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Clicker program? Or a QoL change.

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So I felt the need to cash in all those fancy furniture coins from SAB (almost 4k), and found that you can't select a whole stack...is that as intended? One...Buy...Yes...Two...Buy...Yes...four hundred sixy five...Buy...Yes...Two thousand six hundred and four...Buy...Yes. I don't suppose there's a change for that, or some program that can aid in speeding it up, without killing my mouse lol.

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@"Liewec.2896" said:you can find loads of clicker programs with a quick google search :) most of them allow you to bind a key or an extra mouse button to rapidly click,it really does help with things like tome of knowledge spamming :D

Tome of knowledge spamming isn't needed anymore:


Also? Clicker programs would be against the TOS as per descriptions about macros. One key press needs to = one action.

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The only safe way that I know of is to bind the mouse wheel up/down to mouse click with a clicker program. This way you can spin your mouse wheel instead of clicking - you are doing one action to make one action. All that's left is to position the in-game window in such a way so that the stack of coins stays right where the Yes button of the confirmation window will appear - in this way you don't have to move your mouse at all.

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@Nemo.5609 said:The only safe way that I know of is to bind the mouse wheel up/down to mouse click with a clicker program. This way you can spin your mouse wheel instead of clicking - you are doing one action to make one action. All that's left is to position the in-game window in such a way so that the stack of coins stays right where the Yes button of the confirmation window will appear - in this way you don't have to move your mouse at all.

I like that idea. The wheel 'press' I have bound to something else, but the up/down? Nice. Thanks for the idea!

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@Nemo.5609 said:The only safe way that I know of is to bind the mouse wheel up/down to mouse click with a clicker program. This way you can spin your mouse wheel instead of clicking - you are doing one action to make one action. All that's left is to position the in-game window in such a way so that the stack of coins stays right where the Yes button of the confirmation window will appear - in this way you don't have to move your mouse at all.

This is what I do when I tome up a new toon or open my sw riba bags, such a time and finger strain saver.

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