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[Merged] Customer Support Ticket Response Times

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Could I please get an update on my ticket #6902540 from Sunday, as it's been almost a week? I accidentally consumed some items I was meaning to sell later on that day (had bank and inventory open - oops :cry: ) and I was hoping to get them restored. I got a confirmation email the day of submitting my ticket but nothing since then.

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Can I please get an update on #6900832. (It's for my old account which I don't have access to the email anymore.) It has been around 8 days now... I got the conformation email right after I sent it. Please @Gaile Gray.6029

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@Schnuschnu.9857 said:

@"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

I can't escalate or "jump the queue" on any tickets, as I'm sure you can appreciate. (I mean, that would just be inappropriate and unfair to do, right?) However, because the last two are so far outside of what I was told were the norms, I will ask about them and if I have any information to share, will post it later.

Since this seem to happen more frequently (I had this problem too as you know) I think a general information (some step that are normaly taken)on how the support really works would be good, so we know why such things happen etc. Also I want to suggest you could implement a new system. I don't know if this would be possible. The people from the support team work there for years and should know what is a normal queue. There should be a system which measures the queue length and if the queue length is far above the normal value a automated hint is shown on the support page that answers could take a bit longer due to large quantities of tickets in the system. This would give players a hint at why tickets may take longer to get an answer. Also a quick "We received your ticket but additional work is required until we can give an answer to you." would be nice as a generic reply if something like you mentioned in the top of your post is going on so players know. Sometimes we don't need an answer right away but would like to know what happend to our ticket.

Actually, understanding why it's slow is obvious: there aren't enough trained people doing support.

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Shouldn't broken accounts receive top priority? A broken account could be a security issue with the game itself. If that were the case, delaying looking at the tickets could have an astronomically high cost to ANet.

In any case, anything longer than a few hours is too long for support to react. They need more people.

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if you are trying to recover an accound and you do not have either the email or serial code to the game (help your soul if you bought the game with the email you do not remember) consider your account loss. it doesn't matter if you have the physical address, birthday, name, phone number, and exact spelling to all of your characters (yes EXACT spelling, this means caps and all). so if you don't have that kind of information, consider your account lost for good. waited 11 days just to be told "sorry, cant help you recover your account" even though I provided so much information that is on the account but they are hell bent on email or serial code. I provided them information that no one can simply just guess but in their eyes, physical address, birthday, name, phone number, etc doesn't count as proof of ownership...

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@Turk.4876 said:Can I please get an update on #6900832. (It's for my old account which I don't have access to the email anymore.) It has been around 8 days now... I got the conformation email right after I sent it. Please @Gaile Gray.6029

good luck, I waited 11 days and was basically told to start over

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Well, to be fair, all that information could be gleaned from a compromised email account. Usually when a game account is compromised, the associated email account is compromised, as well.

That is one reason to never keep the email sent with one's Serial Key in any email folders; as well as any other sensitive information.

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Got a new modem today. Forgot about the WinAuth App hell that I have to go through. It no longer seems to recognize my password. And of course since I can't get the code from the WinauthApp I can't go in and get rid of it and switch to the simpler version of just sending a code to my cell phone via SMS. Gaile, how long should this take? It seems pretty simple to address. I'm hoping it's not a multiple day event for a new modem issue.

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@Heibi.4251 said:Got a new modem today. Forgot about the WinAuth App hell that I have to go through. It no longer seems to recognize my password. And of course since I can't get the code from the WinauthApp I can't go in and get rid of it and switch to the simpler version of just sending a code to my cell phone via SMS. Gaile, how long should this take? It seems pretty simple to address. I'm hoping it's not a multiple day event for a new modem issue.

Situation was resolved fairly quick. About 4 hours. Thanks, ANeT.

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@Aerick Blackmoore.8167 said:Support ticket #6904111, openend on Monday, updated on Thursday, no reply yet, did receive email that ticket had been received. Assuming 5 work days with weekends off it'll take more than a week to reply to a simple issue.

@Gaile Gray.6029 any help would be appreciated.

8 days and counting, I know my ticket isn't as important as a hacked account modem issues, etc. but any further resolve would be appreciated.

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I put a ticket 11 days ago, and no response for a simple reset pasword for the GW1 account. #6901678 it's the number of the ticket. I updated it with new information 6 days ago. Can someone help me? I can't enter in the account with the email or pass of the gw2 account or gw1 account and both are linked

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Hey there,I opened a ticket on the 13th of May and have still no answer. I know sometimes it takes a while to get an answer but since your normal response times are half a week in worst case, I begin to wonder if my ticket was missed or something. So does anyone have an ETA on when I can hope for an answer?

Also: When I wanted to open the ticket, I could not log into my account. Whenever I was on the support page, it told me to log in (with a link). So i click the link, enter my credentials and land on the account page. I then click again on support and the support page tells me that I am not logged in. So I had to create my ticket without being logged in. Chrome v66, no script blockers etc. Just the plain browser.

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I have requested a Credit Card removal from my account, 7 days ago and 6 days since activity which. I asked for an update earlier today, but no answer yet. My credit card hasnt been removed from my account either.ID: #6905022

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  • ArenaNet Staff

@"futte.8459" said:I have requested a Credit Card removal from my account, 7 days ago and 6 days since activity which. I asked for an update earlier today, but no answer yet. My credit card hasnt been removed from my account either.ID: #6905022

I'm sure this will be handled soon, but a word of advice: For anything having to do with credit cards, or purchases, or billing -- always use the Form called "Purchase Issue" to get the right eyes on the ticket. We want to be sure that agents especially trained in handling in these matters get those tickets in their queues.

@"Flaster.5709" said:Arenanet closed my newest ticket with no response or solution. Absolutly unbelievable!

The new ticket was closed *because you submitted a duplicate ticket and for no other reason. The other one -- 6901678 -- still is open and will be resolved. Any information you provided in your new tickets was copied into the first ticket. But I'm sure you can realize how time-consuming this is, when people submit new tickets, put in tickets using "trash e-mail accounts" and take any number of steps to try to move up in the queue.

I don't blame you or anyone for wanting help, and for hoping to get it more quickly. But please follow the proper steps and do not submit new tickets on the same issue, because that slows the process for every single player needing help.

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  • ArenaNet Staff


Tickets definitely are taking longer to resolve, and we're very sorry for those delays. We have brought on new agents and are working on training them, checking in with existing agents to see if they need extra instruction, and are diligently working to improve turn-around times. I fully understand (and agree) that waiting a significant number of days for a response is a source of frustration and irritation. We'll continue to do the best we can to improve our turn-around time while also taking every prudent step to ensure we protect the security of your account and properly resolve each issue.

Having said that, it breaks my heart to see folks asking me for personal assistance. I wish that I could resolve every single ticket that's outlying. But that's not my role here, and I'm only one person with a plethora of other responsibilities. When you look at the Big Picture, we have dozens of customer support agents, and only one communications manager. I work on things like update notes, emergency messaging (such as today's disabling of crafting to protect players from destroying their glyphs!), formal public messaging, forum moderation team management, internal communications, and a whole lot more, both visible and behind the scenes. So as much as I'd like to help you -- each and every one of you -- I just can't. I take the occasional look, more of a "fact check" on ticket or a few tickets, so that I can discuss situations with CS from an informed point of view. (That's how I know we're responding more slowly than normal, and that's why I'm sharing that information with you now.)

Please remember that you should not submit duplicate tickets, and you should not submit tickets from multiple sourcesl Someone recently recommend using "trash e-mail accounts" to send in more tickets and I have to tell you, that's really bad mojo! Or is that bad Joko? ;) In any case, you can respond to an existing ticket to provide more information or inquire about the status, but you should stick with "one (ticket) and done" for any situation with which you need help.

Our team will continue to strive to reduce the backlog and answer tickets as quickly as possible, and we appreciate your patience and your assistance in tackling the issues that arise!

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@CloudRain.2381 said:

@"Gaile Gray.6029" said:Tickets definitely do not take a week to answer, as a general rule. Have you updated the ticket you submitted and asked for an update? Please don't submit a new ticket, but you certainly can respond to the confirmation ("we received your request") e-mail, if you wish.@"Gaile Gray.6029" 11 days here. I've asked for updates three times and have had no response.

11 days and asking for 3 updates.. yeah that's the issue buddy. Do it once after a week. From my experience with supports if you "spam" bumps your tickets automatically gets lowered in priority as if it's treated like a new request entirely. Now that is not exactly how the support in GW2 will work, but all you can do is be patient about it. Don't bump too much, your request can't be lost.

As long as he is updating the SAME ticket, it will not cause any issues. So do not tell people that please. He can ask for updates on the same ticket if he likes, but the thing is they only see that ticket when they see it and it could cause issues on your side of checking it unless you remember the time/day you updated it.

Late response but I said not to create a new ticket, updating one is obviously okay as long as you don't spam it

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ok last week i placed a ticket . I am trying to get my wife's account back i used this account to do the ticket . so here the thing when yahoo mail got messed up my account was one that got hacked my wife's account was hooked to it so everything was ok till i changed from comcast to Att internet it changed my ip so i cant get into the email account to get the code for it to let her logon the game . 1 . ive gave you the main played 2. gave pof code key 3. gave a email addy to reach me so please help we have played gw1 over 10 yrs and gw2 since beta

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@"Gaile Gray.6029" said:Hello,

Tickets definitely are taking longer to resolve, and we're very sorry for those delays. We have brought on new agents and are working on training them, checking in with existing agents to see if they need extra instruction, and are diligently working to improve turn-around times. I fully understand (and agree) that waiting a significant number of days for a response is a source of frustration and irritation. We'll continue to do the best we can to improve our turn-around time while also taking every prudent step to ensure we protect the security of your account and properly resolve each issue.

Having said that, it breaks my heart to see folks asking me for personal assistance. I wish that I could resolve every single ticket that's outlying. But that's not my role here, and I'm only one person with a plethora of other responsibilities. When you look at the Big Picture, we have dozens of customer support agents, and only one communications manager. I work on things like update notes, emergency messaging (such as today's disabling of crafting to protect players from destroying their glyphs!), formal public messaging, forum moderation team management, internal communications, and a whole lot more, both visible and behind the scenes. So as much as I'd like to help you -- each and every one of you -- I just can't. I take the occasional look, more of a "fact check" on ticket or a few tickets, so that I can discuss situations with CS from an informed point of view. (That's how I know we're responding more slowly than normal, and that's why I'm sharing that information with you now.)

Please remember that you should not submit duplicate tickets, and you should not submit tickets from multiple sourcesl Someone recently recommend using "trash e-mail accounts" to send in more tickets and I have to tell you, that's really bad mojo! Or is that bad Joko? ;) In any case, you can respond to an existing ticket to provide more information or inquire about the status, but you should stick with "one (ticket) and done" for any situation with which you need help.

Our team will continue to strive to reduce the backlog and answer tickets as quickly as possible, and we appreciate your patience and your assistance in tackling the issues that arise!

But Gaile your our heroine, keep up the good work.

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