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Who looks best with Nevermore: Revenant or Necromancer?


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Yes I know the answer is "it's personal taste, do whatever you want". But I'm looking for some help with the specifics so I can reach that point.

To cut a long, boring thought process short I'm going to have a Raven spirit themed norn character. He's going to be either a revenant or a necromancer and one of the deciding factors is how they each look wielding Nevermore. But I can't decide who would look best.

On the one hand I'm concerned that Nevermore would be wasted on a revenant because they use the staff as a melee weapon so I'd never get to see the raven projectiles. (Is that right? Or do they still appear sometimes?) But on the other hand the necromancers staff skills are mainly wells so I'm not sure the projectiles would appear there either, and the scythe effect gets added to the end of the staff which I think might look weird.

It'd be really helpful if I could get some thoughts from people who have Nevermore and one or both of the professions in question.

(Oh and BTW I'm going to have at least 1 necro and 1 rev regardless of this decision, and I'm going to play both mainly in open-world PvE so which profession/builds are most popular for whatever is totally irrelevant. It's literally just a matter of which profession I match up to this particular character concept.)

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@Cuon Alpinus.7645 said:I'd say Necro, especially with the Raven-norn aesthetic. Revs tend to use the staff in a physical bo-staff way a lot like thief does, and the raven theme meshes well with the nature of Necromancy. Of course the true answer is that the skin unlocks, so you can use it on both classes

Yeah but only one is going to be Raven themed. I don't want 2 characters with virtually identical aesthetics. The other is most likely going to be a charr or an asura, so while they can use the staff too they won't look as good with it.

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I use Nevermore on characters that use a staff regardless.

I did craft it to fit my Norn Necro mainly, but it also looks great on my thief, revenant and Guardian, who are also Norns. It just fits with the Norn and Their Heritage to be honest.

I prefer not to use staff on my revenant all the time however, because the attacks are slow, it’s a very situational weapon imo.

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Necromancer for these reasons:

  • It feels like a caster's weapon, not a brawling weapon.
  • It's shape, form, effects, etc go better with softer armor rather than the metals of heavy gear.
  • The way the ravens project from the staff feel darker, more like the associations I have with necromancer and not so much with the 'lighter' feel from revenant.
  • WW|EAP|D (what would Edgar Allen Poe do?)

All that said, it's an awesome staff and one of my favorite legendaries. I don't think you can make a bad choice here, especially since Norn have the advantage of decent scaling for weapons, so you'll get to see it in all its glory.(I'd play Norn more often than human for that reason, if the VA didn't bug me so much.)

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After viewing the video linked above I absolutely feel that Rev would look great with it. I've always liked the more heavily armored "death/dark traveler" type of aesthetic than the cloth one, personally.

However I might even go so far as to suggest the daredevil, combined with some druid aesthetics such as the shoulder pads and some other pieces the daredevil would work really well. After looking through the armor I feel that the medium armor has more available pieces that would match the whole "raven norn" aesthetic than the other two weight classes and while druid can be useful it doesn't really kill things that quickly and if you're going to be doing any soloing with this character a daredevil would be an overall better idea mechanically than the druid and the aesthetic of their abilities lends itself more towards the raven/dark aesthetic than Druid.

That's my two cents, anyway. So, to summarize; strictly answering the question I choose Rev, answering the question outside the parameters given I strongly suggest a daredevil.

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