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Weaver skills problem

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So i just got to lvl 80 and unlocked weaver. I am using sword and dagger.Here is my problem:

My skills 1-5 is fire and ice. When i change to air it becomes air and fire. When i change to earth it becomes earth and air.
I want my fire skills 1 and 2 to always stay there and only change 3, 4 and 5 to air, ice and earth. is that possible is some way? Would make it SO much easier to play

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Weaver attuning always shifts your mainhand skills, and pushes your previous mainhand attunement to your offhand skills. To keep Fire mainhand and switch offhand, you'll have to always attune to [new element] followed by Fire.SoEarth, then Fire > you are now F F F+E E ELater you go Air, then immediately Fire > you are now F F F+A A A

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@"DisasterNor.1459" said:Hey!

So i just got to lvl 80 and unlocked weaver. I am using sword and dagger.Here is my problem:

My skills 1-5 is fire and ice. When i change to air it becomes air and fire. When i change to earth it becomes earth and air.

I want my fire skills 1 and 2 to always stay there and only change 3, 4 and 5 to air, ice and earth. is that possible is some way? Would make it SO much easier to play

It wouldn't make it easier to play, actually, because Sword/2 would remain on cooldown, whereas with the current system, you have a way to get an alternative skill that isn't on cooldown. Strictly speaking, Sword/Fire/2 remains on cooldown even when you switch from Fire/Air to e.g. Air/Earth, but it's usually hard to switch from Air/Notfire back to Fire/Something quickly enough to notice. If you switch repeatedly between Fire/Air and Air/Fire, you'll see it.

In a sense, the whole point of Weaver is that you should be dancing around all the elements, even occasionally passing through e.g. Fire/Fire. Weaver is NOT simply "Elementalist with a secondary element".

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Well, this is the design of the weaver. It is quite complicated by nature and therefore not something for everyone. (Including me)Fortunately, you can also play either core Elementalist or Tempest which are much less complicated to play. Unfortunately, you cannot use a sword then and in the current state of the game both core Elementalist and Tempest tend to underperform to most other professions and elite specializations.

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That's not a problem - that's how the class is designed as others have stated above. Also I don't see why you want to stay in Fire - you're missing out a lot if you just stay in fire:

  • You have to rely on Fire auto attacks more (which is only second best, Air auto attack is better) and wait for Fire skills' cooldown.
  • You miss out the other sword skills - Earth 2 is an evade and blast finisher, Air 2 is a shadowstep, Water 2 is a water field + evade (arguably your absolute best skill on sword).The closest you can get to having 1 attunement as a main hand attunement all the time is Fresh Air Weaver: Basically you use your Air skills, switch to other attunements and use their skills, then immediately switch back to Air for auto attacks and proc'ing Elements of Rage (10% bonus damage when attuning to a single element).
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