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The garbage planner came in

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@"Beowulf.5678" said:The wizard can use laser to penetrate obstacles, use laser to navigate stealth, and other imbalances, I will not talk about all kinds of speed, keep distance, phantom kill.

I'll try an interpretation of this... interesting... post.Judging from the second post I guess "wizard" refers to the mesmer profession. The "laser" is likely greatsword skill 1. Once the skill is cast it will track it's target with a beam regardless of stealth or line of sight until the cast is finished. I guess this is what "penetrate obstacles" and "navigate stealth" refer to.The second part refers to the mesmer's ability to kite opponents and burst from stealth.My attempt at a translation:

The mesmer can use sword autoattack to ignore los, track people in stealth and has other overpowered abilities. I will not talk about all kinds of movement abilities and stealth burst.

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I kind of want to add these posts to my D&D monk's stock of sayings.

More seriously, I think it's clear OP is not writing in English, but using translation software. So applause for working to express thoughts in an alien tongue. However, it also seems to be a complaint about PvP balance and as such likely should be in the PvP forums.

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