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For real though.

I'm so hype for the rework. It looks really promising with a LOT of potential. I can't stop worrying at the same time though. im worried about elder's force. That trait is a literal 18% damage boost in PvE. If they nerf it or remove it, i worry about herald having any kind of spot in the PvE meta. Of course, I don't know what the new support may bring (hopefully chrono boons?) but still, i worry since as of this moment it does have a spot.

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@Ertrak.9506 said:For real though.

I'm so hype for the rework. It looks really promising with a LOT of potential. I can't stop worrying at the same time though. im worried about elder's force. That trait is a literal 18% damage boost in PvE. If they nerf it or remove it, i worry about herald having any kind of spot in the PvE meta. Of course, I don't know what the new support may bring (hopefully chrono boons?) but still, i worry since as of this moment it does have a spot.

It's also weird to me they went for a rework of Herald literally right after they finally gave it decent pve damage. I'm hoping that because they looked at boosting its damage recently there will still be at least one line of traits for damage for Herald. I hope Glint can actually put out some damage as well on par with Jalis, as it feels weird to have a dwarf be better than a dragon in terms of dps

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@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

@Ertrak.9506 said:For real though.

I'm so hype for the rework. It looks
promising with a LOT of potential. I can't stop worrying at the same time though. im worried about elder's force. That trait is a literal 18% damage boost in PvE. If they nerf it or remove it, i worry about herald having any kind of spot in the PvE meta. Of course, I don't know what the new support may bring (hopefully chrono boons?) but still, i worry since as of this moment it
have a spot.

It's also weird to me they went for a rework of Herald literally right after they finally gave it decent pve damage. I'm hoping that because they looked at boosting its damage recently there will still be at least one line of traits for damage for Herald. I hope Glint can actually put out some damage as well on par with Jalis, as it feels weird to have a dwarf be better than a dragon in terms of dps

Incoming jalis dps Nerf which in all seriousness has a pretty high chance of happing soon when the inspiring reinforcement bug gets fixed. I really hope it doesn't though, not only does that boost power herald sustained dps about 7% but it also adds a modest amount of burst potential which revenant has never really had regardless of power or condition builds and low burst really hurts rev on the many short/frequent phasing encounters.

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@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

@"Ertrak.9506" said:For real though.

I'm so hype for the rework. It looks
promising with a LOT of potential. I can't stop worrying at the same time though. im worried about elder's force. That trait is a literal 18% damage boost in PvE. If they nerf it or remove it, i worry about herald having any kind of spot in the PvE meta. Of course, I don't know what the new support may bring (hopefully chrono boons?) but still, i worry since as of this moment it
have a spot.

It's also weird to me they went for a rework of Herald literally right after they finally gave it decent pve damage. I'm hoping that because they looked at boosting its damage recently there will still be at least one line of traits for damage for Herald. I hope Glint can actually put out some damage as well on par with Jalis, as it feels weird to have a dwarf be better than a dragon in terms of dps

the thing i keep my hopes on is that they said one of the trait lines would "Turning inward and channeling potency to yourself". I interpret this to mean buffing yourself and increasing your dps. This may not necessarily be the case and could just mean self sustain instead but I do think it's most likely the case of increase personal dps.

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Anet has been giving some attention to our class for a while (Ventari tablet's QoL changfes, OH sword rework, upkeep energy costs decreased, and now a Herald rework). I'm sure Renegade's rework is on the way.

Rev is the least polished profession in the game (expected, as it came later), and it's also the one with the smaller skill selection, so I'm glad Anet is putting the effort in making it good.

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@ArthurDent.9538 said:Incoming jalis dps Nerf which in all seriousness has a pretty high chance of happing soon when the inspiring reinforcement bug gets fixed. I really hope it doesn't though, not only does that boost power herald sustained dps about 7% but it also adds a modest amount of burst potential which revenant has never really had regardless of power or condition builds and low burst really hurts rev on the many short/frequent phasing encounters.

Personally I hope it gets fixed (for renegade too) since I don't think the class should be reliant on a bug to achieve its top dps, but if/when they do fix it I really hope they compensate both specs appropriately. I think power rev is in the same sort of weird spot that thief is, where both specs can't really have high burst given that they're both bound by energy/initiative. The only real way to have high burst is to have several really high damage skills with longer-than-rev cooldowns that can all be spammed at the beginning of a fight and then rotated back in, but with Rev's current design that's unfortunately hard to accomodate :/

I don't think we'll ever see Rev having high burst unless the next spec gives us a bunch of skills with that design in mind

@"Ertrak.9506" said:the thing i keep my hopes on is that they said one of the trait lines would "Turning inward and channeling potency to yourself". I interpret this to mean buffing yourself and increasing your dps. This may not necessarily be the case and could just mean self sustain instead but I do think it's most likely the case of increase personal dps.

Yeah I'm hoping for this as well. I'm hoping there might be a trait that increases "consume skill" damage or something on top of keeping elder's force, and maybe something else, too

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As a support Revenant "main" (I'd play soulbeast it I'd feel like killing), I am beyond excited for this patch. It makes me happy that ANet has recognized that the support aspect of Herald fell relatively flat. I am not expecting everything to be fixed and for my favorite builld to be a top pick, but I am at the very least very grateful that they have decided to give Herald a closer look. It gives me hope and faith in the game.

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@nosleepdemon.1368 said:I've mained Rev since HoT. Dunno why, since I used to play Warrior and Spellbreaker is pretty cool, but Rev still wins out and Herald is my favourite spec. Being a damage dealing support character is such an interesting role, I'm glad that concept is alive and about to get some well deserved attention.

I’m thinking that the new herald spec is gonna be more support than dps but will maintain some good dps stil but I feel like we are definitely looking at less dps

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@aimz.6287 said:

@"nosleepdemon.1368" said:I've mained Rev since HoT. Dunno why, since I used to play Warrior and Spellbreaker is pretty cool, but Rev still wins out and Herald is my favourite spec. Being a damage dealing support character is such an interesting role, I'm glad that concept is alive and about to get some well deserved attention.

I’m thinking that the new herald spec is gonna be more support than dps but will maintain some good dps stil but I feel like we are definitely looking at less dps

Yeah I get what you mean, that would be a tragedy because current Glint (yes the legend) cant even get to 28k when coupled with Shiro from all the testing I did on golem. And that would just corner Herald into "Active all upkeeps and legend swap on cooldown, dont bother with DPS since it's just terrible"If they remove Elder's force and don't compensate for the damage loss then that's just a step backwards.

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I have only been playing Revenant for a few weeks now, but I was surprised at how powerful I was as sword/sword Revenant, but I don't seem to be any more powerful than my Core Guard or Daredevil. I'm excited and anxious at the same time, as I'm looking forward to anything that improves the prof but am also worried that they will 'break' something whilst doing so. I guess we'll all know later today.

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@Scar.1793 said:Hopefully it won’t turn as a pile of goo. We’ve seen enough nerfs tbh.

I don’t think this is a nerf brother lol.. I think this is what we all been waiting for. For a long time and honestly the devs know it and this is what they will deliver. I’m only scared because sometimes the devs don’t know how to execute making things good and it just turns out to be like a “wtf moment” and u just question how anet continues to not make sense in how the balancing is done in games

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Honestly I'm expecting them to nerf herald dps and make it a full on support spec, then have the next elite spec coming out be one that supports power dps, but we'll see I guess. If they don't do something to give them some kind of burst I personally feel like it's kind of moot though.

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@aimz.6287 said:

@nosleepdemon.1368 said:I've mained Rev since HoT. Dunno why, since I used to play Warrior and Spellbreaker is pretty cool, but Rev still wins out and Herald is my favourite spec. Being a damage dealing support character is such an interesting role, I'm glad that concept is alive and about to get some well deserved attention.

I’m thinking that the new herald spec is gonna be more support than dps but will maintain some good dps stil but I feel like we are definitely looking at less dps

I agree, let's hope they find a good compromise.

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