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Item collections things, keep, sell, destroy??


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Ok, I have always been a bit confused with this which would explain as to why my bank is full of junk that I may or may not need. Now, honestly please, do I need to keep items that are for collections, once it shows in the window/achievement thingy? Items like "Ice Wurm Tooth", and such, marked "for collection, no value", are they safe to sell, destroy, throw at people?Yes, old school noob question but I am a slow learner...don't be hatin!! ;)

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Anet has been fairly inconsistent with this. The best thing I found was to look up the item on the wiki. With the number of collection items we can possibly get, this gets tedious, but there's no real solution other than that. Well that is unless someone made a list of which could be destroyed. If all else fails, Hobbs should sell you the item if it is required later on.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:Anet has been fairly inconsistent with this. The best thing I found was to look up the item on the wiki. With the number of collection items we can possibly get, this gets tedious, but there's no real solution other than that. Well that is unless someone made a list of which could be destroyed. If all else fails, Hobbs should sell you the item if it is required later on.

Yea see, that's I would like, is a list of some sort. As you mentioned its not a for sure thing, thus my dilemma. But maybe I will try what Ojimaru mentioned.....cheers!

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Many of us have come across these items which lack the helpful "It's okay to delete me!" description. Heck, in just trying to find an example, I came across so many which lacked it that I gave up. As such, I've decided to change the rest of my planned message:

I know that it's a pain to think about other things while you're racing across Tyria on a giant collect-a-thon, but if in your travels you come across a wiki page looking like this or like this, could you please help your fellow players out? If you find that deleting an item was okay, could you leave a note so that the next thousand players who go to that page aren't as confused as you might have been? If you know where an item can be found, could you leave a simple message? Honestly, dropping the information anywhere on the page would be appreciated, and it would be my pleasure to help make it look nice.

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:If I'm unsure, I'll use /wiki [shift-click] to look up the item on the wiki. If there's an additional use for it, the wiki will say (at least for older items; will take a while to catch up for PoF collection items).

Worst case: Support can help restore an item that Hobbs can't replace.

Thanks heaps, will give it a go!!! ;)

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