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4 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

no idea why people downvote u for facts.

gw2 fans need stop to be so emotional

quote from ncsoft

+++ArenaNet has a meaningful IP called 'Guild Wars', and after Guild Wars 2, they are now making 'Guild Wars 3'. If you look at this process, it is quite competitive. It's not completely profitable, but I think it's been competitive+++


3 hours ago, gmmg.9210 said:

Holy cow one person on these forums not on the dangerous copium it’s a miracle 😭

This is not even a "quote", this is a loose translation that was soon after clarified, but you're refusing to accept the clarification because you'd rather cope with inaccurate interpretations of inaccurate google translations.


15 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Notice, btw, that the above means that even if the statement from CEO was not true at the moment he was making it (say, because he simply had no idea what he was saying), it is in his best interest to make it true now, in order to avoid potential consequences of being caught on trying to mislead shareholders.

Notice, btw, that this is not really how that works.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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3 hours ago, gmmg.9210 said:

Arena net said one thing and ncsoft said something else. They were messages that conflict with one another. I was just pointing out to that person that both ideas can technically be true at the same time because anet was using lawyer speak. I swear I feel like barely anyone on these forums has heard of “press relations” when it comes to game development.

Arenanet said they’re “sole focus” is on gw2 because they want to maintain player retention and keep their bottom lines.

It won’t age poorly because they’re still making mini expacs like Soto, they’ve said that themselves.

Ncsoft though confirmed that Arenanet is also working on GW3. That means Arenanet is saying something to us that can easily be defended in years to come. But it’ll technically look true. In other words, PR.

Again, nothing that ArenaNet said or didn't say has anything to do with my post.  Try to keep up, please. 

I said: I don't know.  Why are we to believe one thing NCSoft says, but disregard the opposite thing they say right after? Again, it must be nice...

Edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234
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2 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

This is not even a "quote", this is a loose translation that was soon after clarified, but you're refusing to accept the clarification because you'd rather cope with inaccurate interpretations of inaccurate google translations.

And you are refusing to accept is  that it's been confirmed by more than one person actually knowing the language that the translation of that sentence was, in fact, very accurate.

2 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Notice, btw, that this is not really how that works.

That's exactly how it works. Shareholders very much dislike being lied to, and people can actually end up in jail for this if it blows up too much.

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15 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

And you are refusing to accept is  that it's been confirmed by more than one person actually knowing the language that the translation of that sentence was, in fact, very accurate.

Was it the same way you confirmed the site reporting on it is reputable because it's a "korean financial site that likely has no idea (nor cares about) what GW is", which then appeared to actually be a gaming/media news website?

15 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

That's exactly how it works. Shareholders very much dislike being lied to, and people can actually end up in jail for this if it blows up too much.

No, the company providing clarification to bad translations/speculations on the gaming websites doesn't owe investors anything those websites chose to probably, as far as we know, misrepresent. Your choice to selectively dismiss whatever you want is irrelevant to what the company should or has to do.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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8 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Was it the same way you confirmed the site reporting on it is reputable because it's a "korean financial site that likely has no idea (nor cares about) what GW is", which then appeared to actually be a gaming/media news website?

No, the company providing clarification to bad translations/speculations on the gaming websites doesn't owe investors anything those websites chose to probably, as far as we know, misrepresent. Your choice to selectively dismiss whatever you want is irrelevant to what the company should or has to do.

As it turns out, the original information was made by a financial site, Money Today (and not just a website, but website belonging to a major financial newspaper. And yes, from what i can see a very reputable one). The game media site Inven came later, and included not only a report, but also an unedited transcription of the whole proceeding. In Korean, so no chance of bad translation here. First english language gaming site that reported this did mention they used google translate on this, but since then it has been confirmed by other sources (and players) to be accurate.

8 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

No, the company providing clarification to bad translations/speculations on the gaming websites doesn't owe investors anything those websites chose to probably, as far as we know, misrepresent. Your choice to selectively dismiss whatever you want is irrelevant to what the company should or has to do.

Like i said, Inven used an unedited transcript of what was said, verbatim. There was no "bad translation/speculation" whatsoever. Co-CEO did say that GW3 was being worked on. NCSoft's "correction" later tries to shift the meaning of what was said, but it does not change that it has been said (it is also very ambigious in wording - "start of development has not been finalized yet" is not exactly as clear in meaning as "we haven't started development yet" would be).

The one selectively dismissing stuff is you, not me.

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12 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

As it turns out, the original information was made by a financial site, Money Today (and not just a website, but website belonging to a major financial newspaper. And yes, from what i can see a very reputable one). The game media site Inven came later, and included not only a report, but also an unedited transcription of the whole proceeding. In Korean, so no chance of bad translation here. First english language gaming site that reported this did mention they used google translate on this, but since then it has been confirmed by other sources (and players) to be accurate.

Like i said, Inven used an unedited transcript of what was said, verbatim. There was no "bad translation/speculation" whatsoever. Co-CEO did say that GW3 was being worked on. NCSoft's "correction" later tries to shift the meaning of what was said, but it does not change that it has been said (it is also very ambigious in wording - "start of development has not been finalized yet" is not exactly as clear in meaning as "we haven't started development yet" would be).

So you're repeatedly misinformed about the sources and whichever way it went, you equally didn't care. It isn't because you just made up your mind regardless of whatever is true or not, is it? Luckily investors don't care what you think about it nor does the company owe investors anything based on what you or some site think they know.

13 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

The one selectively dismissing stuff is you, not me.

You're the one who takes the proclaimed statement and the direct clarification made to it just to then dismiss (the second) part of that whole picture in order to claim whatever you want to claim anyways. So no.

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4 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

This is not even a "quote", this is a loose translation that was soon after clarified, but you're refusing to accept the clarification because you'd rather cope with inaccurate interpretations of inaccurate google translations.


Notice, btw, that this is not really how that works.

i have no idea why people try talking this away, we have devs who got job offers confirm that anet already work on gw3 for years, we have the ncsoft guy confirm they do gw3. 


we have a extrem drop in quality as we had with icebrood saga when they worked on a new game.

and still people fight hands and feet to deny the obvious reality.

we are literally playing gw2 now and people saying a gw3 will not happen.

baffles my mind.

i will be right on this as i predicted mounts and Soto story theme. people will doubt me as usual thats ok.

instead of talking gw3 or not discussion should be how to do gw3. 

Edited by Balsa.3951
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15 hours ago, gmmg.9210 said:

It’s the illusion that they have only one thing in the pipeline at a time, and all their focus is based on that. They want to show us, the customers, that gw2 is all that matters.

You seem to have lots of inside information on Anet.

Could you share some info on gw2's next expansion?

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people who want gw3 aren't losing anything if gw3 won't be created. It will take years before its even completed, or it can even be canceled during the active development. these players will just search for another mmorpg game or stick with gw2.

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44 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:
2 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

we have devs who got job offers confirm that anet already work on gw3 for years,

Could you post the citation for this 'fact'?  Please and thank you.  It would be most enlightening.

In addition to this, I'm also requesting links for these:

2 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

as i predicted mounts and Soto story theme.

Not that it has anything to do with what we're talking about here ("I was right about something x years ago, so it means I'm right about anything I say"? 🤔), but hey, if you truly somehow meaningfully predicted anything, prove it.

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On 4/12/2024 at 1:25 AM, Blacklust.4638 said:

There is absolutely no reason to think that guild wars 3 will be the same style of game. Might not even be an MMO. Might be a battle royal kind of game. There is no indication that Guild wars 2 will stop being developed. 

This is like saying WOW will stop being developed just because they will make a Warcraft 4. 

I am not worried in the slightest that the attention will continue to be on guild wars 2 as most likely whoever is working on maybe that guild wars 3 mobile game or whatever it is is a completely different team from the new batch of hires. So stop the drama.

aside from the fact its not been confirmed that GW3 will be made, it will be highly probably that GW3 is a MMORPG .  IF GW3 is a MMORPG then GW2 will flip to automated maintenance on release day.

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16 minutes ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

aside from the fact its not been confirmed that GW3 will be made, it will be highly probably that GW3 is a MMORPG . [...]

Well, it could turn out to be an MMORPG with ugly modern designs such as we have seen in jade-tech and in all the "Hello Kitty"/plush kitsch, which doesn't warrant that people will actually like the game, in spite of a newer engine.

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21 minutes ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:


aside from the fact its not been confirmed that GW3 will be made, it will be highly probably that GW3 is a MMORPG .  IF GW3 is a MMORPG then GW2 will flip to automated maintenance on release day.

Likely already a little while before it comes out. I would see something like "this is the last expansion for GW2 to be able to fully support the launch on the long-awaited launch of GW3." or something to that effect, which, I might add, would be the right way to do it.

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2 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Well, it could turn out to be an MMORPG with ugly modern designs such as we have seen in jade-tech and in all the "Hello Kitty"/plush kitsch, which doesn't warrant that people will actually like the game, in spite of a newer engine.

Well, I hate to be cynical (or do I? 🤔) but Anet doesn't really care about their existing fan base as we saw with the launch of GW2. Now you can love or hate GW2 but it did make money for them in the end and sustained them for years. But realistically GW2 won't be able to sustain them for very much longer, even if it's just to please the shareholders. So yeah, they would have to make a new game and by the latest reports this would be GW3. But any new game runs the risk of not being a hit, so that's not really an argument to not do it. 

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On 4/11/2024 at 11:00 PM, gmmg.9210 said:

Ah I see, so the guy at NCsoft just lied to cover his tail and make the company look better than it was? Why would he lie to an investor like that if Gw3 was not being made? The truth is getting out eventually one way or another so why risk tanking the stock even more? Wouldn't it be easier to just mention an actual game in development in NCWest? A game like Idk, the one after Gw2, whatever game that would be called. Maybe Gw3, the name really rolls off the tongue.

Idk, I just can't wait for the announcement to prove I'm right. And even if I wasn't right my point still stands. Resources are going into other stuff that is not Gw2, which means tempering expectations for new content for Gw2 is reasonable. Never hearing any argument refuting this point other than people naively thinking someone at NCsoft lied because it serves their narrative interests.

Yes, that is exactly what happened. He was under duress and had to say something, ANYTHING, to get them to back off. They were basically questioning why he should remain in his current position.

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On 4/12/2024 at 1:45 AM, Ashantara.8731 said:

This. However:

That's what they claim, but it has become painfully obvious during the past two SotO releases that this is not the case. They have obviously put most of their resources somewhere else, there just is no evidence whatsoever that it's GW3.

That's fair.

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8 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

i have no idea why people try talking this away, we have devs who got job offers confirm that anet already work on gw3 for years, we have the ncsoft guy confirm they do gw3. 


we have a extrem drop in quality as we had with icebrood saga when they worked on a new game.

and still people fight hands and feet to deny the obvious reality.

we are literally playing gw2 now and people saying a gw3 will not happen.

baffles my mind.

i will be right on this as i predicted mounts and Soto story theme. people will doubt me as usual thats ok.

instead of talking gw3 or not discussion should be how to do gw3. 

Yeah it might be confirmation bias, cognitive dissonance along with some sunken cost, but I’m not gonna presume.

All we know for sure is GW3 is in the works and has led to less dev time and money being spent on GW2. Not believing it is either just not knowing yet or denial.

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12 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

This is not even a "quote", this is a loose translation that was soon after clarified, but you're refusing to accept the clarification because you'd rather cope with inaccurate interpretations of inaccurate google translations.

It’s not just a silly google translation my good man, it’s literally what was said. Allow me to refer you to this post below ⬇️ Notice how NCsoft didn’t retract their statement (which would’ve been done if it was false lest they take a huge beating from investors), but instead gave PR jargon saying they are “considering” it. They say that of course knowing that customers, like many on these forums, have a huge attachment still to Gw2 and want to feel like their invested playtime is not being wasted cuz of a new game being made on the horizon.

We’ll see who was right all along but tbh GW2 is still gonna get Soto style expacs so why not just enjoy the little bite sized meals until GW3? I’m sure we’ll all look back at this little fiasco and laugh knowing that gw3 had much better graphics and hopefully better systems also.

On 3/28/2024 at 10:01 AM, purp.1806 said:

I speak both Korean and English and can confirm that he is saying that Guild Wars 3 is in the works. There's no mistranslation here. He is visibly saying that ArenaNet is "currently" making GW3. There's no runaround, he is not only saying it's greenlit, but actually saying it's currently being made.

Editing this so people see my comment from below:

NCSoft corrected the statement in an update:
"Guild Wars 3 is still under consideration, and the start of development has not been finalized."

Here's an article regarding its development that I found after searching in Korean

This article also showcases the updated statement as above.

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4 hours ago, Leger.3724 said:

There's a ton of coping going on.

I get it. People have tons of progress they don't want to lose and they want the rest of us to be held hostage.

Yeah it’s showing big time. Idk to me it’s a bit uplifting. The future is on the horizon, and potentially we could get an entire new guild wars game! Why be strung up on all our hours and gems spent on gw2 when a potentially better game is in the works?

I know it’s hard not knowing if the next game will be good or not, or what it will or won’t be, but if they don’t take this risk gw2 might get caught stuck in the past.

The game engine for example is rumored to be very difficult to work in. It’s spaghetti code tbh at was made like 2 decades ago. Unreal 5 will bring a ton of ease of use and much better graphics tbh. That means maybe more updates and less bugs:)

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8 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

i have no idea why people try talking this away, we have devs who got job offers confirm that anet already work on gw3 for years

We don't know it's GW3 until it is officially confirmed. And some so-so Google translation of hearsay is no real confirmation, is it?

8 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

we have a extrem drop in quality as we had with icebrood saga when they worked on a new game.

They cut the IBS short in favor of the next expansion, End of Dragons, not because they were working on a different game. Please get your facts straight.

3 minutes ago, gmmg.9210 said:

The future is on the horizon, and potentially we could get an entire new guild wars game!

Hopefully one of better quality than the current state of GW2, which is boring, repetitive and disappointing in many ways.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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On 4/12/2024 at 4:33 AM, Gehenna.3625 said:

Well, this information is based on something an NcSoft person said during an investors meeting as reported by an external website and then later was toned down by another NcSoft statement. 

I suspect that this is probably true but at the same time lots of games get cancelled during the development and there hasn't been an official confirmation about what sort of game GW3 will be or what phase they would be in of said development. So for me, there's a lot of unknowns still to be 100% certain about the actual release of a GW3 as an MMO.

And it is kind of ironic because you yourself apparently kept hopes up until now for certain changes that I deemed unrealistic unrealistic for GW2 at this stage. And besides, being able to say "I told you so" isn't particularly meaningful to begin with. But hey, you do you.

Tbf I made those requests not knowing they were working on gw3. But new information was provided and I learnt they are now, so adjusted my expectations accordingly:)

It’s a bitter red pill to swallow for sure, especially not knowing what that game will be or if it will be good. But in my opinion (and this is just my opinion you don’t have to agree with it) gw3 is a great idea. It’ll give them a clean slate to start fresh and attract new players. If they learn from the mistakes of gw2 (of which there are many) then they can potentially do an even better job with the next title:)

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9 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

We don't know it's GW3 until it is officially confirmed. And some so-so Google translation of hearsay is no real confirmation, is it?

Not a google translation. Bilingual players have confirmed it’s correct.

On 3/28/2024 at 10:01 AM, purp.1806 said:

I speak both Korean and English and can confirm that he is saying that Guild Wars 3 is in the works. There's no mistranslation here. He is visibly saying that ArenaNet is "currently" making GW3. There's no runaround, he is not only saying it's greenlit, but actually saying it's currently being made.

Editing this so people see my comment from below:

NCSoft corrected the statement in an update:
"Guild Wars 3 is still under consideration, and the start of development has not been finalized."

Here's an article regarding its development that I found after searching in Korean

This article also showcases the updated statement as above.

 Also ncsoft never retracted the statement. Just face facts it’s being made. You should  expect an announcement sometime in the future. And at the very least understand not all resources are being focused on gw2.

Edited by gmmg.9210
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1 minute ago, gmmg.9210 said:

Tbf I made those requests not knowing they were working on gw3. But new information was provided and I learnt they are now, so adjusted my expectations accordingly:)

It’s a bitter red pill to swallow for sure, especially not knowing what that game will be or if it will be good. But in my opinion (and this is just my opinion you don’t have to agree with it) gw3 is a great idea. It’ll give them a clean slate to start fresh and attract new players. If they learn from the mistakes of gw2 (of which there are many) then they can potentially do an even better job with the next title:)

They had to do something. If not GW3 then another game. In spite of people's flights of fancy, Anet cannot continue surviving on just GW2 even if they would make enough money to survive, that's not good enough for NcSoft I'm sure. Investors want big profit margins after all. 


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54 minutes ago, gmmg.9210 said:

It’s not just a silly google translation my good man, it’s literally what was said. Allow me to refer you to this post below ⬇️ Notice how NCsoft didn’t retract their statement (which would’ve been done if it was false lest they take a huge beating from investors), but instead gave PR jargon saying they are “considering” it. They say that of course knowing that customers, like many on these forums, have a huge attachment still to Gw2 and want to feel like their invested playtime is not being wasted cuz of a new game being made on the horizon.

36 minutes ago, gmmg.9210 said:

Also ncsoft never retracted the statement. Just face facts it’s being made. You should  expect an announcement sometime in the future. And at the very least understand not all resources are not focused on gw2.

Do you, like, not understand what you're repeatedly quoting in your own posts or what is happening right now?

On 3/28/2024 at 4:01 PM, purp.1806 said:

NCSoft corrected the statement in an update:
"Guild Wars 3 is still under consideration, and the start of development has not been finalized."

Here's an article regarding its development that I found after searching in Korean

This article also showcases the updated statement as above.


The fact that you're saying nothing changed or was retracted here, but at the same time you need to swipe any -rather immediate- clarification they made as "PR talk" just to dismiss it in order to still think whatever you want to think regardless of what you read or quote is just comedy gold.

Edited by Sobx.1758
fixed the author of the quote
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