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How do I craft legendary armor without API?

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Hello peeps!

Want to finish my medium open world legendary armor before Janthir wilds. It's proving a little hellish for me without being able to use gw2 efficieny. Any tips for how to do it? Thank you in advance.

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16 minutes ago, WildTZ.6174 said:

Hello peeps!

Want to finish my medium open world legendary armor before Janthir wilds. It's proving a little hellish for me without being able to use gw2 efficieny. Any tips for how to do it? Thank you in advance.

I guess the APIs are disabled atm. You can still go to the wiki page though where it tells you what you need per armor piece. It means checking your mat storage and such but at least you'll know what to do and how many to get of each component.

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3 minutes ago, WildTZ.6174 said:

Thank you! I couldn't find that page on the wiki, it was driving me nuts :D.

Because I'm making 3 pieces I was so paranoid about making the wrong gift or something like that.

np, and I totally get you on being afraid of making the wrong gift or something 🙂 

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I only use gw2eff to sometimes check the prices and what are the big items I am missing. And to check where did I miss place that item. Otherwise I don't like to follow a list, I prefer my own order and pace.

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I find GW2 Efficiency's layout for legendary crafting confusing, so when I'm crafting a legendary I use the Wiki to make a spreadsheet of everything I need and colour in each section when I've got it.

It takes a bit of time to set it up, but I find that useful, especially when I'm not sure of the process, because it means I have to actually look at each step in order to fill it out and then I'm able to spot things which will take me more time or might be awakward to get and ensure I make a start on those early on.

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Just look at wiki recipe, it is pretty clear what to do. If you dont know how to craft  something, open that item and look. Imo, it is much faster and "clearer" compare to efficiency. There were days when we did not have that and it worked just fine. 

I think it is not hard to remember if you have enough mats and what you still need to get.

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Look at the wiki.  Use the recipe. 

Make yourself a note on your screen of what you need, or use a physical sticky note *gasp*

Or wait until it's re-enabled.  

It's not hard.  I haven't used GW2 efficiency for one yet.  

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