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Mixed Opinions on Toss Elixir U


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Please revert it back. The old Toss Elixir U was useful for projectile mitigation at least, despite the annoying RNG factor, along with a potential Light/Smoke field. Now, only the quickness has any use, and engineers already had ways to get that. Breaking stuns is nice, but it's way too situational to be useful, and odd since the utility itself is not a stunbreak for the thrower.

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I thought I was going crazy, but it turns out when you toss elixir u with a large group of people nearby, there's a possibility you won't even receive any of the boons. So I recorded some videos while fighting in a zerg bubble and yep... NO BOON FOR YOU!

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First of all I talk as a wvw roamer holosmith.

I don't know why people are so sad of the elixir u change.

Of course the toss walls were very nice to help you with rangers deadeye etc.

But half of the times the walls were bugged because of ground textures. You toss the elixir in the ground and no walls appears but the skill goes on cooldown anyway.

Against good rangers and especially soulbeasts you don't need the wall to win against them, since they pop unblockables and they rekt you regardless, with those yummy 9 seconds of stability I can hold rangers so damn well than before, if they were so good to dodge both pulses of corona burst you had like zero chances.

Against rangers you wanna be melee range all the time, you don't want to stay at 1500 range and expect your wall reflect them and makes you win.If you constantly pressure them at melee they don't even have the time to use longbow that effectively.

And I run pistol/shield while i roam for utility set, and shield is already enough to deal with them.If elixir u was no longer a stunbreak that was destroyed, but a stunbreaker plus 9 seconds stab quickness vigor might is crazy good and you don't have to rely on your corona burst only, which average players know to dodge or block already.Rangers are a counter to holo already and if you start at range with them without any source of stab you get rekt very soon.

Walls where good in dealing with multiple enemies or to escape from pew pew projectiles at your back, good for combo fields, I will miss them for sure, but I am fine with this new change tbh.

It changed the skill into something equally viable if no more.

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I liked the projectile mitigation of the old toolbelt skill, but the new stun-break of the utility skill is a good change for WvW.

I would have preferred if Fury was also kept for the PvE version of Elixir U.

Quickness isn't amazing anymore due to Firebrand (Stalwart speed) as well as Chronomancers with boon sharing (Seize the moment trait Phantasmal haste, and Well of action).There was a time quickness was worthy of Elite status (see Time Warp and "Feel My Wrath").

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@Nate.8146 said:I thought I was going crazy, but it turns out when you toss elixir u with a large group of people nearby, there's a possibility you won't even receive any of the boons. So I recorded some videos while fighting in a zerg bubble and yep... NO BOON FOR YOU!

Thrown elixirs are projectiles. Meaning if theres reflect, projectile destruction or it lands on a player with block/aegis/invulnerability up it won't do anything. It is something id like anet to fix but I dont think they will.

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@Threather.9354 Except this is in PvE, not PvP. I've seen it happen on the steps at Golem Mark II where it's just me and a bunch of archers. I've also tested it at Modnir fighting champ war beasts, as well as the Great Jungle Worm pre event when everyone is just idling. But, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Maybe I'm not seeing something, right? So I went to Lion's Arch and threw the elixir U near the banker, where dozens of people idle. Most of the time I didn't get the self boon or might generation from HGH. I could clearly see the visual and audio cues that other players received quickness and might generation however, so it did proc.

So it's a bit of a double negative here. I think engineers praising this change and hoping to use it to get more quickness and DPS in their builds are going to be a bit disappointed in zerg metas where the boons will not always get proc'd on you.

Edit: I did a few more tests and I believe I know how it works now. It procs on the first 5 players closest to the centre of where the elixir u lands. This is why I would sometimes see it self proc. You basically need to throw it right at your feet if you want it to have the highest chance to self proc. If you double click the toolbelt icon, it auto throws it right at your feet.

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@LightBrave.5638 said:PBAE would hurt the utility of res pot though. i wish the throw was faster then. stop lobbing the pots and chuck em. real hard. YOU WANT STABILITY THROWS POT AT 80 MPH

Yeah, throw elixir S and throw elixir r would be the two that might suffer from PBAoE. However, I think its appropriate given that there's no other way around the clunkiness of ground targeting and all the problems affiliated with slow-moving projectiles.

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I find it rather odd that they decided to remove the engineers most consistent access to projectile blocking/smoke fields for stealth which was universally seen as a good tool belt skill and replace it with something that fulfills a completely different role (group based buffing/utility) the new version isn't bad per-say it's just nothing like the old skill at all, it's like trading in a spoon for a fork, both have their uses but in totally different ways.

In WvW this change hurts quite a bit and the quickness offers little in the way of compensation when fighting ranged pressure.

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What I have trouble understanding is the break-stun part of throw U.It's not a stun-breaker for you since only the hit is breaking stuns, not the throw.So, if you are stunned, you can't throw it. And telling others are stunned is only really working for long fear or provoke durations.

Even if ...

  • you could tell someone is stunned,
  • there is no projectile hate,
  • you are not stunned yourself,
  • you manage targeting and line of sight correctly,

even then the projectile speed is likely to let them wake up before the elixir hits.

Idea: make the skill usable while being stunned. Then it would be a clunky group-stun-breaker.Or remove the stun breaking utility and add another boon, like fury, superspeed or stability (for short duration)

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hundreds of hours of complaining about elixir RNGmonkey paw closes a fingerI shouldn't be shocked that they changed The One Good Thing but I could not see it coming. It would have been nicer if they had just given us the best of both: (Projectile Reflection, Smoke Field) and shrink the duration like they did with the rest.

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Just completely ignore it. The skill is a mini time-warp that affects your allies, the break stun may as well not exist.

Successfully using the break stun reactively for allies is probably a once in a lifetime experience..

I hope they remove the break stun feature just to simplify the Tooltip

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@Dediggefedde.4961 said:What I have trouble understanding is the break-stun part of throw U.It's not a stun-breaker for you since only the hit is breaking stuns, not the throw.So, if you are stunned, you can't throw it. And telling others are stunned is only really working for long fear or provoke durations.

Even if ...

  • you could tell someone is stunned,
  • there is no projectile hate,
  • you are not stunned yourself,
  • you manage targeting and line of sight correctly,

even then the projectile speed is likely to let them wake up before the elixir hits.

Idea: make the skill usable while being stunned. Then it would be a clunky group-stun-breaker.Or remove the stun breaking utility and add another boon, like fury, superspeed or stability (for short duration)

Ditch the group stunbreak for a projectile reflection/destruction spell like it used to.

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i would use that toss elixir u in wvw on gravity wells... ah wait there is a bubble on top of that, that blocks projectiles. rip

in general i like the new elixir u. the toss breakstun however is just an rng-maybe-works-on-someone-in-a-blob + quickness. but the quickness is nice!

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