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Eater of Souls - The Departed


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As a Mirage I found Balthazar so much easier than this one... it was terrible...

I just wanted to share what worked for me, to all other poor Mesmers out there who are also struggling (this worked for me solo):

  • Get out of combat if you are (run really far away, he won't chase you).
  • Open your Hero panel (you can't open inventory but you can open this), and trait for a Chronomancer (which weapons you use don't matter too much, I used greatsword).
  • Select the Wells of Calamity, Recall and Action. Take Gravity Well for elite.
  • Aggro the guy and pull him to Joko's prison, as suggested by other people - he will be trapped behind the chains (there's videos out there showing the position).
  • Stand at max range on other side of prison. Once he hits 20 percent health he may fear you so don't stand too close.
  • Constantly use your Wells on him on cooldown. I had greatsword equipped so I used skill 3 on cooldown too. DON'T SUMMON ANY ILLUSIONS. Only use your Wells or any AOE skills on your weapons. I was obstructed for Spatial Surge so I didn't bother, I think only AOEs work in this scenario.
  • This whole process took me about 15 minutes to complete the boss. It's pretty risk-free so highly recommend :)
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@serrano.1405 said:As a Mirage I found Balthazar so much easier than this one... it was terrible...

I just wanted to share what worked for me, to all other poor Mesmers out there who are also struggling (this worked for me solo):

  • Get out of combat if you are (run really far away, he won't chase you).
  • Open your Hero panel (you can't open inventory but you can open this), and trait for a Chronomancer (which weapons you use don't matter too much, I used greatsword).
  • Select the Wells of Calamity, Recall and Action. Take Gravity Well for elite.
  • Aggro the guy and pull him to Joko's prison, as suggested by other people - he will be trapped behind the chains (there's videos out there showing the position).
  • Stand at max range on other side of prison. Once he hits 20 percent health he may fear you so don't stand too close.
  • Constantly use your Wells on him on cooldown. I had greatsword equipped so I used skill 3 on cooldown too. DON'T SUMMON ANY ILLUSIONS. Only use your Wells or any AOE skills on your weapons. I was obstructed for Spatial Surge so I didn't bother, I think only AOEs work in this scenario.
  • This whole process took me about 15 minutes to complete the boss. It's pretty risk-free so highly recommend :)

abuse LOS to beat him, great mechanic design....

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Did they nerf this boss? I just did it and its break bar was breaking quickly without even using my primary CC skills. I was actually a bit confused by it. I'd swap to hard CC and before I used them the few soft CCs that cast along with other skills had already broken it. Maybe I got lucky, but I was confused more than anything. Now I almost want to do it again to see if I get the real version. Was using Staff Weaver.

Trying it again now.

It's very very vulnerable to CC. I didn't CC it, and it killed me in two seconds flat (when it started channeling). However one chill broke its breakbar, and then afterward one immobilize did. I suspect it has 100 defiance bar power solo. You may not even be interrupted by its pull attack if you have the CCs ticking when it starts channeling.

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I dont know, but sometimes I think they do this on purpose. They get together to come up with ways to frustrate the players and make them go crazy...The fight, without the ridiculous heal, is super easy. After a short while I figured it was going to be impossible to defeat him, I had to wait a minute or so to finally get killed...

His breakbar is gone to quickly. Not that it would matter, my breakbar skills are on a longer cooldown, so I cant use them as often. Or the skills take to long to cast so I miss it anyway.

Yeah, really not a fun fight.GG Arenanet.

[EDIT]So yeah... I just beat him. As a reaper. Now all I can say this was the stupidest and easiest fight ever.I summoned my minions and ordered them to attack. They did just that. And what did the Eater of Souls do? Run around like a headless chicken... He was being bullied by my minions. After a while he just walked out of the map and teleported back to his beginning location.That was a scary moment because I was afraid he would be back at full health. But, nope. All the work my minions had done was not for nothing.I ordered them to attack again and the Eater of Souls started to fight back, for a short while. After a coupe of seconds he became a headless chicken again and started running around.No matter, he died fast after. Dont know how long it took me, but from 50% till 0% was a couple of minutes or so.Even though it was fun to watch after all that build up frustration, it was not enjoyable.

GG, Arenanet.

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So, I succeeded with my engineer. Kited him around that broken bridge firing my mortar at him. Poison, Vulnerability, and Cold have notable affects him. Used Rocket Boots to clear him and gain distance along with dodge. RB & double dodge Made for a good get-away when he casts his leeching spell. All that took me roughly 15 - 20 minutes. Felt cheesy but hey, glad it's over.

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Did you test this on weaver? - The lack of CC really hurts (Access to it).

Several improvements could easily be made to this fight :1) Access to inventory2) Remove dmg broken armor - players have no ability to repair to retry properly on this fight.,

  • Cannot get to repair canisters etc.3) Give other players proper buffs - not the lack of skills they have (and don't scale up the boss as a result). 1 stack of might is a complete waste / vuln - they may as well not be there.

Something needs to change dramatically on this fight - its defn. not fun.

On Tempest its much easier on staff...Was easier to Press H - > Go to hero channel.Equip staff run up something , do you big AOES.. jump down, wait for him to keep coming to you.Too cheesy.

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After going back and finally beating this boss, I have this to say: This boss is decidedly not fun. It starts as super frustrating for many, then once the "trick" is figured out it's boring as hell. It definitely needs some re-consideration if any reconsideration can be made.

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Did it on my full viper Scourge. I died once because I messed up - I'm still not used to playing Scourge and I haven't changed any gear since he was a reaper so it was probably not optimal. I didn't realise people had so much trouble with this one, maybe Anet should look at it if people continue to have trouble.My big problem with the instance was, as others have mentioned, finding the weapons. after that I just went with the flow..

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@Fox Reeveheart.1890 said:this boss is kitteni actually had to look up how to beat this guy with a warrior, somebody already had a youtube vid up about it

how he beat it? he got it caught on a corner of a wall and it couldn't get out so he AA'd from range and aoe'dso i did that and it worked, not fun at all

Finally beat him. But only because he got stuck in the cage and couldn't get out. Man, what a stupid fight.

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Yeah, I'm agreeing with everyone else here. 'NO!'

Im a casual gamer. We like to sit down, play a couple hours. Make some progress. We dont mind a challenge, but 2 hours to die? Repeatedly? I paid for this?

Ele (temp) has no real chance here. The eater moves and heals too fast. To stay away from its one-shot, self-healing kills, you have to run away, but you can't do so by running backwards or it gets you. So, you spend literally all your time running away instead of damaging it. Because, if you damage it, it kills you and heals.

There might be a timing mechanic here, I dont know. But after Balthazar (three times b/c of the stupid dc, no save point issue that has also been mentioned repeatedly in this and other threads,) the very nice break in the judging bit, then this? I like long episodes, but I should not be literally afraid to fail them, or dc from them, or otherwise quit and figure it out to try again. This is too hard, too long, and with no saves and no inventory (which yes, makes sense in the story, but on top of everything else?)

You need to fix this.

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