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[new] player and thoughts

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so i recently decided to actually give guild wars 2 a try after 5 years of not really doing it besides like an hour when it came out. reasons being WoW has turned to shit for me so i've been playing lots of other games but non so far really seem to have nailed their mechanics or strengths to the game.

so my initial thoughts when doing the tutorial mission (norn) was why am i taking so much damage from the boss worm despite evading half it's attacks. it's tutorial whatever... i know how to dodge and the mechanics encompassing from seeing other people play the game and memory. i started with a warrior and stopped at lvl 12 after i realized longbow warrior isn't viable, and went ranger to see how longbow would be on it for world stuff and while condi ranger is okay to play it's certainly nothing i would want to play all the time especially if i'm not enjoying it (as it's one of the few actual specs that seem to do dps), and then i rolled a guardian that i've now hit lvl 80 on and done the same thing over and over for 2 weeks and how tedious it is to get to level 80 but when you hit level 80 the game doesn't really seem to open up that much so world doesn't change, and there's still no groups for seemingly anything. the only part of leveling i enjoyed was the story, and bloodstone/champion mobs, and the occasional frozen maw when i was in that zone.

those thoughts aside my biggest problem with the game so far is there's nearly no indication when you should dodge to evade damage from monsters. the gearing system seems absolutely trash. 20 gold and you've got a fully geared character in exotic gear... wtf. sure exotic isn't ascended to do high level fractals but who cares when you can't ever get a group to do anything or get kicked for being a new player wanting to learn dungeons/fractals it's not like they're difficult. (mind you a top 50 guild player in wow so i get mechanics and learn fast) but still get kicked nontheless for not having 20k ach points or whatever.

class balance is nearly non existent. there's like 3 classes that do damage in raids, and in everything else it doesn't matter but why would you play something that does a literal 1/10th the dps? i'm playing a guardian with a greatsword and want to go longbow dragonhunter but atm i can't seem to justify the purchase since i don't really think it's worth it to continue to play the game. longbow DH doesn't seem to be in the few classes that do damage but it's fine for more casual stuff and that's okay, but what's it matter if everything is out of my control with never having an indication to dodge or use aegis/blind/block to mitigate things or get into a group to even learn the seemingly few things that i can.

forgive me for sounding so pessimistic or ignorant of the game as clearly i am but it's difficult to learn it when you can't find people to do any of it with. i don't see why the fuck it's acceptable for the game dev to think class balance is fine and doesn't do some drastic rebalancing. if class balance was THIS bad in wow then wow would be more dead than dibalo 3. it's a bad joke to be so casual friendly but the moment you want to step it up you're punished up to 90% (not just 10-12%) for what you play.

i'm a player who lives to kill big boiks. i spent a lot of the time leveling killing veteran and champion events because that's how i want to play the game. it's exceedingly frustrating to do some of those champions and get knocked the fudge out because there's no indication that you're about to get dropped like a degenerate in high school. i hate to say it but i can see why guild wars 2 went free play and the few players (300-400k from estimations) will still have to purchase expansions to continue to play the seemingly same content just with perks.

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Okay, first of all there are groups for all sorts of stuff. Half the problem is that you come from WoW and expect WoWness here, and there isn't WoWness here. It' not WoW. The game isn't centered on dungeons and raids. It's not centered on instances in general. There are always groups for different things in the LFG tool, depending on what you want to do, but dungeons are older content and will take longer to fill for harder paths. However if you listed your own dungeon as a beginner, that group would fill.

More to the point. there are many things going on across the game at different times. Check out a timer site like gw2timer.com. There are always world bosses and meta events on, many of which have listings in LFG squads. Look for core tyria squads and go through the specific zones.

For example you might not see many listings for Auric Basic, until the Auric Basin meta is up. When it comes up, there's always listings in the Auric Basic Section of the LFG tool.

If you're on a US server, I'd be happy to show you around.

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Hi! Welcome to GW2! I was a former raider and raid-leader back in the Vanilla-WotLK days. I've been playing GW2 for about 2 years now. It sounds like you like to play the way I like to play: Soloing champions is just my game! Here's a sample:

It sounds like you're at least as good a player as I am, so you should be able to do this sort of thing. However, the big secret is that it takes practice. You can't expect to see every attack coming because not all of them have huge, obvious telegraphs. However, it isn't just about dodging one attack. If that's all there was to it, I would simply be overwhelmed in the video above!

I'll give you an example of what I'm thinking during that fight. I know this boss, so I know what he can do: pulsing fire wave, leaping sword area knockback, fire breath, tosses out ground-targeted fire circles and destroyer adds. Also, because it's open world I know I will have to deal with adds such as hydras and, as luck would have it in this video, an entire Forged Raiding party event on top of the champion bounty!

Watch my approach. I know he will do the fire wave immediately upon engagement and I'm ready for it. My springer takes the first hit, then I dodge followed by Illusionary Ambush, which also has an evade frame.

The next attack I worry about is that sword leap. Fortunately, it does have an obvious tell and once again I'm ready for it: He leaps toward me and I swap to staff and use phase retreat, which blinks me backward out of range and leaves a clone behind.

Now watch what happens when the fire wave attack comes up the second time: I dodge the first pulse, then I use Distortion to become invulnerable for the next few seconds.

The rest is just positioning and awareness. Those fire circles, the spinning lasers, the meteorites from the hydras and so on. I'm always trying to avoid getting trapped into taking unnecessary damage (because looking at that fight, you can see that avoiding EVERYTHING simply isn't in the cards!).

In any event, I have about 50 videos up on my channel so far. Plenty of material there you might be able to get some ideas from. I'm going to add you to my list in game. Feel free to do the same for me and we'll talk shop some time. Maybe get some of those questions answered. Seeya in the game!

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thanks for all the feedback. gw2timer didn't know about the site or that gw2 would have many external site helpers. i know gw2 isn't wow but when it's got dungeons and raids i'd assume there would still be a very heavy incentive for people to come together and do them but it's really just missing as there's no real reason to do them outside of simply doing it, and getting to the point of being able to do it in the very few classes even allowed to do the encounters to make the dps is really trash tier design imo. catacombs of asc. are today's daily and it still took me 3 hours to even see another person interested in doing it. i'm not on a low pop server which shouldn't even matter.

also, thanks for the extension of help by adding me. i watched the video and see you nearly died from some stuff then spent time way in the distance. that's the other thing i forgot to mention in op; melee seem to get fudged like a fat kid's sundae where ranged seem to be more forgiven with essentially every mechanic in the game as they're allowed to dps in the distance with literally no down side unless you're playing power reaper or something. even when you're fully spec'd into defense and healing you can't survive some champions.

ex. reaper in orr ; straight up just screams at you for 50% of your health and channels a drain life forever that's not interruptable. the drain life does a lot of ticking damage but it's doable if you could actually dodge the screams but they just randomly occur no animation or anything, and unlike a leap it doesn't take any time so you can't react to it even when you're under 100 ms reaction time. you could say the same thing for wow bosses but in wow you have weakauras and dbm/bigwig. those aren't an option as far as i know for guild wars 2.

i also see that there was other people doing the champion so a lot of extra passive healing was happening which seems to be required for a lot of things. if it's a zone-wide event like bloodstone that's 100% designed around brutally murdering people repeatedly than it's fine to die to it a time or two but the game itself for me seems to not be a choice since the few activities that seem would be the good choices for me to do don't really give rewards worthwhile and are simply frustrating to deal with.

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@TheFoxing.4385 said:thanks for all the feedback. gw2timer didn't know about the site or that gw2 would have many external site helpers. i know gw2 isn't wow but when it's got dungeons and raids i'd assume there would still be a very heavy incentive for people to come together and do them but it's really just missing as there's no real reason to do them outside of simply doing it, and getting to the point of being able to do it in the very few classes even allowed to do the encounters to make the dps is really trash tier design imo. catacombs of asc. are today's daily and it still took me 3 hours to even see another person interested in doing it. i'm not on a low pop server which shouldn't even matter.

also, thanks for the extension of help by adding me. i watched the video and see you nearly died from some stuff then spent time way in the distance. that's the other thing i forgot to mention in op; melee seem to get fudged like a fat kid's sundae where ranged seem to be more forgiven with essentially every mechanic in the game as they're allowed to dps in the distance with literally no down side unless you're playing power reaper or something. even when you're fully spec'd into defense and healing you can't survive some champions.

ex. reaper in orr ; straight up just screams at you for 50% of your health and channels a drain life forever that's not interruptable. the drain life does a lot of ticking damage but it's doable if you could actually dodge the screams but they just randomly occur no animation or anything, and unlike a leap it doesn't take any time so you can't react to it even when you're under 100 ms reaction time. you could say the same thing for wow bosses but in wow you have weakauras and dbm/bigwig. those aren't an option as far as i know for guild wars 2.

i also see that there was other people doing the champion so a lot of extra passive healing was happening which seems to be required for a lot of things. if it's a zone-wide event like bloodstone that's 100% designed around brutally murdering people repeatedly than it's fine to die to it a time or two but the game itself for me seems to not be a choice since the few activities that seem would be the good choices for me to do don't really give rewards worthwhile and are simply frustrating to deal with.

And yet my guild ran 4 runs of it. Just as in any MMO it's sometimes harder to find older content being active. But I can also guarantee you didn't list it yourself, because that group would have filled.

The problem is, for older players, we have dungeons on farm. We run them fast because we know them well. So what you want is a guild that teaches stuff like that to get that stuff done, because it is old content. Most people don't want to run stuff four five times slower that they've done hundreds of times over five years and who could blame them? But if you put in a newbie run in LFG yourself, I'm sure, 100% sure it wouldn't take you half an hour to fill the group.

The other thing is, sometimes groups fill fast and disappear and you'd never know they were there. Even when dungeons were at their height, there were never any listings, because they filled as fast as you listed them. This is also true now for fractals often. You put in a group and it's gone when it's full which is usually less than 2 minutes.

As for what professions you can take into dungeons, casual players, and casual runs don't care. You advertise a casual run all professions welcome and you'll fill that group with people who aren't in a rush. Plenty of us playing.

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@TheFoxing.4385 said:thanks for all the feedback. gw2timer didn't know about the site or that gw2 would have many external site helpers. i know gw2 isn't wow but when it's got dungeons and raids i'd assume there would still be a very heavy incentive for people to come together and do them but it's really just missing as there's no real reason to do them outside of simply doing it, and getting to the point of being able to do it in the very few classes even allowed to do the encounters to make the dps is really trash tier design imo. catacombs of asc. are today's daily and it still took me 3 hours to even see another person interested in doing it. i'm not on a low pop server which shouldn't even matter.

also, thanks for the extension of help by adding me. i watched the video and see you nearly died from some stuff then spent time way in the distance. that's the other thing i forgot to mention in op; melee seem to get fudged like a fat kid's sundae where ranged seem to be more forgiven with essentially every mechanic in the game as they're allowed to dps in the distance with literally no down side unless you're playing power reaper or something. even when you're fully spec'd into defense and healing you can't survive some champions.

ex. reaper in orr ; straight up just screams at you for 50% of your health and channels a drain life forever that's not interruptable. the drain life does a lot of ticking damage but it's doable if you could actually dodge the screams but they just randomly occur no animation or anything, and unlike a leap it doesn't take any time so you can't react to it even when you're under 100 ms reaction time. you could say the same thing for wow bosses but in wow you have weakauras and dbm/bigwig. those aren't an option as far as i know for guild wars 2.

i also see that there was other people doing the champion so a lot of extra passive healing was happening which seems to be required for a lot of things. if it's a zone-wide event like bloodstone that's 100% designed around brutally murdering people repeatedly than it's fine to die to it a time or two but the game itself for me seems to not be a choice since the few activities that seem would be the good choices for me to do don't really give rewards worthwhile and are simply frustrating to deal with.

There is a lot you aren't really grasping about this game, which is normal. You're new and you're an experienced player from another game. Part of the learning process will be separating what the game actually is from what you were expecting it to be! I imagine if we get a chance to talk one on one, some of that will become a little clearer to you. I'll log in and send you a whisper in a bit if you're on.

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@TheFoxing.4385 said:so i recently decided to actually give guild wars 2 a try after 5 years of not really doing it besides like an hour when it came out. reasons being WoW has turned to kitten for me so i've been playing lots of other games but non so far really seem to have nailed their mechanics or strengths to the game.

so my initial thoughts when doing the tutorial mission (norn) was why am i taking so much damage from the boss worm despite evading half it's attacks. it's tutorial whatever... i know how to dodge and the mechanics encompassing from seeing other people play the game and memory. i started with a warrior and stopped at lvl 12 after i realized longbow warrior isn't viable, and went ranger to see how longbow would be on it for world stuff and while condi ranger is okay to play it's certainly nothing i would want to play all the time especially if i'm not enjoying it (as it's one of the few actual specs that seem to do dps), and then i rolled a guardian that i've now hit lvl 80 on and done the same thing over and over for 2 weeks and how tedious it is to get to level 80 but when you hit level 80 the game doesn't really seem to open up that much so world doesn't change, and there's still no groups for seemingly anything. the only part of leveling i enjoyed was the story, and bloodstone/champion mobs, and the occasional frozen maw when i was in that zone.

those thoughts aside my biggest problem with the game so far is there's nearly no indication when you should dodge to evade damage from monsters. the gearing system seems absolutely trash. 20 gold and you've got a fully geared character in exotic gear... kitten. sure exotic isn't ascended to do high level fractals but who cares when you can't ever get a group to do anything or get kicked for being a new player wanting to learn dungeons/fractals it's not like they're difficult. (mind you a top 50 guild player in wow so i get mechanics and learn fast) but still get kicked nontheless for not having 20k ach points or whatever.

class balance is nearly non existent. there's like 3 classes that do damage in raids, and in everything else it doesn't matter but why would you play something that does a literal 1/10th the dps? i'm playing a guardian with a greatsword and want to go longbow dragonhunter but atm i can't seem to justify the purchase since i don't really think it's worth it to continue to play the game. longbow DH doesn't seem to be in the few classes that do damage but it's fine for more casual stuff and that's okay, but what's it matter if everything is out of my control with never having an indication to dodge or use aegis/blind/block to mitigate things or get into a group to even learn the seemingly few things that i can.

forgive me for sounding so pessimistic or ignorant of the game as clearly i am but it's difficult to learn it when you can't find people to do any of it with. i don't see why the kitten it's acceptable for the game dev to think class balance is fine and doesn't do some drastic rebalancing. if class balance was THIS bad in wow then wow would be more dead than dibalo 3. it's a bad joke to be so casual friendly but the moment you want to step it up you're punished up to 90% (not just 10-12%) for what you play.

i'm a player who lives to kill big boiks. i spent a lot of the time leveling killing veteran and champion events because that's how i want to play the game. it's exceedingly frustrating to do some of those champions and get knocked the fudge out because there's no indication that you're about to get dropped like a degenerate in high school. i hate to say it but i can see why guild wars 2 went free play and the few players (300-400k from estimations) will still have to purchase expansions to continue to play the seemingly same content just with perks.

The earlier u are into the game the dodge is there to avode animations not so much aoes but actions from themob itself instead.

Later ot it switches to aoes for the most part.

Theres jo emphasis in gear because alot of ppl didnt like the idea of gear treadmill. But the high tiers of gear can cost you from 600g to 2k.

For class balance id suggest u look at some sites before commenting because there are centainly more than 3 dps classes available.

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Sorry, but this text dont make sense, there are a few things that really doesnt match:ppl are more inviting in dungeons these days, they dont care about achievement points. (literally started dungeon with new char, nobody cared).-The only part of the free version that got bloodstone in it, is Arah path 4 at the very end so what do you mean about bloodstone/champions?-You cant play raid without having a Dragon Hunter.This is not an attack on your thoughts on the game, wanting it to be more grindy. It is more of a question towards your credibility since it seems very much like you mix and match on thoughts you, or others, might have had a year or 2 ago

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@"TheFoxing.4385" said:thanks for all the feedback. gw2timer didn't know about the site or that gw2 would have many external site helpers. i know gw2 isn't wow but when it's got dungeons and raids i'd assume there would still be a very heavy incentive for people to come together and do them but it's really just missing as there's no real reason to do them outside of simply doing it, and getting to the point of being able to do it in the very few classes even allowed to do the encounters to make the dps is really trash tier design imo. catacombs of asc. are today's daily and it still took me 3 hours to even see another person interested in doing it. i'm not on a low pop server which shouldn't even matter.

also, thanks for the extension of help by adding me. i watched the video and see you nearly died from some stuff then spent time way in the distance. that's the other thing i forgot to mention in op; melee seem to get fudged like a fat kid's sundae where ranged seem to be more forgiven with essentially every mechanic in the game as they're allowed to dps in the distance with literally no down side unless you're playing power reaper or something. even when you're fully spec'd into defense and healing you can't survive some champions.

ex. reaper in orr ; straight up just screams at you for 50% of your health and channels a drain life forever that's not interruptable. the drain life does a lot of ticking damage but it's doable if you could actually dodge the screams but they just randomly occur no animation or anything, and unlike a leap it doesn't take any time so you can't react to it even when you're under 100 ms reaction time. you could say the same thing for wow bosses but in wow you have weakauras and dbm/bigwig. those aren't an option as far as i know for guild wars 2.

i also see that there was other people doing the champion so a lot of extra passive healing was happening which seems to be required for a lot of things. if it's a zone-wide event like bloodstone that's 100% designed around brutally murdering people repeatedly than it's fine to die to it a time or two but the game itself for me seems to not be a choice since the few activities that seem would be the good choices for me to do don't really give rewards worthwhile and are simply frustrating to deal with.

There's LOTs of downside to going ranged, at least in regards to the damage you're outputting. You get a safety net but sacrifice not just... a little bit of damage but something like 50% to 75% of your potential damage on most classes by dropping out of melee range. Even some classes that use ranged weapons for DPS like Soulbeast Shortbow, you lose damage by dropping back (traps won't hit, not every shot of your SB 2 will hit, losing you a bunch of poison stacks, etc.)

Also... almost every class has viable raid builds of some kind. While not every elite spec is viable for every type of content, that doesn't mean that there are only "3 classes" allowed in end game pve. That's just not true. Every class has some kind of role, just some are more desirable and also more scarce than others, just like in other MMOs. Everyone and their brother has and wants to play a DPS, but the group will get out of the door faster if they already have the supports and fill in the DPS from there (In this case Druids and Chronos, bannerslaves). The other thing is... when you look at sites that push out Raid benchmarks (Try https://snowcrows.com/builds/) you are looking at the "optimum" setup for speed running. If you are a more casual player just looking in to going Raiding for the first time, Raids are a TON more forgiving than these best builds and benchmarks would suggest. It's more about knowing the mechanics than anything, and for the few bosses that DO have DPS checks, those checks can be pulled off with SIGNIFICANTLY less DPS than the "optimum" builds on these sites are capable of putting out. Our guild ran a raid group that was able to no-updraft Gors (mechanics skipping via DPS checks) in a run where every DPS was a power staff DD that ONLY auto-attacked. If you can get in to a more casual raid guild, you'll find that you'll be able to take a lot of different builds, dozens even, that the "hardcore" community would consider non-viable, and sometimes still even get top DPS of your group because it's a lot harder to get top tier DPS on complex rotations when working around mechanics on a boss that doesn't just stand there and take it (unlike the DPS golem).

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Did you ever play vanilla wow or diablo 2 ?..guild wars 2 is hardcore like diablo 2 and vanilla wow...you must be a legion baby.

So guild wars 2 has no dungeon finder or raid finder. It also requires communicating grinding/farming and investing time and skill in the game...

Also there is meta specs and min maxing. Not everything is viable. This is not balanced like legion wow is. It's as close to vanilla wow and diablo 2 as you imagine.

Yes things are un balanced but that createa a certain playstyle and meta as well as a community that masters the efficiency of builds and gameplay.

I am sorry you are bored of guild wars 2. It's not polished or made easy mode. It's a very classical mmo with hardcore grindy gameplay. Eq vanilla wow and people who like games with clunky UI and grind farming game play as well as min max meta specs will love this game very much.

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learn animations in order to deal with mobs or players.

enjoy the exotic equipment and the absence of a progression ( no farm for equip ).

login whenever you want, and you will be powerful as you were before.

Explorer the world and don't focus too much on lvls, exp, equip, etc...

try to forget games like wow and try to enjoy the game.

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GW2 doesn't focus on raids or dungeons, not even fractals. It focuses on its open world PvE content.

Raiding is hardcore endgame content that only a fraction of ppl do, running dungeons is old content with almost no rewards for vets, so only few ppl do it these days (but it usually still takes <5 min to get a group, even if you write casual run in the lfg description), fractals are the new dungeons, where you can quickly drop in for a few minutes and select a difficulty, ranging from very easy to very hard.

The majority of ppl in GW2 do open world PvE content, with the goal of either getting mats and gold to craft ascended gear (for raids/high level fractals or just for min/maxing your char) or for legendaries and other cool skins they want. Open world content can either be map wide metas, which are advertised in the LFG tool, where you follow a commander around, world bosses that spawn at specific times or just some smaller events, gathering mats (especially in the living story maps) to get money/ascended gear or other unique items.

Another huge part of GW2 is collections and achievements that give unique skins and rewards and mastery points. This is for a new player also a huge time sink.

If you play GW2 with the mindset of a WoW player that wants just the best gear and then log off until the next expac hits you won't get happy. In GW2 you have endgame goals like getting all achievements, getting all the unique skins and colors and mounts and gliders and infusions you like (aka playing fashion wars), or becoming the best PvP or WvW player or trying to get as rich as possible etc.

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@"Adenin.5973" said:GW2 doesn't focus on raids or dungeons, not even fractals. It focuses on its open world PvE content.

Raiding is hardcore endgame content that only a fraction of ppl do, running dungeons is old content with almost no rewards for vets, so only few ppl do it these days (but it usually still takes <5 min to get a group, even if you write casual run in the lfg description), fractals are the new dungeons, where you can quickly drop in for a few minutes and select a difficulty, ranging from very easy to very hard.

The majority of ppl in GW2 do open world PvE content, with the goal of either getting mats and gold to craft ascended gear (for raids/high level fractals or just for min/maxing your char) or for legendaries and other cool skins they want. Open world content can either be map wide metas, which are advertised in the LFG tool, where you follow a commander around, world bosses that spawn at specific times or just some smaller events, gathering mats (especially in the living story maps) to get money/ascended gear or other unique items.

Another huge part of GW2 is collections and achievements that give unique skins and rewards and mastery points. This is for a new player also a huge time sink.

If you play GW2 with the mindset of a WoW player that wants just the best gear and then log off until the next expac hits you won't get happy. In GW2 you have endgame goals like getting all achievements, getting all the unique skins and colors and mounts and gliders and infusions you like (aka playing fashion wars), or becoming the best PvP or WvW player or trying to get as rich as possible etc.

That's good advice. If I had to compare the two based on their strengths, here's how it would look:

WoW's Strengths:Instanced PvE (Raids/Dungeons) - WoW has more and, in my opinion, better content. I think the "trinity" produces more compelling gameplay in this format.PvP - Again, more content. WoW features many game modes for PvP, where GW2 only has 2.Development Schedule - WoW is the big dog, of course. GW2 can't touch the sheer volume and frequency of content WoW pumps out.

GW2's Strengths:Open World - GW2 does it better in pretty much every possible way because open world PvE is sort of the main event here, where in WoW it's more of an afterthought.WvW - Does WoW even have anything equivalent to this? The closest they had when I played was a 40v40 PvP battleground with NPCs and various buildings to capture.Combat - GW2 has an excellent combat system! Your mileage may vary, of course, but WoW's combat system shows its age, in my opinion.

The gear treadmill issue is a sticky one. The lack of one may be more appropriate to a B2P game than subscription-based. However, it does lend a bit of a "choose your own adventure" feel to endgame in GW2. In WoW, no matter what level of skill you are, there is gear to work toward and you never have the question of "What should I do next?"

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@"Anthony.7260" said:Did you ever play vanilla wow or diablo 2 ?..guild wars 2 is hardcore like diablo 2 and vanilla wow...you must be a legion baby.

So guild wars 2 has no dungeon finder or raid finder. It also requires communicating grinding/farming and investing time and skill in the game...

Also there is meta specs and min maxing. Not everything is viable. This is not balanced like legion wow is. It's as close to vanilla wow and diablo 2 as you imagine.

Yes things are un balanced but that createa a certain playstyle and meta as well as a community that masters the efficiency of builds and gameplay.

I am sorry you are bored of guild wars 2. It's not polished or made easy mode. It's a very classical mmo with hardcore grindy gameplay. Eq vanilla wow and people who like games with clunky UI and grind farming game play as well as min max meta specs will love this game very much.

i did naxx 40 to saph. i didn't play diablo 2. if i was a legion baby then it wouldn't matter since i'd still be in a top 50 guild before quitting the rng shit fest, also who the fuck starts playing wow in cancer legion times? FeelsAwfulMan Gun

guild wars 2 has so little specs that to me it's sad that it's not balanced considered there's only like 4 things doing damage. sure there are "viable" things that can do raids but from my perspective and experience/outlook at a game regardless if i'm new to it is to do the END game, and if it's not doable in a reasonable time or i simply don't like the game or grind to get to that point or the end game itself doesn't exist or sucks i typically don't keep playing the game.

i don't want to spend my time doing the equivilant of world quests in wow as a end game focus for guild wars 2 when there's basically only just ascended gear and legendaries to grind out for 2 months. that's not a very approachable game. that's not a tangible goal to have because there's no substance to it. i did that while leveling (and yes i did do bloodstone mobs while leveling, the arcturus, moa). this forum was the deciding factor to keep playing and from what i can tell everyone is basically saying "yes, there is no end game" and that essentially translates to "guild wars 2 end game is the boring af daily quests of wow" which could be alright if there was a point to do it all for rewards that weren't essentially cosmetic and i enjoyed what i was playing but no.

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@TheFoxing.4385 said:

@"Anthony.7260" said:Did you ever play vanilla wow or diablo 2 ?..guild wars 2 is hardcore like diablo 2 and vanilla wow...you must be a legion baby.

So guild wars 2 has no dungeon finder or raid finder. It also requires communicating grinding/farming and investing time and skill in the game...

Also there is meta specs and min maxing. Not everything is viable. This is not balanced like legion wow is. It's as close to vanilla wow and diablo 2 as you imagine.

Yes things are un balanced but that createa a certain playstyle and meta as well as a community that masters the efficiency of builds and gameplay.

I am sorry you are bored of guild wars 2. It's not polished or made easy mode. It's a very classical mmo with hardcore grindy gameplay. Eq vanilla wow and people who like games with clunky UI and grind farming game play as well as min max meta specs will love this game very much.

i did naxx 40 to saph. i didn't play diablo 2. if i was a legion baby then it wouldn't matter since i'd still be in a top 50 guild before quitting the rng kitten fest, also who the kitten starts playing wow in cancer legion times? FeelsAwfulMan Gun

guild wars 2 has so little specs that to me it's sad that it's not balanced considered there's only like 4 things doing damage. sure there are "viable" things that can do raids but from my perspective and experience/outlook at a game regardless if i'm new to it is to do the END game, and if it's not doable in a reasonable time or i simply don't like the game or grind to get to that point or the end game itself doesn't exist or sucks i typically don't keep playing the game.

i don't want to spend my time doing the equivilant of world quests in wow as a end game focus for guild wars 2 when there's basically only just ascended gear and legendaries to grind out for 2 months. that's not a very approachable game. that's not a tangible goal to have because there's no substance to it. i did that while leveling (and yes i did do bloodstone mobs while leveling, the arcturus, moa). this forum was the deciding factor to keep playing and from what i can tell everyone is basically saying "yes, there is no end game" and that essentially translates to "guild wars 2 end game is the boring af daily quests of wow" which could be alright if there was a point to do it all for rewards that weren't essentially cosmetic and i enjoyed what i was playing but no.

It does sound like a poor fit for you. No gear treadmill, bud. That's all there is to it. You're going to play your butt off and max your character out in a matter of weeks. From there you're going to wonder what to do next. And the answer is...whatever you feel like doing, because there is no "next step" in the gear progression.

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the gear progression is only a mild step. if i get full ascended gear and legendary weapons across the board for each spec that i'd be required to play then it's done, but that's the thing... there isn't a reason to get them. it's just too casual based for my liking. the carrot on a stick is the main reason millions stopped playing legion. gear resets happen and you get new gear to chase, sure but when it's forever going it's universally hated by the players.

the main difference for gear in wow vs gw2 is that gear in wow is a means to an end to allow you to do the content so it doesn't fully matter but the tier sets and effects of certain items makes you play your character in a different way each time, but not everytime and sometimes not even using the new gear however typically it's a refreshing way to play the core elements of your class in a different way every so often. guild wars 2 also has not a lot of mechanics really happening to feel the urge to min max. you got a max of 13 things to press. i had at the height of my hunter 63 macros that i would use on a weekly basis when clearing the raids. i have patience and it's not a matter of just doing the same content over and over... i did HFC for 14 fking months straight with a brain dead marks hunter but each week it was still enjoyable because of the harder bosses and using my class to min max to get 99%tile across the board (not 100% because didn't have 18 arcane mages :bawling: :gun: ).

"whatever you feel like doing" well if what i feel like doing is the dungeons, raids, fractals or whatever content is the hardest to do while min. maxing but there's no point to doing them outside doing them once as i've yet to see unique mechanics added to the game that weren't just super tediously annoying (like the ghost thing in catacombs comes to mind) then why would i play the game? the answer to that is sadly... i wouldn't. =| guild wars 2 imo has a lot of potential but it's not very balanced, and when there isn't a good reason to do the typical end game that most mmo's offer being raids or highly organized group content then why would people ever do them? it's just an empty feeling to it.

it's the same feeling as wow when we clear a tier on mythic then the following weeks the bosses are nerfed to ever living shit (in some cases a literal 75% of the boss straight up is removed) DURING CURRENT TIER (which guild wars 2 doesn't seem to care about making new content as "it's impossible to make new content that good players don't go through" which is 100% bullshit cop out... just make it harder with actual god damned rewards worth getting such as a legendary item material like "gift of big wong dong raider". you spend weeks on a single boss during progress with 500+ wipes to do it at a very difficult level but within a month the same things are simply given to basically casual players because "wah! this is too hard!" or blizzard thinks not enough people killed it which is fucking stupid. there's no prestige or feeling of accomplishment when people who have almost no idea what the pluck is going on is able to do the boss and it's difficulty becomes so easy you can bring carries along. those emotions that should be pride at your work becomes hate for the company that creates good content that is at an appropriate level of difficulty for the minority of players that wish to do it but then lower it's difficulty so it's more accessible... to the majority... content made for the minority... accessible by the majority... see the problem?

i know it's a lot of babyrage but i hope it gives you a better picture of why i'm not interested in continue to play guild wars 2 as there's no reason for me to play and no activities worth investing my time to fully commit to the game. there's no content that piques my urge to conquer it because it's all casual based. i thank you all for your time and input to helping me, but it's just not going to work out. #break_up_2018

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TLDR OP Post:I'ma WoW fanboy that barely played GW2, but i think i'm a boss, so i'm gonna tell you what's wrong with this game (especially balance and stuff, without even playing the content).If you can't find groups, that's because you're not looking.LOL too much damage from Issormir... Maybe you really don't know how to dodge Wurm champions were the first kind of champions i started soling back before they even got proper loot because of "practicing" with Issormir.In terms of "there's only 4 classes that do damage" i don't know how you got that expert opinion. But i'd like to point you towards any WoW DPS Benchmark, and then to GW2 DPS Benchmarks. The % damage difference between Top DPS and Third DPS (since second was the same class with different build) is 3.2% On WoW the difference between first and second is 2.9%. Pretty much the same thing. Except here, 45k DPS is considered a wtf damage level (which is inflated by the RNG factor of most elementalist AoEs). If you look at actual stats from Successful Raids (https://www.gw2raidar.com/global_stats) you'll notice that although there's a HUGE difference between the median damage and the top 10% those numbers are pretty even for DPS builds. NOT just 4 builds. Even then 4 classes out of 9, that's half.

"I did bloodstone mobs while leveling"... So what? Those exist for a collection for a cool head gear. Helping to kill a couple of them isn't that much of a deal.Now go to Heart of Maguuma and solo all the hero challenges. That's a thing!

I love when people feel so frustrated when the game tells them "ok now, do your own thing. Lvl 80 is done, now go play". There's hundreds of things to do in the game after lvl 80, especially if you actually buy the expansions. But yeah, the game stops holding your hand when you get to 80. In fact if it weren't for too many people with that opinion, the game would have never held your hand, and it would have been a better game for it!But, yeah, if you can't decide on your own on objectives. If you can only have fun if you're hunting for the next better piece of equipment. Then GW2 isn't the game for you, no.If you want a game that gives you a ton of things to do, some of them with proper rewards, many that don't have them. Then GW2 is your game.

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@"ReaverKane.7598" said:TLDR OP Post:I'ma WoW fanboy that barely played GW2, but i think i'm a boss, so i'm gonna tell you what's wrong with this game (especially balance and stuff, without even playing the content).If you can't find groups, that's because you're not looking.LOL too much damage from Issormir... Maybe you really don't know how to dodge Wurm champions were the first kind of champions i started soling back before they even got proper loot because of "practicing" with Issormir.In terms of "there's only 4 classes that do damage" i don't know how you got that expert opinion. But i'd like to point you towards any WoW DPS Benchmark, and then to GW2 DPS Benchmarks. The % damage difference between Top DPS and Third DPS (since second was the same class with different build) is 3.2% On WoW the difference between first and second is 2.9%. Pretty much the same thing. Except here, 45k DPS is considered a kitten damage level (which is inflated by the RNG factor of most elementalist AoEs). If you look at actual stats from Successful Raids (https://www.gw2raidar.com/global_stats) you'll notice that although there's a HUGE difference between the median damage and the top 10% those numbers are pretty even for DPS builds. NOT just 4 builds. Even then 4 classes out of 9, that's half.

"I did bloodstone mobs while leveling"... So what? Those exist for a collection for a cool head gear. Helping to kill a couple of them isn't that much of a deal.Now go to Heart of Maguuma and solo all the hero challenges. That's a thing!

I love when people feel so frustrated when the game tells them "ok now, do your own thing. Lvl 80 is done, now go play". There's hundreds of things to do in the game after lvl 80, especially if you actually buy the expansions. But yeah, the game stops holding your hand when you get to 80. In fact if it weren't for too many people with that opinion, the game would have never held your hand, and it would have been a better game for it!But, yeah, if you can't decide on your own on objectives. If you can only have fun if you're hunting for the next better piece of equipment. Then GW2 isn't the game for you, no.If you want a game that gives you a ton of things to do, some of them with proper rewards, many that don't have them. Then GW2 is your game.

less of a wow fanboy and more of it's the only thing worth playing for that long with someone who wants to always do the hardest difficulty of things even if it's not that difficult in the end.

i can't find groups because i had one listed for THE DAILY for 3 hours before someone joined.

yes too much from issormir. i would dodge the spirals and "evaded" would pop up 3-5 times then i'd still be flung back. dodging 99% of the other champions that actually had indications of doing things that you could evade was easy, my issue as posted above was taking half my health from things that just simply happen. there's no counter play or interaction you just simply start dying. that's not fun to randomly just get blasted and you don't know if it's you not knowing the game (it isn't).

it's a small amount of classes that can only play 1 spec.. so it's not really classes, but "4" out of 9(times the amount of weapons that can be used and different builds) so... yeah. inflated or not it's pitiful balancing to have something so far above the others AT ALL. perfect conditions or otherwise if you're a good player then there's no reason to not be able to do most of your output and if it's nearly 10 times the next joe smo next to you why would he be there? oh right because it's casual aimed game and there's no need to play an optimal build.

i said i did the bloodstone mobs because someone previously said they don't exist till arah. heart of maguuma hero challenges aren't difficult. nothing that i've looked up in guild wars 2 has been difficulty other than the unavoidable damage champions that aren't soloable even when spec'd into fully soloing things. hero challenges are doable in groups anyway so if someone can't do it on their own they can be carried.

it's not the need for hand holding. i want difficult content that's worth doing and if it's just champions in the world or whatever then why would something in the world be able to kill you while spec'd into defense/healing? if it's a group designed mob fair play, but it's not as others are clearly doable without any help. i don't have a problem with "do your own thing" but when the thing i want to do doesn't really have any substance and there's nothing new to do with it and it's a huge time investment to simply get to the point of doing it why would i waste my time doing a watered down version of wow's raids?

once again i stated... it's not chasing gear. gear is a means to an end to do content, but there's nothing extra to it in gw2. you simply get exotic and done besides cosmetic legendaries that increase your dps by like 5% and ascended gear. there's no specific item that makes you play differently or feel different than you've already been doing since leveling and if i don't like the way it plays then i'm not going to play it, but if i think there's only 1 spec worth playing and it gets old from just leveling then there's a pretty big problem with the vessel to do content with being stale. there's nothing new to experience if you've used all the weapons and unlocked all the talents.

while yes i've not got heart of thorns or path of fire the main reason i gave gw2 a try is the yogscast jinglejam. thought maybe i'd give it a go since i'm not playing wow anymore but the same impression from FIVE YEARS AGO still holds after leveling to 80 and spending a week at level 80.

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What Daily were you LFGing for, and how?I'm going to say doubt, when you thin Issormir hurts too much and then you say that HoT Hero Challenges are easy...Oh matey, everything in the open world is easy if you throw a large enough group at it! I'm telling you to do them alone.

The dificult content is called RAIDS and FRACTALS, and to a different extent PvP.Of course if you're going to play the content that was available 5 years ago, the game will feel the same, because it is the same content. If you want difficult stuff play the expansions.I could spend a good half hour just dismantling your post and showing you how irrelevant your opinion is based on your obvious bias, and your lack of actual knowledge on the issues you're talking about.Instead of forming an opinion from reading self-confirming posts on the forums, try actually playing.

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@"ReaverKane.7598" said:What Daily were you LFGing for, and how?I'm going to say doubt, when you thin Issormir hurts too much and then you say that HoT Hero Challenges are easy...Oh matey, everything in the open world is easy if you throw a large enough group at it! I'm telling you to do them alone.

The dificult content is called RAIDS and FRACTALS, and to a different extent PvP.Of course if you're going to play the content that was available 5 years ago, the game will feel the same, because it is the same content. If you want difficult stuff play the expansions.I could spend a good half hour just dismantling your post and showing you how irrelevant your opinion is based on your obvious bias, and your lack of actual knowledge on the issues you're talking about.Instead of forming an opinion from reading self-confirming posts on the forums, try actually playing.

i don't need to play things i can look up to see. i'll say it again.. the first impression... as in.. 2 minutes into the game... i thought it was doing too much even with evading and still taking damage from things i'm evading. :pensive: either way i'm not going to continue to play or waste 50 bucks on expansions to get the same opinion. =| i don't like the game right now and won't like the game in 2 months after i've 100% everything. just wanted a bit of helpful posts not "omg you're so wrong wow fanboy get fucked nerd gw2 isn't wow"

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@"TheFoxing.4385" said:... just wanted a bit of helpful posts not "omg you're so wrong wow fanboy get kitten nerd gw2 isn't wow"There were some genuinely helpful posts in this thread. Please don't paint with such a broad brush.

He doesn't want or need help.He's not even interested in playing the game, he's basing his post on something someone else said, he admits it himself.Which is why i'm saying his opinion is irrelevant, because it's not his.

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@"TheFoxing.4385" said:the gear progression is only a mild step. if i get full ascended gear and legendary weapons across the board for each spec that i'd be required to play then it's done, but that's the thing... there isn't a reason to get them. it's just too casual based for my liking. the carrot on a stick is the main reason millions stopped playing legion. gear resets happen and you get new gear to chase, sure but when it's forever going it's universally hated by the players.

the main difference for gear in wow vs gw2 is that gear in wow is a means to an end to allow you to do the content so it doesn't fully matter but the tier sets and effects of certain items makes you play your character in a different way each time, but not everytime and sometimes not even using the new gear however typically it's a refreshing way to play the core elements of your class in a different way every so often. guild wars 2 also has not a lot of mechanics really happening to feel the urge to min max. you got a max of 13 things to press. i had at the height of my hunter 63 macros that i would use on a weekly basis when clearing the raids. i have patience and it's not a matter of just doing the same content over and over... i did HFC for 14 kitten months straight with a brain dead marks hunter but each week it was still enjoyable because of the harder bosses and using my class to min max to get 99%tile across the board (not 100% because didn't have 18 arcane mages :bawling: :gun: ).

"whatever you feel like doing" well if what i feel like doing is the dungeons, raids, fractals or whatever content is the hardest to do while min. maxing but there's no point to doing them outside doing them once as i've yet to see unique mechanics added to the game that weren't just super tediously annoying (like the ghost thing in catacombs comes to mind) then why would i play the game? the answer to that is sadly... i wouldn't. =| guild wars 2 imo has a lot of potential but it's not very balanced, and when there isn't a good reason to do the typical end game that most mmo's offer being raids or highly organized group content then why would people ever do them? it's just an empty feeling to it.

it's the same feeling as wow when we clear a tier on mythic then the following weeks the bosses are nerfed to ever living kitten (in some cases a literal 75% of the boss straight up is removed) DURING CURRENT TIER (which guild wars 2 doesn't seem to care about making new content as "it's impossible to make new content that good players don't go through" which is 100% kitten cop out... just make it harder with actual god damned rewards worth getting such as a legendary item material like "gift of big wong kitten raider". you spend weeks on a single boss during progress with 500+ wipes to do it at a very difficult level but within a month the same things are simply given to basically casual players because "wah! this is too hard!" or blizzard thinks not enough people killed it which is kitten stupid. there's no prestige or feeling of accomplishment when people who have almost no idea what the pluck is going on is able to do the boss and it's difficulty becomes so easy you can bring carries along. those emotions that should be pride at your work becomes hate for the company that creates good content that is at an appropriate level of difficulty for the minority of players that wish to do it but then lower it's difficulty so it's more accessible... to the majority... content made for the minority... accessible by the majority... see the problem?

i know it's a lot of babyrage but i hope it gives you a better picture of why i'm not interested in continue to play guild wars 2 as there's no reason for me to play and no activities worth investing my time to fully commit to the game. there's no content that piques my urge to conquer it because it's all casual based. i thank you all for your time and input to helping me, but it's just not going to work out. #break_up_2018

Bye, Felicia.

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