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Account suspension discussion [merged]

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@Nezekan.2671 said:

@vesica tempestas.1563 said:more obtrusive data gathering than Anet does now and more accuracy


less obtrusive data gathering and less accuracy

or what they are doing now.


I want ANET to actually investigate accounts properly which we know they already have the tools to do instead of just making wild accusations based on assumptions


more FACTS, less FACTS or as they do just now?

What facts? Suspending for a user for having cheat engine open without evidence of them using it maliciously is not a good enough reason to ban users.

Again.. please enlighten us as to how you arrived at that assumption stop feeding of other posters assumptions and provide your evidence to show how your investigation has proven your conspiracy theory here.If ANET have just banned players without any kind of due process and due diligence and you can prove that then put your money where your conspiracy theories sit and go full angry mode.Otherwise its just you pushing heresay and conjecture out for effect.

The fact that they deleted their tweet about the bans and amateurishly revealed their method of detection speaks volumes. Also Anet has the slowest support reply time of all MMOs and they said "no appeals" meaning they did no due diligence or process, or they would be open to share it. They already revealed their method, not that it was hidden, other people realized their method sooner than their announcement.

Here you go again making baseless accusations.. share that proof they have the slowest support reply times of any MMO.. not that it is in anyway related to this topic.How does saying "no appeals" prove they did no due process or diligence".. if you have worked in that area for as long as I have you would absolutely be thinking to make such a statement they must of gone through due process and due diligence.I am sure if you can put a case together will real facts and evidence ANET will likely share what they did and found and how the decision was arrived at, but that's between you and them. However, of course if you are indeed still found to be "less than upstanding" I would fully support ANET putting that out here for us all to see.What they revealed was something, but they would never in a million years disclose everything about their detection methods, criteria, process etc.. that would be just plain stupid on their part and the hackdevs would have a field day rushing to revise their hacks quicker than they already are/have..

Wake up, they already have. They can never catch cheaters again with this method. As we speak, the hackers are improving their tools to counter this sort of detection.

I have played quite a bit of MMOs, none of them have average response time of 7 days. If you know of one, I'm all years. Even if you do, their response times are still quite long. Much longer than acceptable levels.

The fact that they lied initially with their suspensions speaks volumes. Their initial response did not mention they banned everyone who merely had this applications. There goes the transparency and honesty.

They have made mistakes in the past, big ones, when it comes to bans, yet they have the audacity to claim they are absolutely right and don't allow appeals. Its ultimately ab a bad policy and not something you'd expect from someone who have done their homework. Its obvious from how they handled the situation already.

You were banned from playing a game produced by a company you have zero respect for. Just go play something else instead of wasting your time being silly here.

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@Nezekan.2671 said:

@vesica tempestas.1563 said:more obtrusive data gathering than Anet does now and more accuracy


less obtrusive data gathering and less accuracy

or what they are doing now.


I want ANET to actually investigate accounts properly which we know they already have the tools to do instead of just making wild accusations based on assumptions


more FACTS, less FACTS or as they do just now?

What facts? Suspending for a user for having cheat engine open without evidence of them using it maliciously is not a good enough reason to ban users.

Again.. please enlighten us as to how you arrived at that assumption stop feeding of other posters assumptions and provide your evidence to show how your investigation has proven your conspiracy theory here.If ANET have just banned players without any kind of due process and due diligence and you can prove that then put your money where your conspiracy theories sit and go full angry mode.Otherwise its just you pushing heresay and conjecture out for effect.

The fact that they deleted their tweet about the bans and amateurishly revealed their method of detection speaks volumes. Also Anet has the slowest support reply time of all MMOs and they said "no appeals" meaning they did no due diligence or process, or they would be open to share it. They already revealed their method, not that it was hidden, other people realized their method sooner than their announcement.

Here you go again making baseless accusations.. share that proof they have the slowest support reply times of any MMO.. not that it is in anyway related to this topic.How does saying "no appeals" prove they did no due process or diligence".. if you have worked in that area for as long as I have you would absolutely be thinking to make such a statement they must of gone through due process and due diligence.I am sure if you can put a case together will real facts and evidence ANET will likely share what they did and found and how the decision was arrived at, but that's between you and them. However, of course if you are indeed still found to be "less than upstanding" I would fully support ANET putting that out here for us all to see.What they revealed was something, but they would never in a million years disclose everything about their detection methods, criteria, process etc.. that would be just plain stupid on their part and the hackdevs would have a field day rushing to revise their hacks quicker than they already are/have..

Wake up, they already have. They can never catch cheaters again with this method. As we speak, the hackers are improving their tools to counter this sort of detection.

I have played quite a bit of MMOs, none of them have average response time of 7 days. If you know of one, I'm all years. Even if you do, their response times are still quite long. Much longer than acceptable levels.

The fact that they lied initially with their suspensions speaks volumes. Their initial response did not mention they banned everyone who merely had this applications. There goes the transparency and honesty.

They have made mistakes in the past, big ones, when it comes to bans, yet they have the audacity to claim they are absolutely right and don't allow appeals. Its ultimately ab a bad policy and not something you'd expect from someone who have done their homework. Its obvious from how they handled the situation already.

OMG.. so your basing your facts on your own gaming experience of support... hmm thinking about that i could assume you have quite the support history there ...i will hold that thought.

Of course the hackdevs are fixing their own hacks its what they do.. its a game of cat and mouse, which is why its a timely and expensive game to play.. believe it or not its not my first rodeo either.So your saying ANET lied now... based on - yip your assumptions and those of others pleading innocents.. we already went from you only using arcdps/taco, your friend not being competent to find, install and use such application but infact has to now you both having cheat engine and anet are now lying.

Yep agree ANET have made mistakes, I am someone that likes to point that out from time to time but that does not mean they have here just because a few alt accounts of banned players are getting revoked and a lot of heresay.I could say you have made some glaringly big mistakes all through this thread .. for anet to actually make such a definitive statement of no appeals suggests they have done their homework and arrived at the answers and your one of those answers.. so climb out of that deep hole and put a factually correct and honest case together and I bet you will be back in game sooner than you think.. or maybe not if anet prove to you otherwise.Eitherway I don't care if your out for 6 months or back in playing again cos you proved you were right, but I wish you all the best if you try.

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@Sojar.1495 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:Being banned for having certain programs on your computer and not cheating on the game is wrong.

The way Anet did this is not by grabbing the processes that were linked to Guildwars but ALL your processes.

HUGE breach of privacy and security. It'd be different if they just monitored what was linked to GW2 instead of grabbing everything and storing it on their servers. I have a major problem with that

Really? A huge breach of security? Why is that? Explain why it's a huge breach of security. I can literally copy paste a list of every active process I have running all over the internet. What security risk will I incur? Do tell!

It's not like Spyware is ever used to backdoor your computer's security or anything.....

Are you absolutely KIDDING ME? Spyware? So the GW2 client is now Spyware. The Windows reporting API is now Spyware?

ANET is installing Spyware, and they plan to create a backdoor into users' computers? For what? Are they going to use this glorious botnet to DDoS Blizzard?

Also, do you use Steam? I certainly hope not! Steam is 1000000000x worse and more aggressive. Do you play Overwatch? Warden makes this look positively benign! Hope you don't use Origin, because it's the absolute worst of the bunch! Even when it's not running, it monitors and uploads data via PunkBuster, and it is notoriously difficult to remove PunkBuster FULLY from a system for a layman.

Nah... sorry. I don't buy one bit of all this outrage "Oh my privacy!" "Oh my data!" "ANET has betrayed my trust!" "BOOO HOOOO!"

You signed the UA/ToS. If you're in Germany, here's how this will work. If you sue ANET under German law and invalidate their ToS/UA, that's perfectly fine. ANET will refund you your money. They will then restrict you from play, permanently. You will be disallowed from creating future accounts with them, and any account found in violation (aka yours) will be IMMEDIATELY banned and deleted without recourse. So if that's what you want, because "Boo hoo, my precious list of active processes was stolen by evil old ANET"... GO. FOR. IT.

Also, if all of you complaining about the privacy of this could post saying "I don't have a Steam account, an Origin account or play any Blizzard games nor any games with Denuvo, etc either" and then go ahead and link your posts on the Steam forums, Blizzard forums, EA forums, etc showcasing your crusades against their horrifically intrusive data gathering used to try and keep cheaters to a minimum, that would be GREAT. Thanks in advance!

Warden only sends back the stuff that pertains to it's programs.

Where Anet went wrong is they took EVERYTHING. I have zero problems of them taking the processes that are directly affecting the GW2 client.

Again that's not the case and is where the problem lies

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@Euryon.9248 said:

@vesica tempestas.1563 said:more obtrusive data gathering than Anet does now and more accuracy


less obtrusive data gathering and less accuracy

or what they are doing now.


I want ANET to actually investigate accounts properly which we know they already have the tools to do instead of just making wild accusations based on assumptions


more FACTS, less FACTS or as they do just now?

What facts? Suspending for a user for having cheat engine open without evidence of them using it maliciously is not a good enough reason to ban users.

Again.. please enlighten us as to how you arrived at that assumption stop feeding of other posters assumptions and provide your evidence to show how your investigation has proven your conspiracy theory here.If ANET have just banned players without any kind of due process and due diligence and you can prove that then put your money where your conspiracy theories sit and go full angry mode.Otherwise its just you pushing heresay and conjecture out for effect.

The fact that they deleted their tweet about the bans and amateurishly revealed their method of detection speaks volumes. Also Anet has the slowest support reply time of all MMOs and they said "no appeals" meaning they did no due diligence or process, or they would be open to share it. They already revealed their method, not that it was hidden, other people realized their method sooner than their announcement.

Here you go again making baseless accusations.. share that proof they have the slowest support reply times of any MMO.. not that it is in anyway related to this topic.How does saying "no appeals" prove they did no due process or diligence".. if you have worked in that area for as long as I have you would absolutely be thinking to make such a statement they must of gone through due process and due diligence.I am sure if you can put a case together will real facts and evidence ANET will likely share what they did and found and how the decision was arrived at, but that's between you and them. However, of course if you are indeed still found to be "less than upstanding" I would fully support ANET putting that out here for us all to see.What they revealed was something, but they would never in a million years disclose everything about their detection methods, criteria, process etc.. that would be just plain stupid on their part and the hackdevs would have a field day rushing to revise their hacks quicker than they already are/have..

Wake up, they already have. They can never catch cheaters again with this method. As we speak, the hackers are improving their tools to counter this sort of detection.

I have played quite a bit of MMOs, none of them have average response time of 7 days. If you know of one, I'm all years. Even if you do, their response times are still quite long. Much longer than acceptable levels.

The fact that they lied initially with their suspensions speaks volumes. Their initial response did not mention they banned everyone who merely had this applications. There goes the transparency and honesty.

They have made mistakes in the past, big ones, when it comes to bans, yet they have the audacity to claim they are absolutely right and don't allow appeals. Its ultimately ab a bad policy and not something you'd expect from someone who have done their homework. Its obvious from how they handled the situation already.

You were banned from playing a game produced by a company you have zero respect for. Just go play something else instead of wasting your time being silly here.

I lost my respect after this ban, not before.

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@Sojar.1495 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:No we did not agree to have spyware installed onto our computersThat spyware is called Windows Operating System. (ANet used its API to expose which software is running, as many other companies do, including MS of course, as well as other gaming systems).

putting our finances at risk without our knowledge.That doesn't appear to be remotely the case.

have been exposed is what software we had active while GW2 was running.

Should ANet have done this? How private should that data be? Did ANet take appropriate steps to protect their data collection? Those are separate questions.

If we're going to carry pitchforks and torches, let's try to make sure we're marching towards Frankenstein's laboratory, not towards the Frank's Labrador Retriever Rescue Farm.

They installed spyware onto our computers on March 6th and then removed it on March 27th. It collected EVERYTHING and sent it back to Anet.

Are you going to tell me that they 100% secured that kitten? This company who time and time again proves their incompetence?

You're crazy if you believe that!!!

That stuff is linked to my account, my payment history, my address, etc, etc, etc.

Imagine signing a contract that allows employer to utilize your skills in any way they want. After 6 years you come into work today and find out that you are going to be a prostitute for the day.

Yeah thought so

Conspiracy theory aside....

Collected "EVERYTHING?" So it went into your documents, hidden folders, opened word/text docs, opened and screenshotted every picture on your PC, recorded every movie or video you have, siphoned off your internet cookie and browsing histories, checked your Windows configuration settings, looked at all installed software regardless of active runtime status, checked your mail and read all of said emails, read all your messages in any desktop messaging app, recorded any voice-over-IP discussions, took a copy of your protected registry entries, looked at your application history and usage patterns, checked your hardware IDs and installed, unrelated hardware, logged all your keystrokes, logged every mouse action, and recorded every last saved login for any website, while copying your local system's external security certificates, etc.

I didn't even cover "everything" there... not by a long shot... And you think copying down active processes is "everything?" Oh, well that's kind of adorable to be honest.

ANET has your payment information, your address, etc.... it's all encrypted, quite well I might add. Is it possible for someone to breach and collect it? Yes, always is. I'd be more concerned with your payment info, name, address, etc than a listing of your active processes on your computer. One of them can result in identity theft and you becoming the victim of monetary theft... the other can result in... nothing.

Go read the reddit breakdown

Do your research

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@Ashamir.9574 said:

@"misterman.1530" said:No. They didn't "break the law". What law are you thinking they broke?

Depends on the country, ne? I can't tell you if it they broke laws in your country. Basically in some countries it is illegal to have your software access user data that is outside of it without explicit permission of the user. This is, again easily put, why facebook has different rules for the EU and the rest of world. EU law forbids to collect and share data like it is for example done in the US.Since it'll go into effect EU-wide next month I also point you to the

I live in Germany, I have no cheat app running, none of my accounts has been banned, and I am pissed at how Anet conducted the raid. The ToS are not binding for me as a German citizen (and billing country) since I had to sign it before the game client could be downloaded. But that doesn't matter really, because I'm pretty sure even in the USA, companies are not allowed to collect that kind of data without your specific consent, and that a simple ToS blank check doesn't suffice.

My first thought when I read about this was to start a wireshark session to learn exactly which data Anet is sending to their servers. Then it turned out that they removed the spyware as silently as they installed it. I still have no idea what kind of data they collected from my system, where it is, who has access to it and how it is protected, and I can assume that the transfer itself was unencrypted. All those packages with unencrypted sensitive data travelled through the Internet. I try to keep my computer clean, basically all my web traffic is encrypted, and then comes a company I trusted and spies on me and keeps the spy reports.

The next step I wanted to take is requesting a list of all data Anet collected from me, according to European Data Protection law:


Funnily, you can do that with Facebook, since the contract Facebook users sign is with Facebook Ireland Ltd, so it falls under European jurisdiction. (no, I do not have a Facebook account and never had one). But I cannot do that because ArenaNet has no European headquarters. They still do business in the European Union though, and maybe there would be some legal way to act, but I'm not going to spend my precious time for futile endavours and try to get them in the US.

What's left is a violation of my trust. I have not started the game client after learning about this, I'm not sure I want to. I have to think about my approach to this violation of trust. Even the cheaters have been wrongly spied upon. There are ways to detect these apps without collecting data on all running apps. I do not trust Anet to keep that data safe, not even enterprises like Facebook can do that. The only way to be as safe as possible is to give as little data as possible.

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@Ashen.2907 said:

@vesica tempestas.1563 said:more obtrusive data gathering than Anet does now and more accuracy


less obtrusive data gathering and less accuracy

or what they are doing now.


I want ANET to actually investigate accounts properly which we know they already have the tools to do instead of just making wild accusations based on assumptions


more FACTS, less FACTS or as they do just now?

What facts? Suspending for a user for having cheat engine open without evidence of them using it maliciously is not a good enough reason to ban users.

Again.. please enlighten us as to how you arrived at that assumption stop feeding of other posters assumptions and provide your evidence to show how your investigation has proven your conspiracy theory here.If ANET have just banned players without any kind of due process and due diligence and you can prove that then put your money where your conspiracy theories sit and go full angry mode.Otherwise its just you pushing heresay and conjecture out for effect.

The fact that they deleted their tweet about the bans and amateurishly revealed their method of detection speaks volumes. Also Anet has the slowest support reply time of all MMOs and they said "no appeals" meaning they did no due diligence or process, or they would be open to share it. They already revealed their method, not that it was hidden, other people realized their method sooner than their announcement.

Here you go again making baseless accusations.. share that proof they have the slowest support reply times of any MMO.. not that it is in anyway related to this topic.How does saying "no appeals" prove they did no due process or diligence".. if you have worked in that area for as long as I have you would absolutely be thinking to make such a statement they must of gone through due process and due diligence.I am sure if you can put a case together will real facts and evidence ANET will likely share what they did and found and how the decision was arrived at, but that's between you and them. However, of course if you are indeed still found to be "less than upstanding" I would fully support ANET putting that out here for us all to see.What they revealed was something, but they would never in a million years disclose everything about their detection methods, criteria, process etc.. that would be just plain stupid on their part and the hackdevs would have a field day rushing to revise their hacks quicker than they already are/have..

It seems highly unlikely that ANet is perfect. Incapable of mistake. Comprised entirely of people who are themselves perfect. Incapable of mistake.

And yet they announced that no appeals would be considered.

This means that either:

1) they believe that they are infallible.Or2) that they know that they are imperfect, can make mistakes, but are willing to punish the innocent without recourse anyway.Or3) they knowingly made a false statement about not accepting appeals.

Perhaps there is a fourth option that I dont see.

But trusting statements from an organization that shows signs, perhaps unintentionally through miscommunication, of being delusional, immoral, or dishonest seems questionable.

The fourth option is that having carried out their detections and looked at the results they are confident that what they have is what they have.. not guessed it like some would have us believe.Yep they like all of us are not infallible hence why they are revoking some accounts linked to players that banned that were not found to be using some of the hacks listed during the monitoring period.

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@Nezekan.2671 said:

@vesica tempestas.1563 said:more obtrusive data gathering than Anet does now and more accuracy


less obtrusive data gathering and less accuracy

or what they are doing now.


I want ANET to actually investigate accounts properly which we know they already have the tools to do instead of just making wild accusations based on assumptions


more FACTS, less FACTS or as they do just now?

What facts? Suspending for a user for having cheat engine open without evidence of them using it maliciously is not a good enough reason to ban users.

Again.. please enlighten us as to how you arrived at that assumption stop feeding of other posters assumptions and provide your evidence to show how your investigation has proven your conspiracy theory here.If ANET have just banned players without any kind of due process and due diligence and you can prove that then put your money where your conspiracy theories sit and go full angry mode.Otherwise its just you pushing heresay and conjecture out for effect.

The fact that they deleted their tweet about the bans and amateurishly revealed their method of detection speaks volumes. Also Anet has the slowest support reply time of all MMOs and they said "no appeals" meaning they did no due diligence or process, or they would be open to share it. They already revealed their method, not that it was hidden, other people realized their method sooner than their announcement.

Here you go again making baseless accusations.. share that proof they have the slowest support reply times of any MMO.. not that it is in anyway related to this topic.How does saying "no appeals" prove they did no due process or diligence".. if you have worked in that area for as long as I have you would absolutely be thinking to make such a statement they must of gone through due process and due diligence.I am sure if you can put a case together will real facts and evidence ANET will likely share what they did and found and how the decision was arrived at, but that's between you and them. However, of course if you are indeed still found to be "less than upstanding" I would fully support ANET putting that out here for us all to see.What they revealed was something, but they would never in a million years disclose everything about their detection methods, criteria, process etc.. that would be just plain stupid on their part and the hackdevs would have a field day rushing to revise their hacks quicker than they already are/have..

Wake up, they already have. They can never catch cheaters again with this method. As we speak, the hackers are improving their tools to counter this sort of detection.

I have played quite a bit of MMOs, none of them have average response time of 7 days. If you know of one, I'm all years. Even if you do, their response times are still quite long. Much longer than acceptable levels.

The fact that they lied initially with their suspensions speaks volumes. Their initial response did not mention they banned everyone who merely had this applications. There goes the transparency and honesty.

They have made mistakes in the past, big ones, when it comes to bans, yet they have the audacity to claim they are absolutely right and don't allow appeals. Its ultimately ab a bad policy and not something you'd expect from someone who have done their homework. Its obvious from how they handled the situation already.

OMG.. so your basing your facts on your own gaming experience of support... hmm thinking about that i could assume you have quite the support history there ...i will hold that thought.

Of course the hackdevs are fixing their own hacks its what they do.. its a game of cat and mouse, which is why its a timely and expensive game to play.. believe it or not its not my first rodeo either.So your saying ANET lied now... based on - yip your assumptions and those of others pleading innocents.. we already went from you only using arcdps/taco, your friend not being competent to find, install and use such application but infact has to now you both having cheat engine and anet are now lying.

Yep agree ANET have made mistakes, I am someone that likes to point that out from time to time but that does not mean they have here just because a few alt accounts of banned players are getting revoked and a lot of heresay.I could say you have made some glaringly big mistakes all through this thread .. for anet to actually make such a definitive statement of no appeals suggests they have done their homework and arrived at the answers and your one of those answers.. so climb out of that deep hole and put a factually correct and honest case together and I bet you will be back in game sooner than you think.. or maybe not if anet prove to you otherwise.Eitherway I don't care if your out for 6 months or back in playing again cos you proved you were right, but I wish you all the best if you try.

Its not hard to make a simple search about support response times in GW2. You will get loads of complaints both on this websites and elsewhere.

Doesn't mean Anet is not an amateur in revealing their detection method. Because they are.

And yes, I don't care. I either want a full refund or my account back because I did not do anything wrong. You are the one who looks silly by white knighting questionable ethics and policies.

There is your problem, support is outsourced to zendesk.

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

@vesica tempestas.1563 said:more obtrusive data gathering than Anet does now and more accuracy


less obtrusive data gathering and less accuracy

or what they are doing now.


I want ANET to actually investigate accounts properly which we know they already have the tools to do instead of just making wild accusations based on assumptions


more FACTS, less FACTS or as they do just now?

What facts? Suspending for a user for having cheat engine open without evidence of them using it maliciously is not a good enough reason to ban users.

Again.. please enlighten us as to how you arrived at that assumption stop feeding of other posters assumptions and provide your evidence to show how your investigation has proven your conspiracy theory here.If ANET have just banned players without any kind of due process and due diligence and you can prove that then put your money where your conspiracy theories sit and go full angry mode.Otherwise its just you pushing heresay and conjecture out for effect.

The fact that they deleted their tweet about the bans and amateurishly revealed their method of detection speaks volumes. Also Anet has the slowest support reply time of all MMOs and they said "no appeals" meaning they did no due diligence or process, or they would be open to share it. They already revealed their method, not that it was hidden, other people realized their method sooner than their announcement.

Here you go again making baseless accusations.. share that proof they have the slowest support reply times of any MMO.. not that it is in anyway related to this topic.How does saying "no appeals" prove they did no due process or diligence".. if you have worked in that area for as long as I have you would absolutely be thinking to make such a statement they must of gone through due process and due diligence.I am sure if you can put a case together will real facts and evidence ANET will likely share what they did and found and how the decision was arrived at, but that's between you and them. However, of course if you are indeed still found to be "less than upstanding" I would fully support ANET putting that out here for us all to see.What they revealed was something, but they would never in a million years disclose everything about their detection methods, criteria, process etc.. that would be just plain stupid on their part and the hackdevs would have a field day rushing to revise their hacks quicker than they already are/have..

It seems highly unlikely that ANet is perfect. Incapable of mistake. Comprised entirely of people who are themselves perfect. Incapable of mistake.

And yet they announced that no appeals would be considered.

This means that either:

1) they believe that they are infallible.Or2) that they know that they are imperfect, can make mistakes, but are willing to punish the innocent without recourse anyway.Or3) they knowingly made a false statement about not accepting appeals.

Perhaps there is a fourth option that I dont see.

But trusting statements from an organization that shows signs, perhaps unintentionally through miscommunication, of being delusional, immoral, or dishonest seems questionable.

The fourth option is that having carried out their detections and looked at the results they are confident that what they have is what they have.. not guessed it like some would have us believe.Yep they like all of us are not infallible hence why they are revoking some accounts linked to players that banned that were not found to be using some of the hacks listed during the monitoring period.

So option three then? They are reasonably confident that the (vast) majority of those banned were actually cheating at GW2 (I agree), and knowingly made a false statement to their playerbase about considering appeals?

If this is the case, establishing that ANet is willing to actively engage in spreading falsehoods in this situation...then anything they claim in this matter is suspect.

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@Ashen.2907 said:

@vesica tempestas.1563 said:more obtrusive data gathering than Anet does now and more accuracy


less obtrusive data gathering and less accuracy

or what they are doing now.


I want ANET to actually investigate accounts properly which we know they already have the tools to do instead of just making wild accusations based on assumptions


more FACTS, less FACTS or as they do just now?

What facts? Suspending for a user for having cheat engine open without evidence of them using it maliciously is not a good enough reason to ban users.

Again.. please enlighten us as to how you arrived at that assumption stop feeding of other posters assumptions and provide your evidence to show how your investigation has proven your conspiracy theory here.If ANET have just banned players without any kind of due process and due diligence and you can prove that then put your money where your conspiracy theories sit and go full angry mode.Otherwise its just you pushing heresay and conjecture out for effect.

The fact that they deleted their tweet about the bans and amateurishly revealed their method of detection speaks volumes. Also Anet has the slowest support reply time of all MMOs and they said "no appeals" meaning they did no due diligence or process, or they would be open to share it. They already revealed their method, not that it was hidden, other people realized their method sooner than their announcement.

Here you go again making baseless accusations.. share that proof they have the slowest support reply times of any MMO.. not that it is in anyway related to this topic.How does saying "no appeals" prove they did no due process or diligence".. if you have worked in that area for as long as I have you would absolutely be thinking to make such a statement they must of gone through due process and due diligence.I am sure if you can put a case together will real facts and evidence ANET will likely share what they did and found and how the decision was arrived at, but that's between you and them. However, of course if you are indeed still found to be "less than upstanding" I would fully support ANET putting that out here for us all to see.What they revealed was something, but they would never in a million years disclose everything about their detection methods, criteria, process etc.. that would be just plain stupid on their part and the hackdevs would have a field day rushing to revise their hacks quicker than they already are/have..

It seems highly unlikely that ANet is perfect. Incapable of mistake. Comprised entirely of people who are themselves perfect. Incapable of mistake.

And yet they announced that no appeals would be considered.

This means that either:

1) they believe that they are infallible.Or2) that they know that they are imperfect, can make mistakes, but are willing to punish the innocent without recourse anyway.Or3) they knowingly made a false statement about not accepting appeals.

Perhaps there is a fourth option that I dont see.

But trusting statements from an organization that shows signs, perhaps unintentionally through miscommunication, of being delusional, immoral, or dishonest seems questionable.

The fourth option is that having carried out their detections and looked at the results they are confident that what they have is what they have.. not guessed it like some would have us believe.Yep they like all of us are not infallible hence why they are revoking some accounts linked to players that banned that were not found to be using some of the hacks listed during the monitoring period.

So option three then? They are reasonably confident that the (vast) majority of those banned were actually cheating at GW2 (I agree), and knowingly made a false statement to their playerbase about considering appeals?

If this is the case, establishing that ANet is willing to actively engage in spreading falsehoods in this situation...then anything they claim in this matter is suspect.

They have not made a false statement at all.. those accounts if iirc were stated to be linked to said banned players.. those accounts are having bans revoked.. guilty by association is a thing but they have decided to give them a pass this time that's all, did they say it was done on appeal or just in good grace on their part..

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@Nezekan.2671 said:

@vesica tempestas.1563 said:more obtrusive data gathering than Anet does now and more accuracy


less obtrusive data gathering and less accuracy

or what they are doing now.


I want ANET to actually investigate accounts properly which we know they already have the tools to do instead of just making wild accusations based on assumptions


more FACTS, less FACTS or as they do just now?

What facts? Suspending for a user for having cheat engine open without evidence of them using it maliciously is not a good enough reason to ban users.

Again.. please enlighten us as to how you arrived at that assumption stop feeding of other posters assumptions and provide your evidence to show how your investigation has proven your conspiracy theory here.If ANET have just banned players without any kind of due process and due diligence and you can prove that then put your money where your conspiracy theories sit and go full angry mode.Otherwise its just you pushing heresay and conjecture out for effect.

The fact that they deleted their tweet about the bans and amateurishly revealed their method of detection speaks volumes. Also Anet has the slowest support reply time of all MMOs and they said "no appeals" meaning they did no due diligence or process, or they would be open to share it. They already revealed their method, not that it was hidden, other people realized their method sooner than their announcement.

Here you go again making baseless accusations.. share that proof they have the slowest support reply times of any MMO.. not that it is in anyway related to this topic.How does saying "no appeals" prove they did no due process or diligence".. if you have worked in that area for as long as I have you would absolutely be thinking to make such a statement they must of gone through due process and due diligence.I am sure if you can put a case together will real facts and evidence ANET will likely share what they did and found and how the decision was arrived at, but that's between you and them. However, of course if you are indeed still found to be "less than upstanding" I would fully support ANET putting that out here for us all to see.What they revealed was something, but they would never in a million years disclose everything about their detection methods, criteria, process etc.. that would be just plain stupid on their part and the hackdevs would have a field day rushing to revise their hacks quicker than they already are/have..

Wake up, they already have. They can never catch cheaters again with this method. As we speak, the hackers are improving their tools to counter this sort of detection.

I have played quite a bit of MMOs, none of them have average response time of 7 days. If you know of one, I'm all years. Even if you do, their response times are still quite long. Much longer than acceptable levels.

The fact that they lied initially with their suspensions speaks volumes. Their initial response did not mention they banned everyone who merely had this applications. There goes the transparency and honesty.

They have made mistakes in the past, big ones, when it comes to bans, yet they have the audacity to claim they are absolutely right and don't allow appeals. Its ultimately ab a bad policy and not something you'd expect from someone who have done their homework. Its obvious from how they handled the situation already.

OMG.. so your basing your facts on your own gaming experience of support... hmm thinking about that i could assume you have quite the support history there ...i will hold that thought.

Of course the hackdevs are fixing their own hacks its what they do.. its a game of cat and mouse, which is why its a timely and expensive game to play.. believe it or not its not my first rodeo either.So your saying ANET lied now... based on - yip your assumptions and those of others pleading innocents.. we already went from you only using arcdps/taco, your friend not being competent to find, install and use such application but infact has to now you both having cheat engine and anet are now lying.

Yep agree ANET have made mistakes, I am someone that likes to point that out from time to time but that does not mean they have here just because a few alt accounts of banned players are getting revoked and a lot of heresay.I could say you have made some glaringly big mistakes all through this thread .. for anet to actually make such a definitive statement of no appeals suggests they have done their homework and arrived at the answers and your one of those answers.. so climb out of that deep hole and put a factually correct and honest case together and I bet you will be back in game sooner than you think.. or maybe not if anet prove to you otherwise.Eitherway I don't care if your out for 6 months or back in playing again cos you proved you were right, but I wish you all the best if you try.

Its not hard to make a simple search about support response times in GW2. You will get loads of complaints both on this websites and elsewhere.

Doesn't mean Anet is not an amateur in revealing their detection method. Because they are.

And yes, I don't care. I either want a full refund or my account back because I did not do anything wrong. You are the one who looks silly by white knighting questionable ethics and policies.

Your repetitive and derogatory use of "white knighting" reminds me of the 7th grade bully who beats up the 5th grader and then threatens him and calls him a "tattletale" if he dares report the misdeeds to an adult. "It's ok for me to beat you up but it's not ok for you to tell anyone".

Or in this case, "it's ok for me to cheat but it's not ok for you to defend the actions that got me banned for cheating".

Anet says you were running a cheating program at the same time as you were running gw2, over a period of weeks. You insist you never did. Guess what. I believe Anet. I emphatically do not believe you.

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

@vesica tempestas.1563 said:more obtrusive data gathering than Anet does now and more accuracy


less obtrusive data gathering and less accuracy

or what they are doing now.


I want ANET to actually investigate accounts properly which we know they already have the tools to do instead of just making wild accusations based on assumptions


more FACTS, less FACTS or as they do just now?

What facts? Suspending for a user for having cheat engine open without evidence of them using it maliciously is not a good enough reason to ban users.

Again.. please enlighten us as to how you arrived at that assumption stop feeding of other posters assumptions and provide your evidence to show how your investigation has proven your conspiracy theory here.If ANET have just banned players without any kind of due process and due diligence and you can prove that then put your money where your conspiracy theories sit and go full angry mode.Otherwise its just you pushing heresay and conjecture out for effect.

The fact that they deleted their tweet about the bans and amateurishly revealed their method of detection speaks volumes. Also Anet has the slowest support reply time of all MMOs and they said "no appeals" meaning they did no due diligence or process, or they would be open to share it. They already revealed their method, not that it was hidden, other people realized their method sooner than their announcement.

Here you go again making baseless accusations.. share that proof they have the slowest support reply times of any MMO.. not that it is in anyway related to this topic.How does saying "no appeals" prove they did no due process or diligence".. if you have worked in that area for as long as I have you would absolutely be thinking to make such a statement they must of gone through due process and due diligence.I am sure if you can put a case together will real facts and evidence ANET will likely share what they did and found and how the decision was arrived at, but that's between you and them. However, of course if you are indeed still found to be "less than upstanding" I would fully support ANET putting that out here for us all to see.What they revealed was something, but they would never in a million years disclose everything about their detection methods, criteria, process etc.. that would be just plain stupid on their part and the hackdevs would have a field day rushing to revise their hacks quicker than they already are/have..

It seems highly unlikely that ANet is perfect. Incapable of mistake. Comprised entirely of people who are themselves perfect. Incapable of mistake.

And yet they announced that no appeals would be considered.

This means that either:

1) they believe that they are infallible.Or2) that they know that they are imperfect, can make mistakes, but are willing to punish the innocent without recourse anyway.Or3) they knowingly made a false statement about not accepting appeals.

Perhaps there is a fourth option that I dont see.

But trusting statements from an organization that shows signs, perhaps unintentionally through miscommunication, of being delusional, immoral, or dishonest seems questionable.

The fourth option is that having carried out their detections and looked at the results they are confident that what they have is what they have.. not guessed it like some would have us believe.Yep they like all of us are not infallible hence why they are revoking some accounts linked to players that banned that were not found to be using some of the hacks listed during the monitoring period.

So option three then? They are reasonably confident that the (vast) majority of those banned were actually cheating at GW2 (I agree), and knowingly made a false statement to their playerbase about considering appeals?

If this is the case, establishing that ANet is willing to actively engage in spreading falsehoods in this situation...then anything they claim in this matter is suspect.

They have not made a false statement at all.. those accounts if iirc were stated to be linked to said banned players.. those accounts are having bans revoked.. guilty by association is a thing but they have decided to give them a pass this time that's all, did they say it was done on appeal or just in good grace on their part..

My apologies. I thought that you were refering to reinstatement of accounts based on appeal.

If they are truly not accepting appeals, then either option one or two apply.

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

@Ardenwolfe.8590 said:On a side note, this is now the biggest and longest thread for the New Forums. Congrats! :)

Yeah.. and I think this is possibly the most posts I have ever written in support of anets actions.. I deserved some white shiny armor to wear in game now apparently. :)

And this is the most critical of them that I have been in years. Hmm, some dark evil looking armor seems in order.

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@Ashen.2907 said:

@vesica tempestas.1563 said:more obtrusive data gathering than Anet does now and more accuracy


less obtrusive data gathering and less accuracy

or what they are doing now.


I want ANET to actually investigate accounts properly which we know they already have the tools to do instead of just making wild accusations based on assumptions


more FACTS, less FACTS or as they do just now?

What facts? Suspending for a user for having cheat engine open without evidence of them using it maliciously is not a good enough reason to ban users.

Again.. please enlighten us as to how you arrived at that assumption stop feeding of other posters assumptions and provide your evidence to show how your investigation has proven your conspiracy theory here.If ANET have just banned players without any kind of due process and due diligence and you can prove that then put your money where your conspiracy theories sit and go full angry mode.Otherwise its just you pushing heresay and conjecture out for effect.

The fact that they deleted their tweet about the bans and amateurishly revealed their method of detection speaks volumes. Also Anet has the slowest support reply time of all MMOs and they said "no appeals" meaning they did no due diligence or process, or they would be open to share it. They already revealed their method, not that it was hidden, other people realized their method sooner than their announcement.

Here you go again making baseless accusations.. share that proof they have the slowest support reply times of any MMO.. not that it is in anyway related to this topic.How does saying "no appeals" prove they did no due process or diligence".. if you have worked in that area for as long as I have you would absolutely be thinking to make such a statement they must of gone through due process and due diligence.I am sure if you can put a case together will real facts and evidence ANET will likely share what they did and found and how the decision was arrived at, but that's between you and them. However, of course if you are indeed still found to be "less than upstanding" I would fully support ANET putting that out here for us all to see.What they revealed was something, but they would never in a million years disclose everything about their detection methods, criteria, process etc.. that would be just plain stupid on their part and the hackdevs would have a field day rushing to revise their hacks quicker than they already are/have..

It seems highly unlikely that ANet is perfect. Incapable of mistake. Comprised entirely of people who are themselves perfect. Incapable of mistake.

And yet they announced that no appeals would be considered.

This means that either:

1) they believe that they are infallible.Or2) that they know that they are imperfect, can make mistakes, but are willing to punish the innocent without recourse anyway.Or3) they knowingly made a false statement about not accepting appeals.

Perhaps there is a fourth option that I dont see.

But trusting statements from an organization that shows signs, perhaps unintentionally through miscommunication, of being delusional, immoral, or dishonest seems questionable.

The fourth option is that having carried out their detections and looked at the results they are confident that what they have is what they have.. not guessed it like some would have us believe.Yep they like all of us are not infallible hence why they are revoking some accounts linked to players that banned that were not found to be using some of the hacks listed during the monitoring period.

So option three then? They are reasonably confident that the (vast) majority of those banned were actually cheating at GW2 (I agree), and knowingly made a false statement to their playerbase about considering appeals?

If this is the case, establishing that ANet is willing to actively engage in spreading falsehoods in this situation...then anything they claim in this matter is suspect.

They have not made a false statement at all.. those accounts if iirc were stated to be linked to said banned players.. those accounts are having bans revoked.. guilty by association is a thing but they have decided to give them a pass this time that's all, did they say it was done on appeal or just in good grace on their part..

My apologies. I thought that you were refering to reinstatement of accounts based on appeal.

If they are truly not accepting appeals, then either option one or two apply.

Apology accepted.. but crossing my palms with gold often helps me accept much quicker :)

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@Ashen.2907 said:

@Ardenwolfe.8590 said:On a side note, this is now the biggest and longest thread for the New Forums. Congrats! :)

Yeah.. and I think this is possibly the most posts I have ever written in support of anets actions.. I deserved some white shiny armor to wear in game now apparently. :)

And this is the most critical of them that I have been in years. Hmm, some dark evil looking armor seems in order.

we can swap.. meet round the back of the volcano in fireheart :)

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@"Faaris.8013" said:So what if you have the process "3dsexvilla.exe" running for 5 minutes three times a day while farming berries with the other hand while Anet monitored your windows processes for weeks?

I-It was my horny evil twin. Don't look. And I needed those berries for steaks. My charr likes winterberry steaks.

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@Sojar.1495 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@innocens.1582 said:@"Kheldorn.5123"

you have the knife in your hand when the program is running, not in your pocket.its all nice and cool if you wanne cheat other programs, but when its runningalong side guildwars your either ignorent, or just plain stupid, sorry.

Keep in mind that cheat engine isnt excusively used by cheaters. Anet created this problem all by themselves, claiming they will not accept appeals. They already lifted some bans proving they were wrong.

The bans then lifted weren't because they were wrong... reread what gaile posted please.

They were wrong. They wasn't involved in cheating, they simply suspended them because they were in some way connected to cheating account. If they weren't wrong, they wouldn't lift them, easy.

They were not wrong in the context of the methods used in this ban. They were an oversight, and had previously had actions on their accounts for related activities. They wanted to keep the ban narrowed down to the method used for the majority. A clerical error in adding those accounts is not indicative of another error. You're taking an instance of an unrelated rationale and then applying it blanketed across the other bans with the specific methodology utilized. Stop that!

I find this "had previously had actions on their accounts for related activities." Garbage, Sojar, I've never once been suspended, or had a warning on my account for anything cause I don't cheat this game. Sure a lot of them probably are repeat offenders, but don't you dare just shrug your shoulders and say who cares? they were all repeat offenders and deserve what they got! No, Gods Damn no.

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@Euryon.9248 said:

@vesica tempestas.1563 said:more obtrusive data gathering than Anet does now and more accuracy


less obtrusive data gathering and less accuracy

or what they are doing now.


I want ANET to actually investigate accounts properly which we know they already have the tools to do instead of just making wild accusations based on assumptions


more FACTS, less FACTS or as they do just now?

What facts? Suspending for a user for having cheat engine open without evidence of them using it maliciously is not a good enough reason to ban users.

Again.. please enlighten us as to how you arrived at that assumption stop feeding of other posters assumptions and provide your evidence to show how your investigation has proven your conspiracy theory here.If ANET have just banned players without any kind of due process and due diligence and you can prove that then put your money where your conspiracy theories sit and go full angry mode.Otherwise its just you pushing heresay and conjecture out for effect.

The fact that they deleted their tweet about the bans and amateurishly revealed their method of detection speaks volumes. Also Anet has the slowest support reply time of all MMOs and they said "no appeals" meaning they did no due diligence or process, or they would be open to share it. They already revealed their method, not that it was hidden, other people realized their method sooner than their announcement.

Here you go again making baseless accusations.. share that proof they have the slowest support reply times of any MMO.. not that it is in anyway related to this topic.How does saying "no appeals" prove they did no due process or diligence".. if you have worked in that area for as long as I have you would absolutely be thinking to make such a statement they must of gone through due process and due diligence.I am sure if you can put a case together will real facts and evidence ANET will likely share what they did and found and how the decision was arrived at, but that's between you and them. However, of course if you are indeed still found to be "less than upstanding" I would fully support ANET putting that out here for us all to see.What they revealed was something, but they would never in a million years disclose everything about their detection methods, criteria, process etc.. that would be just plain stupid on their part and the hackdevs would have a field day rushing to revise their hacks quicker than they already are/have..

Wake up, they already have. They can never catch cheaters again with this method. As we speak, the hackers are improving their tools to counter this sort of detection.

I have played quite a bit of MMOs, none of them have average response time of 7 days. If you know of one, I'm all years. Even if you do, their response times are still quite long. Much longer than acceptable levels.

The fact that they lied initially with their suspensions speaks volumes. Their initial response did not mention they banned everyone who merely had this applications. There goes the transparency and honesty.

They have made mistakes in the past, big ones, when it comes to bans, yet they have the audacity to claim they are absolutely right and don't allow appeals. Its ultimately ab a bad policy and not something you'd expect from someone who have done their homework. Its obvious from how they handled the situation already.

OMG.. so your basing your facts on your own gaming experience of support... hmm thinking about that i could assume you have quite the support history there ...i will hold that thought.

Of course the hackdevs are fixing their own hacks its what they do.. its a game of cat and mouse, which is why its a timely and expensive game to play.. believe it or not its not my first rodeo either.So your saying ANET lied now... based on - yip your assumptions and those of others pleading innocents.. we already went from you only using arcdps/taco, your friend not being competent to find, install and use such application but infact has to now you both having cheat engine and anet are now lying.

Yep agree ANET have made mistakes, I am someone that likes to point that out from time to time but that does not mean they have here just because a few alt accounts of banned players are getting revoked and a lot of heresay.I could say you have made some glaringly big mistakes all through this thread .. for anet to actually make such a definitive statement of no appeals suggests they have done their homework and arrived at the answers and your one of those answers.. so climb out of that deep hole and put a factually correct and honest case together and I bet you will be back in game sooner than you think.. or maybe not if anet prove to you otherwise.Eitherway I don't care if your out for 6 months or back in playing again cos you proved you were right, but I wish you all the best if you try.

Its not hard to make a simple search about support response times in GW2. You will get loads of complaints both on this websites and elsewhere.

Doesn't mean Anet is not an amateur in revealing their detection method. Because they are.

And yes, I don't care. I either want a full refund or my account back because I did not do anything wrong. You are the one who looks silly by white knighting questionable ethics and policies.

Your repetitive and derogatory use of "white knighting" reminds me of the 7th grade bully who beats up the 5th grader and then threatens him and calls him a "tattletale" if he dares report the misdeeds to an adult. "It's ok for me to beat you up but it's not ok for you to tell anyone".

Or in this case, "it's ok for me to cheat but it's not ok for you to defend the actions that got me banned for cheating".

Anet says you were running a cheating program at the same time as you were running gw2, over a period of weeks. You insist you
did. Guess what. I believe Anet. I emphatically do not believe you.

You remind me of the people that blindly believe the police are right when they shoot innocent people

In fact I am quite skeptical of some police, particularly in the American South, and have seen many examples of police abusing their authority and using far more violence than a situation warranted.

And yet my logical brain is looking at many of the arguments made by those protesting their innocence and becoming more convinced with every post that they are in fact guilty as sin. Someone that has downloaded one or more cheat engines to cheat in other games has no credibility with me whatsoever, if you're willing to cheat in other games you are willing to cheat in gw2. I don't buy the "I only used this cheat engine for legitimate, non-cheating uses, never cheated with it." Not in the slightest.

Cheating in single player games is in fact VERY legitimate.

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

@vesica tempestas.1563 said:more obtrusive data gathering than Anet does now and more accuracy


less obtrusive data gathering and less accuracy

or what they are doing now.


I want ANET to actually investigate accounts properly which we know they already have the tools to do instead of just making wild accusations based on assumptions


more FACTS, less FACTS or as they do just now?

What facts? Suspending for a user for having cheat engine open without evidence of them using it maliciously is not a good enough reason to ban users.

Again.. please enlighten us as to how you arrived at that assumption stop feeding of other posters assumptions and provide your evidence to show how your investigation has proven your conspiracy theory here.If ANET have just banned players without any kind of due process and due diligence and you can prove that then put your money where your conspiracy theories sit and go full angry mode.Otherwise its just you pushing heresay and conjecture out for effect.

The fact that they deleted their tweet about the bans and amateurishly revealed their method of detection speaks volumes. Also Anet has the slowest support reply time of all MMOs and they said "no appeals" meaning they did no due diligence or process, or they would be open to share it. They already revealed their method, not that it was hidden, other people realized their method sooner than their announcement.

Here you go again making baseless accusations.. share that proof they have the slowest support reply times of any MMO.. not that it is in anyway related to this topic.How does saying "no appeals" prove they did no due process or diligence".. if you have worked in that area for as long as I have you would absolutely be thinking to make such a statement they must of gone through due process and due diligence.I am sure if you can put a case together will real facts and evidence ANET will likely share what they did and found and how the decision was arrived at, but that's between you and them. However, of course if you are indeed still found to be "less than upstanding" I would fully support ANET putting that out here for us all to see.What they revealed was something, but they would never in a million years disclose everything about their detection methods, criteria, process etc.. that would be just plain stupid on their part and the hackdevs would have a field day rushing to revise their hacks quicker than they already are/have..

Wake up, they already have. They can never catch cheaters again with this method. As we speak, the hackers are improving their tools to counter this sort of detection.

I have played quite a bit of MMOs, none of them have average response time of 7 days. If you know of one, I'm all years. Even if you do, their response times are still quite long. Much longer than acceptable levels.

The fact that they lied initially with their suspensions speaks volumes. Their initial response did not mention they banned everyone who merely had this applications. There goes the transparency and honesty.

They have made mistakes in the past, big ones, when it comes to bans, yet they have the audacity to claim they are absolutely right and don't allow appeals. Its ultimately ab a bad policy and not something you'd expect from someone who have done their homework. Its obvious from how they handled the situation already.

OMG.. so your basing your facts on your own gaming experience of support... hmm thinking about that i could assume you have quite the support history there ...i will hold that thought.

Of course the hackdevs are fixing their own hacks its what they do.. its a game of cat and mouse, which is why its a timely and expensive game to play.. believe it or not its not my first rodeo either.So your saying ANET lied now... based on - yip your assumptions and those of others pleading innocents.. we already went from you only using arcdps/taco, your friend not being competent to find, install and use such application but infact has to now you both having cheat engine and anet are now lying.

Yep agree ANET have made mistakes, I am someone that likes to point that out from time to time but that does not mean they have here just because a few alt accounts of banned players are getting revoked and a lot of heresay.I could say you have made some glaringly big mistakes all through this thread .. for anet to actually make such a definitive statement of no appeals suggests they have done their homework and arrived at the answers and your one of those answers.. so climb out of that deep hole and put a factually correct and honest case together and I bet you will be back in game sooner than you think.. or maybe not if anet prove to you otherwise.Eitherway I don't care if your out for 6 months or back in playing again cos you proved you were right, but I wish you all the best if you try.

Its not hard to make a simple search about support response times in GW2. You will get loads of complaints both on this websites and elsewhere.

Doesn't mean Anet is not an amateur in revealing their detection method. Because they are.

And yes, I don't care. I either want a full refund or my account back because I did not do anything wrong. You are the one who looks silly by white knighting questionable ethics and policies.

Haha now that is a new one for me on this forum.. white knight hmmm others may argue with you on that one.. amirite ANET :)

They revealed that they had been monitoring processes and malicious code.. nothing more.. I would bet their detection methods are far more involved than what you think you might of seen or heard from others.

So you have zero proof of the whole worst support time thing.. thought so - moving on!

They are just being overzealous and for some reason you decide to support them. Its your business not mine.

I think you have not fully read what have been revealed. We now know the _exact _way Anet monitored people.

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@Nezekan.2671 said:

@vesica tempestas.1563 said:more obtrusive data gathering than Anet does now and more accuracy


less obtrusive data gathering and less accuracy

or what they are doing now.


I want ANET to actually investigate accounts properly which we know they already have the tools to do instead of just making wild accusations based on assumptions


more FACTS, less FACTS or as they do just now?

What facts? Suspending for a user for having cheat engine open without evidence of them using it maliciously is not a good enough reason to ban users.

Again.. please enlighten us as to how you arrived at that assumption stop feeding of other posters assumptions and provide your evidence to show how your investigation has proven your conspiracy theory here.If ANET have just banned players without any kind of due process and due diligence and you can prove that then put your money where your conspiracy theories sit and go full angry mode.Otherwise its just you pushing heresay and conjecture out for effect.

The fact that they deleted their tweet about the bans and amateurishly revealed their method of detection speaks volumes. Also Anet has the slowest support reply time of all MMOs and they said "no appeals" meaning they did no due diligence or process, or they would be open to share it. They already revealed their method, not that it was hidden, other people realized their method sooner than their announcement.

Here you go again making baseless accusations.. share that proof they have the slowest support reply times of any MMO.. not that it is in anyway related to this topic.How does saying "no appeals" prove they did no due process or diligence".. if you have worked in that area for as long as I have you would absolutely be thinking to make such a statement they must of gone through due process and due diligence.I am sure if you can put a case together will real facts and evidence ANET will likely share what they did and found and how the decision was arrived at, but that's between you and them. However, of course if you are indeed still found to be "less than upstanding" I would fully support ANET putting that out here for us all to see.What they revealed was something, but they would never in a million years disclose everything about their detection methods, criteria, process etc.. that would be just plain stupid on their part and the hackdevs would have a field day rushing to revise their hacks quicker than they already are/have..

Wake up, they already have. They can never catch cheaters again with this method. As we speak, the hackers are improving their tools to counter this sort of detection.

I have played quite a bit of MMOs, none of them have average response time of 7 days. If you know of one, I'm all years. Even if you do, their response times are still quite long. Much longer than acceptable levels.

The fact that they lied initially with their suspensions speaks volumes. Their initial response did not mention they banned everyone who merely had this applications. There goes the transparency and honesty.

They have made mistakes in the past, big ones, when it comes to bans, yet they have the audacity to claim they are absolutely right and don't allow appeals. Its ultimately ab a bad policy and not something you'd expect from someone who have done their homework. Its obvious from how they handled the situation already.

OMG.. so your basing your facts on your own gaming experience of support... hmm thinking about that i could assume you have quite the support history there ...i will hold that thought.

Of course the hackdevs are fixing their own hacks its what they do.. its a game of cat and mouse, which is why its a timely and expensive game to play.. believe it or not its not my first rodeo either.So your saying ANET lied now... based on - yip your assumptions and those of others pleading innocents.. we already went from you only using arcdps/taco, your friend not being competent to find, install and use such application but infact has to now you both having cheat engine and anet are now lying.

Yep agree ANET have made mistakes, I am someone that likes to point that out from time to time but that does not mean they have here just because a few alt accounts of banned players are getting revoked and a lot of heresay.I could say you have made some glaringly big mistakes all through this thread .. for anet to actually make such a definitive statement of no appeals suggests they have done their homework and arrived at the answers and your one of those answers.. so climb out of that deep hole and put a factually correct and honest case together and I bet you will be back in game sooner than you think.. or maybe not if anet prove to you otherwise.Eitherway I don't care if your out for 6 months or back in playing again cos you proved you were right, but I wish you all the best if you try.

Its not hard to make a simple search about support response times in GW2. You will get loads of complaints both on this websites and elsewhere.

Doesn't mean Anet is not an amateur in revealing their detection method. Because they are.

And yes, I don't care. I either want a full refund or my account back because I did not do anything wrong. You are the one who looks silly by white knighting questionable ethics and policies.

Haha now that is a new one for me on this forum.. white knight hmmm others may argue with you on that one.. amirite ANET :)

They revealed that they had been monitoring processes and malicious code.. nothing more.. I would bet their detection methods are far more involved than what you think you might of seen or heard from others.

So you have zero proof of the whole worst support time thing.. thought so - moving on!

They are just being overzealous and for some reason you decide to support them. Its your business not mine.

I think you have not fully read what have been revealed. We now know the _exact _way Anet monitored people.

No you don't. and you never will not on here leastways

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@Twoodi.5849 said:

@vesica tempestas.1563 said:more obtrusive data gathering than Anet does now and more accuracy


less obtrusive data gathering and less accuracy

or what they are doing now.


I want ANET to actually investigate accounts properly which we know they already have the tools to do instead of just making wild accusations based on assumptions


more FACTS, less FACTS or as they do just now?

What facts? Suspending for a user for having cheat engine open without evidence of them using it maliciously is not a good enough reason to ban users.

See my post from about an hour before:"If people would understand that ArenaNet is not obligated to prove that anyone was cheating in order to ban them, this thread would be 20% smaller."

They don't need evidence. They need to want to ban/suspend you, nothing else. They wanted to suspend people having cheat software active while playing their game. They did. Story over. No justification needed.

As an unrelated note, about the weird "data security" discussion which popped up despite having nothing to do with the process scanning of the PC: Purchases of gems and even the game are made via DigitalRiver. I doubt that ArenaNet even has your payment info when you buy something. Also, they don't need your personal info, address, age, or whatever you may fear might be stolen. All you are to them is an accountname. Or do you remember having to give them any of that info when making your account? Because I sure do not.

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

@vesica tempestas.1563 said:more obtrusive data gathering than Anet does now and more accuracy


less obtrusive data gathering and less accuracy

or what they are doing now.


I want ANET to actually investigate accounts properly which we know they already have the tools to do instead of just making wild accusations based on assumptions


more FACTS, less FACTS or as they do just now?

What facts? Suspending for a user for having cheat engine open without evidence of them using it maliciously is not a good enough reason to ban users.

Again.. please enlighten us as to how you arrived at that assumption stop feeding of other posters assumptions and provide your evidence to show how your investigation has proven your conspiracy theory here.If ANET have just banned players without any kind of due process and due diligence and you can prove that then put your money where your conspiracy theories sit and go full angry mode.Otherwise its just you pushing heresay and conjecture out for effect.

The fact that they deleted their tweet about the bans and amateurishly revealed their method of detection speaks volumes. Also Anet has the slowest support reply time of all MMOs and they said "no appeals" meaning they did no due diligence or process, or they would be open to share it. They already revealed their method, not that it was hidden, other people realized their method sooner than their announcement.

Here you go again making baseless accusations.. share that proof they have the slowest support reply times of any MMO.. not that it is in anyway related to this topic.How does saying "no appeals" prove they did no due process or diligence".. if you have worked in that area for as long as I have you would absolutely be thinking to make such a statement they must of gone through due process and due diligence.I am sure if you can put a case together will real facts and evidence ANET will likely share what they did and found and how the decision was arrived at, but that's between you and them. However, of course if you are indeed still found to be "less than upstanding" I would fully support ANET putting that out here for us all to see.What they revealed was something, but they would never in a million years disclose everything about their detection methods, criteria, process etc.. that would be just plain stupid on their part and the hackdevs would have a field day rushing to revise their hacks quicker than they already are/have..

Wake up, they already have. They can never catch cheaters again with this method. As we speak, the hackers are improving their tools to counter this sort of detection.

I have played quite a bit of MMOs, none of them have average response time of 7 days. If you know of one, I'm all years. Even if you do, their response times are still quite long. Much longer than acceptable levels.

The fact that they lied initially with their suspensions speaks volumes. Their initial response did not mention they banned everyone who merely had this applications. There goes the transparency and honesty.

They have made mistakes in the past, big ones, when it comes to bans, yet they have the audacity to claim they are absolutely right and don't allow appeals. Its ultimately ab a bad policy and not something you'd expect from someone who have done their homework. Its obvious from how they handled the situation already.

OMG.. so your basing your facts on your own gaming experience of support... hmm thinking about that i could assume you have quite the support history there ...i will hold that thought.

Of course the hackdevs are fixing their own hacks its what they do.. its a game of cat and mouse, which is why its a timely and expensive game to play.. believe it or not its not my first rodeo either.So your saying ANET lied now... based on - yip your assumptions and those of others pleading innocents.. we already went from you only using arcdps/taco, your friend not being competent to find, install and use such application but infact has to now you both having cheat engine and anet are now lying.

Yep agree ANET have made mistakes, I am someone that likes to point that out from time to time but that does not mean they have here just because a few alt accounts of banned players are getting revoked and a lot of heresay.I could say you have made some glaringly big mistakes all through this thread .. for anet to actually make such a definitive statement of no appeals suggests they have done their homework and arrived at the answers and your one of those answers.. so climb out of that deep hole and put a factually correct and honest case together and I bet you will be back in game sooner than you think.. or maybe not if anet prove to you otherwise.Eitherway I don't care if your out for 6 months or back in playing again cos you proved you were right, but I wish you all the best if you try.

Its not hard to make a simple search about support response times in GW2. You will get loads of complaints both on this websites and elsewhere.

Doesn't mean Anet is not an amateur in revealing their detection method. Because they are.

And yes, I don't care. I either want a full refund or my account back because I did not do anything wrong. You are the one who looks silly by white knighting questionable ethics and policies.

Haha now that is a new one for me on this forum.. white knight hmmm others may argue with you on that one.. amirite ANET :)

They revealed that they had been monitoring processes and malicious code.. nothing more.. I would bet their detection methods are far more involved than what you think you might of seen or heard from others.

So you have zero proof of the whole worst support time thing.. thought so - moving on!

They are just being overzealous and for some reason you decide to support them. Its your business not mine.

I think you have not fully read what have been revealed. We now know the _exact _way Anet monitored people.

No you don't. and you never will not on here leastways

Lol, I suggest you go read then.

We know the date the injected their API into client and when they removed it. We also know which API they used. Its that simple. It will not work again in terms of detecting hacks.

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