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Guild Wars 2 Battle Royale

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@ReaverKane.7598 said:

@ReaverKane.7598 said:But since you've asked for it... I'll point out everything wrong with your post:Why would anyone play the copy when they can go play the original?

None of what you typed actually pointed out anything wrong with my post. It was mostly you just asking rhetorical questions or saying "okay?" without really making any points of your own. Shorten it a bit and add some bullets with your concerns so that there would be something of substance to talk about.

Why would anyone play GW2 BR when they can go play the Fortnite/PubG?
Because Guild Wars 2 isn't a shooter.
Well, being the shooter is what makes Battle Royale games that good... But ok. Sure...
  1. I'll point you towards "For Honor" if you don't want a battle royale shooter.
  2. You failed to notice all the parts that weren't "Ok?"The "OK?" ones are those that can go either way, that i can't argue with because, in all honesty it has nothing that will take or enhance a game mode like this.I mean the "OK?" one was specifically about down state. Given that it's a core feature of GW2's combat, keeping it is sort of a given, if you said you didn't want down-state that would be another argument towards, why add this to GW2 at all.Only those people that just want to farm WvW modes don't want down state.
  3. But yeah, basically my whole comment can be boiled down to:Your whole suggestion is so derivative and such a close copy of Fortinte and PUBG that i'm pretty sure Arena Net could be sued for copyright infringement if they followed it.
  4. It barely applies to GW2, it makes no regards to balance, which is already a major issue for the game already, and it fails to take into account the already established community (both in terms of how the loot works, and the size of the queues you propose), and the past failures in terms of how "Streamable" GW2 is. Basically it addresses none of the problems that made GW2 a bad choice for streaming as an e-sport, mainly how bad it reads in when watched.
  5. Battle Royale games have very simplified attacks, all very clean and easy to read, that's not the case with a MMORPG. GW2 is so full of Visual effects, they are even problematic when you're in the game playing it. When you're watching, especially without having played for a long time, it's just very cluttered and hard to read.
  1. What does For Honor have anything to do with this?
  2. "It was mostly you just asking rhetorical questions or saying "okay?" without really making any points of your own."You missed the first half of the sentence.
  3. My whole suggestion is to take mechanics that already exist in GW2 and put them together in a way that resembles a BR game.
  4. GW2 already has everything it needs to make a BR gamemode. No new systems have to be created for this to work.
    • Realm Royale has mounts, GW2 has mounts.
    • Realm Royale/Fortnite/PubG has gliding, GW2 has gliding.
    • BR games have varying rarity of equipment, GW2 has item rarity.
    • BR games have downstate, GW2 has downstate.
    • etc. etc.
  5. What does making a BR game have anything to do with balance? Balance is something entirely separate and affects every gamemode, not just BR. By your logic, Anet should never come out with any new gamemodes because there are balance issues.
  6. Well that would be the learning curve coming into GW2 BR. Although easy to get into, every BR requires
    effort to pick up and play. GW2BR's would be learning what classes' skills do.

Wow, i have to explain those things?1) It's pretty much the closest thing that you can get for a "battle royale" without being a third person shooter.2) I missed the first part of the sentence less than you missed the majority of my comments that weren't rethoric.3) And my whole question is do we need it? Does it fit? In my opinion the answers to those questions, especially in the moulds you wrote them, are no.4) You forgot all those games work in computers, use a mouse and keyboard, and you push keys to make things happen.5) If you hadn't skipped my first critique of your post, you'd have read there the problems, but i'll summarize it for you:Some classes have less reliance on weapon skills than others, hence limiting utility and heal uses will give more benefit to some classes than others. For example, most of the damage on Engineer comes from utilities, while Rangers are mostly reliant on auto-attacks. Having those two classes on that same game mode would make Ranger much stronger than Engineer.

6) Oh boy... I love it when i'm talking apples and people reply oranges... But i'll bite.I was talking about how streamable it is, which you didn't reply to. But ok, so i assume that you're proposing entirely new different skills for the Battle royal mode? Do you even play Guild Wars 2? Have you ever read anything on the balance philosophies of this game?The
reason why the game has such a poor balance is that devs are loathe to change functionality of skills between game modes, they want them to be always consistent, and you're actually proposing new skills sets?Yeah, now i know you're not wanting to have a new game mode, but just a new game.
  1. LMFAOOO FOR HONOR IS NOWHERE CLOSE TO A BATTLE ROYALE GAMEI'm pretty sure Battlerite's "Battle Royale" gamemode is the closest you can get to a battle royale without being a third person shooter (LOL). There's nothing stating that a BR game has to be a shooter. Check the post you quoted again.
  2. Your comments that weren't rhetoric were the ones that only said "Okay?" or something along those lines. Which also happen to be rhetoric questions (LOL). Again, you didn't actually point out anything wrong with my post.
  3. Do we need it? No. In fact, we don't really need GW2 at all. Is it something that could work and provide a lot of fun for players? Yes. Your opinion is honestly irrelevant as the BR genre has been proven to be extremely successful in many other games. You still haven't provided even the slightest bit of evidence that BR would not work in GW2.
  4. What??
  5. Name one class that relies heavily on utility skills over weapon skills? If you honestly think that Engineer damage comes from utilities and Rangers are the most reliant on auto attacks, then your game knowledge is extremely poor. lmfao
  6. You kind of butchered the phrase. It's, "you can't compare apples to oranges." Which doesn't make too much sense because you can compare them (they are both fruit).
    • I didn't mention anything about entirely new skills for GW2BR. At this point, you're actually pretending I'm saying things and arguing with me about them.
    • The main reason why GW2 has poor balance is because Anet balances extremely infrequently and doesn't address what's actually wrong with the game. It has nothing to do with functionality between game modes. And again, I didn't propose new skill sets so stop making things up. (LOL)
    • No, no that's wrong again. I want a GW2BR gamemode, not a new game. :)
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  1. Name one class that relies heavily on utility skills over weapon skills? If you honestly think that Engineer damage comes from utilities and Rangers are the most reliant on auto attacks, then your game knowledge is extremely poor. lmfao

What?Whaaat?Tell me a single, one single Engineer build rotation that doesn't rely HEAVILY on Kits (aka utility skills)?

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  1. Name one class that relies heavily on utility skills over weapon skills? If you honestly think that Engineer damage comes from utilities and Rangers are the most reliant on auto attacks, then your game knowledge is extremely poor. lmfao

What?Whaaat?Tell me a single, one single Engineer build rotation that doesn't rely HEAVILY on Kits (aka utility skills)?

Okay, here we go.

Your logical fallacy is... Burden of Proof. It's up to YOU to back up your claims, not for other people to disprove them.So, no. Can YOU tell me one single current META engineer build that actually uses a kit or relies heavily on utility skills over weapons?

You claimed, "Some classes have less reliance on weapon skills than others." So prove it buddy.

Oh, and just to clarify. Kits ARE utility skills, but not the other way around. A.K.A. stands for "Also Known As" which means it goes both ways, not just one. :)

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Won't work. Only two MOBAs are really successfull and only two BR, and both of them are third person shooters. GW2 already failed as a MOBA (Stronghold was such a pity attempt) and the game just doesn't have anything to provide interest to enhance the (anecdotal) twitch presence.

If you want to play a Battle Royale, go play a Battle Royale. No one will trade Fortnite or PUBG to play a GW 2 iteration isntead.

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@Buran.3796 said:Won't work. Only two MOBAs are really successfull and only two BR, and both of them are third person shooters. GW2 already failed as a MOBA (Stronghold was such a pity attempt) and the game just doesn't have anything to provide interest to enhance the (anecdotal) twitch presence.

If you want to play a Battle Royale, go play a Battle Royale. No one will trade Fortnite or PUBG to play a GW 2 iteration isntead.

Fortnite/PubG BR appeals to people who like shooter games. GW2 would be the FIRST MMO to have a Battle Royale mode, which already would result in a massive amount of press and appeal to MMO fans instead.

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@"shadowpass.4236" said:Okay, here we go.

Your logical fallacy is... Burden of Proof. It's up to YOU to back up your claims, not for other people to disprove them.So, no. Can YOU tell me one single current META engineer build that actually uses a kit or relies heavily on utility skills over weapons?

You claimed, "Some classes have less reliance on weapon skills than others." So prove it buddy.

You love digging your own grave, do you?https://snowcrows.com/raids/engineer/holosmith/power/2 Kits. Rotations mainly consists of Bombs and Grenades.

https://snowcrows.com/raids/engineer/engineer/condition/4 Kits. Again, most of the rotation is Kit abilities.

Of course, PvP and WvW builds follow this trend.Edit:https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Scrapper_-_Med_Kit_ScrapperFocuses heavily on providing support with Med Kit and Elixir Gun.

https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Scrapper_-_Quickness_ScrapperRelies on Elixir Gun to provide support when no damage is needed.

https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Engineer_-_Jack_Of_All_TradesAll Kits build.

https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Engineer_-_Core_GrenadierA Core Game build with Grenade Kit as a focus for Burst.

Now that's more than one. ^^

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@Cregath.7628 said:

@"shadowpass.4236" said:Okay, here we go.

Your logical fallacy is...
. It's up to YOU to back up your claims, not for other people to disprove them.So, no. Can YOU tell me one single current META engineer build that actually uses a kit or relies heavily on utility skills over weapons?

You claimed, "Some classes have less reliance on weapon skills than others." So prove it buddy.

You love digging your own grave, do you?
2 Kits. Rotations mainly consists of Bombs and Grenades.

4 Kits. Again, most of the rotation is Kit abilities.

Of course, PvP and WvW builds follow this trend.

Thanks, saves me the trouble... My answer would also be all of them but ok...

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@Cregath.7628 said:

@"shadowpass.4236" said:Okay, here we go.

Your logical fallacy is...
. It's up to YOU to back up your claims, not for other people to disprove them.So, no. Can YOU tell me one single current META engineer build that actually uses a kit or relies heavily on utility skills over weapons?

You claimed, "Some classes have less reliance on weapon skills than others." So prove it buddy.

You love digging your own grave, do you?
2 Kits. Rotations mainly consists of Bombs and Grenades.

4 Kits. Again, most of the rotation is Kit abilities.

Of course, PvP and WvW builds follow this trend.

You really linked me PvE builds in a discussion about a new PvP gamemode in the PVP SUBFORUMS?


PvP and WvW builds are not even REMOTELY similar to the builds you linked.

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@ReaverKane.7598 said:

@"shadowpass.4236" said:Okay, here we go.

Your logical fallacy is...
. It's up to YOU to back up your claims, not for other people to disprove them.So, no. Can YOU tell me one single current META engineer build that actually uses a kit or relies heavily on utility skills over weapons?

You claimed, "Some classes have less reliance on weapon skills than others." So prove it buddy.

You love digging your own grave, do you?
2 Kits. Rotations mainly consists of Bombs and Grenades.

4 Kits. Again, most of the rotation is Kit abilities.

Of course, PvP and WvW builds follow this trend.

Thanks, saves me the trouble... My answer would also be
all of them
but ok...


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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@shadowpass.4236 said:Okay, here we go.

Your logical fallacy is...
. It's up to YOU to back up your claims, not for other people to disprove them.So, no. Can YOU tell me one single current META engineer build that actually uses a kit or relies heavily on utility skills over weapons?

You claimed, "Some classes have less reliance on weapon skills than others." So prove it buddy.

You love digging your own grave, do you?
2 Kits. Rotations mainly consists of Bombs and Grenades.

4 Kits. Again, most of the rotation is Kit abilities.

Of course, PvP and WvW builds follow this trend.

You really linked me PvE builds in a discussion about a new PvP gamemode in the


PvP and WvW builds are not even REMOTELY similar to the builds you linked.

Read the Edit. Also, you love to twist words and stuff so I was just giving your "proof" to "Some classes have less reliance on weapon skills than others." is is exactly the line you asked for lol.

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@Cregath.7628 said:

@shadowpass.4236 said:Okay, here we go.

Your logical fallacy is...
. It's up to YOU to back up your claims, not for other people to disprove them.So, no. Can YOU tell me one single current META engineer build that actually uses a kit or relies heavily on utility skills over weapons?

You claimed, "Some classes have less reliance on weapon skills than others." So prove it buddy.

You love digging your own grave, do you?
2 Kits. Rotations mainly consists of Bombs and Grenades.

4 Kits. Again, most of the rotation is Kit abilities.

Of course, PvP and WvW builds follow this trend.

You really linked me PvE builds in a discussion about a new PvP gamemode in the


PvP and WvW builds are not even REMOTELY similar to the builds you linked.

Read the Edit. Also, you love to twist words and stuff so I was just giving your "proof" to "Some classes have less reliance on weapon skills than others." is is exactly the line you asked for lol.

Editing what you said after I quoted you doesn't mean I'm "twisting your words."

Your edit makes it even worse. LMFAO

Those builds you linked are actually some hot garbo. I said link meta builds, not monkey builds.

  1. Med Kit Scrapper is NOT meta.
  2. Quickness Scrapper has 60 rating on Metabattle.
  3. Jack of All Trades has 40 rating on Metabattle.
  4. Core Grenadier has 80 rating.

I hope you realize that anything under 100 rating isn't META and won't work in an actual tournament setting and anything under 90 is considered trash tier. LOL

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@shadowpass.4236 said:Okay, here we go.

Your logical fallacy is...
. It's up to YOU to back up your claims, not for other people to disprove them.So, no. Can YOU tell me one single current META engineer build that actually uses a kit or relies heavily on utility skills over weapons?

You claimed, "Some classes have less reliance on weapon skills than others." So prove it buddy.

You love digging your own grave, do you?
2 Kits. Rotations mainly consists of Bombs and Grenades.

4 Kits. Again, most of the rotation is Kit abilities.

Of course, PvP and WvW builds follow this trend.

You really linked me PvE builds in a discussion about a new PvP gamemode in the


PvP and WvW builds are not even REMOTELY similar to the builds you linked.

Read the Edit. Also, you love to twist words and stuff so I was just giving your "proof" to "Some classes have less reliance on weapon skills than others." is is exactly the line you asked for lol.

Editing what you said after I quoted you doesn't mean I'm "twisting your words."

Your edit makes it even worse. LMFAO

Those builds you linked are actually some hot garbo. I said link meta builds, not monkey builds.
  1. Med Kit Scrapper is NOT meta.
  2. Quickness Scrapper has 60 rating on Metabattle.
  3. Jack of All Trades has 40 rating on Metabattle.
  4. Core Grenadier has 80 rating.

I hope you realize that anything under 100 rating isn't META and won't work in an actual tournament setting and anything under 90 is considered trash tier. LOL

Yes mate, everyone knows meta battle is 100% accurate and up-to-date, and relevant today. When you're down to looking at scores in meta-battle, you know you've gone down the rabbit hole.Your idea doesn't have legs to stand on. Just get over it. You can rail and bluster and cry all you want, reality won't change.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@shadowpass.4236 said:Okay, here we go.

Your logical fallacy is...
. It's up to YOU to back up your claims, not for other people to disprove them.So, no. Can YOU tell me one single current META engineer build that actually uses a kit or relies heavily on utility skills over weapons?

You claimed, "Some classes have less reliance on weapon skills than others." So prove it buddy.

You love digging your own grave, do you?
2 Kits. Rotations mainly consists of Bombs and Grenades.

4 Kits. Again, most of the rotation is Kit abilities.

Of course, PvP and WvW builds follow this trend.

You really linked me PvE builds in a discussion about a new PvP gamemode in the


PvP and WvW builds are not even REMOTELY similar to the builds you linked.

Read the Edit. Also, you love to twist words and stuff so I was just giving your "proof" to "Some classes have less reliance on weapon skills than others." is is exactly the line you asked for lol.

You editing after I quoted you doesn't mean I'm "twisting your words."

Your edit makes it even worse. LMFAO

Those builds you linked are actually some hot garbo. I said link meta builds, not monkey builds.
  1. Med Kit Scrapper is NOT meta.
  2. Quickness Scrapper has 60 rating on Metabattle.
  3. Jack of All Trades has 40 rating on Metabattle.
  4. Core Grenadier has 80 rating.

I hope you realize that anything under 100 won't work in an actual tournament setting and anything under 90 is considered trash tier. LOL

Oh my! We have a real elite over here!I think I only have to say one thing, but I'll explain it to you. ^^"Can YOU tell me one single current META engineer build that actually uses a kit or relies heavily on utility skills over weapons?"You asked for 1 build. You specified that it's a Meta build for Engineer as well. And then you also specified that it should be a build that relies heavily on Utility or Kits.Now, you didn't specify the game mode, so the PvE builds perfectly fit this regardless of the section we are in, but let's let that slide, eh?

Now, if you really were so gadhly in PvP you would realise that nothing works with only weapon skills. In fact, every single build relies heavily on Utility. So you want Proof to this too? :)Alright, what changes in a META PvP build? The weapons? Not that often. The stats? Really it's just swapping between two runes/sigils depending if it's a Condi or Power build. Then maybe? Could it be? No... It's probably not, but maybe... the utility skills! They make 2 builds with the same weapon and stats play completely differently. Now, I'm not going to argue with a windmill so, have fun!

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@ReaverKane.7598 said:

@shadowpass.4236 said:Okay, here we go.

Your logical fallacy is...
. It's up to YOU to back up your claims, not for other people to disprove them.So, no. Can YOU tell me one single current META engineer build that actually uses a kit or relies heavily on utility skills over weapons?

You claimed, "Some classes have less reliance on weapon skills than others." So prove it buddy.

You love digging your own grave, do you?
2 Kits. Rotations mainly consists of Bombs and Grenades.

4 Kits. Again, most of the rotation is Kit abilities.

Of course, PvP and WvW builds follow this trend.

You really linked me PvE builds in a discussion about a new PvP gamemode in the


PvP and WvW builds are not even REMOTELY similar to the builds you linked.

Read the Edit. Also, you love to twist words and stuff so I was just giving your "proof" to "Some classes have less reliance on weapon skills than others." is is exactly the line you asked for lol.

Editing what you said after I quoted you doesn't mean I'm "twisting your words."

Your edit makes it even worse. LMFAO

Those builds you linked are actually some hot garbo. I said link meta builds, not monkey builds.
  1. Med Kit Scrapper is NOT meta.
  2. Quickness Scrapper has 60 rating on Metabattle.
  3. Jack of All Trades has 40 rating on Metabattle.
  4. Core Grenadier has 80 rating.

I hope you realize that anything under 100 rating isn't META and won't work in an actual tournament setting and anything under 90 is considered trash tier. LOL

Yes mate, everyone knows meta battle is 100% accurate and up-to-date, and relevant today. When you're down to looking at scores in meta-battle, you know you've gone down the rabbit hole.Your idea doesn't have legs to stand on. Just get over it. You can rail and bluster and cry all you want, reality won't change.

When someone links a build rated "Absolutely Terrible" on Metabattle and claims its a META build, something is wrong.

The funny thing is, you agreed with him. Reality is, the current, actual META builds for engineer do not rely on kits AT ALL. As in, they don't have a single kit on their utility bar.

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I think most of this is offtopic. You see not a single engineer with kits in plat2+.

But, of course, they might have an advantage when someone else has a shitty weapon (or the wrong one) for his build. Other classes would be completely useless then. Is that how it started?

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@Cregath.7628 said:

@shadowpass.4236 said:Okay, here we go.

Your logical fallacy is...
. It's up to YOU to back up your claims, not for other people to disprove them.So, no. Can YOU tell me one single current META engineer build that actually uses a kit or relies heavily on utility skills over weapons?

You claimed, "Some classes have less reliance on weapon skills than others." So prove it buddy.

You love digging your own grave, do you?
2 Kits. Rotations mainly consists of Bombs and Grenades.

4 Kits. Again, most of the rotation is Kit abilities.

Of course, PvP and WvW builds follow this trend.

You really linked me PvE builds in a discussion about a new PvP gamemode in the


PvP and WvW builds are not even REMOTELY similar to the builds you linked.

Read the Edit. Also, you love to twist words and stuff so I was just giving your "proof" to "Some classes have less reliance on weapon skills than others." is is exactly the line you asked for lol.

You editing after I quoted you doesn't mean I'm "twisting your words."

Your edit makes it even worse. LMFAO

Those builds you linked are actually some hot garbo. I said link meta builds, not monkey builds.
  1. Med Kit Scrapper is NOT meta.
  2. Quickness Scrapper has 60 rating on Metabattle.
  3. Jack of All Trades has 40 rating on Metabattle.
  4. Core Grenadier has 80 rating.

I hope you realize that anything under 100 won't work in an actual tournament setting and anything under 90 is considered trash tier. LOL
  1. Oh my! We have a real elite over here!
  2. I think I only have to say one thing, but I'll explain it to you. ^^"Can YOU tell me one single current META engineer build that actually uses a kit or relies heavily on utility skills over weapons?"You asked for 1 build. You specified that it's a Meta build for Engineer as well. And then you also specified that it should be a build that relies heavily on Utility or Kits.
  3. Now, you didn't specify the game mode, so the PvE builds perfectly fit this regardless of the section we are in, but let's let that slide, eh?
  4. Now, if you really were so gadhly in PvP you would realise that nothing works with only weapon skills. In fact, every single build relies heavily on Utility. So you want Proof to this too? :)
  5. Alright, what changes in a META PvP build? The weapons? Not that often. The stats? Really it's just swapping between two runes/sigils depending if it's a Condi or Power build. Then maybe? Could it be? No... It's probably not, but maybe... the utility skills! They make 2 builds with the same weapon and stats play completely differently. Now, I'm not going to argue with a windmill so, have fun!
  1. Correct. But I'm sure a complete random PvEr who doesn't know jack shit about PvP knows more than me.
  2. Wrong. Just because its on Metabattle, doesn't mean it's a meta build. Meta builds are the ones rated 100. Anything below that isn't meta.
  3. No, I didn't. But for intelligent people, you'd realize that this entire thread about introducing a new mode of PVP is currently being held in the PVP SUBFORUMS. Sorry, that must've slipped past you as you were too busy spewing nonsense.
  4. Wrong again. Kits are utilities, not vice versa. There's not a single meta build that relies more heavily on utilities OR kits over weapons.
  5. Everything. Everything changes. Weapons. Amulets (stats). Runes/Sigils. Traits. Utilities. Heals. Elites. Everything.
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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@"Gwaihir.1745" said:Theres 0 reason not to bring your gear in and just play it as koth. Just because fortnite is based around regearing every game doesn't mean gw2 is that way.

Reason #1: Not friendly to new players who don't have the best gear.Reason #2: Long-time players will have a severe advantage over new players.Reason #3: Emphasizes playing PvE/other gamemodes before playing GW2 Battle Royale.Reason #4: Acts as an artificial gate to new players looking to try something new.Reason #5: Re-gearing means that everyone starts on equal footing.

etc. etc.

So no, there are plenty of reasons why you shouldn't just "bring your gear in." Ideally, a Battle Royale game should be easy to get into and appealing for a wide audience. Allowing players to use gear they've gotten outside of the gamemode would kill the whole purpose to begin with.

That's like saying "There's 0 reason not to bring your gear into sPvP. Just because Fortnite starts everyone off the same doesn't mean GW2 is that way."

You literally just said the exact same thing 5 different ways.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@"Buran.3796" said:Won't work. Only two MOBAs are really successfull and only two BR, and both of them are third person shooters. GW2 already failed as a MOBA (Stronghold was such a pity attempt) and the game just doesn't have anything to provide interest to enhance the (anecdotal) twitch presence.

If you want to play a Battle Royale, go play a Battle Royale. No one will trade Fortnite or PUBG to play a GW 2 iteration isntead.

Fortnite/PubG BR appeals to people who like shooter games. GW2 would be the FIRST MMO to have a Battle Royale mode, which already would result in a massive amount of press and appeal to MMO fans instead.

Currently, there's nothing "massive" linked to the MORPG popularity numbers. They just can't appeal competitive audience as the top dogs in twitch do. LoL, DOTA 2, PUBG and Fortnite were developed with COMPETITIVE GAMEPLAY IN MIND. Guild Wars 2? Born mostly as a casual PvE game for the fashion wars colectors: dress your cute asura. YOU CAN'T CUSTOMIZE A POMERANIAN TO WIN GREYHOUND RACES.

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Battle Royale? Does that mean I missed out the Zombie survival mode? Fudge!

TBH Yes conquest is boring but RNG Battle Royale?"Yes it is so great! I love this mode! Oh look a purple butterfl....FU....And I'm dead because I wasn't fast enough to get everything I need against someone who needs half the stuff I would"

Also! Be advised both Fortnite and PUBG is attacking Battle Royale clones and suing them. The last thing we need is ANet spending less money on the game because they are throwing it at lawyers to protect them.

PS.: No this wasn't crying about the current mesmer state. It was just an example I came up pretty quickly ^^

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