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Epidemic in raids needs to be nerfed

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I think none of the above got what I tried to convey there. Anyway This thread have lost it's purpose after the last patch, any argument here is now out of topic since epidemic do not need to be nerfed anymore. Knowing who have it worse can be done in a different thread which would have this specific purpose. But I can understand that none want to open such a silly thread.

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@Feanor.2358 said:

@"thrag.9740" said:[...], its not fun to feel like your the weak link in your group.


That sum up the whole argument between elementalists and necromancers:

Pre-patch:Elementalist: "Get rid of epidemic! please!"Necromancer: "How can we be taken in raid without epidemic?"Elementalist: "You're strong enough without it."Necromancer: "But we are worth nothing without it, even before the gimmick ended up exploited we were only taken for add clearing with epidemic."Elementalist: "Get over it, it's an exploit it need to go! Even without it you'll still be good at clearing trash."Necromancer: "But that won't get us a spot in raid."Elementalist: "It's to strong it need to be removed from the game."

Post-patch:Necromancer: "So it's here, no more epidemic and no more raid for necromancer."Elementalist: "You're lucky you're still strong for clearing trash, look at us we've been nerfed to the ground."Necromancer: "you're still competitive thought."Elementalist: "Thief is better than us, it's unfair, we got nothing to rely on to compete against them."Necromancer: "wasn't this our argument for keeping epidemic..."Elementalist: "Shut up! Even if your dps is trash tier you're sturdier and simpler than an elementalist, we deserve to deal more damage than anyone else."Necromancer: "What?"Elementalist: "Listen! We deserve to be god tier dps in PvE, this is the only thing we can do there!"Necromancer: "Wasn't epidemic the only thing we could do as necromancer?"Elementalist: "You don't understand, now that we aren't top dps anymore, even a necromancer have more value than an elementalist."Necromancer: "You're still in the top tier for DPS, though..."Elementalist: "How can you not understand that the elementalist is hundred time more complex to play and more fragile than all other professions and thus need to be THE top dps in PvE."Necromancer: "So it's ok for us to lose our only ticket for raid but it's not ok for elementalist to be slightly less competitive in dps..."Elementalist: "Exactly!"

Sure, put others words in their mouths....Many who complained about epi being op als said that with a epi nerf their shoulf come a scourge/necro buff/rework cause otherwise they will loose their place in raids.The arguments against elenerfs are the very same. Why should one even play ele now if i can now play a de or mirage which have muxh safer and easier rotations while providing support or cc?This whole balancepatch is just crap, it nerfed working builds instead of buffing those which dont work or changed them so that they are no longer worth playing.

What are you doing here, making sense all of a sudden? I called for epi
nerf because the kitten was broken, clearly I'm evil and selfish and only care about being top dps at all costs. It doesn't matter that I actually supported necromancers getting buffed to offset the loss. It doesn't matter that I've said post-patch necromancers ended up underpowered in pve. I'm an evil epi-hater, I could not have said all this.

Remind me again how you wanted necros buffed? Last I recall, when I tried to start a conversation about it, I was called annoying and only got a suggestion that would cause the pvp/wvw crowd to hate us more.

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@Sephylon.4938 said:

@"thrag.9740" said:[...], its not fun to feel like your the weak link in your group.


That sum up the whole argument between elementalists and necromancers:

Pre-patch:Elementalist: "Get rid of epidemic! please!"Necromancer: "How can we be taken in raid without epidemic?"Elementalist: "You're strong enough without it."Necromancer: "But we are worth nothing without it, even before the gimmick ended up exploited we were only taken for add clearing with epidemic."Elementalist: "Get over it, it's an exploit it need to go! Even without it you'll still be good at clearing trash."Necromancer: "But that won't get us a spot in raid."Elementalist: "It's to strong it need to be removed from the game."

Post-patch:Necromancer: "So it's here, no more epidemic and no more raid for necromancer."Elementalist: "You're lucky you're still strong for clearing trash, look at us we've been nerfed to the ground."Necromancer: "you're still competitive thought."Elementalist: "Thief is better than us, it's unfair, we got nothing to rely on to compete against them."Necromancer: "wasn't this our argument for keeping epidemic..."Elementalist: "Shut up! Even if your dps is trash tier you're sturdier and simpler than an elementalist, we deserve to deal more damage than anyone else."Necromancer: "What?"Elementalist: "Listen! We deserve to be god tier dps in PvE, this is the only thing we can do there!"Necromancer: "Wasn't epidemic the only thing we could do as necromancer?"Elementalist: "You don't understand, now that we aren't top dps anymore, even a necromancer have more value than an elementalist."Necromancer: "You're still in the top tier for DPS, though..."Elementalist: "How can you not understand that the elementalist is hundred time more complex to play and more fragile than all other professions and thus need to be THE top dps in PvE."Necromancer: "So it's ok for us to lose our only ticket for raid but it's not ok for elementalist to be slightly less competitive in dps..."Elementalist: "Exactly!"

Sure, put others words in their mouths....Many who complained about epi being op als said that with a epi nerf their shoulf come a scourge/necro buff/rework cause otherwise they will loose their place in raids.The arguments against elenerfs are the very same. Why should one even play ele now if i can now play a de or mirage which have muxh safer and easier rotations while providing support or cc?This whole balancepatch is just crap, it nerfed working builds instead of buffing those which dont work or changed them so that they are no longer worth playing.

What are you doing here, making sense all of a sudden? I called for epi
nerf because the kitten was broken, clearly I'm evil and selfish and only care about being top dps at all costs. It doesn't matter that I actually supported necromancers getting buffed to offset the loss. It doesn't matter that I've said post-patch necromancers ended up underpowered in pve. I'm an evil epi-hater, I could not have said all this.

Remind me again how you wanted necros buffed? Last I recall, when I tried to start a conversation about it, I was called annoying and only got a suggestion that would cause the pvp/wvw crowd to hate us more.

Why would you want the opinion of someone who rarely plays necro on how they'd want the class buffed? I dunno. You're the necro mains, you propose something. I believe it would be more adequate than what I could offer.

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@Feanor.2358 said:

@"thrag.9740" said:[...], its not fun to feel like your the weak link in your group.


That sum up the whole argument between elementalists and necromancers:

Pre-patch:Elementalist: "Get rid of epidemic! please!"Necromancer: "How can we be taken in raid without epidemic?"Elementalist: "You're strong enough without it."Necromancer: "But we are worth nothing without it, even before the gimmick ended up exploited we were only taken for add clearing with epidemic."Elementalist: "Get over it, it's an exploit it need to go! Even without it you'll still be good at clearing trash."Necromancer: "But that won't get us a spot in raid."Elementalist: "It's to strong it need to be removed from the game."

Post-patch:Necromancer: "So it's here, no more epidemic and no more raid for necromancer."Elementalist: "You're lucky you're still strong for clearing trash, look at us we've been nerfed to the ground."Necromancer: "you're still competitive thought."Elementalist: "Thief is better than us, it's unfair, we got nothing to rely on to compete against them."Necromancer: "wasn't this our argument for keeping epidemic..."Elementalist: "Shut up! Even if your dps is trash tier you're sturdier and simpler than an elementalist, we deserve to deal more damage than anyone else."Necromancer: "What?"Elementalist: "Listen! We deserve to be god tier dps in PvE, this is the only thing we can do there!"Necromancer: "Wasn't epidemic the only thing we could do as necromancer?"Elementalist: "You don't understand, now that we aren't top dps anymore, even a necromancer have more value than an elementalist."Necromancer: "You're still in the top tier for DPS, though..."Elementalist: "How can you not understand that the elementalist is hundred time more complex to play and more fragile than all other professions and thus need to be THE top dps in PvE."Necromancer: "So it's ok for us to lose our only ticket for raid but it's not ok for elementalist to be slightly less competitive in dps..."Elementalist: "Exactly!"

Sure, put others words in their mouths....Many who complained about epi being op als said that with a epi nerf their shoulf come a scourge/necro buff/rework cause otherwise they will loose their place in raids.The arguments against elenerfs are the very same. Why should one even play ele now if i can now play a de or mirage which have muxh safer and easier rotations while providing support or cc?This whole balancepatch is just crap, it nerfed working builds instead of buffing those which dont work or changed them so that they are no longer worth playing.

What are you doing here, making sense all of a sudden? I called for epi
nerf because the kitten was broken, clearly I'm evil and selfish and only care about being top dps at all costs. It doesn't matter that I actually supported necromancers getting buffed to offset the loss. It doesn't matter that I've said post-patch necromancers ended up underpowered in pve. I'm an evil epi-hater, I could not have said all this.

Remind me again how you wanted necros buffed? Last I recall, when I tried to start a conversation about it, I was called annoying and only got a suggestion that would cause the pvp/wvw crowd to hate us more.

Why would you want the opinion of someone who rarely plays necro on how they'd want the class buffed? I dunno. You're the necro mains, you propose something. I believe it would be more adequate than what I could offer.

I didhttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/36834/epidemic-in-raids-needs-to-be-nerfed/p13

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@Sephylon.4938 said:

@"thrag.9740" said:[...], its not fun to feel like your the weak link in your group.


That sum up the whole argument between elementalists and necromancers:

Pre-patch:Elementalist: "Get rid of epidemic! please!"Necromancer: "How can we be taken in raid without epidemic?"Elementalist: "You're strong enough without it."Necromancer: "But we are worth nothing without it, even before the gimmick ended up exploited we were only taken for add clearing with epidemic."Elementalist: "Get over it, it's an exploit it need to go! Even without it you'll still be good at clearing trash."Necromancer: "But that won't get us a spot in raid."Elementalist: "It's to strong it need to be removed from the game."

Post-patch:Necromancer: "So it's here, no more epidemic and no more raid for necromancer."Elementalist: "You're lucky you're still strong for clearing trash, look at us we've been nerfed to the ground."Necromancer: "you're still competitive thought."Elementalist: "Thief is better than us, it's unfair, we got nothing to rely on to compete against them."Necromancer: "wasn't this our argument for keeping epidemic..."Elementalist: "Shut up! Even if your dps is trash tier you're sturdier and simpler than an elementalist, we deserve to deal more damage than anyone else."Necromancer: "What?"Elementalist: "Listen! We deserve to be god tier dps in PvE, this is the only thing we can do there!"Necromancer: "Wasn't epidemic the only thing we could do as necromancer?"Elementalist: "You don't understand, now that we aren't top dps anymore, even a necromancer have more value than an elementalist."Necromancer: "You're still in the top tier for DPS, though..."Elementalist: "How can you not understand that the elementalist is hundred time more complex to play and more fragile than all other professions and thus need to be THE top dps in PvE."Necromancer: "So it's ok for us to lose our only ticket for raid but it's not ok for elementalist to be slightly less competitive in dps..."Elementalist: "Exactly!"

Sure, put others words in their mouths....Many who complained about epi being op als said that with a epi nerf their shoulf come a scourge/necro buff/rework cause otherwise they will loose their place in raids.The arguments against elenerfs are the very same. Why should one even play ele now if i can now play a de or mirage which have muxh safer and easier rotations while providing support or cc?This whole balancepatch is just crap, it nerfed working builds instead of buffing those which dont work or changed them so that they are no longer worth playing.

What are you doing here, making sense all of a sudden? I called for epi
nerf because the kitten was broken, clearly I'm evil and selfish and only care about being top dps at all costs. It doesn't matter that I actually supported necromancers getting buffed to offset the loss. It doesn't matter that I've said post-patch necromancers ended up underpowered in pve. I'm an evil epi-hater, I could not have said all this.

Remind me again how you wanted necros buffed? Last I recall, when I tried to start a conversation about it, I was called annoying and only got a suggestion that would cause the pvp/wvw crowd to hate us more.

Why would you want the opinion of someone who rarely plays necro on how they'd want the class buffed? I dunno. You're the necro mains, you propose something. I believe it would be more adequate than what I could offer.

I did

OK. Did I object somewhere? I don't know the class enough to properly evaluate your proposed changes. So I will neither support nor object - this is something the necro players have to discuss between themselves.

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@Feanor.2358 said:

@"thrag.9740" said:[...], its not fun to feel like your the weak link in your group.


That sum up the whole argument between elementalists and necromancers:

Pre-patch:Elementalist: "Get rid of epidemic! please!"Necromancer: "How can we be taken in raid without epidemic?"Elementalist: "You're strong enough without it."Necromancer: "But we are worth nothing without it, even before the gimmick ended up exploited we were only taken for add clearing with epidemic."Elementalist: "Get over it, it's an exploit it need to go! Even without it you'll still be good at clearing trash."Necromancer: "But that won't get us a spot in raid."Elementalist: "It's to strong it need to be removed from the game."

Post-patch:Necromancer: "So it's here, no more epidemic and no more raid for necromancer."Elementalist: "You're lucky you're still strong for clearing trash, look at us we've been nerfed to the ground."Necromancer: "you're still competitive thought."Elementalist: "Thief is better than us, it's unfair, we got nothing to rely on to compete against them."Necromancer: "wasn't this our argument for keeping epidemic..."Elementalist: "Shut up! Even if your dps is trash tier you're sturdier and simpler than an elementalist, we deserve to deal more damage than anyone else."Necromancer: "What?"Elementalist: "Listen! We deserve to be god tier dps in PvE, this is the only thing we can do there!"Necromancer: "Wasn't epidemic the only thing we could do as necromancer?"Elementalist: "You don't understand, now that we aren't top dps anymore, even a necromancer have more value than an elementalist."Necromancer: "You're still in the top tier for DPS, though..."Elementalist: "How can you not understand that the elementalist is hundred time more complex to play and more fragile than all other professions and thus need to be THE top dps in PvE."Necromancer: "So it's ok for us to lose our only ticket for raid but it's not ok for elementalist to be slightly less competitive in dps..."Elementalist: "Exactly!"

Sure, put others words in their mouths....Many who complained about epi being op als said that with a epi nerf their shoulf come a scourge/necro buff/rework cause otherwise they will loose their place in raids.The arguments against elenerfs are the very same. Why should one even play ele now if i can now play a de or mirage which have muxh safer and easier rotations while providing support or cc?This whole balancepatch is just crap, it nerfed working builds instead of buffing those which dont work or changed them so that they are no longer worth playing.

What are you doing here, making sense all of a sudden? I called for epi
nerf because the kitten was broken, clearly I'm evil and selfish and only care about being top dps at all costs. It doesn't matter that I actually supported necromancers getting buffed to offset the loss. It doesn't matter that I've said post-patch necromancers ended up underpowered in pve. I'm an evil epi-hater, I could not have said all this.

Remind me again how you wanted necros buffed? Last I recall, when I tried to start a conversation about it, I was called annoying and only got a suggestion that would cause the pvp/wvw crowd to hate us more.

Why would you want the opinion of someone who rarely plays necro on how they'd want the class buffed? I dunno. You're the necro mains, you propose something. I believe it would be more adequate than what I could offer.

I did

OK. Did I object somewhere? I don't know the class enough to properly evaluate your proposed changes. So I will neither support nor object - this is something the necro players have to discuss between themselves.

You know it enough to say that epi needs a nerf, you're good to talk about proposed changes to it ;)

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@Sephylon.4938 said:

@"thrag.9740" said:[...], its not fun to feel like your the weak link in your group.


That sum up the whole argument between elementalists and necromancers:

Pre-patch:Elementalist: "Get rid of epidemic! please!"Necromancer: "How can we be taken in raid without epidemic?"Elementalist: "You're strong enough without it."Necromancer: "But we are worth nothing without it, even before the gimmick ended up exploited we were only taken for add clearing with epidemic."Elementalist: "Get over it, it's an exploit it need to go! Even without it you'll still be good at clearing trash."Necromancer: "But that won't get us a spot in raid."Elementalist: "It's to strong it need to be removed from the game."

Post-patch:Necromancer: "So it's here, no more epidemic and no more raid for necromancer."Elementalist: "You're lucky you're still strong for clearing trash, look at us we've been nerfed to the ground."Necromancer: "you're still competitive thought."Elementalist: "Thief is better than us, it's unfair, we got nothing to rely on to compete against them."Necromancer: "wasn't this our argument for keeping epidemic..."Elementalist: "Shut up! Even if your dps is trash tier you're sturdier and simpler than an elementalist, we deserve to deal more damage than anyone else."Necromancer: "What?"Elementalist: "Listen! We deserve to be god tier dps in PvE, this is the only thing we can do there!"Necromancer: "Wasn't epidemic the only thing we could do as necromancer?"Elementalist: "You don't understand, now that we aren't top dps anymore, even a necromancer have more value than an elementalist."Necromancer: "You're still in the top tier for DPS, though..."Elementalist: "How can you not understand that the elementalist is hundred time more complex to play and more fragile than all other professions and thus need to be THE top dps in PvE."Necromancer: "So it's ok for us to lose our only ticket for raid but it's not ok for elementalist to be slightly less competitive in dps..."Elementalist: "Exactly!"

Sure, put others words in their mouths....Many who complained about epi being op als said that with a epi nerf their shoulf come a scourge/necro buff/rework cause otherwise they will loose their place in raids.The arguments against elenerfs are the very same. Why should one even play ele now if i can now play a de or mirage which have muxh safer and easier rotations while providing support or cc?This whole balancepatch is just crap, it nerfed working builds instead of buffing those which dont work or changed them so that they are no longer worth playing.

What are you doing here, making sense all of a sudden? I called for epi
nerf because the kitten was broken, clearly I'm evil and selfish and only care about being top dps at all costs. It doesn't matter that I actually supported necromancers getting buffed to offset the loss. It doesn't matter that I've said post-patch necromancers ended up underpowered in pve. I'm an evil epi-hater, I could not have said all this.

Remind me again how you wanted necros buffed? Last I recall, when I tried to start a conversation about it, I was called annoying and only got a suggestion that would cause the pvp/wvw crowd to hate us more.

Why would you want the opinion of someone who rarely plays necro on how they'd want the class buffed? I dunno. You're the necro mains, you propose something. I believe it would be more adequate than what I could offer.

I did

OK. Did I object somewhere? I don't know the class enough to properly evaluate your proposed changes. So I will neither support nor object - this is something the necro players have to discuss between themselves.

You know it enough to say that epi needs a nerf, you're good to talk about proposed changes to it ;)

Wrong. Seeing that epi needs a nerf is easy - you only need to compare the results. Proposing buffs requires in-depth knowledge of the class mechanics.

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@"SidewayS.3789" said:Why do you people even feed this troll aka Feanor, i have no idea.This dude is the awful troll of the forum tbh. Staring a conversation with him and have in your comment, the word "elementalist" makes him go full...you know what kind. So please ppl, don't feed the troll.

Come on, don't be mean please. v:

He just has his own opinion and is defending his class. You'd do the same and if you have a different opinion, well... this is a discussion-forum, isn't it? Epi-bouncing was broken. Even Necros said so. What's stupid is that ArenaNet didn't buff Necro in other regards to make it competitive. I guess nobody will disagree with that.

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@Raizel.8175 said:What's stupid is that ArenaNet didn't buff Necro in other regards to make it competitive. I guess nobody will disagree with that.

Wait im sure something irrelevant got a 10% change, otherwise the meme is dead.Oh it's just reaper shroud and gs....So yep irrelevant changes that weapon is poorly designed and no one uses reaper shroud to auto attack.

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@TexZero.7910 said:

@"Raizel.8175" said:What's stupid is that ArenaNet didn't buff Necro in other regards to make it competitive. I guess nobody will disagree with that.

Wait im sure something irrelevant got a 10% change, otherwise the meme is dead.Oh it's just reaper shroud and gs....So yep irrelevant changes that weapon is poorly designed and no one uses reaper shroud to auto attack.

Well Raizel did say "to make it competitive". Changing irrelevant stuff didn't accomplish that, so he's right. And I fully support this btw. Like I've said before, I don't want necros to be trash-tier. I just didn't want them to be broken. Plus it wasn't good for your own class to be entirely defined by a single utility skill.

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@"SidewayS.3789" said:Why do you people even feed this troll aka Feanor, i have no idea.This dude is the awful troll of the forum tbh. Staring a conversation with him and have in your comment, the word "elementalist" makes him go full...you know what kind. So please ppl, don't feed the troll.

He's headstrong and a bit brash but I wouldn't call him a troll. Doing so just doesn't foster an environment where we can have conversations.

@Feanor.2358 Point is I'm trying to get you to think outside of the class you main. Atleast try, at worst you'll get someone you'll never meet in real life telling you you're wrong about it.

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@thrag.9740 said:

@Feanor.2358 said:The good players can always choose to play the class they enjoy. Because they're good enough and the differences - even considerable ones - don't really matter, except for setting records.

Absolute rubbish. People in statics love to compete with each other for top dps slots. Its simply no fun being the 29k condi scourge in a party with a 40k dead eye. Even if the kill is smooth and fast, its not fun to feel like your the weak link in your group.

Its just amazing to me. Scourge is 30% under meta builds, and that doesn't matter? Get your head out of the clouds bro.

It is not that necro is too weak, it is that thief is vastly overtuned for the difficulty of play

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@Sephylon.4938 said:

@"SidewayS.3789" said:Why do you people even feed this troll aka Feanor, i have no idea.This dude is the awful troll of the forum tbh. Staring a conversation with him and have in your comment, the word "elementalist" makes him go full...you know what kind. So please ppl, don't feed the troll.

He's headstrong and a bit brash but I wouldn't call him a troll. Doing so just doesn't foster an environment where we can have conversations.

@Feanor.2358 Point is I'm trying to get you to think outside of the class you main. Atleast try, at worst you'll get someone you'll never meet in real life telling you you're wrong about it.

Fair enough. To be honest, I don't really like to design class changes, I always end up finding flaws in my own ideas as well. But I hear what you're saying.

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@Feanor.2358 said:

@"Raizel.8175" said:What's stupid is that ArenaNet didn't buff Necro in other regards to make it competitive. I guess nobody will disagree with that.

Wait im sure something irrelevant got a 10% change, otherwise the meme is dead.Oh it's just reaper shroud and gs....So yep irrelevant changes that weapon is poorly designed and no one uses reaper shroud to auto attack.

Well Raizel did say "to make it competitive". Changing irrelevant stuff didn't accomplish that, so he's right. And I fully support this btw. Like I've said before, I don't want necros to be trash-tier. I just didn't want them to be broken. Plus it wasn't good for your own class to be entirely defined by a single utility skill.

I didn't say he wasn't. I was pointing out the meme we all knew would happen, that you and various others said wouldn't.

Anet loves to nerf into oblivion Necro and give it the most laughable compensation buffs. Only difference is this time ele also got demolished. So now you can walk in the same shoes as necro's for a bit and maybe next time a class is up for being gutted you'll respond with a bit more than lol.

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@Malediktus.9250 said:

@"Feanor.2358" said:The good players can always choose to play the class they enjoy. Because they're good enough and the differences - even considerable ones - don't really matter, except for setting records.

Absolute rubbish. People in statics love to compete with each other for top dps slots. Its simply no fun being the 29k condi scourge in a party with a 40k dead eye. Even if the kill is smooth and fast, its not fun to feel like your the weak link in your group.

Its just amazing to me. Scourge is 30% under meta builds, and that doesn't matter? Get your head out of the clouds bro.

It is not that necro is too weak, it is that thief is vastly overtuned for the difficulty of play

Let's add more oil to the fire, I think it doesn't burn hard enough. The necromancer is weak in end game PvE and it's nothing new, thief benchmark don't have anyhting to do with that. For it's usefullness for a party the necromancer's dps is and has always been way to low, which is why he always sit at the bottom of the barrel. All professions except the necromancer have at least 1 build that reach 32k dps in simulated coordinated group play. The necromancer is the only one that don't even break through the 30k barrier which make him "weak".

As for the thief, while I agree that he overperform a bit there, he was far from being competitive before and I wouldn't mind him staying at his level of dps until the next balance patch. For all the time they've been out of the "meta", they deserve it. Beside, they are only single target dps, which make them less valuable in situations where you have to deal with adds. So them having a slightly higher dps don't bother me that much.

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@Malediktus.9250 said:

@"Feanor.2358" said:The good players can always choose to play the class they enjoy. Because they're good enough and the differences - even considerable ones - don't really matter, except for setting records.

Absolute rubbish. People in statics love to compete with each other for top dps slots. Its simply no fun being the 29k condi scourge in a party with a 40k dead eye. Even if the kill is smooth and fast, its not fun to feel like your the weak link in your group.

Its just amazing to me. Scourge is 30% under meta builds, and that doesn't matter? Get your head out of the clouds bro.

It is not that necro is too weak, it is that thief is vastly overtuned for the difficulty of playDoesn't matter. You don't need to compare necros with thieves. Comparing them with weavers, mirages, berserkers works too. The differences between best dps builds of different classes should never be so great. Especially if the class at the bottom does not have any non-dps use. This low dps might have been okay on dps mesmer (considering that support chrono gives that class a secure position in the meta even without any dps builds), but on necro it akes the whole "class balance" a joke.

Yes, Thief is very strong. That doesn't change the fact that Necro is too weak. Way too weak.

Seriously, if necro ever got nerfed so strongly as Ele, it would have negative dps now. And yet, ele is still around the tops of the dps lists, while necro is at the dead bottom. And even with this, necro gets only further and further down after each balance patch.

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@"Malediktus.9250" said:Again Necro is not too weak. Players are too strong in general. Everything should be nerfed.

Golf clap

You took me off guard here, I didn't expect such perfect answer. In short, the necromancer is strong but he doesn't feel strong because he is way weaker than all other professions. Thus the issue doesn't lie in the necromancer but in other professions... Perfect logic if we set the necromancer as the standard of a balanced profession.

Sadly, in statistics we tend to set this standard at the average middle of what all professions can do. And there, the necromancer fall short behind other professions by a large margin. Which make the necromancer "too weak" based on the current standard.

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Great idea, nerf even more others like just cause ones own class isnt in the line with the rest.... oh and if i recall correctly people are crying cause raids are to hard? Guess what, nerf everything and this will get even worse.

Instead of constantly demanding nerfing working builds, you should rather support the idea of reworking your class, giving it options to drop sustainabilities for more damageoutput, cause thats the only thing preventing necrobuilds from actual getting buffs. And not only necromancer, other builds as well. Many cry cause of the chrono for examble, yet we could have good alternatives like fb and renegade if they would finally start buffing those or at least give us the statcombi healpower, condidmg, condiduration boonduration. But noooo, better nerf again.

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@Xantaria.8726 said:Great idea, nerf even more others like just cause ones own class isnt in the line with the rest.... oh and if i recall correctly people are crying cause raids are to hard? Guess what, nerf everything and this will get even worse.

Instead of constantly demanding nerfing working builds, you should rather support the idea of reworking your class, giving it options to drop sustainabilities for more damageoutput, cause thats the only thing preventing necrobuilds from actual getting buffs. And not only necromancer, other builds as well. Many cry cause of the chrono for examble, yet we could have good alternatives like fb and renegade if they would finally start buffing those or at least give us the statcombi healpower, condidmg, condiduration boonduration. But noooo, better nerf again.

This is far from the truth, sorry. People have been constantly crying about epi nerf instead of asking for a buff of their class (mainly ele users). Necro players have been saying epi SHOULD get nerfed, with buffing of other dps skills. Necro is non existent in this meta, ele is still viable.

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