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Update Notes - April 1

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how much I wish the last "balance patch" would fall under this thread, cause its nothing more but a 1st aprils joke full of sensefree massive nerfs and riduculous buffs in certain cases - yes, even if only being focused on PvP and WvW only.. but in cause of the this this trash completely destroyed the whole class to the point, that you CAN ONLY HOPE FOR IT, that the patch was an aprils fools jokes, sadly the patch was too early for this to be one, so it ends up to stay as sad reality which proofs, how a game can be patched for specific classes to destruction for 2 of 3 game modes.


You can even see within the first lines that there is just some kind of "style method" that they used this time for the balancing they have done with all classes in the same way, like all classes have like half of a douzen random skills for WvW and PvP either massively buffed or nerfed in their cooldowns or efficiency even in certain cases, while a certain amount, like 4-5 random chosen skills get for all classes only for Pvp their cooldowns either reduced or increased, but in most cases only reduced, while naturally in the case of the Thief, while all others gwet buffed into oblivion, the thief is naturally again the only class, which gets 100% nerfs without a single compansation for all the nerfs ... hooray, there makes playing thief instantly 100% more fun to play ... - I'm pretty sure by now, you can feel the strong salt in my wording by now, right?

However don't want to T.T here too much over my massive dissapointment with this aprils fools worthy balance patch.Aside of this, the yearly aprils 1st patch notes was very amusing, yes

Best line in it did I found personally, is this one ^^

Players must now fight each other at the end of every fractal. The last player standing gets all the rewards.

oh my, just think about this "reward system", how much frustration for certain people that would cause, if this would be real xD lolOn the other hand, i know alot of people, which would love somethign like this to have actualy in the game, the kind of people, which demand also player killing to become part of GW2, I'm sure, these kind of peopel would love such a kind of reward system, which rewards only the person, which has fought for it agaisnt other players.

Kind of remembers me also a bit on .hack ^^ God what would I love it, if this anime/game series would actually become a real MMORPG for PC, but thats now an other topic

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@"Orpheal.8263" said:how much I wish the last "balance patch" would fall under this thread, cause its nothing more but a 1st aprils joke full of sensefree massive nerfs and riduculous buffs in certain cases - yes, even if only being focused on PvP and WvW only.. but in cause of the this this trash completely destroyed the whole class to the point, that you CAN ONLY HOPE FOR IT, that the patch was an aprils fools jokes, sadly the patch was too early for this to be one, so it ends up to stay as sad reality which proofs, how a game can be patched for specific classes to destruction for 2 of 3 game modes.


You can even see within the first lines that there is just some kind of "style method" that they used this time for the balancing they have done with all classes in the same way, like all classes have like half of a douzen random skills for WvW and PvP either massively buffed or nerfed in their cooldowns or efficiency even in certain cases, while a certain amount, like 4-5 random chosen skills get for all classes only for Pvp their cooldowns either reduced or increased, but in most cases only reduced, while naturally in the case of the Thief, while all others gwet buffed into oblivion, the thief is naturally again the only class, which gets 100% nerfs without a single compansation for all the nerfs ... hooray, there makes playing thief instantly 100% more fun to play ... - I'm pretty sure by now, you can feel the strong salt in my wording by now, right?

However don't want to T.T here too much over my massive dissapointment with this aprils fools worthy balance patch.Aside of this, the yearly aprils 1st patch notes was very amusing, yes

Best line in it did I found personally, is this one ^^

Players must now fight each other at the end of every fractal. The last player standing gets all the rewards.

oh my, just think about this "reward system", how much frustration for certain people that would cause, if this would be real xD lolOn the other hand, i know alot of people, which would love somethign like this to have actualy in the game, the kind of people, which demand also player killing to become part of GW2, I'm sure, these kind of peopel would love such a kind of reward system, which rewards only the person, which has fought for it agaisnt other players.

Kind of remembers me also a bit on .hack ^^ God what would I love it, if this anime/game series would actually become a real MMORPG for PC, but thats now an other topic

i think you need to take a step outside mate

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In addition to the above-mentioned 'summon random charr player', I quite enjoyed seeing this one:Revenant

  • Added a new Legendary Monarch of All stance, allowing revenants to channel the powers of Palawa Kitten. This new stance grants access to a new type of "Kitten" skills.

'Praise' (skills) and 'Joko' being kittenized in the note was a nice reference to the earlier note that stated:

  • Added the words "Praise" and "Joko" to the profanity filter.

Nicely done.

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