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Flying mounts, simple solution

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7 minutes ago, Smart College Boy.3249 said:

Again, I never said to remove flying mounts from the game. Complete the map 100% without flying and receive it as a bonus to travel across the lands you already explored easier.

Makes perfect sense. It's not a massively time consuming task to complete a map 100% without flying.

And stop comparing it to WoW pathfinder where you previously needed to grind all sorts of reputation. In GW2 this would not be a grind because you are finishing new content for the 100% map completion.

I think it's a fair compromise.

And I also think your alts should get flying automatically in areas your main toon already completed the map.


I still do not understand what improvement you want to achieve here. You already can explore a new area on foot if you want to do it, why do you feel it neccessary to force it on people who prefer exploration with mounts?

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21 hours ago, Smart College Boy.3249 said:

It's too late to completely remove flying mounts from this game, but here's a simple compromise.

Only allow flying in a zone you 100% completed.

Problem solved

Knowing full well that OP is a troll post:

"Compromise" implies that all sides involved will agree to it in order to obtain at least some of what is wanted. I see nothing of the sort.

Where you say "Problem solved," I don't see anywhere that you even bothered to define the alleged "problem," much less present one that needs to be "solved."

I played this game before any mounts existed, aerial or otherwise, and I can promise you that NO ONE wants to go back to that.

It's a stupid idea and you should feel stupid for suggesting it.

Bye Felicia.

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1 hour ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

NO ONE wants to go back to that.

I preferred the game without mounts. I am not advocating for their removal because I know others like them and mount skins seem to be big sellers in the gem store, but I would be delighted to, "go back to that," if ANet somehow figured out how to do it without killing the game.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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2 hours ago, Smart College Boy.3249 said:

Again, I never said to remove flying mounts from the game. Complete the map 100% without flying and receive it as a bonus to travel across the lands you already explored easier.

Makes perfect sense. It's not a massively time consuming task to complete a map 100% without flying.

And stop comparing it to WoW pathfinder where you previously needed to grind all sorts of reputation. In GW2 this would not be a grind because you are finishing new content for the 100% map completion.

I think it's a fair compromise.

And I also think your alts should get flying automatically in areas your main toon already completed the map.


I didn't claim that you were advocating for removing flying mounts from the game.

I also didn't compare to WoW.

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5 hours ago, Smart College Boy.3249 said:

Again, I never said to remove flying mounts from the game. Complete the map 100% without flying and receive it as a bonus to travel across the lands you already explored easier.

Makes perfect sense. It's not a massively time consuming task to complete a map 100% without flying.

And stop comparing it to WoW pathfinder where you previously needed to grind all sorts of reputation. In GW2 this would not be a grind because you are finishing new content for the 100% map completion.

I think it's a fair compromise.

And I also think your alts should get flying automatically in areas your main toon already completed the map.


WoW did very similar things in the past, the playerbase got absolutely fed up with it not necessarily because it was so time consuming (it was) but because they had to do it every single new expansion. It also put a stanglehold on their map design because they needed to accommodate the fact that every player entering these new zones was not going to have flying, and ever since they've stopped putting flight behind such restrictions the verticality and diversity of their zones improved a good bit. The reason people use WoW as a comparison is because it went through these exact "pains" after flight was introduced in Burning Crusade. The suggestion you have for GW2 is the exact suggestion the community echoed, repeatedly, until the pathfinder achievements were implemented as the "solution".

Whatever issue you have with flying mounts in the game is null and moot at this point because they have already been around for a long time, and removing the feature and gating it behind an arbitrary requirement before being able to utilize the function is not a solution to anything. Its leaps and bounds backwards. You don't take away features from your playerbase just to artificially inflate the amount of time it takes to traverse a zone, because then the trade off is you need to make the zone not abysmal to navigate which needs to be in the form of very deliberate design of the environment.

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2 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

I would be delighted to, "go back to that," if ANet somehow figured out how to do it without killing the game.

And there you have identified the impossibility. From PoF forward, every expansion and LW release was designed to at least account for mount travel, if not absolutely require it for both map and story completion. Besides, GW2's mounts are often considered best-in-class, is ANet really going to DEL one of the features their game is known for? Of course not.

Even OP's notion of locking out only aerial mounts raises the question of "which ones?" There are the obvious griffon and skyscale of course, but let's not forget the flight and near-flight capabilities of the turtle and (depending on how tightly you define "aerial"), jackal and now warclaw. We won't even go into how OP's idea of disallowing flight on a map until you've finished it makes whole regions basically inaccessible. The entirety of SotO would obviously be a total non-starter; you'd never leave Wizard's Ascent.

Unless the goal is to make people quit the game en masse, we don't need any absurd solutions for nonexistent "problems."

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3 hours ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

And there you have identified the impossibility

Sure. As I've said here, the cat is out of the bag, it's too late to make the changes suggested by the OP. People have bought skins for mounts and would be outraged if their use was disallowed until the zone was already explored.

I only responded to your post because there are in fact people who preferred the game without mounts.

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While we are on the subject of mounts.....


Why do all my elementals get despawned the moment I mount with my elementalist (catalyst)?


I'm not saying they should show while I'm mounted, but once I dismount, the previously spawned elementals should be there as long as their timers did not expire.


I haven't done WvW with this toon yet, but it seems like such a massive disadvantage to choose these elemental abilities over other abilities because of such shortsighted game design.

Edited by Smart College Boy.3249
God told me to
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On 9/7/2024 at 2:46 PM, Smart College Boy.3249 said:

Yea, always the best argument.


Sure, just choose not to use the flying mount while other players who use it progress faster.

Considering the majority is not behind your idea the solution to your "problem" is even simpler, not using flying mounts for the first exploration. This is a you problem, not the game's problem. Don't try to paint your issue as everyone's issue.

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On 9/7/2024 at 1:46 PM, Smart College Boy.3249 said:

Yea, always the best argument.


Sure, just choose not to use the flying mount while other players who use it progress faster.

Unless you're the person who can take time off work the day/week an expansion launches, delay or hand off all your other responsibilites to other people and stay awake as long as possible to play there will always be people who are progressing faster than you because they can and will do that.

IMO it's far better to learn not to worry about what other people are doing, and especially to stop thinking of a video game as something you need to get finished as quickly as possible. It's a game, the point is to have fun playing it, so do whatever you find fun and don't worry about what other people are doing.

That goes for using mounts (and waypoints and other ways to speed up/skip travel) as well. Instead of trying to impose strict rules on yourself or everyone based on what you think should be the correct way to play do whatn you'd enjoy, which could also change moment to moment. Maybe you want to make sure you're exploring fully and don't miss stuff, so you're walking across the map instead of using mounts. Then you realise the next bit is walking up a long switch-back trail and you can already see at least the first few sections have no enemies, no materials to gather, nothing of interest, so you hop on your springer and jump straight up, then get off and continue exploring from that point. IMO it's better to have the tools available and choose when it's appropriate to use them than to lock them off until you've re-earned them by doing everything the slow way.

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