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Shield is still too weak


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While the buff to Envoy of Exuberance was nice, shield as a whole still feels lack luster compared to the other offhand options and other profession's shields. The skills have little noticeable impact, Herald shield being the only shield without a CC of some sort, just minor heals and short duration prot.

Here are some suggestions for Envoy of Exuberance

  • increase healing power modifier to a point this can be used as an effective heal.
  • add a small knockback when the blast hits
  • remove conditions on hit
  • grant vigor, matches the name, exuberance the quality of being full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness; ebullience.
  • have the Rev leap to the targeted area and explode a heal, almost no mobility on sw/sh or mace/sh

Crystal Hibernation

  • Main one here that's been requested many times is remove the root. The root is a call back to when this skill was a breakbar with a lot higher heal. It was mentioned previously by Roy I think that in order to remove this root they'd have to drop the heal alot... well the healing was nerfed a while back. With all the unblockable flying around this skill is all to often more of a death sentence than a boon especially as it roots you.
  • add a small knock back on use, similar to guardian shield 5.
  • alternatively to keep things different, add a second skill that allows you prematurely end the root and blast out the energy in a knockback, again only shield with no CC.
  • have the dome reflect projectiles or absorb them for more healing

these were all individual suggestions btw, not all at once


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If they are going to keep the root with the shield on it I think there should be some draw backs for enemies to load you up with shades, marks, traps, etc. Add in reflect and condition removal for that shield while rooted too. Make it where you take any damage first 2-3 seconds after shield skill is no longer protecting you/shield/blocking that it triggers a dragon breath blast to those attacking. Would be a good type of mechanic to combine with the heal for synergy purposes.

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@Klypto.1703 said:If they are going to keep the root with the shield on it I think there should be some draw backs for enemies to load you up with shades, marks, traps, etc. Add in reflect and condition removal for that shield while rooted too. Make it where you take any damage first 2-3 seconds after shield skill is no longer protecting you/shield/blocking that it triggers a dragon breath blast to those attacking. Would be a good type of mechanic to combine with the heal for synergy purposes.

Doesn't have to be anything crazy powerful, just an extra umpf so it's not a guaranteed death for anything with unblockables, which is everyone these days.

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@MithranArkanere.8957 said:I'd like to see Crystal Hybernation work like an Infuse Light that turns damage into Barrier instead turning it into healing. The barrier cap and the 5s duration would make sure it isn't as powerful as infuse light.

That is not a bad idea, would prevent you from getting insta ganked and give some breathing room once the root ends.

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Envoy of Exuberance, cast time from 0.75 sec to 0.5 sec.

Crystal Hibernation, remove one condi per pulse.

Soothing Bastion, instead of the self suicide auto Crystal Hibernation, it reduces shield skills CD by 20%.

This makes shield counter condis, and gain some sustain. Two areas rev is lacking.

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I like the barrier idea , honestly but it's (shield is) only going to be used in PvP / small scale WvW.

Crystal Hibernation in its current iteration is pretty terrible. Instead of rooting you there , I'd rather have increasing barrier while channeled + some kind of projectile hate. Outright mediocre healing is not enough and it probably shouldn't be returned to its original state either so I wouldn't be annoyed if the healing pulses were dropped for a minor heal. Maybe move the healing til the end of the channel like guardians' Shelter if barrier is provided.

Actually since Glint has basically no condi removal I'd rather have barrier + condi removal on shield 5 than a minor heal.

Shield on guardian, engineer, and chrono aren't this terrible.

Most of the time I use sword+sword instead of staff in WvW these days due to +150 ferocity boost with Devastation trait while dual wielding. It might not be optimal though but Unrelenting assault + sword immob / shadow step always surprises people more than staff 5. I've run sword+axe before as well: axe has a pull that makes it good for hammer 2 (CoR) but scaling with power isn't great.

Since you don't need that much precision due to Roiling Mists you can run some Valkyrie , Wanderer's, soldier's or other gear to bump your defense up so long as you have power + some ferocity. Ventari users can pop in some Crusader's pieces.

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@Dinsy.2491 said:

@Klypto.1703 said:If they are going to keep the root with the shield on it I think there should be some draw backs for enemies to load you up with shades, marks, traps, etc. Add in reflect and condition removal for that shield while rooted too. Make it where you take any damage first 2-3 seconds after shield skill is no longer protecting you/shield/blocking that it triggers a dragon breath blast to those attacking. Would be a good type of mechanic to combine with the heal for synergy purposes.

Doesn't have to be anything crazy powerful, just an extra umpf so it's not a guaranteed death for anything with unblockables, which is everyone these days.

I agree and hoping anet is doing a redoing renegade and when they redo it that its not more stationary stuff to get us killed on revs lol. I always wondered though this powerful dragon yet it cannot help you vs conditions lol.

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