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Homestead feature wishlist

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On 8/24/2024 at 5:05 PM, MithranArkanere.8957 said:

[Bug]  The Homesteading Mastery Unlock marker for the first expansion is removed from the wrong door, it is removed from the upper floor door that remains closed.

I noticed this too, and thought it was just me.  Good to know it wasn't. I have the mastery completed for unlocking all the homestead space, but when I click on that upper floor door, it says I need to unlock the mastery.  The downstairs door is unlocked. 

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5 minutes ago, fizzypetal.7936 said:

I noticed this too, and thought it was just me.  Good to know it wasn't. I have the mastery completed for unlocking all the homestead space, but when I click on that upper floor door, it says I need to unlock the mastery.  The downstairs door is unlocked. 

I can open all the doors, actually. Weird.

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6 minutes ago, Drakkon.4782 said:

[ Bug ] Where are my cats? I have their toys, but not a single one of my cats is hanging out in or around my Homestead. I have several. None of them are there.

Is there a attracter/repeller in the homestead if not.

Have you tried to use them in your home instance then gone back to homestead?

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I've seen this in other's comments but I want to reiterate. I love most things about the homesteads, and I love the freedom that we have to change so much. It just makes the minor pain points stand out more. If I could make just 2 changes I would be able to get over all the rest. 

1. Please let us move the cat interactables, like the feline disperser. I actively regret unlocking them, because I hardly ever use them, they are spread over a large area so they are hard to hide and one is even in the house itself. I honestly feel I would have been happier if I hadn't unlocked them. 

Alternate acceptable solutions: group them up tightly in a small space, preferably in an out of the way space, so they take minimal space and can be hidden by decorations, or let us just be able to toggle them off so they aren't in the way.

2. Being able to move the NPCs would be huge, even if it's just the non-merchant NPCs. It kinda feels weird to have random people in your home. I get it, it works for the guild hall, but the homestead feels like a more personal space, so it would be nice if we had the option to move them to a shop/market we could build out of decorations, or banish them to a cave that would be great.

Alternate acceptable solutions: Just being able to toggle off the non-merchant NPCs like the wildlife would be enough for me.

The commonality here is that I don't like that things I unlocked by doing quests or payed for (with gold) years ago are an annoyance to me now. 

Thanks for your time.

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I second a lot of the comments here. Main gripe is with all the unlocked home instance stuff. I often feel like I would rather not have them at the homestead at all, compared to the current solution. It's one of a combination of factors that make me unable to shake the feeling that I'm decorating someone else's place, rather than make it my own.

Don't mean to sound too critical, I enjoy it so far. There's a lot of room for improvement though.

Long-term, I hope the ambition is to add more alternative locations that offers different aesthetics. 

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On 8/25/2024 at 4:54 PM, Ashantara.8731 said:
  • I also don't appreciate that I cannot set a permanent location for my alt characters and that I have no way of toggling on/off whether I want to see them at all. Having to remove every single one of them by manually logging them out of the Homestead is very incovenient.
On 8/25/2024 at 5:09 PM, Celeste.9135 said:

Personally I would love if the homestead would save where we place our parked alts when we move them and also to be able to see their backpiece/equipped weapons if shown.

I tried leaving my alts there, but it ended up adding way more loading screens than I care to deal with to the daily alt-park routine. And some of the parking spots don't let you drop the doorway so you have to move away from the resource you're parked on just to use it. Having them hang around in static Homestead locations to get a miniscule buff that they won't ever benefit from because they're just parked alts is not worth the hassle IMO.

23 hours ago, Drakkon.4782 said:

[ Bug ] Where are my cats? I have their toys, but not a single one of my cats is hanging out in or around my Homestead. I have several. None of them are there.

As you spawn in facing the house, most of them are in the grassy patch to the right of the house (where M.O.X. stands if you've done the story step). I used the decoration tool to delete one patch of grass and the cats could be seen again. A couple are in/around the house, the snow leopard still follows you around, and Lady Wisteria is back by the mine entrance. I don't think I've found all of them yet. 😕

Edited by Teknomancer.4895
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I would like to see something similar to what old school Runescape does where we can craft and place portals that lead to different areas, for example, a portal to arborstone, or a portal to a living world session map. I don't feel it needs to include the gem store ones, but I would prefer having control over my portals and creating specialized areas than having 3 portals that lead to places I don't need to go to. The other side to this is I get to clear up my shared inventory slots of having however many portal scrolls.

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11 minutes ago, Dapper Shark.4958 said:

3 portals that lead to places I don't need to go

I do get why they did it that way, and why they chose those specific ones. ANet's clearly been trying to break GW2 away from the dragon cycle, so which portals exist?

  • Core (LA)
  • SotO  (Wizard's Tower)
  • JW (some hillside in the middle of nowhere)

OK, so maybe I don't get that last one. 🤷‍♂️ But anyway it also probably means we won't get (or need) a new telescroll for JW, plus we can store/discard the (now semi-redundant) Wizard's Vault telescroll instead of carrying it around if so desired. In my view, that freed-up shared inventory slot is a valuable perk.

It could potentially free up two slots, but unless they add the Home Instance as an exit option I'll probably still carry my gemshop Home Portal Stone. Its "return to your home city" functionality is handy even if the home instance isn't getting much use.

The often-requested bookshelf feature would be handy right by the Homestead's portal entrance, to store all of those portal scrolls. Click shelf, choose scroll, go. But that would cut into shared-inventory-slot sales, so not likely.

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38 minutes ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

I do get why they did it that way, and why they chose those specific ones. ANet's clearly been trying to break GW2 away from the dragon cycle, so which portals exist?

  • Core (LA)
  • SotO  (Wizard's Tower)
  • JW (some hillside in the middle of nowhere)

OK, so maybe I don't get that last one. 🤷‍♂️ But anyway it also probably means we won't get (or need) a new telescroll for JW, plus we can store/discard the (now semi-redundant) Wizard's Vault telescroll instead of carrying it around if so desired. In my view, that freed-up shared inventory slot is a valuable perk.

It could potentially free up two slots, but unless they add the Home Instance as an exit option I'll probably still carry my gemshop Home Portal Stone. Its "return to your home city" functionality is handy even if the home instance isn't getting much use.

The often-requested bookshelf feature would be handy right by the Homestead's portal entrance, to store all of those portal scrolls. Click shelf, choose scroll, go. But that would cut into shared-inventory-slot sales, so not likely.

Homesteads are a way for players to express creativity right? sure to some extent I don't mind a base to work off of, but, these 3 portals, to me at least spit in the face of that creativity by plonking them down here and only here, where is a gate of varying designs (asura, wizard towery, druid like). a bookshelf is cool for storing lore, but while I'm not going to scoff at a bookshelf that you can shove these tomes in, I would like portals I can plonk down where I want, pushing even further changing the color of these portals.

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Just my thoughts as a female player nearing 50 and a Sims player donkeys years ago.

Need more pretty aesthetics.  The Janthir Grass is boring, I want a pretty flower meadow and cheery blossom trees.

Bookshelf to store all our books we have collected that are sitting in our bank would be great use of this space.

Ability to leave our alts where we park them ie sleeping in a bed, sitting on a couch, sitting around my big table I created.  In the kitchen cooking some eggs.  etc etc

Ability to change colours of furniture, rugs or bed spreads using dye packs.  

Artwork, personalised artwork we can hang on our walls.

Armour stand to showcase our unlocked skins to visitors

Utlising our represented guild emblem on items to show our allegiance to our favourite guild.

Future house appearace selections we can switch between ie human castle look, Norn,  Slyvari etc...and other building types from expansions 

I have a lot more ideas but thats just the start 😛 



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Bit of a gripe vis a vis parked alts.  There was a promise made pre-launch that we could take parked alts to the homestead and have them return to the open world.  Player response was to rejoice that we could indeed get our jp chest alts to the homestead for the buff, for group photos, for banking (at the crafting station), etc.

But my alt at the quaggan jp can't drop a doorway, and certainly can't move away to do so because the whole point is to have her up there without having to navigate the orbs.  When I happened to be in the Sharkmaw jp chest area in LA, ditto, no door.  I wonder if any spot where you can't mount up also bars you from putting down a doorway?  Whatever the reason, the usefulness of the homestead is limited by this.

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Current Issue: The 'Conjured Doorway' cannot be spawn everywhere.

Request: Change the current 'summon conjured doorway' skill, to instead replace the weapon and utility skills with new skills (similar to the 'start fishing' mastery skill).

Skill 1: 'summon conjured doorway', the current skill

Skill 2: teleport to the homestead / return to previous map (if currently in homestead)

Skill 3: teleport to Jhantir wild (no need to go to the homestead and take the portal to Jhantir wild)

Skill 5: remove doorway (if doorway is already summoned)

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On 8/24/2024 at 3:53 PM, Slushey.8236 said:

IConjured Doorway:

  • [Bug] Cannot spawn Conjured Doorway in Arborstone, Lion's Arch Aerodrome, etc.
  • [Request] Add a 'Conjure Doorway' Keybind under Control Options -> Mastery Skill.

I also already love the homestead a lot and I am confident it will be improved upon. 🙂

My biggest issue aside form the two above (i.e. portal not working on every map and the missing keybind) is that you cannot join squads while in the homestead and being in a squad prevents you from going to your homestead. I realise that this is proabably a technical issue, as you are currently only able to bring parties to the homestead. But it's rather annyoing that I cannot spend time in the homestead while e.g. waiting for the raid group to fill etc. It would be wonderful if we could at least get the option to join 10 person raid squads while being in the homestead ❤️

So long story short:

  • [Request] Allow joining squads while in the homestead and allow travelling to the homestead while in a squad
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We've had our homesteads for almost a week now. This has given us time to check out the features and possibilities. During this time I've been taking notes of things that I would like to see added or changed to improve the quality of our homesteads.

  • Ability to change seasons – spring, summer, fall, winter.
  • Ability to change weather effects and intensity – rain, snow, thunderstorms, fog, and so on.
  • Being able to make any of the above changes as temporary or permanent.
  • Ability to make rooms larger or smaller.
  • Working, functional, placeable see through windows.
  • The Asura Gate to Lion’s Arch should instead be like that of the convenience scrolls (Royal Terrace Pass for example), choosing where to go.
  • Instead of "Hearth’s Glow" on the loading screen, have our player name in it too. "Tarun's Hearth Glow". This allows players in a group to know what homestead they're loading in to.
  • Let us log back in to the same spot we logged out in the homestead, rather than being moved to the waypoint.
  • Option to disable the cats. - per /u/cutestuff4naynay the Feline Dispersing Resonator works.
  • We have cats, so why can't we have dogs - complete with breed choices?
  • Option to control music like in the guild halls - the silence can be nice, but some music would be great too. A jukebox, record player, or something similar would be useful. Asuran Surround Sound or Whole Homestead speakers, anyone?
  • An option for ambiance/whitenoise would be nice to have. Such as the wildlife making noise.
  • Some of the limitations for crafting and placing objects should be removed or raised. Guild Halls can have a cap of 2000 objects, for example.
  • A preview of the item you're going to craft. Similar to how we can preview items on our characters and the Gem Store. Being able to preview and scale items would be useful.
  • Placeable doors, and being able to lock them. Lockable doors would allow people to keep certain areas under wraps if they're still decorating it and don't want it seen until finished.

I imagine this is coming in the future:

  • Being able to change your buildings to match other cultures and styles.
  • Different homestead homes with different layouts – some of the rooms in the existing homestead feel a bit too small.

A bug I've noticed/reported:

  • The Wintersday tree needs to be fixed, it isn't lined up with the decorations at all.

That's my lists so far. I'm interested to hear what ideas others have. I'm bringing this thread to the GW2 Forums from my Guild Wars 2 - Reddit post.

Edited by Tarun.8946
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When I have the decoration window open (skill 9), then select a decoration and then use Esc to get rid of the decoration it closes the skill 9 window first.
Tiny thing, but it would be nice to get of the decoration first, so I can just select a new one 🙂


Edit: nvm didn't know the right mouse button gets rid of the selected decoration 

Edited by littledolores.9528
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[Wish] Make giant mushroom spores more common - let them drop from Mushroom enemies and/or all mushroom nodes rather than just sawgill mushroom nodes.

[Request] Let my alts in the homestead do things. I can understand the default spawn points, but have them do some basic emotes like /talk /sit /sleep or just walk around in the area they're assigned to.

[Request] I want to use the base decoration items that the world bosses & raid encounter tokens give us for guild halls. I was able to do some really fun things with those base items that I'd love to do in my homestead.

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For me, some of the "recipes" in the handiwork list make me say to myself:  "Where the heck do I find that component?". Indeed, there are many I haven't even encountered before.

Also, in the discovery tab, I only have refined homestead metal and wood to "invent" with. That leaves (currently) 38 items I haven't seen.

It does seem to me that the cost of each item I want to craft costs an awful lot of materials and, given the size of the plot you have for a homestead, it'll be a good many years before it's full potential is realised.

Just my two penneth 😄

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