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Thief able to Shadowstep inside keeps/towers and drag his party inside...


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I don't understand how the map bugs haven't been fixed, honestly. It is borderline impossible that noone has shown them how to do the obvious ones. If you read the forums it is mentioned about a billion times.

Genuinely baffling.


I don't see pugs do this often though. I really only see roamers use it to get people who play obnoxiously and run into towers and spam emotes from the wall... haven't seen it used much for PPT.

... But the potential is there, so its wild that none of that has been fixed.

Edited by Lyralia.2945
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Best we can do is continue to make these posts. Fill the forums with them. Make it the topic of conversation.

Never before have these exploits into objectives been more well known and more exploited. They're even well documented.

Below is a segment from a stream on GuildWars2 twitch where they introduced the new scoring system for WvW. In it, Roy talks about the next thing they'll look towards after scoring will be incentivizing winning.


"Scoring is something that I think [that] there is no necessarily best solution for it. This is, again, something that we've been wanting to work on for a while. We've talked about it previously. And it's definitely a big task that we've been wanting to work on and address. And we'll continue iterating and tweaking as needed. But now that we feel as though we've gotten some changes in for scoring, we can really start looking towards something else that we've talked about previously which is incentivizing winning. Making players more interested in winning. Making winning feel better for players and for teams. Now that we've gotten these scoring changes, or we're going to be getting them in next week, that is probably going to be where we're putting a lot of our focus for the time being and moving forward. Which I think we've seen a lot of players asking for. They want more reasons to be playing and winning. And that is very important to us and is definitely a major goal that we are planning on looking at for the future."

- Roy on 7/10/2024 (Source: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2194238192?t=0h35m23s)

People are exploiting into objectives using in-game skills with no 3rd party programs. If ANET is genuine with the statements that they want to "incentivize winning," "make players more interesting in winning," and "make winning feel better", then they must first fix these exploits. If you think these exploits are rampant now, just wait until these incentivizes for winning are implemented.

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4 hours ago, Lyralia.2945 said:

I don't understand how the map bugs haven't been fixed, honestly. It is borderline impossible that noone has shown them how to do the obvious ones. If you read the forums it is mentioned about a billion times.

Genuinely baffling.

Apparently it means Anet doesn't want to take map person off PvE projects to fix WvW map bugs.  As Dawdler likes to say, the cornerstone is still missing at earth keep.  At least warclaw doesn't jump as high as your character can anymore.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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Funnily enough today I've seen from my alliance a teef that was teleporting into lord room of enemy keep just to die. After few hours some engi from my alliance also joined the fun and was doing the same as teef. It was happening for like 4h+(dunno, logged out)? I feel sad for blue since they had contested keep constantly.

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11 hours ago, Hirasaki.6208 said:

Just saw it happen today, a Thief just shadowstepped inside a tower, jumped down to tele 4 of his friends and take the tower just like that..

We seen it for years now, same bug, nothing ever happen, and people abusing the bug think that is ok and i guess Anet think that too because it is not fixed after all this time and noone ever gets banned.

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Thief is Anet's spoiled son.
Regardless of how rude, pain in the kitten, abusive and terrible he is... he will never be put in his place.
Never a scolding (balance), never 2 slaps(nerf). And over time he will continue to grow by continuing to be rude, pain in the kitten, abusive and terrible. facts


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12 minutes ago, ilMasa.2546 said:

Thief is Anet's spoiled son.
Regardless of how rude, pain in the kitten, abusive and terrible he is... he will never be put in his place.
Never a scolding (balance), never 2 slaps(nerf). And over time he will continue to grow by continuing to be rude, pain in the kitten, abusive and terrible. facts


Thieves get nerfed routinely. Maybe Anet will get to fixing these map bugs sooner when people quit crying about thieves when this issue is brought up because it just ends up sounding like another nerf thief thread. Don't be so lazy and bad.

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3 hours ago, kash.9213 said:

Thieves get nerfed routinely. Maybe Anet will get to fixing these map bugs sooner when people quit crying about thieves when this issue is brought up because it just ends up sounding like another nerf thief thread. Don't be so lazy and bad.

But thief is op, toxic and no one likes fighting it. Nuke this profession from orbit, please.

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12 hours ago, kash.9213 said:

Thieves get nerfed routinely. Maybe Anet will get to fixing these map bugs sooner when people quit crying about thieves when this issue is brought up because it just ends up sounding like another nerf thief thread. Don't be so lazy and bad.

Sure, typically when they find a way to solo slothasor 🙂

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13 hours ago, cryorion.9532 said:

But thief is op, toxic and no one likes fighting it. Nuke this profession from orbit, please.

But the advice people get in these forums about thief is almost always play something else because other classes will do it better. It's a good excuse for people though. 

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The problem can not be fixed by changing the map.  Most of the exploits are based on a weird behavior in thief sword 2.  The only way to fix like 95% of the exploits would be to remove the shadowstep from sword 2 entirely.  Anet isn't willing to do that.  It's like the guards just inside the front gate at lowlands keep.  Do you know why they don't exist?  It's because you can use them to scorpion wire into lowlands.  Instead of fixing the skill behavior, they just removed the guards.  People keep asking/hoping Anet will fix the exploits...they won't.  They aren't looking at it, it's not on their list of things to eventually tackle.  It's like asking them to turn on cheat detection software, it's never going to happen.  They did it once 8 years ago and cheaters cried endlessly about how it was their grandmother's account and she would never cheat so they just don't bother.

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13 minutes ago, MedievalThings.5417 said:

The problem can not be fixed by changing the map.  Most of the exploits are based on a weird behavior in thief sword 2.

Thief sword 2 isn't the only skill that one can use to exploit in.  The "weird behavior" is essentially a pathing violation.  WvW has pathing exceptions that are buggy at times and if you recall there was an update some years ago that made changes to pathing in some areas of WvW.  I think that pathing information is carried by the map, not the individual skills.

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1 hour ago, MedievalThings.5417 said:

The problem can not be fixed by changing the map.  Most of the exploits are based on a weird behavior in thief sword 2.  The only way to fix like 95% of the exploits would be to remove the shadowstep from sword 2 entirely.  Anet isn't willing to do that.  It's like the guards just inside the front gate at lowlands keep.  Do you know why they don't exist?  It's because you can use them to scorpion wire into lowlands.  Instead of fixing the skill behavior, they just removed the guards.  People keep asking/hoping Anet will fix the exploits...they won't.  They aren't looking at it, it's not on their list of things to eventually tackle.  It's like asking them to turn on cheat detection software, it's never going to happen.  They did it once 8 years ago and cheaters cried endlessly about how it was their grandmother's account and she would never cheat so they just don't bother.

It's moreso all shadowsteps being usable while jumping, since some weird interaction makes the game think you're at the "higher" elevation when jumping and shadowstepping from a lower elevation. I've also seen it used a couple times in red borderland to completely negate fall damage with a well-timed shadowstep to npc creature when near enough to the ground on a long fall. (edit: note that this is not just on thief)

Edited by igmolicious.5986
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18 hours ago, kash.9213 said:

Thieves get nerfed routinely. Maybe Anet will get to fixing these map bugs sooner when people quit crying about thieves when this issue is brought up because it just ends up sounding like another nerf thief thread. Don't be so lazy and bad.

Maybe if you were one of those *cough* SPECIAL ppl running Cele Teef, you are clearly getting nerfed in the coming patch.
But Cele getting nerfed and some of the QoL, while having a bit of tradeoff, are all side buffs to Teef, despite the Reveal nerf.
(Oh wait, lots of you CLAIM you dont run permastealth builds, therefore it wasnt Stealth making you good, so a Stealth nerf does basically nothing to you, right!?)
In fact, the last year that Teef getting nerfed have all been responses to clear overperformance like Axe in sPvP/PvE and other broken interactions.

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5 minutes ago, MercurialKuroSludge.8974 said:

Maybe if you were one of those *cough* SPECIAL ppl running Cele Teef, you are clearly getting nerfed in the coming patch.
But Cele getting nerfed and some of the QoL, while having a bit of tradeoff, are all side buffs to Teef, despite the Reveal nerf.
(Oh wait, lots of you CLAIM you dont run permastealth builds, therefore it wasnt Stealth making you good, so a Stealth nerf does basically nothing to you, right!?)
In fact, the last year that Teef getting nerfed have all been responses to clear overperformance like Axe in sPvP/PvE and other broken interactions.

I don't use Cele gear and I almost never stealth on my thief. People here really need a strawman. I'm also one of the few people who have given actual suggestions to replace or regulate stealth while people here just cry nerf at anything that's not their class or build. 

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3 minutes ago, kash.9213 said:

I don't use Cele gear and I almost never stealth on my thief. People here really need a strawman. I'm also one of the few people who have given actual suggestions to replace or regulate stealth while people here just cry nerf at anything that's not their class or build. 

Your argument that "ppl only want to nerf Stealth ad give Teef nothing" is a strawman.
There are plenty of posts asking to rework the defensive tools of Teefs, including toning down Stealth and adding something else that is meaningful.
Many of which come from other Teef mains.

Plus, this thread has been about Teef abusing terrain and not directly about Teef balance.
Ofc toxic mechanics deserve to get nerfed, nobody freaking bats an eye about Necro Transfusion in Competitive modes.

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2 minutes ago, MercurialKuroSludge.8974 said:

Your argument that "ppl only want to nerf Stealth ad give Teef nothing" is a strawman.
There are plenty of posts asking to rework the defensive tools of Teefs, including toning down Stealth and adding something else that is meaningful.
Many of which come from other Teef mains.

Plus, this thread has been about Teef abusing terrain and not directly about Teef balance.
Ofc toxic mechanics deserve to get nerfed, nobody freaking bats an eye about Necro Transfusion in Competitive modes.

It's almost always thief mains making those suggestions.

"ppl only want to nerf Stealth ad give Teef nothing" isn't my argument, which funny enough, is another case of you needing a strawman I guess. 

"Plus, this thread has been about Teef abusing terrain and not directly about Teef balance" no, it's not because people brought it further than that including you. 

"Ofc toxic mechanics deserve to get nerfed," sure, but people are crying for an entire class to be deleted and your comments are in tune with that. 


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20 minutes ago, kash.9213 said:

"Plus, this thread has been about Teef abusing terrain and not directly about Teef balance" no, it's not because people brought it further than that including you. 

"Ofc toxic mechanics deserve to get nerfed," sure, but people are crying for an entire class to be deleted and your comments are in tune with that. 

YOU brought up balance, bucko.
Also I literally stated that most of the more reasonable posts come from Teef mains, you are unfortunately too busy telling yourself how good you are and how everyone is too lazy, bad, and out to get your main.

Its also ironic you accuse me of strawmanning when YOU are literally the one doing it.
I said that IF you were abusing both Cele AND permastealth, THEN you could claim you are getting nerfs next patch.
Both of which, you claimed,were not using, thus the nerf statement is untrue, and thus irrelevant about the exploit conversation.
YOU then go on some tangent about "nerf Teef" thread, when all OP ever said was about Teef abusing terrain.

In fact, every comment you made in this thread has been about balance and not about the flagrant abuse and exploits.
Your comments are in tune with defending said exploits then?

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8 minutes ago, MercurialKuroSludge.8974 said:

YOU brought up balance, bucko.
Also I literally stated that most of the more reasonable posts come from Teef mains, you are unfortunately too busy telling yourself how good you are and how everyone is too lazy, bad, and out to get your main.

Its also ironic you accuse me of strawmanning when YOU are literally the one doing it.
I said that IF you were abusing both Cele AND permastealth, THEN you could claim you are getting nerfs next patch.
Both of which, you claimed,were not using, thus the nerf statement is untrue, and thus irrelevant about the exploit conversation.
YOU then go on some tangent about "nerf Teef" thread, when all OP ever said was about Teef abusing terrain.

In fact, every comment you made in this thread has been about balance and not about the flagrant abuse and exploits.
Your comments are in tune with defending said exploits then?

I didn't bring anything up, what are you on about? If you have to make stuff up to make a point just quit. 

Don't pretend like you were careful with wording, you leaned in the assumption that thieves had the same builds with the same gear and you even made the assumption that I was specifically (with extra attitude so not sure why you're acting like you didn't make your statement) . Own what you say or save it. 

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12 minutes ago, kash.9213 said:

I didn't bring anything up, what are you on about? If you have to make stuff up to make a point just quit. 

Don't pretend like you were careful with wording, you leaned in the assumption that thieves had the same builds with the same gear and you even made the assumption that I was specifically (with extra attitude so not sure why you're acting like you didn't make your statement) . Own what you say or save it. 

You are on a toxic tangent and dont contribute to the topic of the originalpost.


It came to my attention to that there are exploits to bug into tower it took as people whining about hacks and what not and not actual things happening in guild wars 2. I am bit sad this is the case but so it is. Interestingly though the devs have not fixed it yet?

Edited by Anekto.8391
its tangent
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40 minutes ago, Anekto.8391 said:

You are on a toxic tangent and dont contribute to the topic of the originalpost.


It came to my attention to that there are exploits to bug into tower it took as people whining about hacks and what not and not actual things happening in guild wars 2. I am bit sad this is the case but so it is. Interestingly though the devs have not fixed it yet?

Get out of here with that. I responded to toxic posts. You can tell them all about it. I don't care what your post is about, it's a copy paste of all the other posts about it. 

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5 minutes ago, kash.9213 said:

Get out of here with that. I responded to toxic posts. You can tell them all about it. I don't care what your post is about, it's a copy paste of all the other posts about it. 

Okay sorry, you win i didnt mean to put you in your place. Toxic or not that is not okay and is toxic in itself! Have a good day.

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