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The garbage planner came in

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Who woul dhave guessed that this would still go on...

Yeah, some classes are harder to kill with other classe. If you don't like PvP at the moment, maybe find something else that you might like or take a break and come back after the next big balance patch.

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@"Beowulf.5678" said:The wizard can use laser to penetrate obstacles, use laser to navigate stealth, and other imbalances, I will not talk about all kinds of speed, keep distance, phantom kill.enchanter enchanter Mesmer

Stealth, you can use laser navigation to find where I am

Yes, it's a garbage game. Soldiers have long immune projectiles and move fast. It's hard to kill him as a project. It's fast and fast. 1v5

Knocking down quickly, and I was slowKnock downI lost my confidence in the game

A tough fighter, his injuries are all very high, fast moving, immune ejection, tank, 1vs5 skills are almost useless for him, solid and continuous, planning is a kitten.

Many occupations are kitten by these extreme imbalances, without resistance Game experience is poor, entertainment for others123.png The game has been open for many years. No solution to the problem???

I wasted my time watching beautiful little flowers drinking whisky.

As tweetable poetry, it's worth comparing to All is Vain, by mighty meak.https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard

(Or it could be, as others have suggested, drunk posting, via Google translations.)

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@"Krypto.2069" said:Hey, leave Beowulf alone! His posts are ALWAYS entertaining! :+1:

Preach on, brother!Tell these non-believers what the hell is going down! :grin:

His gf left him coz of ladderboard too?

OK gusie listenim decent pvpbut my gf left mecoz of lederborsdi mean W T Fi enter new leaderrbord after resetand i say i am decenti adapti see no gaurd so i think ok go gaurdi go imba heal guardadn i am gona midand i heal and i heal and i heal moarbut w t fi am aloneno one helps no loves1valli die no winnext game i say ho ho ho no guard no gaurd at all i go imba power crit wahteverbut guy at srat say ok gusy lisen plan1 close 1 animal 1 far rest midok ok i say i am mid coz far is noobburt map say i am 1 mid rest animal no close no farand i die hard lolloostthen enters nextand i say lol i know now i follow plan noooobsw t f skyhami change imba engi canon trolololso caanon here i comes1 mesmer hiding and pul no prob i push and push broken glass canon all minei shoot a shoot b shoot cw t fnon see abcthey all canon gate coz it causy no push nothing just fight fight fightchase chase chsei say go b go a and go call say lol noob u here for goldslossstgf now half interesti say ok lissen good i win next i go up 90%but i dontall ranks 10 for gooldnext is same and next70% and downranks down tooi go guard i am mad no guard lovei go engi bunker power right no nothingi do ele i go war ooops w t f war nerfes69% and downgf dont impresss say she leaving nowall is vain

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