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Janthir Wilds is a huge disappointment for me, there are things that I would like the developers to change in the game

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9 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

All opinions are subjective.

Sure, I agree. But this

24 minutes ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:

So this clearly shows how terribly difficult a game GW2 is.

doesn't sound like you're attempting to express an opinion. You are quite directly stating that GW2 is "clearly... terribly difficult" and anytime someone points out that it's objectively not difficult by any reasonable standard, you accuse them of trying to impose "torture mode" on you. Nope, not buying it.

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I think OPs post was pretty well worded and reasonably thought out. I agree that there are solutions to their problems and I certainly wouldn't want Anet to change GW2 to be more dumbed down, but OP's experiences are still presumably real problems for him right now.

So I think those few getting more heated in their replies should take this into account.

BUT there are also a lot of people giving constructive advice. Hopefully OP will take it on board - sounds like they are planning to try Necro next which is a very good idea.

I also think it is important for OP to realise that some of those LWS2 story missions ARE recognised as being very hard. Harder than most story missions. I think as the story went along Anet by and large got better at balancing it and making it so that even if you were being downed frequently you could still get through the story (whereas at least one of the LWS2 missions if you can't work out the mechanics you could spend forever on it).

So perhaps give the story a bit more a chance. You will find HoT open world dangerous and challenging. But fortunately the HoT maps are also pretty well populated so you should be able to keep an eye out for other players doing things and join them.

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1 minute ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:

doesn't sound like you're attempting to express an opinion. You are quite directly stating that GW2 is "clearly... terribly difficult" and anytime someone points out that it's objectively not difficult by any reasonable standard, you accuse them of trying to impose "torture mode" on you. Nope, not buying it.

You know what, maybe read carefully what you wrote to me. If I say that Gw2 is terribly difficult, it is obvious that it is terribly difficult for me and some players. However, you claim that Gw2 is objectively easy by objective standards.. LOL This is simply an embarrassing statement.

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20 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

I never used any boosts, my thief was first just a thief and then a deadeye. The only thing I refused to do was use it like other players, that is, I wanted it to be dual pistol swap dual dagger, because I thought it was cool for me and I didn't care about players saying that it wasn't played that way. I should be able to choose the weapon I like.

My point was that Deadeye is not normally available in Core. This means that you had to have gotten to Lv80 and then unlocked and trained the Deadeye elite spec by some other means before doing the core story.

As for choosing the weapon you like and ignoring what other players are telling you is viable, well that's on you. There are all kinds of ways to play the game, but when you deliberately opt for the non-viable then you have no business complaining about how hard the content is.

Which all loops back to: L2P

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1 minute ago, Darves.6798 said:

If I say that Gw2 is terribly difficult, it is obvious that it is terribly difficult for me and some players. However, you claim that Gw2 is objectively easy by objective standards.. LOL This is simply an embarrassing statement.

The embarrassment is on your end. The objective standards I (and others) use to call this game relatively easy include (but are not limited to) items like:

  • the amount/variety of actual inputs from the player required to win,
  • the signaling of boss attacks/mechanics, and the reaction time required to succeed,
  • the price of making a mistake (does one hit instakill you and refill the boss to 100%? Does one hit instakill you and NOT refill the boss' HP so you keep progress? Does one hit take a good bit out of your HP but not kill you?),
  • etc.

Your "objective" standard is: "I find this super difficult. Anyone who disagrees has no objective basis for saying so."

Again, sorry, not buying it. There are many things in this game (some of which you mentioned in your initial post) that are far from perfect and could use improvement. Story mission difficulty is not one of them.

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13 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

You know what, maybe read carefully what you wrote to me. If I say that Gw2 is terribly difficult, it is obvious that it is terribly difficult for me and some players. However, you claim that Gw2 is objectively easy by objective standards.. LOL This is simply an embarrassing statement.

It's always going to be a bell curve. You are finding open world and story missions difficult but you are currently at one end of the curve. There are certainly other people in the same position as you but most people are more in the middle of the curve and finding it easier.

The good news is that it isn't all that hard to improve and move yourself along the curve. By posting here you clearly want to find GW2 easier to play. I think it is unlikely that Anet will make the game easier (tho I do think well implemented difficulty levels could have value) in the near future so the easier option is for you to work on improving your play.

Trying Necro is probably a good idea. I would suggest perhaps watching some Lord Hizen videos on the builds he thinks are strongest for solo play. They get criticism from some because his builds deliberately do less damage to improve survivability but it could be what you want (I have used some myself, eg I tried his Berserker Warrior build). Something like his Vindicator build could be great for you as it involves dodging a lot while also doing a lot of damage. I would also suggest searching for low intensity (LI) GW2 builds as there are builds out there which can do 15-25k dps (ie 15,000 - 25,000 damage every second) while only using a few key presses, and that's more than enough damage to do most content.

Edited by Mistwraithe.3106
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5 minutes ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

As for choosing the weapon you like and ignoring what other players are telling you is viable, well that's on you. There are all kinds of ways to play the game, but when you deliberately opt for the non-viable then you have no business complaining about how hard the content is.

Of course I can and will complain about how difficult the game is, because once again I repeat that, in my and not only my opinion, completing the entire plot, LWs and expansions should be easy enough for anyone to complete them, regardless of whether they use meta builds or not, it doesn't matter if he is a good player or not. If to complete story content you have to use meta builds and practice your skills, then in my opinion there is something wrong with the game design. This should be reserved for difficult, challenging content, not for plot.

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1 minute ago, Darves.6798 said:

Of course I can and will complain about how difficult the game is, because once again I repeat that, in my and not only my opinion, completing the entire plot, LWs and expansions should be easy enough for anyone to complete them, regardless of whether they use meta builds or not, it doesn't matter if he is a good player or not. If to complete story content you have to use meta builds and practice your skills, then in my opinion there is something wrong with the game design. This should be reserved for difficult, challenging content, not for plot.

I think the point various people are trying to make is that the GW2 story is easy enough for almost anyone to do (barring perhaps some people with significant disabilities) BUT it isn't easy enough for anyone to do without putting some effort in.

That's the key difference here. GW2 story requires a certain amount of effort in learning to play it. It's not that much but clearly more than SWTOR requires. That's a choice Anet made.

If you think about it, a game without any challenge can still be a game but it's also not very exciting. Anyone can play snakes and ladders and have a 50% chance of winning because there is absolutely no skill to the game. But it's also not a game most adults are interested in playing because there is absolutely no skill to the game...

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1 minute ago, Darves.6798 said:

If to complete story content you have to use meta builds and practice your skills, then in my opinion there is something wrong with the game design. This should be reserved for difficult, challenging content, not for plot.

And this is exactly what we're trying to tell you: you do NOT need meta builds to beat story. As @Mistwraithe.3106 said earlier there are builds out there that can perform impressively well with very little active input from the player.

There has to be something obvious about GW2's combat system that you're just not interacting with, and at this point I don't care enough to actually ask you more specific questions to figure out what that is. It would be faster to have you look up "GW2 LI build" or "GW2 low intensity build," find one you have access to, and just press 11111111 to win.

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14 minutes ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:

The embarrassment is on your end. The objective standards I (and others) use to call this game relatively easy include (but are not limited to) items like:

  • the amount/variety of actual inputs from the player required to win,
  • the signaling of boss attacks/mechanics, and the reaction time required to succeed,
  • the price of making a mistake (does one hit instakill you and refill the boss to 100%? Does one hit instakill you and NOT refill the boss' HP so you keep progress? Does one hit take a good bit out of your HP but not kill you?),
  • etc.

Your "objective" standard is: "I find this super difficult. Anyone who disagrees has no objective basis for saying so."

Again, sorry, not buying it. There are many things in this game (some of which you mentioned in your initial post) that are far from perfect and could use improvement. Story mission difficulty is not one of them.

No, the shame is on you. You consider yourself a friendly community and yet you fiercely attack someone with a different opinion. Yes, of course, in fact, one hit from the boss often killed me. Your objective standards are objective only for you, for me and many others they are simply subjective. For you the game is easy, good for you, you don't want changes, great. Is it so hard to bear that I think differently, that there are people who disagree with you? For me, the game is difficult and I expect changes, I have the right to do so. And whether developers implement these changes is up to them. Or maybe you are afraid that these changes will come and you will no longer be an elite because everyone will be able to complete all the content?


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26 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:


First I played Deadeye the Thief, it was a disaster, I barely crawled through the core game. Then I tried guardian, I got stuck on LW2, it was easier but still difficult, now I'm going to try necromancer.


The guardian is another good choice for people starting out, although I do feel like it is harder to build without knowing the profession's must-haves. The necromancer tends to be a bit easier to get dropped into. You could probably find a good guide for guardians.

The necromancer is one of those classes where all of their elite specs are good and the abilities are well off. The reaper is the melee type necromancer. It relies on life force generation to gain an additional health pool, which you get by hitting things. Here is an open world build that I found on metabattle real quick. It doesn't look too bad and has some flexible choices.

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5 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

Of course I can and will complain about how difficult the game is, because once again I repeat that, in my and not only my opinion, completing the entire plot, LWs and expansions should be easy enough for anyone to complete them, regardless of whether they use meta builds or not, it doesn't matter if he is a good player or not. If to complete story content you have to use meta builds and practice your skills, then in my opinion there is something wrong with the game design. This should be reserved for difficult, challenging content, not for plot.

And right there is where I stop taking this seriously.

You're not interested in improving your own gameplay, you're just interested in complaining about the story difficulty of a 12-year-old game that uncounted numbers of people have managed to complete just fine.

If you had been paying attention, you would have noticed that no one here has suggested that you need meta builds to do the story; those builds are generally more focused on instanced group content which you are clearly uninterested in. However, if you refuse to even look at them to maybe pick up a thing or two, again that's on you.

You were asked what build you were running; you ignored that.

You have stated that you want to run the weapons you want to run, even if the particular combination you choose is known to be sub-par in performance.

You claimed you did Core on a Deadeye, then when questioned on that you backtracked. The simple fact is that if you were a Lv80 Deadeye, Core should have been trivial at worst.

You claimed to get somehow stuck on a Guardian -- the ANet golden boy, toward which all balance patches are oriented. I'm not sure how that's even possible, did you fall asleep or something maybe?

I'm starting to smell troll.

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1 minute ago, Darves.6798 said:

No, the shame is on you. You consider yourself a friendly community and yet you fiercely attack someone with a different opinion. Yes, of course, in fact, one hit from the boss often killed me. Your objective standards are objective only for you, for me and many others they are simply subjective. For you the game is easy, good for you, you don't want changes, great. Is it so hard to bear that I think differently, that there are people who disagree with you? For me, the game is difficult and I expect changes, I have the right to do so. And whether developers implement these changes is up to them. Or maybe you are afraid that these changes will come and you will no longer be an elite because everyone will be able to complete all the content?

No, I do not derive any sense of elitism from gaming, primarily because I am not elite by most objective measures. And even if I were "elite," GW2 story content is the absolute worst place to flex.

I just have an aversion to entitlement thinking and double standards, which I detected in your allergic response to people who attempted to point out that you might be misjudging the difficulty of GW2 story missions.

For someone who claims nobody needs to carry them, you sure do want the dev team to carry you pretty hard.

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5 minutes ago, DarcShriek.5829 said:

I had to stop reading when I saw that GW2 needs to be easier for the solo player.

Same, I'm not a great player, I definitely don't run a meta build, but I've played all of the story so far Solo; it isn't a difficult game

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2 minutes ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

You were asked what build you were running; you ignored that.

You have stated that you want to run the weapons you want to run, even if the particular combination you choose is known to be sub-par in performance.

You claimed you did Core on a Deadeye, then when questioned on that you backtracked. The simple fact is that if you were a Lv80 Deadeye, Core should have been trivial at worst.

You claimed to get somehow stuck on a Guardian -- the ANet golden boy, toward which all balance patches are oriented. I'm not sure how that's even possible, did you fall asleep or something maybe?

I'm starting to smell troll.

What build, normal PPF, I also tried celestial, celestial was better. As a thief and later as a deadeye, I had a golem to help me, who was tanking and I could shoot from a distance. It's simple, I reached level 80 by discovering open world maps. The Guardian is a melee fighter, so I would get hit or two and go down.


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2 minutes ago, Parasite.5389 said:

Same, I'm not a great player, I definitely don't run a meta build, but I've played all of the story so far Solo; it isn't a difficult game

Lol we've been telling OP that for a while now, but OP's difficulty scale has only has two positions: (1) I can clear it right now without changing a single thing I do, and (2) this is "torture mode" and needs to be made easier.

I think I'm done with this thread.

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1 minute ago, Darves.6798 said:

What build, normal PPF, I also tried celestial, celestial was better. As a thief and later as a deadeye, I had a golem to help me, who was tanking and I could shoot from a distance. It's simple, I reached level 80 by discovering open world maps. The Guardian is a melee fighter, so I would get hit or two and go down.


Another thing that may be tripping you up? You said you have previous experience with a few games, among them SWTOR. Well, SWTOR's combat system is very defensive. You have a huge array of tools to mitigate or simply block damage altogether, so you can stand in one place and attack. GW2 is not like that. It's much more reactive. If you try to simply tank damage, you will fail. This game's combat style requires you to avoid damage instead of blocking it. You can't simply stand there and take hits like you could in other games.

That doesn't necessarily make it harder or impossible to do. It's just a different style of gameplay that you need to get used to.

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3 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

What build, normal PPF, I also tried celestial, celestial was better. As a thief and later as a deadeye, I had a golem to help me, who was tanking and I could shoot from a distance. It's simple, I reached level 80 by discovering open world maps. The Guardian is a melee fighter, so I would get hit or two and go down.


I would suggest searching for Lord Hizen and looking at his Youtube channel. He has a lot of high survivability builds, often in Celestial gear.

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4 minutes ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:

For someone who claims nobody needs to carry them, you sure do want the dev team to carry you pretty hard.

If it makes you feel better, then I want the development team to carry me very much. So what? I have as much right to want changes as you do not want them, but at least I don't want to force anyone to do anything, they don't have to change the standard level that you like so much, I don't mind if they add an optional super hard level if they add a super easy one too .


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45 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

You know what, maybe read carefully what you wrote to me. If I say that Gw2 is terribly difficult, it is obvious that it is terribly difficult for me and some players. However, you claim that Gw2 is objectively easy by objective standards.. LOL This is simply an embarrassing statement.

Did you get 250 hero points in deadeye before you traited into it?

If not then you were playing with atleast 1 arm tied behind your back mate.

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2 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Did you get 250 hero points in deadeye before you traited into it?

If not then you were playing with atleast 1 arm tied behind your back mate.

I don't remember how many points I scored, this character was removed to free up the name I wanted to use. However, I certainly didn't have all of deadey's skills trained, maybe half or 2/3 of them. What of it? Since when my tanking golem was taken away I got one hit and I was dead.

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6 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

I don't remember how many points I scored, this character was removed to free up the name I wanted to use. However, I certainly didn't have all of deadey's skills trained, maybe half or 2/3 of them. What of it? Since when my tanking golem was taken away I got one hit and I was dead.

Then you're essentially playing with half or 2/3rds of a class. You need to fill out all (or at least most) of an elite spec's traits in order to use that spec to its fullest potential. It's like the base specializations. If you only fill up them up halfway, you're missing out on several more traits that could be the difference between barely surviving and wiping out enemies with ease.

edit: and once again, you can't rely on something to tank for you. This is not SWTOR where you can have a companion aggro enemies. GW2 combat is based around avoiding damage, not tanking it head-on (for the most part).

Edited by Batel.9206
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