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Suggestion: Change of Meta-Event-Rewards

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Doing map meta events it is really annoying to wait for several minutes after they are done to get rewarded (like on Tangled Depths).

My suggestion is, that everyone participating gets bonus rewards (like 1 map currency for each second or so) and the event is instantly over when done.

Does anet read this and might consider stuff that lots of ppl back up?

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I simply find that waiting after Tangled Depths meta annoying... why sit there and wait for several minutes... same in Verdant Brink. The idea with "bonus loot" for being faster is just a nice plus I think, giving you incentive to be better at a meta.

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@Roxtorf.9623 said:Doing map meta events it is really annoying to wait for several minutes after they are done to get rewarded (like on Tangled Depths).

My suggestion is, that everyone participating gets bonus rewards (like 1 map currency for each second or so) and the event is instantly over when done.

Does anet read this and might consider stuff that lots of ppl back up?

A lot of meta event chains are there to tell a story. They’re not there for the sake of just having an event.

Giving participation bonus rewards for time, based on what I’m understanding from your post, would cause players to purposely slow down the completion of events in order to get more rewards. This will also bring in toxicity as there will be players that do not wish to complete events slowly just to increase the rewards.

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@"Roxtorf.9623" said:I simply find that waiting after Tangled Depths meta annoying... why sit there and wait for several minutes... same in Verdant Brink. The idea with "bonus loot" for being faster is just a nice plus I think, giving you incentive to be better at a meta.

Exactly what are you sitting around waiting for? Once the event ends you can go right to where the reward chests are...unless you happen to watch those that have cut scenes without skipping(not that I recall any that do mind you). I've never had to wait around after either TD, AB or VB to get the rewards, unless you've somehow managed to complete the event in VB before the timer runs out(in which case I believe it's supposed to complete once all bosses are dead) or you're talking about those participation rewards you get(which they already have for HoT maps)...so not really sure what you're talking about.

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@Zaklex.6308 said:

@"Roxtorf.9623" said:I simply find that waiting after Tangled Depths meta annoying... why sit there and wait for several minutes... same in Verdant Brink. The idea with "bonus loot" for being faster is just a nice plus I think, giving you incentive to be better at a meta.

Exactly what are you sitting around waiting for? Once the event ends you can go right to where the reward chests are...unless you happen to watch those that have cut scenes without skipping(not that I recall any that do mind you). I've never had to wait around after either TD, AB or VB to get the rewards, unless you've somehow managed to complete the event in VB before the timer runs out(in which case I believe it's supposed to complete once all bosses are dead) or you're talking about those participation rewards you get(which they already have for HoT maps)...so not really sure what you're talking about.

In a well organized VB you'll have to wait around 12-16 minutes for the final reward but it is the only one that has that issue.

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@Khisanth.2948 said:

@"Roxtorf.9623" said:I simply find that waiting after Tangled Depths meta annoying... why sit there and wait for several minutes... same in Verdant Brink. The idea with "bonus loot" for being faster is just a nice plus I think, giving you incentive to be better at a meta.

Exactly what are you sitting around waiting for? Once the event ends you can go right to where the reward chests are...unless you happen to watch those that have cut scenes without skipping(not that I recall any that do mind you). I've never had to wait around after either TD, AB or VB to get the rewards, unless you've somehow managed to complete the event in VB before the timer runs out(in which case I believe it's supposed to complete once all bosses are dead) or you're talking about those participation rewards you get(which they already have for HoT maps)...so not really sure what you're talking about.

In a well organized VB you'll have to wait around 12-16 minutes for the final reward but it is the only one that has that issue.

I remember waiting around for the cannons to finish charging and take down the dubstep wall in Tangled Depths, unless that's been changed.

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@Pifil.5193 said:

@"Roxtorf.9623" said:I simply find that waiting after Tangled Depths meta annoying... why sit there and wait for several minutes... same in Verdant Brink. The idea with "bonus loot" for being faster is just a nice plus I think, giving you incentive to be better at a meta.

Exactly what are you sitting around waiting for? Once the event ends you can go right to where the reward chests are...unless you happen to watch those that have cut scenes without skipping(not that I recall any that do mind you). I've never had to wait around after either TD, AB or VB to get the rewards, unless you've somehow managed to complete the event in VB before the timer runs out(in which case I believe it's supposed to complete once all bosses are dead) or you're talking about those participation rewards you get(which they already have for HoT maps)...so not really sure what you're talking about.

In a well organized VB you'll have to wait around 12-16 minutes for the final reward but it is the only one that has that issue.

I remember waiting around for the cannons to finish charging and take down the dubstep wall in Tangled Depths, unless that's been changed.

Ah ... that . I don't think I've ever seen as long a wait.

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@Khisanth.2948 said:

@"Roxtorf.9623" said:I simply find that waiting after Tangled Depths meta annoying... why sit there and wait for several minutes... same in Verdant Brink. The idea with "bonus loot" for being faster is just a nice plus I think, giving you incentive to be better at a meta.

Exactly what are you sitting around waiting for? Once the event ends you can go right to where the reward chests are...unless you happen to watch those that have cut scenes without skipping(not that I recall any that do mind you). I've never had to wait around after either TD, AB or VB to get the rewards, unless you've somehow managed to complete the event in VB before the timer runs out(in which case I believe it's supposed to complete once all bosses are dead) or you're talking about those participation rewards you get(which they already have for HoT maps)...so not really sure what you're talking about.

In a well organized VB you'll have to wait around 12-16 minutes for the final reward but it is the only one that has that issue.

I remember waiting around for the cannons to finish charging and take down the dubstep wall in Tangled Depths, unless that's been changed.

Ah ... that . I don't think I've ever seen as long a wait.

Depends on how quickly you kill them. The cannons fire at :45 regardless of whether you kill them in the first phase or third.

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@Khisanth.2948 said:

@"Roxtorf.9623" said:I simply find that waiting after Tangled Depths meta annoying... why sit there and wait for several minutes... same in Verdant Brink. The idea with "bonus loot" for being faster is just a nice plus I think, giving you incentive to be better at a meta.

Exactly what are you sitting around waiting for? Once the event ends you can go right to where the reward chests are...unless you happen to watch those that have cut scenes without skipping(not that I recall any that do mind you). I've never had to wait around after either TD, AB or VB to get the rewards, unless you've somehow managed to complete the event in VB before the timer runs out(in which case I believe it's supposed to complete once all bosses are dead) or you're talking about those participation rewards you get(which they already have for HoT maps)...so not really sure what you're talking about.

In a well organized VB you'll have to wait around 12-16 minutes for the final reward but it is the only one that has that issue.

I remember waiting around for the cannons to finish charging and take down the dubstep wall in Tangled Depths, unless that's been changed.

Ah ... that . I don't think I've ever seen as long a wait.

Yeah, the most I've been waiting there is about 5 minutes, it's not that bad in my experience.

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