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Whats the point in jewelcrafting?

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@Biff.5312 said:

@"Oglaf.1074" said:Certain Legendaries include Gifts that must be crafted through it. For example:

But that’s about it.

I guess this is their way of trying to keep JC relevant.

Aye, pretty much. Although most of it are Gen one Legendaries with their recipes being way older than the introduction of Ascended equipment.

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@Biff.5312 said:

@"Oglaf.1074" said:Certain Legendaries include Gifts that must be crafted through it. For example:

But that’s about it.

I guess this is their way of trying to keep JC relevant.

At the point when those recepies were added, no craft whent past 400 and ascended items didn't exist.

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@Tanner Blackfeather.6509 said:

@"Oglaf.1074" said:Certain Legendaries include Gifts that must be crafted through it. For example:

But that’s about it.

I guess this is their way of trying to keep JC relevant.

At the point when those recepies were added,
craft whent past 400 and ascended items didn't exist.

^ This.

Crafting disciplines all pre-date ascended gear, and armor/weapon crafting were later augmented with Ascended gear to act as a long term material sink. And when it was first introduced, there was no difference in stat totals over exotics. The Trinkets were meant to be gained through various time gated methods, and coincided with Season 1 events and fractal expansions. But for whatever reason, they made amulets and accessories require things outside of fractals, despite only having a use in fractals for the infusion slots. Later stat combos were also bound to PvE events/achievements.

It wasn't until HOT, and the inability to get ascended trinkets with HOT stats outside of one time collections, that this situation actually blew up. We were expecting Jewelry crafting to go along with the armor/weapon crafting for HOT stats, but they instead decided to make them a Season 3 reward item, and gave them a fairly low barrier for obtaining. The end of the season also saw the Aurora collection added, probably in response to questions raised about following the precedent set by Legendary armor (which wasn't going to be a thing either, until Raids gave them incentive to pitch it as a reward).

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  • 1 year later...

@"Tolsis.3518" said:seems to me like there's an opportunity here for them to do something special with jewel crafting at endgame

Yea and they are working on it


After the cooking 500 update, jewel crafting is the last profession needing to be extended.

EditNice necro btw

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