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worldly impact shouldn't root


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@bigo.9037 said:

@"So Fuzzy Pop.1384" said:Yeah, the animation is so slow and obvious that, without stealth or a lockdown, it’s nigh impossible to land.Personally, I hate ground targeting. I’d prefer if it became just a short leap at whatever you’ve targeted. If there’s nothing targeted then it just does the same thing it does now. Or speed up the animation/cast time. Or OR OR -
could activate at the start of casting a Beast ability instead of after.

stop whining. That skill isnt supposed to be spammable. that skill is all about high risk high reward. do you not realize how much easier it can be to pull it off properly by just immobilizing the enemy with your heal skill + trait?

Or you could use it while in stealth.

Or you could taunt them first with Protect Me

Youre not even "rooted". you can cancel the animation by moving or casting anything else. you can do 90 % of the animation and still cancel at the last second.

You guys are asking for way too much making such a high damage skill a leap or ground targetable. get over yourselves. Soulbeast is strong enough as it is.If Soulbeast gets that kinda buff you can bet other nerfs will follow. Soulbeast is currently top 3 or 4 solo roaming specs.

How exactly was I “whining”? Just giving my opinion. I really don’t give a shit either way, it’s just a game.Get bent.

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@InsaneQR.7412 said:Instead of making a ground target just change the traits so they activate at the beginning if a beastskill instead of the...

And ignore armor and remove foes protection on Cast. Unblockable? Not, that’s too much even with the block spam is going on now in the game.

But if all classes would get as much damage as 1k armor that skill would be “the one to dodge” when casted like it should be. No crit would do with 2500 power around 5K. 2secs rooted channeled skill every 30 secs when merged.

Even with quickness you have like one second to react. So it’s I think is just perfect.

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@anduriell.6280 said:

@InsaneQR.7412 said:Instead of making a ground target just change the traits so they activate at the beginning if a beastskill instead of the...

And ignore armor and remove foes protection on Cast. Unblockable? Not, that’s too much even with the block spam is going on now in the game.

But if all classes would get as much damage as 1k armor that skill would be “the one to dodge” when casted like it should be. No crit would do with 2500 power around 5K. 2secs rooted channeled skill every 30 secs when merged.

Even with quickness you have like one second to react. So it’s I think is just perfect.

I dont get the unblockabke and remove protection part of the point you are making. Could you please elaborate?

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No unblockable = means foes get counter play (other than walk away/dodge)Remove protection + ignore armor = all classes (aka heavy, medium, light) gets to get the same damage.Remove protection = firebrand, warrior, revenant, chrono, ele, engie have protection spam. This level the field for all clases as soulbeast can’t rip boons”

As I said 2 secs rooting(as in place) channeled skill with such telegraphed animation in half a minute cd when your are merged must be hard as kitten.

Too many constrains to do < 3k damage in wvw

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Worldly Impact is exactly what it sounds like. A nuke skill, as high risk, high reward. The root is warranted for the amount of burst damage available. Yes its hard to get off, but that's where skill comes in. Especially with some of the combos that can be pulled off with it.

I agree with the previous post that pets in general right now should be higher on the 'look at' list.Also, something that has completely perplexed me and which I see as a bigger issue, is why in the world there is no actual 'ranged' beast mode skill in soul beast mode. Every single skill is literally a radius, melee ranged skill. Its like the word 'ranger' doesn't even apply.

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@Darkened.4076 said:Worldly Impact is exactly what it sounds like. A nuke skill, as high risk, high reward. The root is warranted for the amount of burst damage available. Yes its hard to get off, but that's where skill comes in. Especially with some of the combos that can be pulled off with it.

I agree with the previous post that pets in general right now should be higher on the 'look at' list.Also, something that has completely perplexed me and which I see as a bigger issue, is why in the world there is no actual 'ranged' beast mode skill in soul beast mode. Every single skill is literally a radius, melee ranged skill. Its like the word 'ranger' doesn't even apply.

Merged Iboga, Jacaranda, and Spiders have ranged skills.

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