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QOL Requests: New for 2024

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On 6/4/2024 at 2:49 PM, Ashantara.8731 said:

And how would you solve the problem of effect stacking? For instance, I have three Everbloom Infusions, because I find that to produce the proper amount of petals. Wouldn't be able to create this effect if infusion effects were moved to the wardrobe somehow.

What problem? You just made up problem. Like you add infusions to wardrobe and apply it to any item slots to get effect you want.

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On 6/4/2024 at 10:48 PM, Arthon.5394 said:

20 pages of suggestions, so not sure if this has been mentioned, but here goes:

Allow us to salvage dropped ascended gear for research notes without going through the stat change process. In a world where there are 3 generations of weapons available and 4 sources of legendary armor, a player will too often have ascended gear dropping and not have a purpose for it. Keep the accessories as an exception, since they are focused on providing matrixes with salvaging. But save us from this cost/effort and let us use a research kit directly.

That is actually bug which was accepted as "solution". You should get research notes only from crafted items.

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1 minute ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

What problem? You just made up problem. Like you add infusions to wardrobe and apply it to any item slots to get effect you want.

Ahh, so you are suggesting an infusion effect slot to every single piece of equipment? I see.

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On 5/10/2024 at 5:05 AM, cyriell.8365 said:

please add another way of getting a gift of battle, forcing wvw is just not great, personally i dont mind wvw that much but all the commanders on my world want you to use discord etc to join their tag while i understand the reason behind it its just to sweaty for me and removes the fun out of the game, maybe add the gift of battle to dungeons? so dungeon content becomes more alive again for newer people and for older people its a great way to re explore the old content while still getting stuff of value i dont mind if its a longer or more difficult grind then wvw so it still supports wvw in that way but people who do not enjoy wvw ( or pvp in general)  there should be another way of getting a gift of battle either through repeatable achievements (like for dungeons complete x amount of dungeon paths, each path only counts once each day) 

I agree that there should be more avenues for acquiring a gift of battle.  I think a reward track for it should be added to pvp as that would be appropriate.  I also like the idea of adding it to dungeons, like having to complete every dungeon path and maybe even time gating it so people do not get too many too quickly, like one a week or month using this method.  Currently, legendary back items and armor can be earned solely through their respective game mode: pve, pvp, and wvw.  There are also legendary trinkets tied to each game mode and all but 2 require a gift of battle.  This requirement makes sense for the wvw exclusive item, but not so much with the pvp exclusive one (so long as there is no pvp gift of battle reward track), especially considering there are 2 pve exclusive trinkets that do not require it.  The gift of battle requirement for pvp legendaries feels comparable to if a perfect mist core or mist core fragment (pvp exclusive items earned from pvp reward tracks) was required for wvw legenbdaries.  

I understand the initial reasoning behind the wvw requirement was to encourage people to engage with multiple game modes.  The second generation legendary weapons furthered this concept by adding the requirement of gift of war and gift of glory to legendary making, however the requisite items for those gifts can be obtained through the trading post and do not require any actual interaction with either game mode.  The game is old now and the player base has figured out which modes they enjoy playing.  Adding more methods of acquisition will not kill any one game mode, it will most likely prevent players from abusing the systems to earn these rewards.  One can almost afk the gift of battle by capturing a supply camp, porting to base, wait 10 minutes, repeat.  This repetitive process is one that has often been suggested to those who want alternate methods of earning a gift of battle as it is mindless and almost afkable which is not really engaging with the content.  

Adding additional methods of gift of battle that require comparable amounts of time and effort would not hurt the game, nor the legendary process.  As mentioned in the quoted post, adding it to a collection/achievement could also be a method for revitalizing older content.  The new pvp game mode announced with the upcoming Janthir Wilds expansion would be the perfect time to add this oft requested reward track to pvp.  

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I would like to share an idea my wife and I have been think about for years. We LOVE exploration and there are times when the movement speed of the game is so frenetic that we miss or do not have the chance to see the small details of the world. The action "WALK" is too slow and the default speed at which the character with or without mounts is too fast. Can we have like another option as "Walk" but instead something like "Jog"?

This "Jog" just lock the speed of the character or mount at a medium speed and disable any movement speed bonus.

I remember Wildstar had three movement speed option toggle by the same key. It helped ALOT when doing quest, entering small areas etc.

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Loading/memory priority: On systems with longer load times (not SSD) or less memory the priority for memory assets seems to be backwards. The game seems to prioritize player models before environment data, even when the settings for model culling are set lower. This leads to situations where players load into a map before the walls or floor are rendered, and in some situations such as festival races around the city, previously loaded textures will go missing between laps. This happens even if the system still has available memory within the specified requirement. The game typically uses about 2.5 GB, on 8 GB system memory, with 2-3 GB still available. It seems to not want to use more memory than that to retain critical environment data. There is also plenty of VRAM, last I checked the game was using less than 1 GB out of 8 GB on the video card. Please either bring up the memory utilization limits to be in line with the current requirements or reprioritize what data is kept and which is rotated in and out.

Other observations include:

Loading into a densely populated spot, such as the bank, or even a strike mission where you are basically put in the same spot as 9 other people, will cause the loading screen to remain up for longer than usual. Other players' models are non-essential and should not hold up the loading screen. It's fine for them to be invisible at first. It is not ok for there to be invisible walls and floors which make the game unplayable, so there's no point in taking down the loading screen when they haven't been loaded.

With model culling set to the lower settings, rather than simply stopping any further attempts to load more player models, the game instead seems to load and unload player models as soon as one is nearer or farther than another. So for example if the model limit is 10, it will always try to load the 10 nearest players and unload the 11th that stepped farther away. This too is a needless tax on performance when, for example, you have a fast-moving squad of 50 and people's positions are changing constantly, so the game is in a near constant state of loading model data trying to juggle which ones to show. The setting should simply stop further attempts to load player models once it reaches the cap and retain the first 10 models that were loaded. It should only consider replacing the loaded models if those players leave the vicinity/map, i.e. the game actually unloads their model in the normal way where they vanish from sight.

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Posted (edited)

Please give us some options to salvage, craft some furniture in the future, or craft new variants with our repeated Minis. I can't continue dealing with "rare drops" or "exotic drops" that are useless. It's either destroy them or sell them for a pittance on the trading post.
A lot of rare drops is useless too, they are just filling the inventory or robbing my chak infusion roll 😭


Edited by Therac.6431
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Hello, ArenaNet people, I really love Guild Wars 2, my favorite MMORPG without a doubt, I've been playing for over 8 years.
I would like to make a suggestion/request, when viewing cosmetic equipment both from the store and items from other players, they could add a zoom function to improve viewing, as the display window is very small in this situation, if they add a system Zooming in or increasing the viewing window would help a lot and it would be very pleasant for us to see the items on our character, thank you in advance for your attention and consideration of my request.

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Please add the option to make spears a one handed weapon aswell as two handed, so we can use a shield with it, or other weapons.

I was so excited about spears when i first seen thr trailer, but the preview disappointed me.

I'm all out to buy tbe expansion, even if I haven't been playing gw2 a lot recently, only cause...

I love this game.

But please A Net, make that dream come true.


For old time's sake.

I dream of having a paragon in gw2.

Please fulfil this "old timers" dream.

PS. I'm not old,  just ingame.

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Is there any way we could equip legendary footfalls on a mismatched skin? Like use a different skin for the weapon part but be able to pick footfalls for any matching legendary weapon we happen to have? 

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On 5/21/2024 at 11:55 AM, SenatorWiggles.9063 said:

A simplified option for AoE manifesting as a single solid color instead of the pretty circles and what not we have.  Enemy damage = orange circle  Boons/ally = blue and the green/red circles in raids etc remain as they are.

any way to consolidate visual effects or limit them to necessary information would be appreciated. when running with a zerg, fighting LLA, doing strike, etc., there are so many effects it can be difficult to tell what's going on, see the enemy, see the commander, or figure out where is safe to stand. For someone with information processing disorder especially.

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On 5/17/2024 at 9:43 PM, Emeraldshift.6387 said:

And with the amount of non-sensical called targets I experience in the game, I assume I'm not the only one.

i often target something just so i can find it (especially in a busy area like Tequatil). maybe an alternative personal target could be added for my issue, leaving the existing one for suggesting a target to others.

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On 5/7/2024 at 4:33 PM, rathy.2075 said:

Not rely a bug, but something that can enhance the play in meta even with many chest to open.
Can you remove the possibility to put Portal (mesmer or other type) or Novelty item as Aviator box on the chest.

i agree. but i also have a solution. Take excess bloodstone dust to the festival trader in LA. Get Serious Potion from the April Fools vendor. Haven't tried it yet but it ought to work.

I think using aviator box should automatically give you a Serious Potion. Or better yet, let your heal skill untransform you like other transformations.

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Please please please, Convergences need to apply the Kryptis Essence Extractor buff even on failure, at the very least based off of participation.

Essentially wasting 2,5-3 hour blocks of people's time who were planning to farm rifts is not acceptable in an environment where you can't control if others do the mechanics.

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Posted (edited)

I searched in the forum some time for a post about an a idea i had. Some are similar, but here you have my take.

Housing is near us and we know that everyone will want to take photos on that place. We don't have a photo mode yet (maybe you already are hiding this) but i know how you can do a basic one, at least to control the camera.
If you made the jade bot terminal a new domain to use it without a terminal (maybe only on cities and personal instances) and allow to do first person camera on the jade bot, we should have a decent way to take screenshots in gw2 to the next level. (Also having a skill that make the jade bot invisible (the true one, no the transparent one) will work too)

Here is an example in game (we are close to do it at this moment in game)


Thanks for reading me and good luck with the development

Edited by reskar.3504
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4 hours ago, reskar.3504 said:

Housing is near us and we know that everyone will want to take photos on that place. We don't have a photo mode yet (maybe you already are hiding this) but i know how you can do a basic one, at least to control the camera.

Seconding this. While I understand that the majority of the playerbase probably won't care or notice, I firmly believe details like this are a win-win. This gives the game more heart while also putting a little more value into all the assets we already have. Some locations especially (most, really) are too good to "ignore". At the end of the day I'm always seeing more and more games call their more aesthetic aspect the "real endgame"... and it's just like... a vibe, I guess.

A nice vibe.

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Can we get map completion stats for the other parts of guild wars in character selection? like living world total map completion and the expansions? Maybe making the main show stat in character creation a total map completion of all of gw and then when you put your cursor over it, it give you a pop up with the detailed map completion of LW (all of them together), pof, hot etc

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Health bar feedback: Add display options that players can use to get immediate, accurate information about their relative health, such as percentage display, and/or contextual graphics to accurately gauge important thresholds of health. For example, many traits and effects have a 90% health threshold, so it would be nice to tell just by looking at your health bar whether you have at least 90%. This could be accomplished either with a % readout, or with a graphical marker indicating when it's active (say, an icon or animation that is on when you are 90%, or off/grayed out if less).

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