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Balance seems pretty good right now


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At least there doesn't seem to be any massive outliers anymore that I can see, coming from an ele main perspective.

A few classes could use slight shaves (mesmer, willbender) or slight buffs (engi, ranger).

That said, I'd rather see the next balance patch focus a bit more on buffing dead weapons/elite specs for various classes.  Ele pistol and spear (the newest additions to ele's arsenal) have basically been dead on arrival since their release.  In essentially every game mode too.  Would be nice to see these weapons get some buffs.

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This post has to be a joke. Is the balance right? For the part that Anet has never known how to balance, always unbalance. I'll give you the example of this one, I lower this 0.5 here, another 0.097 here I raise it. Like this every month, and then in another month leave it as it was again. That, my friend, is not balancing and Anet doesn't realize it or he doesn't care. the theme of spears the abysmal damage of various classes wb- unstoppable launch mesmer- unstoppable spear revenant- resemblance to conditions and damage. and I'm just talking about the spears. elementalist spear, a piece of crap that doesn't even have to be named, it's the same as when they took out the revenant's scepter. And I could continue with more things but since Anet does not look at the posts or pay attention to people's opinions when they ask for them and still its way of silence for months. Yes, we have learned and we will be more with the community and more communication, from one day to the next or when the streaming ends they forget. The balance is not right from the beginning of the game, since Anet does not know how to balance, only unbalance, changing random numbers does not achieve anything.

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1 hour ago, Newholiday.8103 said:

Yo diría que tanto WB como Hipnotizador tienen demasiada invulnerabilidad, bloqueo y movilidad para el daño que pueden infligir, lo que los vuelve frustrantes. Pero tampoco están tan lejos de lo que pueden hacer otras clases. Me pregunto qué piensan los jugadores principales de Hipnotizador/Guardián.

You are asking about the two classes that I play the most, I will give you my opinion. The guardian's spear is only played with the wb, that is, it is only made for that specialization since it does not work with the other two specializations + Core.

"in opinion a kitten like a temple."

- The mesmer's spear is too broken and in this case it is fine with all specializations + core.

"In my opinion the damage is disproportionate and too fast, 2 hits or 1 at most and it kills."

other classes, although you haven't asked. The changes in the last patch to the thief's spear have made it worse and I have not seen any thief try the spear again. I don't see many Rangers or Revenants with her either, yes, some warriors have been seen here and there but like the first two mesmer and guardian who are everywhere. That's my opinion. And as I responded in another comment, Anet does not know how to balance, only unbalance and fiddle with numbers without knowing what they are going to achieve with it.


oh and sorry for my bad english, google translator

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2 hours ago, Newholiday.8103 said:

I'd argue that wb and mesmer both have too much invuln/block/mobility for how much damage they can deal, which makes them frustrating.  But it also isn't that far beyond what other classes can do.  Kinda wondering what the thoughts are from mesmer/guardian mains.

Spear is too strong. Esp with it having an evade

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Well, Newholiday is a Plat Ele (NA) that hits top100 on the regular so his Ele main perspective is going to be much different than the usual forum QQ posts about XYZ class.

I'll give my 2 cents as a WB perspective.

A lot of WB's swapped to different weapons, but we still hit hard and can still delete people who don't pay attention. 

Mesmer's damage is insane and is a whole lot more problematic than WB rn. They can go full damage or hybrid supp/damage and still give excellent value. You can stack 2 or 3 mesmers right now and still have a competitive team.

As for the current balance, I don't see a single class that's ungodly OP rn except for maybe mesmers farming this very thin pvp population

Edited by Saiyan.1704
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52 minutes ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

Well, Newholiday is a Plat Ele (NA) that hits top100 on the regular so his Ele main perspective is going to be much different than the usual forum QQ posts about XYZ class.

I'll give my 2 cents as a WB perspective.

A lot of WB's swapped to different weapons, but we still hit hard and can still delete people who don't pay attention. 

Mesmer's damage is insane and is a whole lot more problematic than WB rn. They can go full damage or hybrid supp/damage and still give excellent value. You can stack 2 or 3 mesmers right now and still have a competitive team.

As for the current balance, I don't see a single class that's ungodly OP rn except for maybe mesmers farming this very thin pvp population

Totally agree. The last 3v3 tournament had 5 mesmers in the final. Both on EU and NA. So basically running all mesmers right now is better than any other combination of classes.

Willbender is quite strong but not at all a problem. Why is willbender perceived as a problem? Because its very unforgiving to play against if you dont pay attention. But on the other hand its one of the easiest classes to dodge/avoid if you do pay attention. Willbender has next to no CC to set the dmg up.

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You let the forumlings air out their opinion about Guard Spear, they will tell you it "still does insane dmg, broken OP even on FB".

If you don't run RF in sPvP/WvW, they will still accuse you of using it.
If you run HealBender, they will accuse you of doing too much dmg.
if you run FB, they will accuse you of "trying to sabotage your team", while telling you how broken "every Guardian build" is.

If you tell them the sky is blue, they will tell you its because God favors Guardian mains.

Im sure a Mesmer Competitive main can come up with something just as entertaining and sad for Mesmer situation.
*cough* Mirage *cough*
*bonus points for my PvE OW Mirage enjoying kitten catching a stray, and losing my PvE Dagger Ambush Daze becuz of Competitive.

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2 minutes ago, Sovarica.4368 said:

We're still in that aftermath balance patch update people are adapting to the new meta and figuring out what's the next greatest broken build. I'm sure ele's are in a good position right now since the Warrior era is over

like i said, eles and rangers were campaining to nerf war so they could be the side noder. 

ele as a side noder is a slap to the face to the pvp community. 

ele should never have been on the side nodes

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14 hours ago, Newholiday.8103 said:

  Kinda wondering what the thoughts are from mesmer/guardian mains.

mesmer main: spear is overperforming and needs a good old shave, on Chaos it deals the kind of damage you'd expect from Dueling... and with Dueling it deals the kind of damage you'd expect from 2 people. Don't have a problem with wb tbh.

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14 minutes ago, Spellhunter.9675 said:

IDK if random forum pepega has actual knowledge what the "skill" is. Especially ele players who believe number of buttons = skill.

Skill is winning a game vs similar Elo people with a mirror comp. Until that's possible in this game, we should just drop skill from our vernacular in this game. Play a game where everyone is on a similar playing ground if you want skill. 

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If balance is ceasing to be a problem, it's more because population is overtaking it as an issue. It's seriously at a new low in the last weeks. Queue times are atrocious even compared to what we had before Push and if anything you're just seeing the impact of always playing against the same people every 2 or 3 matches - it will of course seem balanced when people start to get in sync and learn each other's playstyles from basically dueling involuntarily so much.

9 hours ago, Sovarica.4368 said:

We're still in that aftermath balance patch update people are adapting to the new meta and figuring out what's the next greatest broken build. I'm sure ele's are in a good position right now since the Warrior era is over

Also to address this, the balance patch was nowhere near as impactful so as to have to "settle" and there is not nearly enough amount of things for people to "figure out". If anything, the strong disinterest in sPvP with low population the last few weeks only further solidifies the same meta as before.

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