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What's with all the guardians all of a sudden?


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@Felipe.1807 said:Berzerker guard with his 11K HP is a glass cannon...Valk guard with 20K Hp is clearly not. You gonna tell me that this build aint carrying players hardcore thanks to his low risk/high reward nature? You dont think that all that the new radiance traits do to this game is add even more powercreep? Come on, at this point Anet should be nerfing stuff and not making these huge buffs.

@phokus.8934 said:It still is. I play Guardian and know that just having 20k hp is still considered glass. When RF is on CD and you're using base virtues, you're easily cc'd into oblivion and dd pressure is going to kill you.

Pretty much this. The Radiance build has one long CD 3-hit block and lacks pretty much all the usual DH defenses. Once you force one to pop RF it's dead if it doesn't kill you in the next two or so bursts. It's also stupidly kiteable.

Also retaliation is finally useful for once in spvp since release, I'd be sad to see it go.

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It is a good high-damage build and relatively easy to grasp for most players. Similar situation as DHs from past couple of seasons.

But in terms of carrying games, condition thief and ventari revs are still way stronger. Especially ventari rev is a huge outlier which I absolutely love to have a half-decent one on my team.

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@Saiyan.1704 said:

@Amityel.5324 said:hammer radiance guard need to be toned down its easy to play high dmg oneshots pple

Radiance guard does not 1shot.Radiance build
a glass cannon due to lack of stability and/or stunbreakers. All you gotta do is kite us and not do blow for blow, we'll out damage you.

I recommend people actually trying the spec first before telling people how the build is played.

I agree this shouldn't be nerfed just for the sake of clarity it has 3 stunbreakers and 1 AoE stability.

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@Saiyan.1704 said:

@Amityel.5324 said:hammer radiance guard need to be toned down its easy to play high dmg oneshots pple

Radiance guard does not 1shot.Radiance build
a glass cannon due to lack of stability and/or stunbreakers. All you gotta do is kite us and not do blow for blow, we'll out damage you.

I recommend people actually trying the spec first before telling people how the build is played.

I played it on my guard....its very easy to play and perform well and its dmg is outstanding......you got plenty of condi cleanses plenty of stab plenty of stunbreaks plenty of dmg.....for the sake of balance in the game they should tone down buffs from radiance bottom lines.....

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@Kerivek.5740 said:

@Havok.6073 said:Because it's a broken class that allows players with low skill all the "panic buttons" they can handle and some more. Because they are invulnerable for a long time but they can still burn you to death in the meantime. Because they cleanse, teleport, condiburst, heal, block, block, block, block, block, invulnerable , invulnerable ...you get it.There have been two guardians in a team for a long time, they never went out of meta, Anet loves the crap out of them and yet, they whine about their class 24/7. Seems to work pretty well.

A warrior complaining about people bursting while invuln? Something seems fishy here.

I'd vote you for president! You have already my vote!

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@Azoqu.8917 said:

@Havok.6073 said:Because it's a broken class that allows players with low skill all the "panic buttons" they can handle and some more. Because they are invulnerable for a long time but they can still burn you to death in the meantime. Because they cleanse, teleport, condiburst, heal, block, block, block, block, block, invulnerable , invulnerable ...you get it.There have been two guardians in a team for a long time, they never went out of meta, Anet loves the crap out of them and yet, they whine about their class 24/7. Seems to work pretty well.

So we're back to 30/30/30/30/30 build here.

Edit: I think Guardian is one of the classes that's actually "in a good spot" when it comes to PvP. This is because it has multiple viable builds and is not stuck running the same 2 things over and over. An example of this is Necro, no matter what he actually runs, condi cleanse will be useful. Meanwhile for Guardian, you don't know if he's power or condi, burst or sustain, team fighter or solo. Because Guardian can do so many different things (with different builds mind you) it is hard to slot pure counters to it and requires the other players to actually play instead of build wars.

Yeah guardian is more versatile than ele which was designed to be the versatile archetype isn't that ironic?

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Radiant Guard is low risk high reward.

For some reason Anet refuses to make guardian require skill to be successful.

If they don't want to drastically increase the skill floor/ceiling of the class then they need to make the class easily defeated at a certain skill level by all classes

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I'd guess the main reason we're seeing so many is due to that radiance-core guard build. It does an incredible amount of burst damage; it only needs to land 2 bursts to kill just about anything out there. It also has only marignally worse sustain than a medi-trapper DH (better burst sustain since virtues are instant) so under the support of a good chrono or ele, that radiant build is going to have plenty of time to land a killing blow or two on the target.

I think the radiance buffs are fine for the most part. 50% crit just from having retal may be a bit too much though since guard has outstanding access to retal and can easily build to have a good 50-80% retal uptime.

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I see the same strict forum moderation is in full effect still. So for anyone who says that core guardian is low risk just hasn't played the class at all above bronze tier.

It's this type of thinking that gives classes, builds, and players who play a certain spec a bad name. And that's not healthy at all for this game.

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@phokus.8934 said:I see the same strict forum moderation is in full effect still. So for anyone who says that core guardian is low risk just hasn't played the class at all above bronze tier.

It's this type of thinking that gives classes, builds, and players who play a certain spec a bad name. And that's not healthy at all for this game.

It doesn't matter which tier you play. Guardian is a class that requires minimal skill to get results.

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@Saiyan.1704 said:

@Amityel.5324 said:hammer radiance guard need to be toned down its easy to play high dmg oneshots pple

Radiance guard does not 1shot.Radiance build
a glass cannon due to lack of stability and/or stunbreakers. All you gotta do is kite us and not do blow for blow, we'll out damage you.

I recommend people actually trying the spec first before telling people how the build is played.

You saying that core power guard is glass just because he lacks stab and stunbreakers? By that logic shouldnt DH be considered glass too? I mean, core guard have one more stunbreaker and more condi cleanse...DH only have more stab thanks to the GM trait for the longbow. Its not that easy to kite a guard, sword 2 and JI help a loot to keep close to your target(sometimes a little buggy thanks the line of sight stuff...).I am not saying the build is broken OP or anything, but its risk/reward is a little off in my opinion...those +-9K health do make a difference...remenber back in the day when we had 70 trait points? That old mace/shild or hammer and greatsword wars builds that were using that arms traitline that used to give a huge buff on crit% against cc targets...Anet nerfed that, dont see why Guardian Radiance traits dont need the same treatment.

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Ehhh... people again don't know how to counter and have to throw their confusion on forums instead of working out a way to fight it. This build feels for me like a good ol' mediguard pre-HoT. It is high reward, yes, but it also comes with a risk. A high burst every 36 seconds (JI+SoW) and it can be countered easily if you see the guard popping the shield and preparing to jump into the fight. They have no mobility to disengage so a random necromancer in a teamfight is enough to force the condi cleanses/stunbreaks and a good focus to hunt such guard down before he can't even escape from a fight to heal up (unless he has GS, but if you die to a GS guard then just... lol). Blind Wars 2 is also effective due to this build's main source of constant burst which is a skill that is one of the easiest to see (mighty blow of course). For me it is not uncommon to find myself in a dangerous situation when my burst doesn't land well enough and I get blinded or condi focused. Besides, when fighting a necro, contemplation of purity is a death sentence. High risk and high reward, just like it should be, the rest is based on personal player's skill.

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I guess that is because Arkryuken streamings on Twitch are rising in popularity: He plays dozens of variants of Guardian (mainly core Symbolic, but also core burn, dh burn based on blocks, dh meditrapper, radiant hammer... ) with great success most of the time, exposing the class as versatile and fun.

So Guardians currently have a wide array of viable PvP builds (albeit not all are optimal) which can fill different tastes and gameplay styles for different players. Because seems that Firebrand at least two strong variants (burn and one of the strongest healer/support build which even stepped into the game) that can only impove their popularity.

But I don't think that any of them are op (talking as an ex-guard main which plays power Rev 95% of the time); people moaning about DH's Longbow and traps got them nerfed pretty bad and now are moaning again about things like burn guardian when the builds were here for ages, and talking about how those builds are "low risk high reward" as if anyone needed more than one arm and one eye to curbstom people using condi thieves.

For once, feels good to see new builds available, because as a Rev main our class in PvP is cornered to the same build since October 2015, and the Renegade changes nothing. So congrats Guards, you have now half dozen of playable builds, something that I healthy envy.

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