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1 more patch

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This is not a hissy fit, this is simply to say that I'm waiting 1 more patch for news on 5 man premades in ranked or PIPS into unranked.. I want to play with my friends and be rewarded for it and also play under semi competitive environments like I can do with them in every other game we play.

Everytime this question is asked, it's completely side stepped by red flags as if to say "if we answer this question, you won't like the answer, you might as well leave now because it's not happening"

So I give it one more patch, and yes people can have my stuff if there is no news by next patch.

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@Crab Fear.1624 said:

@zoopop.5630 said:bless coming out soon..... so that should say a lot if they don't step it up

i am waiting for it, i hope that it is legit.

Ive played so many mmos in the last 15 yrs I just stay with what I like.

DAOC, Warhammer and WoW were all a blast.This is fun (enough) for now.Bless looks clunky af in the movement and animations.

I also HOPE that it's incredible, but Ill hold my money until I'm overwhelmingly swayed.

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The problem with BLESS seems to be that if it doesn't launch big in the West and attract a lot of players that stay interested in it, it'll go under because of lack of revenue quite fast. The developer is already in dire straits financially, and if the western launch fails, it's projected that the company will go bankrupt in less than 6 months.This is just something I heard, don't take it as 100% the truth.

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@Brother.1504 said:

@zoopop.5630 said:bless coming out soon..... so that should say a lot if they don't step it up

i am waiting for it, i hope that it is legit.

Enjoy bless. Lol. Remove all throwable objects from the area around your computer.

I havent spent any money on it. I usually wait a few months to buy games. I got ESO for for now lol.

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