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Request from a Thief


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Please don't blame/attack your team's Thief because...

  • You went to Far after he requested you to stay away, thus bringing defenders there, resulting in your death.
  • He won't go to Far because there are now defenders there.
  • Your team got wiped at Mid when the Thief was capping Home at the start.
  • Your team got wiped because you split up as the Thief was decapping Far.
  • He isn't going anywhere while your team is dead because Anet removed his Jedi powers to go 5v1.

And especially...

  • Don't verbally abuse the Thief for not going to Far when he was actually at Far, got jumped by three enemies, and your team can't win a 4v2.

Thank you very much :-)

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How about I verbally abuse the thief for thinking his job is to only decap far? Oh and I will certainly verbally abuse the thief if he dies in a 1v3 because why on earth would the most mobile class in the game voluntarily rotate into 3 enemies?

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Don't play thief in soloq. Rotation are too hard for pugs and playing a thief requirest you to rotate accordingly to them and vice versa. Winning or losing in soloq with a thief is basically hoping your team is not braindead. Want to carry ? Go mesmer, they do the same thing as thief but better

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Totally agree with your post Kageseigi.2150. Thief knows the map better than most players and we're constantly looking at the map to see where to go next, with an appreciation of the fights going on. But with all the nerfage and outnumbered fights we have, with a team that really has no idea of what is going except to shout "Thief Far" whilst losing a 4v2 is just painful! Think unless the teams are good, we may need to change the way we play and camp with deadeye or change character regrettably!

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1: It is always the fault of the theif.2: If it isn't, please refer to rule 1.3 The job of theif is to decap far, rip boons from foes granting them to allies instead rendering them useless and to remove the last portion of the targeted enemies health in team fights. Theif also must stomp with his stealth and utility, he must also interrupt stomps on allies. He must also stealth allies when they are downed or low health, he must also +1 fights to either defeat enemies or just enable full capping of nodes. If in any case the theif doesn't do this, you get downed and die, or lose a fight on any section of the map, please refer to rule 14 Even though theif no longer has the quick burst, headshots, mobility and quick stealth capabilities of D/P, it doesn't matter, in any case rule 1 still applies.5 Only one rule actually matters, please refer to rule 1

EDIT:Most important rule: If the theif is playing deadeye (as long as he is not Vallun) he is not actually a theif and is in fact a potato playing a potato build worse than the worst revenent builds, in this case you must instantly bombard him with insults in the hope that he swaps class, which he won't, because he thinks he is a theif. In the case that he doesn't swap class, well, you might as-well alt+F4 and tell the enemy team members how much gold you want for the win trade on discord.

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@Itz Jay.8941 said:RULES of the TEEF

1: It is always the fault of the theif.2: If it isn't, please refer to rule 1.3 The job of theif is to decap far, rip boons from foes granting them to allies instead rendering them useless and to remove the last portion of the targeted enemies health in team fights. Theif also must stomp with his stealth and utility, he must also interrupt stomps on allies. He must also stealth allies when they are downed or low health, he must also +1 fights to either defeat enemies or just enable full capping of nodes. If in any case the theif doesn't do this, you get downed and die, or lose a fight on any section of the map, please refer to rule 14 Even though theif no longer has the quick burst, headshots, mobility and quick stealth capabilities of D/P, it doesn't matter, in any case rule 1 still applies.5 Only one rule actually matters, please refer to rule 1

You forgot the 2d rule : Thieves must'nt play Deadeye because they cant decap which comes back at the 1st rule.

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@Alek Seven.2374 said:

@Itz Jay.8941 said:RULES of the TEEF

1: It is always the fault of the theif.2: If it isn't, please refer to rule 1.3 The job of theif is to decap far, rip boons from foes granting them to allies instead rendering them useless and to remove the last portion of the targeted enemies health in team fights. Theif also must stomp with his stealth and utility, he must also interrupt stomps on allies. He must also stealth allies when they are downed or low health, he must also +1 fights to either defeat enemies or just enable full capping of nodes. If in any case the theif doesn't do this, you get downed and die, or lose a fight on any section of the map, please refer to rule 14 Even though theif no longer has the quick burst, headshots, mobility and quick stealth capabilities of D/P, it doesn't matter, in any case rule 1 still applies.5 Only one rule actually matters, please refer to rule 1

You forgot the 2d rule : Thieves must'nt play Deadeye because they cant decap which comes back at the 1st rule.

Edited. You're right, I didn't think I needed to but I have now clarified that which I needed to, must have thought I was in another forum for a minute.

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@Itz Jay.8941 said:

@Itz Jay.8941 said:RULES of the TEEF

1: It is always the fault of the theif.2: If it isn't, please refer to rule 1.3 The job of theif is to decap far, rip boons from foes granting them to allies instead rendering them useless and to remove the last portion of the targeted enemies health in team fights. Theif also must stomp with his stealth and utility, he must also interrupt stomps on allies. He must also stealth allies when they are downed or low health, he must also +1 fights to either defeat enemies or just enable full capping of nodes. If in any case the theif doesn't do this, you get downed and die, or lose a fight on any section of the map, please refer to rule 14 Even though theif no longer has the quick burst, headshots, mobility and quick stealth capabilities of D/P, it doesn't matter, in any case rule 1 still applies.5 Only one rule actually matters, please refer to rule 1

You forgot the 2d rule : Thieves must'nt play Deadeye because they cant decap which comes back at the 1st rule.

Edited. You're right, I didn't think I needed to but I have now clarified that which I needed to, must have thought I was in another forum for a minute.

That list made my day.

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@"Crinn.7864" said:How about I verbally abuse the thief for thinking his job is to only decap far? Oh and I will certainly verbally abuse the thief if he dies in a 1v3 because why on earth would the most mobile class in the game voluntarily rotate into 3 enemies?

When you find that Thief, then you will have reason to complain.

However, there are Thieves who constantly move around the entire map without a moment of inaction or non-contribution. Decapping Far just happens to be one of the main "roles" of the Thief in Conquest. So when a Thief says to focus on Home and Mid, and leave decapping Far to him, that's usually the best thing to do... especially when your team can't hold Home or Mid because someone else wants to solo Far.

There are also Thieves who, in the process of completing a Far decap, get engaged by one enemy, move to bypass a second enemy, then get jumped and stunned by an opposing Thief. They go on to use a series of stunbreaks, shadowsteps, and evades to successfully misdirect their foes and escape the contested area until they are clear of danger... remaining completely alive. Some of these Thieves even do so wearing a Berserker amulet.

Please notice, everyone! That even when a Thief does nothing wrong, he still gets blamed even on the forums. Assumptions, assumptions, assumptions.

@Itz Jay.8941 said:RULES of the TEEF

1: It is always the fault of the theif.2: If it isn't, please refer to rule 1.

Alas, I suppose it is true. I hereby officially plead guilty :-(

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@Kageseigi.2150 said:

@"Crinn.7864" said:How about I verbally abuse the thief for thinking his job is to only decap far? Oh and I will certainly verbally abuse the thief if he dies in a 1v3 because why on earth would the most mobile class in the game voluntarily rotate into 3 enemies?

When you find that Thief, then you will have reason to complain.

However, there are Thieves who constantly move around the entire map without a moment of inaction or non-contribution. Decapping Far just happens to be one of the main "roles" of the Thief in Conquest. So when a Thief says to focus on Home and Mid, and leave decapping Far to him, that's usually the best thing to do... especially when your team can't hold Home or Mid because someone else wants to solo Far.

There are also Thieves who, in the process of completing a Far decap, get engaged by one enemy, move to bypass a second enemy, then get jumped and stunned by an opposing Thief. They go on to use a series of stunbreaks, shadowsteps, and evades to successfully misdirect their foes and escape the contested area until they are clear of danger... remaining completely alive. Some of these Thieves even do so wearing a Berserker amulet.

Please notice, everyone!
That even when a Thief does nothing wrong, he still gets blamed even on the forums. Assumptions, assumptions, assumptions.

@Itz Jay.8941 said:RULES of the TEEF

1: It is always the fault of the theif.2: If it isn't, please refer to rule 1.

Alas, I suppose it is true. I hereby officially plead guilty :-(

Thieves are also very capable of doing more than just +1ing and Decap Far, or picking up the left overs. Being the most mobile role in the game, the thief is an incredible disruptor. Anytime the thief is being chased takes away a number of players that you have to fight. A Daredevil with acrobatics traitline becomes something that is infuriating for anyone to catch.

I did a lot of 1v1 with Daredevil back in HoT, and abused the living hell out of mobility severely enough to be able to 1v3 and come out victorious. It's not that the thief is overpowered, I just know how to isolate people in a small area with scorpion wire and a needle trap.

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@Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497 said:

@"Crinn.7864" said:How about I verbally abuse the thief for thinking his job is to only decap far? Oh and I will certainly verbally abuse the thief if he dies in a 1v3 because why on earth would the most mobile class in the game voluntarily rotate into 3 enemies?

When you find that Thief, then you will have reason to complain.

However, there are Thieves who constantly move around the entire map without a moment of inaction or non-contribution. Decapping Far just happens to be one of the main "roles" of the Thief in Conquest. So when a Thief says to focus on Home and Mid, and leave decapping Far to him, that's usually the best thing to do... especially when your team can't hold Home or Mid because someone else wants to solo Far.

There are also Thieves who, in the process of completing a Far decap, get engaged by one enemy, move to bypass a second enemy, then get jumped and stunned by an opposing Thief. They go on to use a series of stunbreaks, shadowsteps, and evades to successfully misdirect their foes and escape the contested area until they are clear of danger... remaining completely alive. Some of these Thieves even do so wearing a Berserker amulet.

Please notice, everyone!
That even when a Thief does nothing wrong, he still gets blamed even on the forums. Assumptions, assumptions, assumptions.

@Itz Jay.8941 said:RULES of the TEEF

1: It is always the fault of the theif.2: If it isn't, please refer to rule 1.

Alas, I suppose it is true. I hereby officially plead guilty :-(scorpion wire and needle trap

What are those? :O


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@Imperadordf.2687 said:

@"Crinn.7864" said:How about I verbally abuse the thief for thinking his job is to only decap far? Oh and I will certainly verbally abuse the thief if he dies in a 1v3 because why on earth would the most mobile class in the game voluntarily rotate into 3 enemies?

When you find that Thief, then you will have reason to complain.

However, there are Thieves who constantly move around the entire map without a moment of inaction or non-contribution. Decapping Far just happens to be one of the main "roles" of the Thief in Conquest. So when a Thief says to focus on Home and Mid, and leave decapping Far to him, that's usually the best thing to do... especially when your team can't hold Home or Mid because someone else wants to solo Far.

There are also Thieves who, in the process of completing a Far decap, get engaged by one enemy, move to bypass a second enemy, then get jumped and stunned by an opposing Thief. They go on to use a series of stunbreaks, shadowsteps, and evades to successfully misdirect their foes and escape the contested area until they are clear of danger... remaining completely alive. Some of these Thieves even do so wearing a Berserker amulet.

Please notice, everyone!
That even when a Thief does nothing wrong, he still gets blamed even on the forums. Assumptions, assumptions, assumptions.

@"Itz Jay.8941" said:RULES of the TEEF

1: It is always the fault of the theif.2: If it isn't, please refer to rule 1.

Alas, I suppose it is true. I hereby officially plead guilty :-(scorpion wire and needle trap

What are those? :O


Thief's most underused Utilities :P.

Scorpion Wire, when it works is thief's only pull. It also applies knockdown. It has a problem where the slightest bump in the terrain will cause it to fail. Fortunately this issue is pretty rare. The range on it is 1,200 but it is a slow moving projectile. Best used up close or when someone is unsuspecting. It's my favorite Utility when I go core thief or daredevil. "GET OVER HERE" It also has a bug where it will just knock someone down instead. Or Pull you to them. I don't mind me getting pulled towards my target to be honest. It's kinda funny. There's also a sweet spot where you can use it to yank people off of walls in WvW.Needle Trap might as well be non-existing these days, but it immobolizes and poisons when someone jumps into it.

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Needle trap is fine. It obviously for a Condition build so if you are not playing conditions it of less use. Needle trap can Immob, apply 5 poison and 3 bleeds on single use or alternatively 3 bleed , three poison immob and 5 vuln as you get 5 might. A lot of bang for the buck. It also unblockable. If in the older steal the trick of preload needle and steal/port to enemy still works even with the delay. Of the traps the ones that are subpar are tripwire and ambush. Tripwire should have a lower ICD at minimum dropping to 20. Ambush should provide an additional thief.

Scorpion wire, when it works is a great utility. Trait trickster and this thing on a 16 second cooldown with interrupt and a cleanse. I just wish it was more reliable and akin to other pulls in that regard. It great for pulling enemies out of theplaces they have stacked up their AOE. I have used in a pinch to clear a damging condition stack after a withdraw to clear some of the more common covers.(Withdraw puts you at range out of traps etc, scorpion wire pulls enemy back to you all while getting rid of up to 6+1 conditions with both coming off cooldown at same time if needed.)

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@"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:Anytime the thief is being chased takes away a number of players that you have to fight.

Indeed, that's why I don't feel guilty even when I do get caught in a prolonged fight somewhere off point by a heavy hitter or two. At they are wasting time and cooldowns on me. Though I must confess it does get frustrating to see two or three of my teammates chasing around the opposing Thief in the middle of nowhere.

Needle Trap might as well be non-existing these days, but it immobolizes and poisons when someone jumps into it.

Currently, I'm running as a Wizard/Thorn D/P Thief with double Needle Traps/Deadly Trapper/Potent Poison. My Poison output is through the roof.

I just wish Needle Trap (as well as other traps) were duration AoE like Ranger and Guardian traps, though. So whoever whoever runs into the trap gets immobilized/condi-bombed until the trap duration ends (say 3 seconds after initial triggering). After all, it has a maximum number of targets listed as 5.

@babazhook.6805 said:Tripwire should have a lower ICD at minimum dropping to 20. Ambush should provide an additional thief.

As above, have Tripwire knock up to 5 players down if they run into it within 3 seconds of triggering.And what about Ambush creating a new Thief for every player that runs into it within 3 seconds of triggering?

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Alas, today's Thief adventures result in the following...

I got blamed for not soloing a Necro on Home or a Guard on Mid while everyone else on my team is either dead or at Far.

Next match, I get teamed up with another Core Thief and we go against two Deadeyes (one was P/P). We start to lose badly, and the other teammates blame him for not doing enough compared to the opposing Thieves, and he defends himself saying he can't take on more than one. Then he immediately blames me for not keeping pressure on them with my Shortbow. I'm not exactly sure what he wanted me to do with my Shortbow that I hadn't already done... maybe throw it at them?

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You shouldn't be so snarky you seem mistaken on quite a few points yourself. 1v1 is not really the main thing you should be doing on your thief. Also, you dont have to fight anybody you dont want to on a thief theoretically. Unless you get a very unlucky insta sandbag by an add you can just run away if the odds are bad or you cant win. Something tell me you deserve some of the abuse.

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@Itz Jay.8941 said:RULES of the TEEF

1: It is always the fault of the theif.2: If it isn't, please refer to rule 1.3 The job of theif is to decap far, rip boons from foes granting them to allies instead rendering them useless and to remove the last portion of the targeted enemies health in team fights. Theif also must stomp with his stealth and utility, he must also interrupt stomps on allies. He must also stealth allies when they are downed or low health, he must also +1 fights to either defeat enemies or just enable full capping of nodes. If in any case the theif doesn't do this, you get downed and die, or lose a fight on any section of the map, please refer to rule 14 Even though theif no longer has the quick burst, headshots, mobility and quick stealth capabilities of D/P, it doesn't matter, in any case rule 1 still applies.5 Only one rule actually matters, please refer to rule 1

EDIT:Most important rule: If the theif is playing deadeye (as long as he is not Vallun) he is not actually a theif and is in fact a potato playing a potato build worse than the worst revenent builds, in this case you must instantly bombard him with insults in the hope that he swaps class, which he won't, because he thinks he is a theif. In the case that he doesn't swap class, well, you might as-well alt+F4 and tell the enemy team members how much gold you want for the win trade on discord.

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@Arioch.4810 said:Please don't throw your shortbow at enemies!You should have shadow-stepped to them, daze them and then use bow's string to strangle them, it simple man!:P

I tried that, of course! But every time I got close, they had already disappeared. One time, I actually got the bowstring around their neck, but they vanished and took my bow with them. Then I got pew-pewed by my own floating bow! It was like a Thief's Rapid Fire. I didn't even know my Shortbow had that ability! :-D

@brannigan.9831 said:You shouldn't be so snarky you seem mistaken on quite a few points yourself. 1v1 is not really the main thing you should be doing on your thief. Also, you dont have to fight anybody you dont want to on a thief theoretically. Unless you get a very unlucky insta sandbag by an add you can just run away if the odds are bad or you cant win. Something tell me you deserve some of the abuse.

I'm not sure who you're speaking to, but I'll just explain myself.

Oh, I'm definitely aggressive enough to 1v1. And whether I win or lose on those fights, I don't complain or reject criticism. However, about the complaints in this thread, I don't engage in 1v1 unless either the match is far out of reach (my team couldn't hold their own or repeatedly died on Far) or I get jumped on by an opposing Thief that I can't outrun. Instead, I'm all over the map, hitting point after point, attempting to support teammates when I can.

But when my team goes won a 1-3-1 or even a 1-2-2 split at the beginning, loses both Mid and Far in one fell swoop... or even get massacred in a 4v4 on Mid before I can get off Home, then there's not much I can do.

I'm not a perfect Thief, that's for sure. But neither am I a newbie/clueless Thief.

@Itz Jay.8941 said:RULES of the TEEF3 ...He must also stealth allies when they are downed or low health...

Hmm, is this part still valid? Do many Thieves use Shadow Arts anymore in PvP?

And is there an unspoken rule about if there are two Thieves on a team, it's always the other Thief's fault?

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@Kageseigi.2150 said:

@Arioch.4810 said:Please don't throw your shortbow at enemies!You should have shadow-stepped to them, daze them and then use bow's string to strangle them, it simple man!:P

You never learned the short bow strangle maneuver? Fucking noobs :D

@Itz Jay.8941 said:RULES of the TEEF3 ...He must also stealth allies when they are downed or low health...

Hmm, is this part still valid? Do many Thieves use Shadow Arts anymore in PvP?

And is there an unspoken rule about if there are two Thieves on a team, it's always the other Thief's fault?

I don't know if this game has any unspoken rules because everything is always spoken, but the rule is that if you have 2 thieves it's your fault because one should've switched. You know, because thief is so op its not viable to have two thieves on a team

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