for you to interact (pretend they are your personal army?) and you can do low dps and get credit if it's a harder event for you.

2) There is no reason to make group content soloable for the average player.  This is an MMO.  Massively Multiplayer.  It *needs* group content that requires multiple players.  It does a very good job compared to other MMOs of making you able to participate in almost everything (raids still require more time, skill, and precision than I can muster).  In dungeons in particular, if you put up LFG for a particular dungeon and path, starting with "All welcome" and including "Watching cinematics" you will fill very quickly.

3) Henchmen have been requested a lot, but again, other players fill that role.  Romance ... nope.  That takes a whole lot of writing, voice work, and nuance to avoid problematic situations.  It's an MMO, in fact it's an MMORPG, there are many many many RP guilds available and some of those have grown up players who won't conflate IC and OOC.

4) At launch the creator of a party could not be kicked, but could kick others.  Cue griefing by getting to an end boss then kicking the four PuGs out and inviting in your friends.  I agree that it's rude to boot the leader if you don't like the run (or don't like the leader), but making the leader unkickable has its own bad consequences.

5) It does seem like dailies should be tailored to progress, I agree with you there.  But maybe it's difficult to code beyond "does player have X expansion?  If yes, then use that expansion pool of dailies."

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4 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

I didn't find any arguments from you and a few people like you except: it's easy, it should stay as it is and you're bad, so be better.


I have as much right as you to express my opinions, suggestions and proposals, if me and players like me don't speak up everything will remain as it is or it will get even worse.

So what are you expecting? That they spend tons of resources on old story missions to make them easier because you can’t be bothered to learn how to play the game properly? 

Edited by yoni.7015
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Btw I do support his/her right to want an easier game; as much as I support those wanting a harder game. It will should be up to the devs to then decide how to please both sides. I just suggest an mmo mouse because it WILL make the game infinitely easier. Difference between normal mouse and regular mouse is huge.

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On the subject of difficulty, right now they use achievements as a form of hard mode, with mastery points as the reward. The base story instance is generally perceived as the easy mode. The achievements usually require things like dodging all lethal attacks and not getting revived by an NPC or respawning.

What class do you play @Darves.6798? Some classes are glass cannons. I recommend necromancer to most troubled players, since they have large health pools.

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5 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

So what are you expecting? That they spent tons of resources on old story missions to make them easier because you can’t be bothered to learn how to play the game properly? 

What tons of resources? It's easy, certainly easier and faster to implement than producing another raid. Just enter the tab in the easy mode menu and when you click all mobs and boss's will have a nice 1/3 life. Voila (this is just an example, not a ready solution)


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I also came from SWTOR. Yep, things are quite different from that game to this. On the whole, I prefer this game's combat. SWTOR story missions have been simplified to the point where you can auto-attack the whole way through - which isn't exactly a criticism, as story is and has always been that game's strong point. It makes sense that people should be able to get through the combat parts with not much difficulty (except in sudden random spikes like KotET chapter two...that was jarring. I was playing a tank going through it and had to burn every last cooldown just to survive the bosses).

But this game is not that game. And that's not a problem. SWTOR thrives on being a mostly solo experience with some MMO options baked in, hence the henchmen/companions. Guild Wars 2 does not.

There are classes and builds you can play that make combat trivial. HoT is probably the "hardest" expansion, sure, but once you get the hang of it, things become so much better almost overnight. (And it isn't that difficult to begin with. It absolutely was at first, but it's been drastically toned down since then.) Playing with friends is even better. There is nothing in the game that is truly off-limits to a player of any skill, even raids. Just ask for help! It's not that the game needs to be made easier, but that you need to adjust a little bit. Trust me, it's not difficult.

What class do you play? I'm sure someone can recommend a build that will be easy to pick up and have fun with!


Edited by Batel.9206
fixed an acronym. KotET stands for Knights of the Eternal Throne.
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2 hours ago, Darves.6798 said:

So I understand that not everyone was able to complete it, which means bad game design if everyone can't finish the story. Challenges such as raids or fractals are one thing, but the main plot should be so easy that anyone can complete it on their own.


I will mention once again that in Swtor, Eso or FFXIV I have no problems with completing the main storyline, because in these games it was designed in such a way that everyone, I emphasize everyone, could complete them. Completing the entire Gw2 storyline on your own, including both the expansions and the Lw's, is difficult.


Yes, I'm seriously complaining that the entire story content is difficult, I mean the entire content, all the LW's and expansions, not the core game itself, and you're being rude by accusing me of trolling

While I agree that some of the story can be challenging for a single player (The Mystery Cave being a notably obnoxious example), but it should be possible for nearly all of the story. The only part I ever asked for help on was my first attempt at Balthazar at the end of PoF. Literally every other part was doable solo -- sure some of it was harder than other parts, but it was all doable with only me, myself and I.

Honestly OP, I think it's time you post your build here . We can't really evaluate the issues and offer suggestions if we don't have any specifics. You're asking for a complete overhaul of the game, when maybe all you really need is an overhaul of your build.

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10 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

What tons of resources? It's easy, certainly easier and faster to implement than producing another raid. Just enter the tab in the easy mode menu and when you click all mobs and boss's will have a nice 1/3 life. Voila (this is just an example, not a ready solution)


I don’t know how easy and fast it is for the devs to make all story missions a lot easier.
I just think it’s a waste of resources and not necessary.
For reference it took them over five years to produce a new raid wing. 

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1 minute ago, yoni.7015 said:

I don’t know how easy and fast it is for the devs to make all story missions a lot easier.
I just think it’s a waste of resources and not necessary.
For reference it took them over five years to produce a new raid wing. 

It's very simple, I'll give you an example, I set up an offline single player server Wow Wotlk. Just go in and edit the worldserver file and you can change mobs' health, enemies' damage, your health and anything else you want. Even I can do it. So for developers, introducing a good and detailed easy version is maybe a week's work at worst.


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4 minutes ago, Kitty.4806 said:

Go play the Dragon Age games.

Thanks for the advice, I played. If you like difficult games, go play souslikes without easy mode from nexus, not like players like me who play Elden Ring with super easy mod.

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24 minutes ago, Quench.7091 said:

What class do you play


19 minutes ago, Batel.9206 said:

What class do you play? I'm sure someone can recommend a build that will be easy to pick up and have fun with!

First I played Deadeye the Thief, it was a disaster, I barely crawled through the core game. Then I tried guardian, I got stuck on LW2, it was easier but still difficult, now I'm going to try necromancer.


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11 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

Thanks for the advice, I played. If you like difficult games, go play souslikes without easy mode from nexus, not like players like me who play Elden Ring with super easy mod.

Looks like dragon age veilguard will be to your liking.


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10 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:


First I played Deadeye the Thief, it was a disaster, I barely crawled through the core game. Then I tried guardian, I got stuck on LW2, it was easier but still difficult, now I'm going to try necromancer.


Necromancer's a very good class for solo'ing stuff! You can ask here or in the Players Helping Players subforum for a good build (I'd suggest one, but I'm awful at builds XD).

Edited by Batel.9206
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3 hours ago, Darves.6798 said:

As someone who also came from Swtor, you should understand my statements perfectly. I don't know any rotation there, I don't use keybinding, I select all abilities with the mouse, and yet I was able to complete the entire main story, what's more, all the operations, even some on the veteran level. So this clearly shows how terribly difficult a game GW2 is.

This logic is terrible. From my perspective, all that proves is that SWTOR is too easy, NOT that GW2 is too hard. You would of course disagree, and our disagreement itself is perfectly fine. Also for reference I played SWTOR for years, still login in to push through new story/gear, raided extensively, etc. It's a much different game than GW2, and I know how combat works there. 

The problem arises when you basically yell at the rest of us like your position is objectively true. It's not. I have builds with only exotic-tier gear that can clear story with nothing more than autoattacks + whatever random task the boss fight forces you to do.  You simply cannot accuse me of god-like gameplay when my character is only autoattacking. You are, on some level, failing to properly engage with GW2's combat system... and just loudly demanding that the game stoop to your level.

And guess what? If you were clearing SWTOR raids by clicking skills and not even knowing a rotation (and likely not having a clue about boss mechanics either), you got hard carried by 7 or 15 other people. I believe adjusting a game to match this gameplay philosophy is always a poor choice.

Edited by voltaicbore.8012
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14 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

First I played Deadeye the Thief, it was a disaster, I barely crawled through the core game. Then I tried guardian, I got stuck on LW2, it was easier but still difficult, now I'm going to try necromancer.

That first sentence implies that you ate a level boost and then either ran with an HP train or bought hero points off the Gem Shop before going into Core. That's no way to learn how to play a class.

Second, if you can manage to get stuck with a Guardian of all classes, then you're clearly doing something wrong.

Third, Necro minionmancer might be more your speed, but still has it occurred to you that maybe you should learn how to play a class before you immediately jump to an elite specialization?

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12 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Looks like dragon age veilguard will be to your liking.

I doubt I'd like it, but maybe you'll like Fortnite. Why this malice? You can't stand a different opinion either?

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2 minutes ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

That first sentence implies that you ate a level boost and then either ran with an HP train or bought hero points off the Gem Shop before going into Core. That's no way to learn how to play a class.

I never used any boosts, my thief was first just a thief and then a deadeye. The only thing I refused to do was use it like other players, that is, I wanted it to be dual pistol swap dual dagger, because I thought it was cool for me and I didn't care about players saying that it wasn't played that way. I should be able to choose the weapon I like.

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11 minutes ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:

The problem arises when you basically yell at the rest of us like your position is objectively true. It's not. I have builds with only exotic-tier gear that can clear story with nothing more than autoattacks + whatever random task the boss fight forces you to do.  You simply cannot accuse me of god-like gameplay when my character is only autoattacking. You are, on some level, failing to properly engage with GW2's combat system... and just loudly demanding that the game stoop to your level. Nah.

I'm not yelling at anyone, I can also accuse you of expressing your opinions as if they were objectively true. This is not the case. All opinions are subjective. I think that lowering the game to my level would be great, but I presented various solutions, such as enabling easy mode.


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23 minutes ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:

And guess what? If you were clearing SWTOR raids by clicking skills and not even knowing a rotation (and likely not having a clue about boss mechanics either), you got hard carried by 7 or 15 other people. I believe adjusting a game to match this gameplay philosophy is always a poor choice.

I know the boss mechanics, at least most of them, I don't use rotation because it's neither fun nor necessary, it just doesn't deal optimal damage, the game is supposed to be fun, it's not a competition for a potato medal. Nobody has to carry me.


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