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Not sure how to advance forward

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I went ahead and designed a core ranger build and recorded a video of the LS1 Molten Boss fight.  I tuned my stats to approximate exotic berserker gear, used easily acquired core pets, inexpensive runes and sigils, and no relic, food, or utility (I did forget to disable my jade bot core, but it wasn't really relevant here).  I also made the build very offense-oriented, full melee, and made an effort to avoid dodging even though the build generates protection and vigor from evades and has 25% increase endurance regen baseline.  So, you could take a defense utility, a ranged weapon, and actually dodge to improve sustain over what you see here.

I think with a build like this anyone should be able to handle open world/story content fairly easily.  I still recommend skipping ahead to unlock some bells and whistles as things like elite specs, masteries, and weaponmaster training will dramatically improve both damage, sustain, and overall quality of life (for reference, this took about twice as long as my open world Untamed build which also has better sustain).  But there's no reason you can't use only inexpensive things available from the core game and still progress if you'd prefer to do it that way.                    


Edited by AliamRationem.5172
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2 hours ago, Exarch.4602 said:

I followed up on this, looks like it only applied to characters that were 60+ when the Secrets expansion launched, which mine weren't. But thanks for the tip!

Apologies friend. Didn't know it was a limited time thing.

The core ones are craftable from the Armor crafting disciplines (Leatherworking, tailoring, Armorsmithing). You can purchase the recipes from the vendors near the crafting stations for charms (from salvaging runes/relics).

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5 hours ago, Gladamire.8436 said:

n other to unlock things I need to complete story mode,

you do not need to complete story, except in a few cases. As soon as your toon hits lvl 80, you can just pick a new story out of anything you've purchased and start it. Starting it will get you to the new zone, or if you have any "teleport to friend" you can ask if anyone can let you teleport to them. (If you quit a story without finishing personal story, your story guild will revert to personal story but you don't actually have to do it again, or at all). 

In HoT and PoF after you land in the first map one way or another, you can walk/ride from each map to the next. In EoD you can walk/ride through a couple maps. Many people will find they can solo HP in EoD and PoF, but if you struggle it's ok to ask for help. If you have a mentor tag (apple), put that up when you need help and people may come. You can also ask in /map or in gchat. Give your location or the nearest waypoint so people can get there. 

However if you haven't purchased the content, you will need to buy the DLC's in order to play anything on them. 

Alternatively, instead of doing story you can work on other things like achieves, fractals, or WvW. 

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12 hours ago, Gladamire.8436 said:

I mean your right, I should have a better attitude, but after getting 3 characters to level 80, and hitting a brick wall and not being able to move forward with the game

I mean this week alone I have tried to complete Season 1 story and failed at least 17 times, even with youtube telling step by step what and where to do/go, same with jumping Puzzles

and If i can not complete story mode to unlock the rest of the game and the game only gets harder and harder, but your the same, same level, same gear,  then I am not making progress

You dont need to play story to progress with exception of maybe first mission of expansion or LS chapter.

Some story missions can be challenging for a new player.

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I've been where you are. I've played the game continuously for at least 5 years. I hit a spot where I thought I couldn't progress further. I was envious of those who had completed all the masteries. Central Tryia seemed the hardest. But there are so many ways to complete all the masteries in all the expansions (just look at your Hero and select Achievements. You will find so many easy to achieve/all most done achievements for Mastery points) . You just have to look. I think the hardest jumping puzzle I faced was on my quest for a skyscale (the previous way, before SoTo) but a mesmer helped me. So I now have all masteries except raid. But GW2 is so in depth. Only 2 days ago I stumbled across the daily treasure chest you could get in your home instance/stead. A brand new mission for me. Have you maxed out all the other home instance available freebies (not those you buy on the TP/Gem store)? Any good luck to you and have fun!

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I do not have a home instance

So far I have only been able to do core map 100% got to level 80 and in exotic gear

most everything else I am trying to figure out still or can not do due to X reason, dying, can't jump correctly, not playing class correct, wrong build, etc etc etc

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9 minutes ago, Gladamire.8436 said:

I do not have a home instance

So far I have only been able to do core map 100% got to level 80 and in exotic gear

most everything else I am trying to figure out still or can not do due to X reason, dying, can't jump correctly, not playing class correct, wrong build, etc etc etc

You might check the video clip I shared above.  There's a complete build link in the comments.  I made the build using only what is available to a fresh level 80 ranger.  Just normal exotic berserker stats, cheap runes/sigils, no relic, no elite spec, no masteries.  It shows the build completing the Molten Boss in LS1 fairly easily.  So, if you're struggling I think a build like that might help.  It deals decent damage for a core build and also has good sustain.  You can swap out the signet for whatever you want (e.g. stunbreak, more sustain, etc.) and use whatever weapons you like (power weapons preferred for best effect!), although I personally think sword/axe is good to have on any open world DPS ranger build.

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25 minutes ago, Gladamire.8436 said:

I do not have a home instance

So far I have only been able to do core map 100% got to level 80 and in exotic gear

most everything else I am trying to figure out still or can not do due to X reason, dying, can't jump correctly, not playing class correct, wrong build, etc etc etc

Every character has a home instance by the way (not a homestead which is different). It's a small instance in your character's racial city. eg for humans it is in NE Divinity's Reach, Norns have theirs at the entrance to the main lodge, Charr have theirs along the east path, Sylvari I believe is down the bottom somewhere and no one knows where the Asuran one is - least of all the Asurans...

As for the rest, as was stated before,  people will be happy to come along and help if you mention where you need it and whether EU or NA

Edited by Randulf.7614
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On 9/14/2024 at 12:14 AM, Gladamire.8436 said:

In other to unlock things I need to complete story mode, but need elite spec, and for that need more Hero Points, and in order to get Hero Points I need to be stronger?

What exactly do you want to unlock?

I've an account that's done HoT, PoF, season 4 (just because of skyscale) and EoD. Nothing else. No core story. Furthest char is at chapter 5 there.
And I don't what I would miss there. What's locked behind the core story?


Also warrior doesn't need a specialization. Core warrior can do anything open world and story. I played half through PoF with core warrior build from metabattle (always have a rifle with you in case you need to switch to ranged battle - better replace greatsword with rifle there until you are sure you can handle longer close combat well).
I later specced spellbreaker when I advanced enough in PoF to have all the needed hero points (and don't forget, I lacked all core hero points) and all it changed for me was a new skill on a F key I learnt to love (counter <3).


You need to get better, not particular stronger.

Movement is important. You can move out of a battle and hide behind an obstacle to lure your enemy closer (e.g. out of range of other trouble) or to get several spread ranged enemies together. or to have a short breath or to flee and leave combat mode. You don't need to stay front and die.
Using evade is super important. You can use sigills that improve your endurance so you can evade more often if that helps you.
Stunbreak and cleanse are important esp for warriors and they have the best skill for that: Shake it Off!

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16 hours ago, Gladamire.8436 said:

most everything else I am trying to figure out still or can not do due to X reason, dying, can't jump correctly, not playing class correct, wrong build, etc etc etc

There is no wrong build or wrong way to play a class. Its worth to step back and look at it as it can have big impact on how easy or hard it is. But there is a reason ppl say everything goes in open world.

I went through Hot first time with a fully berserk geared staff ele in yellow gear, all dmg, no mounts and no clue. And I somehow managed. Hey at least I learned to dodge because everything one shot me.

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WvW is not for everyone but there are hero points on the maps you can pick up. They are out of the way of most fighting and most wvw will leave you alone. Tag along with a commander, you will die but can earn good gear ( exotic to legendary) for wvw currency. You can earn weapon/armor marks, without crafting them, it is slow but you will  get them. You can buy pve map Hero points with wvw earned currency for each exspansion from the notary. It is a bit random but you can buy a whole map. You can get the ones for those hard boss fights.....looking at you rancid bacon sitting in the cave in the jungle...lol. You lose nothing because you can still do the boss fights on map when you explore the pve map or do the story. Google hero points from wvw. 

Get a good build that works for your play style. Once you hit the expasions the game play gets harder, you need to learn new mechanics. Solo you need to balance dps and sustain... pick one that feels good when you play it. Guild Jen, metabattle, etc. have some good builds and explanations. Fractual builds are for group play...you need a general build.

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On 9/14/2024 at 5:30 PM, Gladamire.8436 said:

I do not have a home instance

So far I have only been able to do core map 100% got to level 80 and in exotic gear

most everything else I am trying to figure out still or can not do due to X reason, dying, can't jump correctly, not playing class correct, wrong build, etc etc etc

hi, you don't need to take all the advice on this thread nor take all the suggestions to heart. 

But you're struggling and asked for advice, maybe you can pick through it all and find that one bit of advice you needed.

If none of this helps, what is it that you need? What kind of answer were you hoping for? 

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On 9/13/2024 at 7:52 AM, Exarch.4602 said:

I've reached the same point, it's a party! My ranger just got his tuchus handed to him by the two champions in Molten Furnace, there's definitely a perceptible ramp-up in difficulty over the personal story and world map.

I'm triaging my gear - relic slot, what, never got one of those -  but I was wondering if I would be missing anything, or out of order, in terms of storyline if I went off to start Heart of Thorns long enough to finish unlocking my elite spec tree before continuing season 1?

Not sure how interested anyone is in updates, but I replaced some gear -  a couple of pieces from the trading post, a couple from leveling up my crafting, and at least one from running world bosses - tweaked my build, figured out how rune stacking actually works, and got through the Gigarg/Rodion fight in a couple of tries, I think I'm all set for the rest of season 1.

Thanks to everyone who offered advice!

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