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Request for world 3 and 4


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Anet, could you please develop and release world 3 and 4 for April 2019? I know that you are mainly focused on living world content but I'm sure I speak for a lot of people when I say we would all love to have SAB completed. Thanks :)

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From an official fb reply, last year: "Guild Wars 2 is a huge game, and keeping it strong means making tough decisions about where to spend our time to best serve the most players. We decided we couldn’t justify the sacrifice to Guild Wars 2 to make more new worlds for SAB."

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We just need Josh to really want to finish it. W1 was done with 7 people. W2 was done with way more. But W2 was bloated beyond belief. W2:2 alone is as big as W2 probably should have been. If we can get W3 more in line with W1 and less in line with the games that inspired the whole, it's possible it can happen. It most likely just needs to happen outside of operation.

Even if they only gave us a zone a year it would be enough.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

The request has been made many times, and has been answered (or links to answers provided) many times, as well. The search engine will give you the information you seek about why this request is not on the To Do List.

Ahh, thank you for quoting that!

@"Voltekka.2375" said:From an official fb reply, last year: "Guild Wars 2 is a huge game, and keeping it strong means making tough decisions about where to spend our time to best serve the most players. We decided we couldn’t justify the sacrifice to Guild Wars 2 to make more new worlds for SAB."

To address one comment:

@"Ayakaru.6583" said:And there's a severe shortage of current events. I'd much rather see a current event between each living chapter

Are you not seeing that, many times over? I sure am! We have a Current Activities Team, after all, and they're producing quite a remarkable amount of fun and engaging content.

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