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Deadeye damage


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You know... I just now thought about this. But both Deadeye and Daredevil can get around 20% or more extra damage from their specs. But only Deadeye is able to do this for all weapon types - even though it is not immediate, where Daredevil requires a staff and one of your dodges to be depleted.

@Barzah.8019 said:

@LazerusKI.7485 said:pve enemies dont care about slow or immobilize because usually they are in groups and in most cases there is a ranged fighter too, or one that pulls you, or one that sets your camp on fire.yeah how nice when panic strike can turn spotter shot into an annoying tool. the whole design is based on power though, not on conditions. i want to kill, not annoy.pvp. as it was said several times before, DE in pvp is entirely different from how he is in pve. yes you can take out single targets easily, but you can do the same with pistols even faster. and in pve you usually dont encounter a single target as i said above. or you have bosses in pve that force you to move where all the burst damage that can kill a glasscannon in pvp is suddenly not working anymore.and for your 4...well...you can instead take "be quick or be killed" , mark a target, get quickness, press Unload. Since unload deals just a little less damage than a fully charged DJ with 7 malice you will deal a lot more damage in a much shorter time with the added advantage of gaining back initiative to chain them together like crazy. even if your target doesnt go down after one unload, malice ticks up and gives you more damage.on R i have my heal, shift+r is my "special" (the thing on [-] or [ß])
  1. With mug + be quick or be killed, you can easily jump from 1 weak enemy to the other. If you insist fighting mob squad with a rifle, using shadow art will give you constant stealth from mark which make it easier for you to keep changing position. My favorite tactic on the other hand is to keep my mark on 1 mob and use DJ on others, it work on both PvE and PvP situation.
  2. Panic strike from Deadly art work as additional damage and prevent enemy overheal, which mean it's better for PvP situation. Critical strike trait on the other hand give better rifle damage compared to deadly art that make this skill really good to pump rifle damage. Also it's somewhat fun to make the whole mob stack into one spot and then spam skill 2 :D
  3. Indeed, pistol unload perform better at short damage burst. However, rifle + maleficent seven shine at maintaining damage burst since...7-8 second full mark and DJ spam. Not to mention that you can mix Tap with skill 1 and stolen item before full stack to get damage bonus from lead attack minor trait. If rifle is also better at short burst damage, then what's the point of using pistol
  4. Well It's up to you to rebind kneel to whatever button that you are familiar with,

I use Shadow Arts, but I only use the steal cloaking in two scenarios. If I decide to use Marshal's which gives healing power, or if I am fighting a boss. For some stupid reason, cursed bullet is really slow to fire off, and it can get obstructed when it really shouldn't

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I kind of want to pose a challenge to be beat by people who disagree with deadeyes damage output being in a bad place. If you're one of these people I challenge you to go into the dps golem and parse over 30k by yourself. In fact, if you really want to prove a point, do it with a rifle. Use all the buffs possible and try to parse with competitive damage. Maybe I'm not getting good damage because I'm just bad and need to l2p. Please prove me wrong and then tell me how you did it. Screenshots or videos would be helpful as proof.

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@Zalavaaris.5329 said:I kind of want to pose a challenge to be beat by people who disagree with deadeyes damage output being in a bad place. If you're one of these people I challenge you to go into the dps golem and parse over 30k by yourself. In fact, if you really want to prove a point, do it with a rifle. Use all the buffs possible and try to parse with competitive damage. Maybe I'm not getting good damage because I'm just bad and need to l2p. Please prove me wrong and then tell me how you did it. Screenshots or videos would be helpful as proof.

... it might not have been intended for steady DPS? You have massive spike and burst damage with the rifle. easily hitting between 15k-40k on a single hit. It'd be nice to take Rifle into raids. But it might not happen.

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@Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497 said:

@Zalavaaris.5329 said:I kind of want to pose a challenge to be beat by people who disagree with deadeyes damage output being in a bad place. If you're one of these people I challenge you to go into the dps golem and parse over 30k by yourself. In fact, if you really want to prove a point, do it with a rifle. Use all the buffs possible and try to parse with competitive damage. Maybe I'm not getting good damage because I'm just bad and need to l2p. Please prove me wrong and then tell me how you did it. Screenshots or videos would be helpful as proof.

... it might not have been intended for steady DPS? You have massive spike and burst damage with the rifle. easily hitting between 15k-40k on a single hit. It'd be nice to take Rifle into raids. But it might not happen.

"massive spike", usually i spike for 15-16k, and only once near the end of a mark when all my energy is gone.meanwhile i run around and "spike" 10k+ Unloads one after another while stacking buffs...at the time i can "spike" with a rifle i have killed the enemy twice with pistols, or even a whole group with a staff...even if the rifle was not meant for steady dps, its burst damage should be high enough to reach the same dps value with it. doesnt matter if steady dps or burst dps, at the end they should be similar or the same when you consider what DE has to sacrifice

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I'm in zone 4 now, the whole Palawa Joko area....even DE Gunslinger dual six-shooters 'be quick or be killed' with occasional use of mercy isn't that easy anymore. The mobs are tankier and hit hard. Let alone spamming #3 for more than 20-25 hours into the game is wearing me out. Damn, I really wanted to be a full-fledged gunslinger but I'm not sure how much longer I can last with this type of gameplay...

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@Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497 said:

@Zalavaaris.5329 said:I kind of want to pose a challenge to be beat by people who disagree with deadeyes damage output being in a bad place. If you're one of these people I challenge you to go into the dps golem and parse over 30k by yourself. In fact, if you really want to prove a point, do it with a rifle. Use all the buffs possible and try to parse with competitive damage. Maybe I'm not getting good damage because I'm just bad and need to l2p. Please prove me wrong and then tell me how you did it. Screenshots or videos would be helpful as proof.

... it might not have been intended for steady DPS? You have massive spike and burst damage with the rifle. easily hitting between 15k-40k on a single hit. It'd be nice to take Rifle into raids. But it might not happen.

Possibly, and I would fight that decision for a long time. My comment was regarding the people who say rifle dps is fine and people who aren't making deadeye work are bad. Which is also possible lol. I just want to see one deadeye build pass 30k on a solo parse. Maybe not even rifle. Please someone with more skill show us how its done. Someone find a deadeye dps spec that can pass daredevil staff and show us nay sayers what's what.

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@Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497 said:... it might not have been intended for steady DPS? You have massive spike and burst damage with the rifle. easily hitting between 15k-40k on a single hit. It'd be nice to take Rifle into raids. But it might not happen.

okay, but... where is that ever useful in PvE? you've got trashmobs, who don't warrant spikes that high, and bosses, who are so tanky that sustain damage is what matters.

plus, it's not burst if it need 5-10 seconds of build up. it's just really poor sustain.

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@Gray.9041 said:

@Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497 said:... it might not have been intended for steady DPS? You have massive spike and burst damage with the rifle. easily hitting between 15k-40k on a single hit. It'd be nice to take Rifle into raids. But it might not happen.

okay, but... where is that ever useful in PvE? you've got trashmobs, who don't warrant spikes that high, and bosses, who are so tanky that sustain damage is what matters.

plus, it's not burst if it need 5-10 seconds of build up. it's just really poor sustain.

this. why should i wait for a (too weak) spike after 10s or so when i can end the fight with one button right at the beginning?its not even good against stronger enemies that can take that damage, because then again...why should i wait when i can wear him down constantly and trigger all those fancy effects that increase my damage the lower the enemies health goes?

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@LazerusKI.7485 said:

@Gray.9041 said:

@Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497 said:... it might not have been intended for steady DPS? You have massive spike and burst damage with the rifle. easily hitting between 15k-40k on a single hit. It'd be nice to take Rifle into raids. But it might not happen.

okay, but... where is that ever useful in PvE? you've got trashmobs, who don't warrant spikes that high, and bosses, who are so tanky that sustain damage is what matters.

plus, it's not burst if it need 5-10 seconds of build up. it's just really poor sustain.

this. why should i wait for a (too weak) spike after 10s or so when i can end the fight with one button right at the beginning?its not even good against stronger enemies that can take that damage, because then again...why should i wait when i can wear him down constantly and trigger all those fancy effects that increase my damage the lower the enemies health goes?

You don't have to wait? Something tells me you guys aren't actually experimenting, and want to start throwing a fit without looking into things. I can hit something with 14k damage in two to three seconds on deadeye. When fighting a group of enemies, this time drops with every mob I kill. This is with Marauders, Superior Rune of Rage, Critical Strikes, and Shadow Arts and M7 from the Deadeye Grand master traits. You can generate might very quickly as long as you have fury. Fury will be up pretty much the entire time you are hitting something. You'll probably have 15 stacks of might by the time you have 3-4 stacks of malice. Press 5 and death's judgement. Don't want to use death judgement? Fine, just hit them with double tap. Or swap to Sword and Dagger, which 3 CHUNKs.

Add Superior Rune of Force and Superior Rune of Flames(?) for some added AOE. OR, if you are doing WvW, roll out with Superior rune of Force, and Superior rune of Impact, and abuse the shit out of the two knock downs you have.

PS M7 increases the rate of your malice generation so you are at full malice at the same time as you would be if you were just at five. This means it takes SIGNIFICANTLY less time to reach five stacks which is where big dick damage starts coming into play.

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Because you're playing a videogame maybe? Because you're supposed to have fun? If mashing one button for 20-25 hours for more consistent DPS is what your life came to in GW 2, thats your choice. Why are you even trying to play more complicated specs in the first place if its not your cup of tea?

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So i already roam around The Desolation and...i didn't find any difficulties fighting awakened in this area. Yes they have higher health than normal mob but that's about it since my rifle are able to break through like a butter. Same thing happen happen when i fight lots of mob, where i just mark the strongest one to farm malice and then swat the weaker one with DJ.

Also i already say it several time i will say it again, Rifle mechanic is in good spot so stop trying to turn this weapon into another pistol unload. However, that doesn't mean rifle didn't have a problem that need to be looked at. The First problem with rifle is Malice gain and reward which is ironic since this weapon are heavily relied on malice stack compared to the other. At this point, dev need to seek a solution for accelerating rifle malice gain (mainly this) while giving extra damage increase to other skill based on malice build up. We don't need the malice to refill super fast, but getting near full / full malice at 7 to 10 second even when playing semi passive with rifle would be a life saver in every situation.

The second problem is the initiative cost and performance between stance. Damage difference between kneel and "not kneel" skillset is just too huge that standing while using rifle are not just worth the effort, not to mention that you need to use kneel in order to be able to compete with other profession. Reducing initiative for skill 2 and 3 while standing, while giving initiative every x second while using kneel will give another option for rifle user and that is awesome.

The third problem is the #&@$@#$ Cursed bullet, it has 1 second cooldown that can randomly pop up which screwed up my rotation. Also the sluggish casting time and damage / effect make this @$ skill barely worth using . Wth are you thinking when you guys design the cursed bullet mechanic.

*Tldr; Rifle is supposed to be excel at building momentum instead of spitting every single bullet in the beginning, yet the reward for full malice stack aren't worth time and effort except the legendary DJ and that's pretty much about it.**

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@Barzah.8019 said:So i already roam around The Desolation and...i didn't find any difficulties fighting awakened in this area. Yes they have higher health than normal mob but that's about it since my rifle are able to break through like a butter. Same thing happen happen when i fight lots of mob, where i just mark the strongest one to farm malice and then swat the weaker one with DJ.

... The First problem with rifle is Malice gain and reward which is ironic since this weapon are heavily relied on malice stack compared to the other. At this point, dev need to seek a solution for accelerating rifle malice gain (mainly this) while giving extra damage increase to other skill based on malice build up. We don't need the malice to refill super fast, but getting near full / full malice at 7 to 10 second even when playing semi passive with rifle would be a life saver in every situation.

The second problem is the initiative cost and performance between stance. Damage difference between kneel and "not kneel" skillset is just too huge that standing while using rifle are not just worth the effort, not to mention that you need to use kneel in order to be able to compete with other profession. Reducing initiative for skill 2 and 3 while standing, while giving initiative every x second while using kneel will give another option for rifle user and that is awesome.

The third problem is the #&@$@#$ Cursed bullet, it has 1 second cooldown that can randomly pop up which screwed up my rotation. Also the sluggish casting time and damage / effect make this @$ skill barely worth using . Wth are you thinking when you guys design the cursed bullet mechanic.

Tldr; Rifle is *supposed to be good at building momentum instead of spitting every single bullet in the beginning, yet the reward for full malice stack aren't worth time and effort except the legendary DJ and that's pretty much about it.

I was going to post those same three points in another thread but that summed up my few complaints. I think most of the rifle and DE will smooth out gameplay wise with familiarity but those three points are really weighing down the set and builds. Basically I only feel like going to rifle for rifle 4 to get away but I'll almost always end up switching back to other sets to kill anything that's actually fighting back.

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@Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497 said:

@LazerusKI.7485 said:

@Gray.9041 said:

@Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497 said:... it might not have been intended for steady DPS? You have massive spike and burst damage with the rifle. easily hitting between 15k-40k on a single hit. It'd be nice to take Rifle into raids. But it might not happen.

okay, but... where is that ever useful in PvE? you've got trashmobs, who don't warrant spikes that high, and bosses, who are so tanky that sustain damage is what matters.

plus, it's not burst if it need 5-10 seconds of build up. it's just really poor sustain.

this. why should i wait for a (too weak) spike after 10s or so when i can end the fight with one button right at the beginning?its not even good against stronger enemies that can take that damage, because then again...why should i wait when i can wear him down constantly and trigger all those fancy effects that increase my damage the lower the enemies health goes?

You don't have to wait? Something tells me you guys aren't actually experimenting, and want to start throwing a fit without looking into things. I can hit something with 14k damage in two to three seconds on deadeye. When fighting a group of enemies, this time drops with every mob I kill. This is with Marauders, Superior Rune of Rage, Critical Strikes, and Shadow Arts and M7 from the Deadeye Grand master traits. You can generate might very quickly as long as you have fury. Fury will be up pretty much the entire time you are hitting something. You'll probably have 15 stacks of might by the time you have 3-4 stacks of malice. Press 5 and death's judgement. Don't want to use death judgement? Fine, just hit them with double tap. Or swap to Sword and Dagger, which 3 CHUNKs.

Add Superior Rune of Force and Superior Rune of Flames(?) for some added AOE. OR, if you are doing WvW, roll out with Superior rune of Force, and Superior rune of Impact, and abuse the kitten out of the two knock downs you have.

PS M7 increases the rate of your malice generation so you are at full malice at the same time as you would be if you were just at five. This means it takes SIGNIFICANTLY less time to reach five stacks which is where big kitten damage starts coming into play.

well thats just wrong then. how do i know that? because malice has a passive generation of 4s per stack and 2s when attacking. M7 reduced that by 25%, so passive is 3s and active is 1.5s then. so you still need 4.5s - 6s for the 3-4 malice until you can use DJ for the first time for actual damage.in 6s i can press Unload (1.5s) exactly 4 times. if i take "be quick or be killed" i reduce the casting time by 50%, from my tests it lasts long enough for 3 unloads, so 3 uses in 2.25s, leaves 3.75s for 2 more unloads, so at the end i used it 5 times and still have enough energy for more. Rifle meanwhile has run dry and is forced to autoattack.sure you can chain trb too to get 14k damage or so, but that just proves the point that rifle deals not enough damage then, because in the 6s i chain Unloads i deal around 60k damage, i dont need to kneel for it, i dont need to build up malice, i dont need to watch my ressources, i can run around freely and i build up more buffs and debuffs than i can with the rifle

@Barzah.8019 said:So i already roam around The Desolation and...i didn't find any difficulties fighting awakened in this area. Yes they have higher health than normal mob but that's about it since my rifle are able to break through like a butter. Same thing happen happen when i fight lots of mob, where i just mark the strongest one to farm malice and then swat the weaker one with DJ.

Also i already say it several time i will say it again, Rifle mechanic is in good spot so stop trying to turn this weapon into another pistol unload. However, that doesn't mean rifle didn't have a problem that need to be looked at. The First problem with rifle is Malice gain and reward which is ironic since this weapon are heavily relied on malice stack compared to the other. At this point, dev need to seek a solution for accelerating rifle malice gain (mainly this) while giving extra damage increase to other skill based on malice build up. We don't need the malice to refill super fast, but getting near full / full malice at 7 to 10 second even when playing semi passive with rifle would be a life saver in every situation.

The second problem is the initiative cost and performance between stance. Damage difference between kneel and "not kneel" skillset is just too huge that standing while using rifle are not just worth the effort, not to mention that you need to use kneel in order to be able to compete with other profession. Reducing initiative for skill 2 and 3 while standing, while giving initiative every x second while using kneel will give another option for rifle user and that is awesome.

The third problem is the #&@$@#$ Cursed bullet, it has 1 second cooldown that can randomly pop up which screwed up my rotation. Also the sluggish casting time and damage / effect make this @$ skill barely worth using . Wth are you thinking when you guys design the cursed bullet mechanic.

*Tldr; Rifle is supposed to be excel at building momentum instead of spitting every single bullet in the beginning, yet the reward for full malice stack aren't worth time and effort except the legendary DJ and that's pretty much about it.**

there are quite a few interesting ideas by now, giving it the unload mechanic is obviously the easiest one because we know that it exists. i posted the idea to instead integrate malice into it for energy regen (1 for each point of malice) so that the longer the fight goes it becomes stronger and stronger.malice gain would be an interesting mechanic too, combine that with the now lackluster trb and it could indeed be a very interesting skill to accelerate the dj damage.currently it allready takes 10.5s to reach 7 malice while attacking, but 21 when you let it run completely passive, and that is indeed way to long when you cant reliably hit the target you want because there is another enemy, environment or even an insect in your way.the idea to gain initiative while kneeling could also solve the power problem, i actually like that the most from all the ideas i have seen so far, together with the reduced cost for reduced effect while standing of course, so +1 from me for this.and yes...cursed bullet...why the hell is there a cooldown on it

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Excelsior......and thanks. After vacation and a couple of hours putting my nose into PoF, I wanted to get back to "normal mode" and try Deadeye nice and slow. It is indeed a lovely and awesome addition, and I love it, but it's also breaking my heart somewhat that Rifle is such a useless thing.

I died today in HoT twice the dumbest deaths and got downed twice because I did not have anything suitable at my hands. Instead of a real improvement, it feels like I cripple myself when trying to go Deadeye beyond any reasonable explanation why I am doing it at all. I am, uh, "sad" (?) and pissed and grumpy that I have to go back to Daredevil until this is fixed, because that is not what I wanted. I saw Deadeye in the betas, and "on paper", and it started out very interesting, but then reality kicked in and after 2 hours of fiddling around with the rifle, I think I put it aside (and the game with it).

I just feel so weak and the reasons have been addressed in this topic several times. I died to friggin random Mordrems that I eat for breakfast as Daredevil. Gapcloser steal (with stealth afterwards), kicking people in the nuts with Fist Flurry and having 3 dashes, evading AoEs and such - all gone. Stolen skills are stupid and when I even gave up reading the tooltips of them because it's garbage mostly. (I take the blame if there are actually good ones amongst them, but I don't want to have a roulette of shitty skills, I want to have a roulette of "good" and "better" skills).

The overall malice stacking, the kneeling, everything is cool as heck, I even managed to kill a bunch of Mordrem in Tangled Depths without them even moving (as if: out of "care" range or whatever), I literally could snipe them to death. One was trying to go after me but apparently could not find a path to my evelated spot, so he ran back and forth a few steps and I gave him a fatal "headshot" with Rifle 4. All satisfying as hell! But then random bats and rolling devil things spawned literally inside me and I had nothing on my hands to really get into a fight. Yep, I get it;:they got me rooted, Deadeye's downside, but due to the lack of Daredevil traits, I felt so helpless it's awkward. I see other classes doing insane jobs at clearing waves, and I have a rifle that shoots NERF bullets apparently. What is this? Deadeye is so cool, it makes my heartbeat goes faster because it hits my playstyle a lot, but when I open that nice looking present it's actually dog poo inside it. Bummer..

So I am back at Daredevil with Dual Pistols, but I feel, uh, how to say that,.. "betrayed" of the fun Deadeye should and could be. Underwhelming. Ugh.

Before I logged off I even changed my whole traitline from DD to DE because I found a bunch of enemies and a nice elevated place. But had to change it back after I had my fun because if I get in a fight with DE specilizations, I can just unplug my keyboard and watch my Asura die - that's exactly how I feel. Deadeye - to me - is like the alcohol and I have liver desease: I would love to get used to it, but as soon as I try it, it hurts.

Okay, I vented a bit. Deadeye should've been the reason to end my 1.5-month GW2 hiatus, but apparently..not.ArenaNet..why? If random players bring up why it's underwhelming (and downright "unfair" compared to other professions, especially for the trade-offs we have to swallow but get nothing in return) how can the designer of the game not figuring it out? :(It's like playing the drums without arms..and legs...and a face.

EDIT: Nasty typos. I type this on a Surface Pro in a dark room at 2:37 in the morning, forgive me.

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@Zedek.8932 The common mistake for many deadeye rifle user is to relied on dodge instead of stealth which actually the main survival tool for this spec. When played right, rifle user has are able to get out even from the most extreme condition (horde of mob, condition, fighting against scourge or firebrand, etc) thanks to the low stealth cooldown abilities.

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@Zedek.8932 said:Excelsior......and thanks. After vacation and a couple of hours putting my nose into PoF, I wanted to get back to "normal mode" and try Deadeye nice and slow. It is indeed a lovely and awesome addition, and I love it, but it's also breaking my heart somewhat that Rifle is such a useless thing.

I died today in HoT twice the dumbest deaths and got downed twice because I did not have anything suitable at my hands. Instead of a real improvement, it feels like I cripple myself when trying to go Deadeye beyond any reasonable explanation why I am doing it at all. I am, uh, "sad" (?) and pissed and grumpy that I have to go back to Daredevil until this is fixed, because that is not what I wanted. I saw Deadeye in the betas, and "on paper", and it started out very interesting, but then reality kicked in and after 2 hours of fiddling around with the rifle, I think I put it aside (and the game with it).

I just feel so weak and the reasons have been addressed in this topic several times. I died to friggin random Mordrems that I eat for breakfast as Daredevil. Gapcloser steal (with stealth afterwards), kicking people in the nuts with Fist Flurry and having 3 dashes, evading AoEs and such - all gone. Stolen skills are stupid and when I even gave up reading the tooltips of them because it's garbage mostly. (I take the blame if there are actually good ones amongst them, but I don't want to have a roulette of kitten skills, I want to have a roulette of "good" and "better" skills).

The overall malice stacking, the kneeling, everything is cool as heck, I even managed to kill a bunch of Mordrem in Tangled Depths without them even moving (as if: out of "care" range or whatever), I literally could snipe them to death. One was trying to go after me but apparently could not find a path to my evelated spot, so he ran back and forth a few steps and I gave him a fatal "headshot" with Rifle 4. All satisfying as hell! But then random bats and rolling devil things spawned literally inside me and I had nothing on my hands to really get into a fight. Yep, I get it;:they got me rooted, Deadeye's downside, but due to the lack of Daredevil traits, I felt so helpless it's awkward. I see other classes doing insane jobs at clearing waves, and I have a rifle that shoots NERF bullets apparently. What is this? Deadeye is so cool, it makes my heartbeat goes faster because it hits my playstyle a lot, but when I open that nice looking present it's actually dog poo inside it. Bummer..

So I am back at Daredevil with Dual Pistols, but I feel, uh, how to say that,.. "betrayed" of the fun Deadeye should and could be. Underwhelming. Ugh.

Before I logged off I even changed my whole traitline from DD to DE because I found a bunch of enemies and a nice elevated place. But had to change it back after I had my fun because if I get in a fight with DE specilizations, I can just unplug my keyboard and watch my Asura die - that's exactly how I feel. Deadeye - to me - is like the alcohol and I have liver desease: I would love to get used to it, but as soon as I try it, it hurts.

Okay, I vented a bit. Deadeye should've been the reason to end my 1.5-month GW2 hiatus, but apparently..not.ArenaNet..why? If random players bring up why it's underwhelming (and downright "unfair" compared to other professions, especially for the trade-offs we have to swallow but get nothing in return) how can the designer of the game not figuring it out? :(It's like playing the drums without arms..and legs...and a face.

EDIT: Nasty typos. I type this on a Surface Pro in a dark room at 2:37 in the morning, forgive me.

Try deadeye with pistols then, i picked the middle path of traits which basically gives me quickness whenever i mark a target (so faster unload) and reduced the damage i take when fighting veterans and stronger. not to mention that the first attack stuns the enemy too. so pistol deadeye is fun to play and deals much higher damage than rifle deadeye.

@littlemunster.1059 said:What skill is it that deadeye have that instantly ports you to a player and 1 shot you? Already seen that happening. Someone from Mag server. Either they have that skill or a hacker.

there is nothing like that, deadeye has shadow flare to swap place with a thrown orb, and base-thief has the Infiltrator Signet which shadowsteps him to an enemy. so maybe that was used with daggers or so? as said above, there is a trait that lets deadeye stun with the first hit after marking a target, is there something on thief that increases damage against stunned targets?

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For one, the rifle isn't a PvE spec. Anything over trash is too tanky. It's supposed to be a slow and methodical burst weapon. Rifle's design in terms of performance is similar to what you get from playing glass power shatter mesmer. The latter is horrible for PvE, but given its numbers, cannot be balanced for PvE unless its damage per hit gets nerfed. Which is of course adverse to the entire concept of shattering on the core mesmer.

You can't compare rifle to ranger longbow in regards to its durability or stating that the pet can tank unless you're in PvE, either. Players can and will ignore the pet.

And to be honest, if you're going to base solo-power and profession design or potency by solo PvE performance/durability/difficulty alone, the ranger has always been completely and totally broken in this regard. There was never even a close contender for second place. I've solo-killed world bosses on core ranger without even taking damage. That doesn't mean the ranger is overpowered; the pet is, and has been, absolutely horrible in the PvP formats, only ever made good by a few disgustingly strong abilities or builds like hard boonbunker druid (and that's more about the boonbunker build being broken than the pet).

@LazerusKI.7485 said:there is nothing like that, deadeye has shadow flare to swap place with a thrown orb, and base-thief has the Infiltrator Signet which shadowsteps him to an enemy. so maybe that was used with daggers or so? as said above, there is a trait that lets deadeye stun with the first hit after marking a target, is there something on thief that increases damage against stunned targets?

I mean no disrespect, but you really need to learn more about the profession and game if you're going to make posts like these while simultaneously trying to offer high-level insight on what needs change. It ruins your credibility and honestly, ANet taking suggestions from people with limited understanding of the game is ultimately why we're here.

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@DeceiverX.8361 said:I mean no disrespect, but you really need to learn more about the profession and game if you're going to make posts like these while simultaneously trying to offer high-level insight on what needs change. It ruins your credibility and honestly, ANet taking suggestions from people with limited understanding of the game is ultimately why we're here.well, there are not that many teleport-to-enemy abilities, Steal is out of question since it was asked for deadeye, which leaves the Signet, right? I mean...what else is there when not that? Since it was a melee attack it was also obviously not a rifle or pistol, and staff cant be used by deadeyes. So the only weapon set i can think about would be daggers. all i did was taking a guess of what could have caused this "telefrag". And so far no one else answered it, not even you.edit: ok there is also the shadowstep from sword.but overall there is simply no "teleport and oneshot" ability.

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so to everyone saying rifle is fine for dps in pve...it isnt fine...waiting much time to shot only 2-3 shots of DJ per 20+ seconds and then auto attacks spam is just pathetic, not dps

another last way to dps is TRB which also is pathetic in dps...I just compared TRB with and without different buffs with unload on golems...and unload in every way had 2x more damage per skill used with not to mention about initiative cost

when without buffs kneel TRB was hitting for me average from 2k to max 6.6k burst hits from single skill serie from worst case into the luckiest shot with 100% crits on hits :Pwhen unload was hitting from 6k worst case up to 8.5k without buffs

now come to test with max average uptime selfbuffs including malice

worst case 3.5k hits with TRB max to 8.1k hits

unload worst hits with unlucki to crits was from 8k single skill used up to max hit per single skill 16k with the best scenerio with crits but average unload burst was for 14k

so unload mostly have dobled damage in compare to TRB with not to mention about initiative cast of unload with return and expensive TRB

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@flyingfox.6150 said:I'm in zone 4 now, the whole Palawa Joko area....even DE Gunslinger dual six-shooters 'be quick or be killed' with occasional use of mercy isn't that easy anymore. The mobs are tankier and hit hard. Let alone spamming #3 for more than 20-25 hours into the game is wearing me out. kitten, I really wanted to be a full-fledged gunslinger but I'm not sure how much longer I can last with this type of gameplay...

so if you have problem with spamming #3 on pistols then try d/p or d/d for melee range instead of p/p, trust me, its also great on DE and possibly s/p for aoe but still not tested just because of laziness when I dont have asc sword like rest weapons :p

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Vertep.2498 said:

@flyingfox.6150 said:I'm in zone 4 now, the whole Palawa Joko area....even DE Gunslinger dual six-shooters 'be quick or be killed' with occasional use of mercy isn't that easy anymore. The mobs are tankier and hit hard. Let alone spamming #3 for more than 20-25 hours into the game is wearing me out. kitten, I really wanted to be a full-fledged gunslinger but I'm not sure how much longer I can last with this type of gameplay...

so if you have problem with spamming #3 on pistols then try d/p or d/d for melee range instead of p/p, trust me, its also great on DE and possibly s/p for aoe but still not tested just because of laziness when I dont have asc sword like rest weapons :p

S/P with mercy is pretty darn good AoE. Add Sigil of Rage on S or P and use Acro for some extra initiative on evade and you can quickness spam Pistol Whip fer days.

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