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Homesteading isn't as easy & player friendly as they've claimed and has some flaws that should be fixed.

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I genuinely hope  one of the developers read this because its an issue that should be fixed but first I want to start off by congratulating the devs  and their wonderful team of talented people for this amazing and beautiful  expansion and for being able to make the housing feature finally another core reason why this game is so wonderful and enjoyable to play, Janthir is stunningly beautiful and the lowland Kodan have a extraordinary design not to mention the soundtrack equally matches the beauty of this  nicely made vast landscape. BUT there sadly seems to be a major issue that I, and many others have run across during  the homesteading feature and it came to me as a sad surprise. I was so eager  and excited to complete all of my homesteading masteries so I can enjoy the full scale of this "player friendly housing" so excited to relax and get cozy to spend endless amount of hours into creating a home for my characters and a place to hang with many of my friends. But all of that excitement died down in an instant when I noticed to do such things it would actually not be enjoyable instead a full-scale chore. 

Allot of these materials are not so easy to get and makes a game an endless grind for some thing that was suppose to be fun, a simple chandelier  for example should not require a material that players only get when starting the legendary weapon questline  for the Frostfang and not to mention the amount of steps to get there just for some lump of beeswax is insane and will turn new players away I for one will NOT  be starting  a  long journey to craft a legendary just so I can unlock ONE vendor that sells me a specific item for a housing decoration that I have to craft because that's ridiculous and nobody should have to go through such long lengths. Don't get me wrong I understand that this item cost 50 gold and you guys may not want to de-value it for people who scribe for guildhalls but these should be the options for those kinds of people. You can pass hard tasks like this one off to players who are doing guild hall decorating and leave this for them as a second option if they don't want to pay 50  gold BUT LEAVE IT FOR THE SCRIBES AND GUILDHALLS AND GUILDHALLS alone.

Because player housing should be separate and it should be more down to earth and easy and not a chore to do and for the players that have an issue with people who homestead that can get easily get access to items that they couldn't for their guildhalls I'm sorry but that's just to  darn bad they are going to have to call it a loss because THOSE PEOPLE AREN'T THE MARKET because you have to please the majority that are going to bring  in the money off of the promise that player housing will be a player friendly endeavor but most importantly a NEW  PLAYER  friendly endeavor. This is not the only material that I've noticed is actually rare to get, some of the giant mushrooms, wood cores,  lump of ore, etc. some of the other materials are insanely over priced in the TP and allot of our fellow players aren't haggling around large sums of gold especially when some of these  materials cost 5g and then some, when players get guild hall decorations it should be revamped for homesteads very differently, honestly if you ask me players should be able to craft an item one  time and be able to generate it infinitely  and never have to worry about crafting it ever again because honestly  why should players need  decide to save materials for homesteads  or other craft items when it should be easily accessible and allow players to focus those mats on other important things like hmmm I don't know? legendaries like Frostfang maybe?

I shouldn't have to decide whether I want to save certain mats for  housing or save them for crafting things outside of my homestead.  Last but not least  I also noticed  that some of the upgrades in the  homestead are gated and time gated  that is also something  I show distain towards because it doesn't match the player friendly quota if you wanted us to grind hard for homesteads I feel like that should've been said from the start and had been more upfront with players rather than leading us on. The difference is, is that guildhalls are a communal space where people can pull resources  that in which it brings a team effort to create and grow to help it thrive for the sake of the guild. But my homestead doesn't apply to that argument though for it is not a guildhall its my little personal space for me and my friends a place where i go to take a break from crafting said legendaries, and doing other hard task in Tyria its a place to whine down and relax and take a break from the more challenging parts of the game and that's how it should it be, not just for me but for everyone else as well I was so excited for this and  I still have hope for its change so please make this right. PLEASE FIX THIS.


Edited by Fireballer.2956
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Certainly acquiring stuff aint easy.  Anet should give an alternative to grinding for casual players. I mean getting a selectable chest with house furniture in WvW PvP reward tracks.

House stuff vendors via map currency like in other maps (volatile magic, unbound magic, shards...).

House related items in the wizard vault...

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I will say, it's a very odd choice that even the basics require time gated materials so you can't really experiment with space, or carve out something simple that you can call your own without feeling like it'll ultimately be a loss. And a big fat RIP to people who craft something and the in game item doesn't really mesh as well as they thought it would by judging its icon. (Me, with the fire particle effect😔 so many time gated mats lost there that I could've used elsewhere...)


Like having some super opulent stuff be a time and money investment sure, but wasting 100s of gold to populate a plot with kodan themed normal decor? (a theme I don't even want to use) c'mon... :T

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Posted (edited)
26 minutes ago, Roda.7468 said:

I will say, it's a very odd choice that even the basics require time gated materials so you can't really experiment with space, or carve out something simple that you can call your own without feeling like it'll ultimately be a loss. And a big fat RIP to people who craft something and the in game item doesn't really mesh as well as they thought it would by judging its icon. (Me, with the fire particle effect😔 so many time gated mats lost there that I could've used elsewhere...)


Like having some super opulent stuff be a time and money investment sure, but wasting 100s of gold to populate a plot with kodan themed normal decor? (a theme I don't even want to use) c'mon... :T

And see it's things like that that they can capitalize on if they wanted to, if they want players to work for something let it be things like the theme, have us craft homesteads instead I would be okay with that more than having us grind for decorations simple decorations just No. Either have different homesteads in the gem store that we can buy or have us get homesteads that we can craft in game and I can understand why those would be hard to craft if they want you to craft an entire homestead with a different theme, but even a new theme homestead shouldn't be as hard to craft as a legendary.  As long as they make it extremely easier to have decorations ill be ok with something like that.

Edited by Fireballer.2956
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50 minutes ago, Axelteas.7192 said:

Certainly acquiring stuff aint easy.  Anet should give an alternative to grinding for casual players. I mean getting a selectable chest with house furniture in WvW PvP reward tracks.

House stuff vendors via map currency like in other maps (volatile magic, unbound magic, shards...).

House related items in the wizard vault...

It's very probable that they will probably put some wizard vault decorations in I am almost certain of it. I just hope that they also focus on the decorations that are hard to obtain at the moment. Rather than brushing It off with shoving other easier stuff in our face to get but avoiding it with other simple things like a chandelier.

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I think it should be balanced so there is base stuff - easy to get (though not free and the limitations on the wood/fiber/metal seem reasonable) and then some super fancy glowing looking stuff ... like of ascended/legendary quality that is hart to get (and uses expensive mats). That maybe for each base type of furniture. Special stuff can be expensive. Not sure about a chandelier. Seems already a bit more like normal lamp you'd use to light a small room.

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1 hour ago, Luthan.5236 said:

I think it should be balanced so there is base stuff - easy to get (though not free and the limitations on the wood/fiber/metal seem reasonable) and then some super fancy glowing looking stuff ... like of ascended/legendary quality that is hart to get (and uses expensive mats). That maybe for each base type of furniture. Special stuff can be expensive. Not sure about a chandelier. Seems already a bit more like normal lamp you'd use to light a small room.

This is where I'm at. 

Basics like regular plants, building blocks, generic wood/stone/metal furnishings, and basic kodan themed decor should be dirt cheap. (but tuned to like let you get carried away a bit and then go "oh kitten I need to stop" when looking at your wallet)

Then things like basic racial themed decor should have a slightly higher price tag, but with no time gate.

Then maybe have the racial rival factions (bandits, nightmare court, svanir, etc) be a bit more with a low-cost timegate material requirement.

Then have your racial+ themed decor, so basic human would be commoner furnature while the fancy stuff would be stuff you find in the upper parts of divinity's reach, sylvari decor would go from normal furniture shaped plants to floral and bioluminescent versions, etc, larger, more complex plants, and more complex/pristine building blocks that would cost similar to what we have now in terms of time-gated materials.

Then when we get into the dragon corrupted and expansion themed furiture, then we start to see the rare stuff.  Mordem slivers and shards for mordrem decor, alpine log cores for dominion decor, etc.

And then the REALLY rare materials are there for centerpiece style trophy decors, where you really only want one or two unless you're doing some kind of insane sculpting project.


Like I get that housing is supposed to be a material and gold sink, and I don't want that to be taken away, but I worry that without that "first hit" a lot of people who would go hard in it might be a lot more hesitant due to loss aversion with the timegated and high-cost basics.

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14 minutes ago, Roda.7468 said:

This is where I'm at. 

Basics like regular plants, building blocks, generic wood/stone/metal furnishings, and basic kodan themed decor should be dirt cheap. (but tuned to like let you get carried away a bit and then go "oh kitten I need to stop" when looking at your wallet)

Then things like basic racial themed decor should have a slightly higher price tag, but with no time gate.

Then maybe have the racial rival factions (bandits, nightmare court, svanir, etc) be a bit more with a low-cost timegate material requirement.

Then have your racial+ themed decor, so basic human would be commoner furnature while the fancy stuff would be stuff you find in the upper parts of divinity's reach, sylvari decor would go from normal furniture shaped plants to floral and bioluminescent versions, etc, larger, more complex plants, and more complex/pristine building blocks that would cost similar to what we have now in terms of time-gated materials.

Then when we get into the dragon corrupted and expansion themed furiture, then we start to see the rare stuff.  Mordem slivers and shards for mordrem decor, alpine log cores for dominion decor, etc.

And then the REALLY rare materials are there for centerpiece style trophy decors, where you really only want one or two unless you're doing some kind of insane sculpting project.

Well, in all honesty I'd rather that than what they are doing now. There is also structures and stuff like bridges and etc they should also consider making easily obtainable. I honestly dont know why some of these trees call for lumber cores and such i still haven't able to decorate the outside yet. I have so many creative ideas that I could finish half of my homestead ideas Just in two days alone, but sadly with all this gated stuff as well as harder and materials decorating has become very slow and it feels very limiting and has sadly gotten less fun at the moment.

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10 hours ago, Fireballer.2956 said:

Sorry for the long post guys, but I really needed to emphasize how bad of a design this is. And not exactly what we  were promised 😞

Um....they never said it wasn't going to take work. I have not met a SINGLE person thet has complained about everything you just did?? I'm so confused. If you don't want to work for it then guess you don't get the item. That's how it has always been. I've been doing nothing but enjoying homesteading and decorating.....collections and long achvs and gold are part of the game. Sucks ig?? Such a weird thing to say they "need to change this and this and this because THEY SAID xyz". When they never said it was be easy or super laid back to get. I have NO memory of the devs saying all homestead stuff and decorations would be a piece of cacake. 

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It is weird they spent so much time weaving it into existing systems when no one wanted that.  What we wanted was an easy build mode where we can spend hours building our houses exactly as we want.  Maybe placing trophies or something.  Letting creativity rule and let the community express itself.

Instead they gave us another place to grind and another material sink. A huge amount of dev time went into this to miss the mark so badly.  And the sort of thing a beta won't reveal because no one had to spend years farming the materials.

And now the only way to fix it is to root out all this new code and new hooks into the existing systems and make a new simple one.  Want to make us harvest wood?  Sure, fine.  Make it use basic resource nodes.  That's ok.  All the refining can be done on site starting from basic resource nodes.  Nothing special or weird.  A actual fun way to drain the world of mithril could be great rather than things like provisioner tokens.

I feel like Anets desire to slow the community down with grinding accidentally bled into this new game archetype that they are not used to.  They didn't realize that making your house freely customizable for free keeps people playing for longer.  That's why people still play The Sims.  Will Wright famously said he discovered Sim City while building another game.  He discovered building the city itself was more fun.

Edited by SinisterSlay.6973
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I'm a huge fan of housing systems in MMOs all the way back since Ultima Online to the more recent Wildstar and ESO. I've loved them all.

I was beyond ecstatic when they revealed the Homestead for GW2 and I think the base premise is great, but man, the costs for even the simplest of items is insane. It takes 300 hard wood to convert into enough of the housing materal wood to make a simple chair! Are you kidding me? 6 gold to buy a shipment of housing mats! And on top of that, all the material conversions and shipments are on a weekly lockout?! These numbers are WAY out of tune with the casual nature of this game feature, and I certainly didn't expect to see this kind of inhibiting grind attached to this system. 

In a game where we already hoard materials for crafting legendaries (and, to a lesser extent nowadays, ascended), it feels real bad having to exchange whole stacks of materials to be able to craft a few simple decorations. Never before in this game have I felt so bad for using my materials on something "fun" instead of something "useful". 

EDIT: I had to come back to this post after having realised that each of the upgrades for wood, ore and plants HALVES the price each time. So now instead of having to trade 20 Green Wood for Homestead Wood, you only trade 5, for example. 

After the initial small investment for these upgrades for each material type, the conversion is A LOT more reasonable and I'm quite happy!

Edited by Minax.3284
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2 hours ago, LolzImSquishy.4978 said:

Um....they never said it wasn't going to take work. I have not met a SINGLE person thet has complained about everything you just did?? I'm so confused. If you don't want to work for it then guess you don't get the item. That's how it has always been. I've been doing nothing but enjoying homesteading and decorating.....collections and long achvs and gold are part of the game. Sucks ig?? Such a weird thing to say they "need to change this and this and this because THEY SAID xyz". When they never said it was be easy or super laid back to get. I have NO memory of the devs saying all homestead stuff and decorations would be a piece of cacake. 

There's another forum topic, with people talking about the same thing i noticed with the rarity of some of the items, that forum post is also talking about the chandelier that I noticed, now again it's not just that decoration but that's the one that caught my eye and then I looked it up and then I saw a forum post about it I noticed I was not the only one and then I made my own post about it especially since me and my friends in the game we're also pondering why it was like this just because YOU didn't hear anyone complain about it doesn't mean they aren't people complaining about it, and to be fair you're seeing something about it now so that should say something.  Also not being a piece of cake is an understatement. Having to do an achievement that's for a legendary weapon just to get one item is more than a bit much and is really just unnecessary for homesteading. Also if you listen to the live stream they claim that crafting decorations will be cheap and not hard to get and will be accessible for players. They pretty much were marketing towards how player friendly it was how it wouldn't be a struggle 

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1 hour ago, SinisterSlay.6973 said:

It is weird they spent so much time weaving it into existing systems when no one wanted that.  What we wanted was an easy build mode where we can spend hours building our houses exactly as we want.  Maybe placing trophies or something.  Letting creativity rule and let the community express itself.

Instead they gave us another place to grind and another material sink. A huge amount of dev time went into this to miss the mark so badly.  And the sort of thing a beta won't reveal because no one had to spend years farming the materials.

And now the only way to fix it is to root out all this new code and new hooks into the existing systems and make a new simple one.  Want to make us harvest wood?  Sure, fine.  Make it use basic resource nodes.  That's ok.  All the refining can be done on site starting from basic resource nodes.  Nothing special or weird.  A actual fun way to drain the world of mithril could be great rather than things like provisioner tokens.

I feel like Anets desire to slow the community down with grinding accidentally bled into this new game archetype that they are not used to.  They didn't realize that making your house freely customizable for free keeps people playing for longer.  That's why people still play The Sims.  Will Wright famously said he discovered Sim City while building another game.  He discovered building the city itself was more fun.

It's been my suspicion as well that maybe this was overlooked by the devs, and they haven't re-explored how hard it is to get some of these materials but it also basic question why there wasn't a beta release for homesteading which seemed strange, and there's nothing anyone could have noticed during the live stream when they were showing it because the icon pictures were still in development so I don't think anyone noticed the names of the things that the developers in that video were crafting until it finally got on our plates for us to indulge in.  And it's certainly clear that this blends too much with exactly what you said, existing player systems. They aren't use with a system like this it's still very much a new thing and it's only been a few days since the launch of  janthir wilds.

I'm also not sure if they realize that there's a new player base they could bring them a lot of money with this market just like how there's people that only play PVP or WvW there's some people that play games like guild wars 2 and ONLY do housing and decorating in MMOs are still huge and caters to allot of people, so they really dropped the ball with this. The only decoration that should be considered a challenge is the legendary gear and weapons that they said that we could put in our homesteads I think they should focus on that and let that be the challenge that it already is considering that it's not just a housing decoration but actual literal gear that our characters use Lol. Or make physical achievement trophies that  we can place in the homestead showing the achievements we completed

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I'm fine with it. Wasn't expecting to jump into it able to create every piece of furniture without working for it, and I was actually surprised that they provide you with an already furnished house as opposed to an empty one. The time gating doesn't really bother me either.

My biggest complaint is the inability to see what you're crafting. You can obviously look up the items that are also in guild halls, but the newest, homestead specific ones have no means of knowing what they'll look like until you make them. A preview button would be nice. As for the "harder" items: the chandelier is probably an oversight but beyond that I don't see any issues. Everything else, timegates included, make sense from an MMO standpoint.

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3 minutes ago, Rallicus.8367 said:

I'm fine with it. Wasn't expecting to jump into it able to create every piece of furniture without working for it, and I was actually surprised that they provide you with an already furnished house as opposed to an empty one. The time gating doesn't really bother me either.

My biggest complaint is the inability to see what you're crafting. You can obviously look up the items that are also in guild halls, but the newest, homestead specific ones have no means of knowing what they'll look like until you make them. A preview button would be nice. As for the "harder" items: the chandelier is probably an oversight but beyond that I don't see any issues. Everything else, timegates included, make sense from an MMO standpoint.

 Thats fair enough I get some players wouldn't mind this sort of thing but I honestly don't think it's worth it for this game feature I think for once we should have something that doesn't have to include all of these things that we already have to do for a number of other things besides the easier player housing becomes the more money Anet gets for making it so accessible and I also just think for those that want to challenge with decorating should just stick to guild Halls and try to become scribes for their guild but personal homesteads should be left alone. It's just that almost everything else in guild wars 2 is a challenge and according to them this was supposed to be one of the few things that aren't. Maybe I'm spoiled with playing other games that have housing in them and none of them have a system like this it's very simple you buy the home and the decorations are in the coppers. At least in the games Ive played. That's why I was a little confused when they were telling us all the things that player housing wouldn't be. And I already thought but don't most games do that?  I wasn't worried about renting or upkeep or evictions I don't think I've played game with any of those. But I was concerned about crafting not to mention the fact that they said crafting wouldn't be all that hard for players. But i also thought they should allow us to preview the materials as well. I crafted a lion statue but there was two of them and I couldn't tell the difference, so I had to force out the materials and crap one of each. 


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1 hour ago, Minax.3284 said:

the costs for even the simplest of items is insane. It takes 300 hard wood to convert into enough of the housing materal wood to make a simple chair! Are you kidding me?

I haven't done any math yet, but this indeed bizar, and definitely not the gap between GH deco crafting and homestead deco crafting I imagined... I definitely expected a single piece of furniture to cost significantly less than a stack of any material, and especially the expensive ones... 

Can we perhaps add vials of linseed oil to the mix in order to replace some of the regular mats? At least flax is easy to farm by parking some chars at the different farming spots...

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14 hours ago, Roda.7468 said:

I will say, it's a very odd choice that even the basics require time gated materials so you can't really experiment with space, or carve out something simple that you can call your own without feeling like it'll ultimately be a loss. And a big fat RIP to people who craft something and the in game item doesn't really mesh as well as they thought it would by judging its icon. (Me, with the fire particle effect😔 so many time gated mats lost there that I could've used elsewhere...)


Like having some super opulent stuff be a time and money investment sure, but wasting 100s of gold to populate a plot with kodan themed normal decor? (a theme I don't even want to use) c'mon... :T

bad design in an attempt to time delay the content for future updates. THIS IS NOT HOW YOU SHOULD DO THAT ANET

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21 minutes ago, Flowersunshine.7385 said:

I haven't done any math yet, but this indeed bizar, and definitely not the gap between GH deco crafting and homestead deco crafting I imagined... I definitely expected a single piece of furniture to cost significantly less than a stack of any material, and especially the expensive ones... 

Can we perhaps add vials of linseed oil to the mix in order to replace some of the regular mats? At least flax is easy to farm by parking some chars at the different farming spots...

I'm not sure about anything when it comes to the l linseed oil, but but if you're talking about the math and how much loss there is in gold I've lost 50g+ just homestead decorating alone and my homestead still looks about empty. I had to stop decorating until they have made some changes. I just simpily can't afford to spend any more gold on this. So its back to gold farming for me.

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You are complaining about the time-gates while the official launch was Tuesday evening, THIS Tuesday. 

The system is better than expected, from my perspective. The costs of decorations are a mere fraction of the guildhall-stuff - as it should be. And the new tool is amazing. I'll make a detailed review some time later. At the moment the new expansion is too fun to play to waste multiple hours writing a long post here. cya ingame o/

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16 minutes ago, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

You are complaining about the time-gates while the official launch was Tuesday evening, THIS Tuesday. 

The system is better than expected, from my perspective. The costs of decorations are a mere fraction of the guildhall-stuff - as it should be. And the new tool is amazing. I'll make a detailed review some time later. At the moment the new expansion is too fun to play to waste multiple hours writing a long post here. cya ingame o/

What does launch have to do with the fact that time gated materials aren't inherently necessary? Even when things just come out it doesn't stop a game from getting criticism all games will get criticisms that's why they come out with betas. If anything it's not even complaining this is how games grow they take the criticism from their players on what should change and they take it to heart. I already know that this expansion is beautiful it doesn't change the fact that homesteading has flaws, and some of these materials hardly drop at all.  Are you seriously saying that players should have to go through an achievement that requires a piece from a legendary just to craft an item? Or get those lumber materials that hardly drop at all? Just because of few people are okay with it doesn't mean it should be that way. Not everything had to be hard or a challenge. Give your player base a break once in awhile. Homestead should be something that the players can goof around with and have fun. Not grind endlessly for hours. 

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paragraphs and less longer sentences would really help, if you actually want people to read what you're saying.

That being said, I agree, I was super excited to start decorating, planning... once I saw the costs to get furnitures and how the cheap options to get resources are timegated... well, let's say I put that idea off for now until Anet decides to revisit Homesteads.

"We can't wait to see what players will make !", as they said... Well unless it's a streamer or someone who gets donations, they won't see much.

I was laughing at ESO or FF14 housing but they still do it better.

Edited by Scar.1793
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4 hours ago, Scar.1793 said:

paragraphs and less longer sentences would really help, if you actually want people to read what you're saying.

That being said, I agree, I was super excited to start decorating, planning... once I saw the costs to get furnitures and how the cheap options to get resources are timegated... well, let's say I put that idea off for now until Anet decides to revisit Homesteads.

"We can't wait to see what players will make !", as they said... Well unless it's a streamer or someone who gets donations, they won't see much.

I was laughing at ESO or FF14 housing but they still do it better.

True, i tried to find ways to shorten it but I felt the need to really emphasize how stressful homesteads seem right now because it was so disappointed.  I cannot build much of anything at the moment as I don't have the gold to waste or poor into it right now. But yes I find it hilarious that they would say something like "we can't wait to see what players will make" if you can't wait then why time-gate it? 🤔😂

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An issue that guild halls have is that the developers tend to test decorations within their god mode. They don't have to face the player experience when it comes to mass producing decorations. They once introduced bugged decorations into the live game that could not be crafted, because they used the wrong ID for some decorations that were used within the recipe for crafting the new decorations, which highlighted a lack of playtesting. They might not have felt the time span of the first week's material cooldown. They might not predict certain issues that might arise with things like rare material drop rates vs. the trading post economy. It's good to converse about these types of subjects.

I don't think the material cooldown will be an issue in the future after people get their favorite decorations and then stock up on spare materials. I do think that it's an issue for people starting out. They should probably consider just lobbing materials at players via one-time achievements to start them off on the right foot. There are some achievements with homestead materials available, but they are bare bones with about enough materials to craft a single decoration or so per achievement. They should probably aim at giving players about 800 of each of the 3 materials to start off with, which would be a good 90 or so decorations worth if the decorations costed around 25 materials per.

Edited by Quench.7091
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Quench.7091 said:

An issue that guild halls have is that the developers tend to test decorations within their god mode. They don't have to face the player experience when it comes to mass producing decorations. They once introduced bugged decorations into the live game that could not be crafted, because they used the wrong ID for some decorations that were used within the recipe for crafting the new decorations, which highlighted a lack of playtesting. They might not have felt the time span of the first week's material cooldown. They might not predict certain issues that might arise with things like rare material drop rates vs. the trading post economy. It's good to converse about these types of subjects.

I don't think the material cooldown will be an issue in the future after people get their favorite decorations and then stock up on spare materials. I do think that it's an issue for people starting out. They should probably consider just lobbing materials at players via one-time achievements to start them off on the right foot. There are some achievements with homestead materials available, but they are bare bones with about enough materials to craft a single decoration or so per achievement. They should probably aim at giving players about 800 of each of the 3 materials to start off with, which would be a good 90 or so decorations worth if the decorations costed around 25 materials per.

That would more than likely be a better idea than what they're currently doing. I also see a few examples of them probably not testing some of the furniture and homesteads as well for example I can't place the ice sheet anywhere it turns red and it says that this item is not allowed to be placed here. 

And again with that lump of beeswax and the lumber cores. it's things like that that I'm pretty sure the devs overlooked by mistake and didn't realize from a player point of view but that's actually harder to get then they might've of realized

And I know this sounds overly generous and they probably would never do this even though I think they should some people might disagree with this idea but I generally think this is a better idea and it would  make them  a ton of money.I simply think that players  should be able to craft a piece of furniture one time and once they do that they can generate it as many times as they want without ever having to worry about crafting it again. That may seem extreme but that would give arenanet a whole lot more money because like I said just like how there's people who do PVP or WVW, some games have a player base that only do nothing except housing and only housing and those games make so much money even though they're indie games they allow players with limitless housing rights in games like that housing isn't the only thing to do yet it's probably one of the biggest things in their community. 

Now again I don't expect them to actually do something like that with homesteads since it is again overly generous and I can settle for cheaper materials and then using more abundant and less rare materials to craft the items needed but overall I genuinely believe that they should spoil us with homesteads more than just a little bit, Think of it as an "We are sorry for how SOTO turned out" 😂

Edited by Fireballer.2956
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