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WvW & PvE Warclaw no longer forward dashes on jump

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On 8/24/2024 at 12:38 AM, Manpag.6421 said:

If the issue here is having a comfortable keybind that doesn't conflict with skyscale and griffon, surely it's your dodge keybind you need to set it to, not space? V is the default for both dodge and mount ability 2, and I'd imagine all players have a comfortable and accessible keybind for dodging. That said, I've never tried mapping both to the same non-default key, because I use a gaming mouse so have always kept the default binds and mapped a side button on my mouse to V.

Very nice, so maybe it's a good thing if they do this change for ALL the mounts also in PVE, I'm waiting here to see the result 😄

Edited by NaramSin.2693
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4 hours ago, neven.7528 said:

Once again.  Use your dodge key.  Not the end of the world, just muscle memory needs some time to retrain.  No keybinds need adjusting this way unless you unbound dodge.

Once again do the same for every mount, since they all are "mounts" let's have the same key binds for all, if it's a good idea it will work everywhere, right?

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1 hour ago, NaramSin.2693 said:

Very nice, so maybe it's a good thing if they do this change for ALL the mounts also in PVE, I'm waiting here to see the result 😄

I'm not sure what you mean, it seems totally consistent to me? By default, V is dodge as well as mount ability 1 (not 2, I misremembered in my original post). That means your dodge key also triggers raptor's Leap, springer's Rocket Jump, skimmer's Hover High, jackal's Blink, griffon's Dive, rollerbeetle's Boost, turtle's Activate Jump Jets, warclaw's Dash, and skyscale's Dash.

Skimmer/turtle and griffon/skyscale are the exceptions; the first two's ability 1 is inseparable from their jump and can be activated with space even when you've disabled conditional mount input, while griffon and skyscale's flight is more of an extension of their jumping into flight than an "ability".

Warclaw is just like skyscale in that now, space controls its upward movement and mount ability 1 controls its horizontal speed boost. I get why people would like the controls to be separated, because WvW warclaw has no vertical jump, but it's either mess with muscle memory now for people, or have people continually switching between two different control schemes for the same mount in WvW and PvE.

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4 hours ago, Manpag.6421 said:

I'm not sure what you mean, it seems totally consistent to me? By default, V is dodge as well as mount ability 1 (not 2, I misremembered in my original post). That means your dodge key also triggers raptor's Leap, springer's Rocket Jump, skimmer's Hover High, jackal's Blink, griffon's Dive, rollerbeetle's Boost, turtle's Activate Jump Jets, warclaw's Dash, and skyscale's Dash.

here it is why warclaw is inconsistent: 

raptor jump in place: spacebar
raptor leap: w + spacebar

springer: jump in place not available. to jump almost in place: w + spacebar
springer jump: spacebar

jackal jump: spacebar
jackal blink: 2x spacebar

roller beetle jump: spacebar
roller beetle boost: w + spacebar

griffon jump: spacebar
griffon flap wings: spacebar

skyscale/turtle jump: spacebar
skyscale/turtle gain height: keep spacebar pressed

warclaw jump: spacebar
warclaw dash: it was spacebar (and it is still in the tooltip)

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Just now, Darkmyst.8095 said:

I understand why it was changed in PvE, but please restore this for WvW. It feels very clunky since WvW can't jump like it can in PvE.

even in pve it looks bad, it make me feel like i don't want to use warclaw since with raptor i can still use spacebar to leap forward

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On 8/21/2024 at 2:01 PM, Xinopia.5134 said:

I would say Warclaw is the only mount so far that have done it right. 1-5 is bound to 1-5 weapon abilities, and jump is bound to normal jump key. The other ones have 2 random mount abilities bound to strange other keys that often disrupts other key-binds if bound to the wrong key. They should remake the other mounts to mirror the warclaw, or make individual hotkeys.

Actualy, no. The Warclaw skillbar goes like this:

"weapon skill 1", "weapon skill 2", "weapon skill 3", "mount skill 2", "mount skill 1". And trying to bind Mount skills 1 and.or 2 to the same bindings as on some weapon skills (even weapon skills 4 and/or 5, that aren't present on the bar) breaks the binding somewhere.

Space (or, to be more precise, W+space), btw, is also not really bound to normal jump, but rather to the double jump special ability.

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Btw as I said, if they think this is the "right way" to do the things at least do it for every mount so we are free to bind the keys back to a reasonable key bind and not this nonsense, maybe who come up with this idea likes it, but seems many other don't, so give us a way to play the game as we like, he will be proud of his idea and we will be proud of our key binds, it's a win-win

Edited by NaramSin.2693
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On 8/25/2024 at 6:27 PM, Astralporing.1957 said:

Actualy, no. The Warclaw skillbar goes like this:

"weapon skill 1", "weapon skill 2", "weapon skill 3", "mount skill 2", "mount skill 1". And trying to bind Mount skills 1 and.or 2 to the same bindings as on some weapon skills (even weapon skills 4 and/or 5, that aren't present on the bar) breaks the binding somewhere.

Space (or, to be more precise, W+space), btw, is also not really bound to normal jump, but rather to the double jump special ability.

Sure, but then I want this ability in WvW please lol. No need for siege anymore haha.

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what is the reason again for having special mount abilities 1 and 2 be separate binds of v/c rather then just included on the ui bar as specific skills to each mount?

they are mount skills right? so it doesn't work if your not on a mount?

and why can't they just be mount skills specific to each mount?

Edited by Kelly.7019
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12 hours ago, Vardy.3592 said:

Would like to have the original functionality back.

This has broken years or accepted defaults.

I can't force my brain to accept any other binds either after griffon, but my skiff skills are broken, fireball doesn't work, chain pull doesn't work(not a big issue since i didn't use it much in wvw anyways). I can at least unbind the skills for skiff when i'm doing skiff adventures, that's easy enough. I can't switcheroo my binds  with griffon or I crash into stuff and can't fly on my skyscale  and can't dive on skimmer either. It used to work fine with Raptor, springer, skimmer, jackal, & griffon. After this point stuff started getting weird, fireball is a weapon skill and something is conflicting nullifying the buton. warclaw/skiff seems to have similar issues.

Edited by Kelly.7019
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Please revert this is a silly implementation design, now the game has inconsistencies everywhere, look at the screens, at the dialogs, at tooltip, it's a mess you can't just change a key bind after 5 years of skill in that game, you should fix also every reference to it in the game.

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To the person who said "change it to v as dodge as it is set" well, not every1 here plays at default settings, people have adjusted their buttons to how it suits them not how game desing it, but in this case everyone uses space bar for warclaw dash and skyscale/griffon fly up. 

So please Anet change it back, this is just ridicilous!

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Ok, in case this helps.

I could not jump on the spot after recent changes. Despite no keybinding being set. So, if I click in various keyb settings, and set simple keybindings. No matter what I changed the warclaw did not jump vertically. The avatar jumped fine. The warclaw dash worked fine.

After the default keybinding reset the warclaw jumps vertically again... I think this may be what some are reporting, and some old data-structure underneath stops you jumping on the spot... as we know, important for communicating with friends and enemies in WvW. 😜

The downside is you have to go through an set everything again, but hey-ho!

I think, from the sounds of it most people do not have this particular issue, and this does not apply. But, just in case this helps anyone affected.

Edited by uNiTyOfOpPoSiTe.5784
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this is how i partially fixed the situation: everyday when i enter wvw i map ability 1 to spacebar (leap at least works again, tooltip says i have 2x spacebar mapped to leap because tooltip never removed his default). warclaw can leap forward but i lost the possibility to jump which is frustrating sometimes.
what happens when i leave wvw? i have to remember to unmap spacebar otherwise all my other mounts are broken. i already jumped down cliffs with skyscale. you don't die but it is again a frustrating experience.

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This is so tiresome, every pve mount the spacebar is still the same, and the only mount used for wvw, the controls get ruined to appease the pve crowd, which in a short while no one will be using that pve mount anymore.

Now we are stuck remapping the keys to get a functioning mount again, instead of the messedup new controls they are now, with no way to really revert them, except for the remap "hack", but then the jump part is missing.

Edited by Kneitor.9367
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On 8/20/2024 at 1:01 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

I did a quick check into this and it is intended as part of the warclaw's skill updates. The warclaw now jumps instead of dashes upon pressing the jump button. Dash is still available using the skill bar.

We got a beta for the new weapon and its skills, with feedback invited (a lot of which was implemented, hooray). Why this wasn't also done for the new version of the mount and its skills is unclear. We knew it was coming and basically what the skills would be so it wasn't really a spoilers thing. A beta weekend would have caught all of these issues pre-release. This mount-control change just introduces yet another point of unnecessary friction in the expansion's design:

  • Un-skippable story is maybe OK for the first play-through, but as soon as you take alts into consideration that design choice completely collapses. No one wants to repeatedly sit through half an hour of these bears slowly droning on about... 💤
  • The doorway makes JW access less user-friendly by adding clicks/keystrokes, unique positioning restrictions and (the worst sin of all) extra loading screens when compared to current telescroll and hub-travel functionality.
  • The dash/jump change to the existing warclaw UI makes operating the mount less user-friendly, and manually reverting it to the original "muscle memory" control options breaks basically all other mounts, as mentioned elsewhere in this thread.

Individually they might seem minor, but taken as a whole (I'm sure there's more) it adds up to introducing more friction with this expansion than anywhere else in the game. I get that JW is supposed to be a slower-paced thing and that's fine, but forcing that slowdown by making basic operations less user-friendly isn't the way to do it.

Edited by Teknomancer.4895
clarity, grammar
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On 8/23/2024 at 12:54 PM, Aska.4397 said:

and mapping spacebar for wvw warclaw breaks pve griffon and skyscale

Breaking the skyscale and griffon when trying to fix this was very annoying when I was trying to figure out what the heck was going on.

I suppose one can adapt to this odd change, but this really  should have been communicated to the players better.  It was never mentioned in anything from ANet and none of the pre-release articles or early reviews said anything about this mechanic change.   One sentence in a blog or patch notes is all that it would have taken.  

Anything that effects/changes something as basic as player movement should be given high priority for communication. 

Edited by DoctorOverlord.8620
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I find the Anet response snide and contemptuous.  At least acknowledge that there is justified dissatisfaction about this horrible and major design flaw.   I get that the company runs on CYA but this just reeks of decline phase business operation and is really going to turn me off buying any further expansions if they just leave this hanging.     

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This is not even the only thread full of people complaining about this. Seems there's plenty of people who dislikes the change. It's great that anet finally reworked warclaw to make it more useful... but then changed how it handles and made it unusable in the process. Sucks we cant use the new warclaw in pve... sucks even more we're forced to live with this awful change in wvw. I have my dodge bound to my mouse thumb button and having to spam that just to dash forward feels bad, especially with my RSI. Space was not only muscle memory, it's also how every other mounts work, AND is an accessibility feature.

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