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Do you think spellbreaker elite, WoD, should get nerfed? Yes/no, and why?


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@Kovu.7560 said:Read the post. I suggested a slight reduction in cooldown.That said, ripping 40~100 boons (I'm just pulling numbers out of my kitten, it could be a lot more) is well worth that cooldown. And more, frankly.

~ Kovu

10 targets, lasts 10 seconds, boon rip every 1/2 second. Assuming you affect the max amount of targets for each pulse and always remove a boon, that's 20 boons per target so 200 boons before taking into account Enchantment Collapse.

Enchantment collapse affects 5 targets and causes an extra boon loss when removing a boon. So lets assume it affects the max amount and always removes boons, that's 5 boons every 1/2 second from that same group for an extra 100 boons removed.

So together you can technically remove 300 boons with one WoD...Now my math might be a little off because I am sick but lets just assume its accurate.I never actually looked at it this way, but yea it definitely needs to be toned down.

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@Kovu.7560 said:Read the post. I suggested a slight reduction in cooldown.That said, ripping 40~100 boons (I'm just pulling numbers out of my kitten, it could be a lot more) is well worth that cooldown. And more, frankly.

~ Kovu

Full potential, assuming 50-60 very, very, very bad players (with lots of boons) standing in the full duration would remove 200 boons; 1 each from 10 targets every 1/2 second for 10 seconds. With enchantment collapse (not considering whether it can trigger itself) removing an additional 5 boons per one removed; that would be 1200 boons removed total, with loss aversion adding 150-250 damage per boon removed for a total of 180-300k damage across the group.

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Hmm maybe collapse can be looked at, the bubble on it's own could probably be tweaked as well. They should be used sparingly in big fights to turn the tide of battle at key moments, right now there's just too much bubble spam and scourge spam.If there's so much spamming on both sides of the spectrum then there needs to be reduction instead of adding. In audio engineering we like to say cut before boosting frequencies (usually) or we end up with muffled garbage.

@"Kovu.7560" said:Single button press.

I don't know why but this reminded me of a scene in kungpow where the guy goes, "my finger point!" hehe

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I don't mind the Spellbreaker. It was needed to offset all this permaboon garbage. It's hard dealing with opponants that is buffed beyond the moon to deal with. However, it's still a problem with roaming. Unless your on a spellbreaker to deal with a roamer who has permaboons, then the permaboon player has the advantage. Unless anet comes out with a better way of taking out multiple boons simutaniously for class roamers, I see that as a big problem still.

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@Kiroshima.8497 said:WoD needs its power shifted to the Warrior's kit, rather than all in the elite. The easiest change would be to make WoD only pulse Disenchantment (does not strip boons innately). Then move boon removal to the Warrior's offensive bursts.

I like this idea. Make warrior more than a one-trick Pony. Scourge also needs a nerf.

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@Kiroshima.8497 said:WoD needs its power shifted to the Warrior's kit, rather than all in the elite. The easiest change would be to make WoD only pulse Disenchantment (does not strip boons innately). Then move boon removal to the Warrior's offensive bursts.

I like this idea. Make warrior more than a one-trick Pony. Scourge also needs a nerf (strips over corrupts).

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I could write a multi page essay on how crap WOD is and how it needs to be nerfed.

Let's all be honest with ourselves.. Change boon removal to 5 people. Yes. @%$^ing 5. Secondly, change the interval to 1/2 or freaking 3/4 second..This would be the BARE minimum. You can debate after that. Stop adding more than 5 player offensive skills in this @#$$ing game.

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Nope leave WoD alone and Scourges are fine also.

People are starting to understand and deal with both of them, it just took some time to adapt.

It's very easy to see using ArcDPS that right now eles, revs and firebrands are just as strong as warriors and scourge but it's fashionable since the PoF release to request nerfs to classes that people had the most trouble adapting to early on.

Let's not forget Scourge has already had its damage severely nerfed compared to what it used to do - it's fine now - it looks like the whining players are going to get their way though with another nerf on Feb 6th with the boon conversion table being updated to appease them.

The fact is that everyone now knows not to stand in bubbles and to run proper cleanse builds for condi meta. We've all adapted.

What they haven't adapted to is the insane power burst available now.

As for there being too many Scourge, that's BS - in the past, we've always had:

  • 1 or 2 well bomber Necros per party; then that became
  • 1 or 2 shout Reapers per party; then that became
  • 1 or 2 Scourges per party

The number of necros per party hasn't changed, only the elite specialisation.

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Collapse and tons of scourges is what breaks it. It makes an allied melee push basically a deathtrap and denies all ranged pressure in the meantime. Zergs are just constantly resetting on each other and are a lot less enjoyable for everyone not playing the standard blob builds. At the moment, the combo really has no counter when used well aside from just pushing more numbers doing the same exact tactic. Kinda lame.

An ICD on collapse would probably do well. Even then, scourge and FB still need huge nerfs.

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@dzeRnumbrd.6129 said:Nope leave WoD alone and Scourges are fine also.

People are starting to understand and deal with both of them, it just took some time to adapt.

It's very easy to see using ArcDPS that right now eles, revs and firebrands are just as strong as warriors and scourge but it's fashionable since the PoF release to request nerfs to classes that people had the most trouble adapting to early on.

Let's not forget Scourge has already had its damage severely nerfed compared to what it used to do - it's fine now - it looks like the whining players are going to get their way though with another nerf on Feb 6th with the boon conversion table being updated to appease them.

The fact is that everyone now knows not to stand in bubbles and to run proper cleanse builds for condi meta. We've all adapted.

What they haven't adapted to is the insane power burst available now.

As for there being too many Scourge, that's BS - in the past, we've always had:

  • 1 or 2 well bomber Necros per party; then that became
  • 1 or 2 shout Reapers per party; then that became
  • 1 or 2 Scourges per party

The number of necros per party hasn't changed, only the elite specialisation.

Only if people realized what is actually broken about scourge and started doing it more and no it has nothing to do with condi. cough 300k spikes on arc in 4 seconds cough

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@"dzeRnumbrd.6129" said:As for there being too many Scourge, that's BS - in the past, we've always had...

LOL, there are still too many Scourges, the fact that for most of the game there have been too many necros/reapers also doesn't alter that, necro and guard are poster boys for why balance in the joke that is known as WvW has always been non-existent and show just how much "attention" Anet gives the game mode when it comes to balance, virtually none.

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@dzeRnumbrd.6129 said:As for their being too many Scourge, that's BS - in the past, we've always had:

  • 1 or 2 well bomber Necros per party; then that became
  • 1 or 2 shout Reapers per party; then that became
  • 1 or 2 Scourges per party

The number of necros per party hasn't changed, only the elite specialisation.

Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t 20 Scourges + 20 Firebrands + 5 Hammer Revenants + 5 Bubble Spellbreaker blob meta now?

Edit : Typo

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