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Ranger CC Pets


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@Kaylaena.6257 said:Electric wyvern is my go to, but the black moa is pretty great for defiance bar if you have it :]

Except for appearance and some details on its Dazing Screech, the black moa is identical to the pink moa. The pink Moa seems to do more damage from its screech, but the black moas defiance bar damage is 100pts higher, according to data on the Wiki.

I’m pretty sure Smokescale has a knockdown in its base attack sequence.

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@Haleydawn.3764 said:

@"Kaylaena.6257" said:Electric wyvern is my go to, but the black moa is pretty great for defiance bar if you have it :]

...the black moa is identical to the pink moa... The pink Moa seems to do more damage from its screech, but the black moas defiance bar damage is 100pts higher, according to data on the Wiki.

The two pets are supposed to be identical, because Black is supposed to be a just a reskin. It's unobtainable for anyone who hasn't linked an appropriate GW1 account, so it would be unfair if its weaker or stronger than the Pink.

However, in practice, they are different pets, with different IDs (and their Dazing Screech also has a different skill ID). ANet has had trouble getting them to behave identically. One patch made one have a stronger defiance-breaking screech; another reversed that. It wouldn't surprise me if they made another change and didn't include it in the patch notes.

According to the API,

  • The Pink Moa's d-screech lasts 2 seconds with a damage multiplier of 0.5, with a hit count of 1
  • The Black's lasts 1 second with a damage multiplier of 0.2, with a hit count of 1.

That suggests that the Pink screech does more damage. The wiki articles don't seem to have been updated recently, so I don't know if anyone has recently tested the in-game impact. That should be easy enough with ArcDPS and perhaps the results are common knowledge among the meter-using community.

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Though they aren't as good as hard CC's, don't forget the pets that can apply soft CC's as well. Fear, Chill, Immob, Taunt, etc. With the build that I'm currently running on one of my druids, whenever I hit the F2 pet skill, it applies 2 seconds of taunt at 75 per second. So when the Gazelle does his head toss, I'm getting an extra 150 damage to that defiance bar from the taunt at the same time.

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@bearshaman.3421 said:Also you can get an ogre pet whistle in either fireheart rise or Iron marches, that gives you a second pet basically for 15-30 minutes. So you could possibly get a pet that has CC as well, though you can't control it at all.

Double-click to call an ogre pet to aid you for 5 minutes.(the cooldown is 30 minutes; the actual pet lasts only 5)

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In case anyone cares about the actual numbers:Pink Moa - 200 Defiance bar damageBlack Moa - 3 x 100 Defiance bar damageElectric Wyvern - up to 4 x 232 (+232 from a passive skill) Defiance bar damageRock Gazelle - 232 (+200 from a passive skill) Defiance bar damage

Pink and Black Moa are indeed different. Electric Wyvern is great on big targets, the Rock Gazelle on small ones. Both provide additonal CC with their passive skills such as the wyvern's Wing Buffet for an extra 232.

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@MachineManXX.9746 said:

@"Biff.5312" said:A related question would be: is the cc of your pet as important as for example the buffs it can give when you're in a large group encounter? Is there some consensus that cc is the overriding concern?

Why do you need a "consensus" to decide what you want your pet to do?

If a lot of people with more experience than you all agree on something, it's worth listening to what they say and why (something the world seems to be straying further and further away from as google makes everyone a self-described expert with infinite knowledge and experience. :) )

If he were already an expert on using pets efficiently, he wouldn't be asking for help here.

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@Fluffball.8307 said:

@"Biff.5312" said:A related question would be: is the cc of your pet as important as for example the buffs it can give when you're in a large group encounter? Is there some consensus that cc is the overriding concern?

Why do you need a "consensus" to decide what you want your pet to do?

If a lot of people with more experience than you all agree on something, it's worth listening to what they say and why (something the world seems to be straying further and further away from as google makes everyone a self-described expert with infinite knowledge and experience. :) )

If he were already an expert on using pets efficiently, he wouldn't be asking for help here.

Well, the OP was specifically asking about CC pets. I took Biff's comment as suggesting he should use Buffing pets over CC pets. If I understood that correctly, then why would the OP care about buffing pets when he apparently already knows what he wants it to do?

Now if Biff was actually asking a question, then I misunderstood and my comment was wrong and should be ignored.

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Now if Biff was actually asking a question, then I misunderstood and my comment was wrong and should be ignored.

I was actually asking a question. I want to know whether it is known that cc is the best feature to be concerned with when choosing a pet, or if there might be better choices based on things like dps or buffing effects.

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@Biff.5312 said:

Now if Biff was actually asking a question, then I misunderstood and my comment was wrong and should be ignored.

I was actually asking a question. I want to know whether it is known that cc is the best feature to be concerned with when choosing a pet, or if there might be better choices based on things like dps or buffing effects.

it depends on the situation boss 3 in wing 4 you want cc pets since they get a break bar every 10%the 2 boss in the same wing no break bar so tiger for fury is better there.Its the same everywere else sometimes cc pets are better sometimes the buff ones.

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